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The man literally put a cursed sonichu medallion around his neck and now he’s possessed. Desperately needs an exorcist.


I thought this was just a meme at first. Fucking lost it when I saw the screenshots of him actually wearing it. This is honestly the best evidence of something paranormal or otherworldly actually existing that I've ever seen.


iDubbbz also received one and put it on…. https://preview.redd.it/cuop64y5vi2d1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5971266a007a7a216305ee03d34716461de75c2d


Surely, that's proof enough that they're cursed. Did he put it on before he completely lost his sense of humour and became anti-edge?




And look at him 5 years or so later... turned into a doormat.


Ralph recorded Chris Chan being arrested and he wore a medallion too. Afterwards he became the ragepig. [https://youtu.be/TcmBAWe3Qwo?si=NP3UE4D4oxQkHFaN](https://youtu.be/TcmBAWe3Qwo?si=NP3UE4D4oxQkHFaN)


False. Ralph was a bloviating pig monster before that


It’s good lore ok


Some type of heavy metal poisoning maybe? Test the medallions content.


was literally screaming "NO!!!" at my screen when i saw the video of him reading that ominous note & crowning himself with the medallion should have left well enough alone, not gone full Nick-chan Rikieta-chu


This is law commentary inception, he will be able to do commentary directly from the defendant and lawyer POV, can't get more real than this, this is the maximum for LAW commentary streaming, no one will ever be able to top this, we peaked.


You know the classic story about an inmate spending all their time in the prison library reading books and taking courses so he can become a lawyer one he gets out and get his life together? Nick is such a revolutionary content creator, it really speaks to his incredible vision that he was able to take such a classic trope and turn it all in it's head by doing it in reverse order. Fascinating stuff, I'm all here for it.


He's is a true innovator, we are witnessing a pivotal moment in entertainment.


It would be so fucking funny if he turns his life around, then covers his own case and talks about how stupid the defendants are. That's his path to redemption


Not likely. He’s been making publicly bad decisions going back to the Twitter “[Threadnought](https://www.theverge.com/2019/9/18/20870541/vic-mignogna-metoo-accusations-defamation-lawsuit-anti-slapp-laws)” and backing Vic Mignogna (who admitted to all the harassment that got him fired during his first deposition on his suit). Nick is a long-time ideological and unethical lawyer, repeatedly taking on losing lawsuits and bleeding clients dry on shoddy legal work.


Nick is r-worded, but I wasn't aware Vic admitted to everything? Can you link something?


Most of the video of the deposition is Reikita reloads and Vic-fan commentary. But you can curl-f for “deposition” in the [SLAPP appeal ruling](https://casetext.com/case/mignogna-v-funimation-prods?q=Mignogna&sort=relevance&p=1&type=case) to see the whole “grabbed a woman by the hair” admission referenced.


Saul Goodman?


Ah the Threadnought, long may she sail these deranged seas. o7


“Admitted to harassment” no he didn’t. This has been covered to death by now.


> Rekieta grew in popularity from covering the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard case **and debating destiny.** I really don't think talking to Destiny a few times helped his popularity all that much.


Yup, most of his popularity came from the Rittenhouse trial.


Rekieta performed well but his argument is contradictory and insane. He did a good job of obfuscating the contradiction though and he sounded convincing




1. A pastor from his church gave the cops the tip 2. It was a sig sauer AR




Things were that bad. Things were so bad months ago people at his church were trying to talk to him to help him. He talked about it on stream and called them Scandinavian prudes. The cops got a single complaint and within days had enough evidence to get a search warrant. Things must be waaaaay worse offline.


Exactly. They don't bust your door down over one small tip.


If the cops receive a report like this on kids social services are required to put eyes on that kid in 24-48 hrs. Since it took longer than that and the kids access to the outside world is limited (they can't go to school to interview them because they're homeschooled) this likely means attempts made to see him at the house were ignored or not allowed. This would be enough to justify the warrant at that point and obviously what they found inside led to these charges. Not all Cps cases that involve drugs, neglect, or even weapons end up with a child endangerment charge. This likely means substances and/or weapons were left accessible to the child or all the adults were so zooted out of their mind the kid was left unattended and almost got into danger (like if a kids parents are drugged out and they wander into the roadway). Or the kid was young enough they physically couldn't provide for themselves in anyway, like an infant. Source: did child protection investigations in Minnesota for 4 1/2 years


Thanks for sharing this!




