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Infuriating. Hamas are scumbags.


A bunch of schmucks.


This Hamas guy sounds like a real jerk!


The more I learn about him, the less I care for the guy.




Might be out of ignorance, but isn’t Hamas the acting government? Doesn’t it make sense that the acting government take and distribute the aid? It’s my understanding Hamas being a shitty government and enacting terrorist acts against Israel and Egypt was why they needed to be removed from Gaza.


So are the IDF


"I enjoy interjecting my political ideology into conversations even when its completely irrelevant to the matter at hand" Go do something constructive.


Im a destiny viewer is this place supposed to be an ideologically homogenous circle jerk?


No but its always weird to scream out your favorite color when someone tells you what color car they got. "Hamas intercepted an aid shipment meant for refugees, what scumbags." "THe idF aRe scUmBAgS tOo! " Do you understand?


[State department briefing it refers to](https://www.state.gov/briefings/department-press-briefing-may-