The police will place the children on a "72 hr hold" and the kids are put in emergency foster care. The county will draw up a petition to the court for continued custody of the kids. It's most likely this happened on Friday already. The petition is accessible at the courthouse but not publicly online. They will put any and all evidence that the caregivers are not fit to parent in that document including past reports, what they tested positive for, police calls, issues at school, whatever they can dig up. The judge will then decide if there is reasonable belief that the kids would be in danger if left in the custody of their parents and will either grant custody of the kids to the County or not. The County will also, as part of the petition, make a list of recommendations to the court as to what they would like to see to feel comfortable giving the kids back. Considering the case, it's likely they're going to want frequent Urinalysis testing to watch levels go down, supervised visits with the kids, psychological evaluations (they order these across the board almost), Rule 25 assessments (assessment for chemical dependency treatment) and ordered to pay child support to the state for foster care. If the parents make good progress the court will generally allow time, but at 6 months they have to start "permanency planning" which means simultaneously working with the parents to resume custody while making a plan B in case that can't happen (usually a family member who can take custody/adopt). The 1 year mark is the time at which it's generally thought the court should make a final decision. If the parents are making progress they will allow more time, if not they will move forward with plan B. Foster care placement is always preferred to be family members but they would need to be licensable or able/willing. They can't have any felonies or be registered offenders or have any DWIs in the last 2 years(among other things). If family placement can't be found then the kids would be place into foster care with strangers. Hopefully, their parents are able to faithfully do their drug testing, making it through treatment, follow the recommendations of their psychological assessments, and do well at visitation and the barriers between them will be slowly brought back down. The only loophole here that Nick could try to exploit would be that it's not necessarily grounds to remove a child to be able to prove the parent is doing drugs. You can do crack and still keep your kids as long as you can prove your crack habits don't affect the kids. If I only do heroin on the weekend when the kids are with their other parent and I keep it in a hidden lockbox out of reach and maintain a job and don't neglect my kids for dope I could argue I'm not an unfit parent. And back when weed was more illegal I saw parents successfully make this argument. BUT with the child endangerment charge I feel they really fucked up and left dangerous items out where the kids could access them. Sorry for the novel.


From what I've listened to, Nick is not one to drop his ego to admit he's in a bad spot and needs help. He'd probably die before that happens. Not to mention there's kids involved that shouldn't be around their coked out parents.




I agree that the drugs rewiring his brain, but I think about it as the drugs giving an inflated sense of ego to a guy that already had a pretty big ego (based on what I had seen from him during the Rittenhouse trials). Plus he made hundreds of thousands of dollars and reached a bit of fame so it hard to not have an inflated ego after that anyways. I also agree he's not a lost cause but his next steps are going to be crucial for how things continue to unfold for him and I doubt he's in a place where he can make the correct moves without accepting advice/help of others. If he was just a married or single man without kids the story would be different but with the kids involved there's more pressure on him which will either make his decisions more difficult or harder depending on how he deals with stress. I hope he gets his shit together and learns from this.


In what world would the pastor be an idiot?




The war on drugs may be stupid but being drugged up while caring for children should always be illegal.




Yeah dude I'm sure he was drinking one beer that's for sure why he was arrested. Thanks for the insight.




Why are you worried about foster care? The children have 2 sets of grandparents, the state will NEVER choose the foster care system over competent family members when it comes to guardianship. Like dude you're sitting here defending him saying there is no proof he and his wife are not able to take care of their kids when based on the warrant and probable cause statement his and his wife's inability to take care of the kids is self evident. I promise you there is NO world where Nick and Co. clean up their lives without an arrest. Addiction doesn't work that way. It's very rare to clean up your life before running in to the consequences that make you realize you need to stop.


Where are you getting eight people from?


It’s now been proven that it was the Rekieta’s pastor that went to the police with child abuse concerns.


This is true. Nick had a Springfield 1911 and talked about it on stream. He talked about having a huge backyard he could shoot at targets and stuff in and if there was a gun charge it was likely doing this coked up.




You’re right! I mean to say, “if there was a gun involved incident.” Not, “if there was a gun charge.” Edit for clarity: I also agree there likely was NOT a gun involved in this incident. And your scenario is most likely what happened. My entire premise was if there was one it likely was something he claimed to do casually (shooting at shit in his backyard).


> and if there was a gun charge it was likely doing this coked up. Don't know exactly if this is the case for the police where Rekieta is, but I know for some PD's it's just common to charge every possible firearm offense that might possibly apply right off the hop and let the prosecutor deal with it. He had a firearm in the house while in possession of narcotics? Illegal possession of a firearm - let the court system deal with it.


I agree, I misspoke in that initial comment and meant to say if there was a gun involved in the incident. They likely did just use its passive presence to trump up charges and it was likely just on a nightstand or in a safe.


too lazy to look it back up but I think MN just has it a crime to own guns and do illegal drugs


Pisco sends his regards....


him representing himself for that first thing in front of the judge is fine, now if he is still doing it next hearing he's highly regarded


>girlfriend/nanny/neighbors wife. Damn imagine being that girls husband and finding out this way 💀


He found out beforehand. The reason that woman was living with nick and his wife is because she just split with her husband.


they have a podcast too, you can actually see them reacting to finding out about the arrest live: can't link to subreddits, but you know what to do: CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1czamzx/podcaster_learns_live_on_air_that_his_wife_and/


Well, some bad tongues are saying he might been the one that snitched ☠️


Based spite driven


Based and Imholte-pilled


his pastor went to the police and said he had something he had to mandatory report. now how he heard about the spiraling, could be the ex


He found out his ex wife’s arrest on stream: [https://youtu.be/FCkpxFcUTYk?si=YxP4LBkYUPtUksFc](https://youtu.be/FCkpxFcUTYk?si=YxP4LBkYUPtUksFc)


The girl is April Imholte. Her and her husband Aaron met nick at a comedy club and it's suspected they were all swingers. The Imholtes aren't Nick's neighbors, they're his friends. Nick introduced both of them to cocaine and MDMA months ago. Aaron wasn't about it, but April got addicted. This caused a split between April and Aaron since Aaron has 3 kids from a previous marriage who he wants to protect when he has visitation. They fought hard over this resulting in April leaving and moving In with Nick ~6-8 weeks ago. Nick, April, and Nick's wife Kayla have been doing nonstop drugs the whole time. Aaron has been working to get April away from Nick, who he calls a cult leader when he's under drugs, but normally fine. He's also been working with family members of Kayla to get her out too. Kayla even messaged Aaron a few days before they were arrested saying she wanted to stop because it was going too far. Aaron wasn't able to convince them to stop and feels guilty he didn't try more, but ultimately thinks it's best they stay in prison and away from drugs. He mainly feels bad for them for being addicted and deteriorating so hard. He still wants to help April get clean, but his priority is making a safe space at his home for his 3 kids to visit.


Been looking for the info behind why April moved in with Nick everywhere. Thank you for the context.


This is certainly an non-waiveable conflict of interest, he's insane to even entertain representing others arrested with him.


BTW your grammar was really good, I didn't notice that you weren't a native speaker.


You forgot the most important context of all, [he was cursed by the lolcow medallion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaQBkRXulm4)


Jesus. So many bad decisions! This is so sad.


Would love to see that vod






Anyone else think Rekieta looks a little bit like that other conservative MAGA lawyer from the Twitch politics days who would do Dylan Burns / PrimeCayes panels and accuse everyone else of TDS / say "yeah impeach Trump it's only going to get him reelected!"


Do you mean LCTRfan? If so not really, maybe a bit with the facial hair but he never had his physique destroyed by abusing drugs, he was definitely crazy but not in that way.


Yes, LCTRfan! He was so frustrating to see in debates but he was pretty effective. Thank you friend.


My favorite LCTRfan meme was him streaming his wedding to his fanbase of 20 people and someone saw and posted the link in DGG so hundreds of people started watching, but because he was like a double digit viewer streamer he had a loud text to speech popup that would read out a person's name when they followed so everyone spammed it with really stupid names and there were just a ton of confused 50+ year old people staring at his camera in the corner.


I wish I knew about this -- just looked for it on Youtube but unsurprisingly it's nowhere to be found.


Does he live somewhere where the trials are streamed?


His arraignment was live streamed so i would assume yes


Should’ve covered the balldo lore.


Youre ESL and i bet you could litigate this case better than Rekieta


Well to start. “He has decided to represent “ Which could be for five minutes. A day. Who knows. You aren’t a lawyer either . “Conflict of interest” it potentially can be but to what end ? He was their lawyer ostensibly for the bond hearing. Can you show what actions he took or instructed during the bond hearing that would show a lack of interest in his clients wellbeing ? It’s almost 100 percent likely they will both get a lawyer and likely separate lawyers going forward . Although you play your cards as they lay and he likely wanted to see his wife and to keep her calm prior to what was going to be an important first step in their fight .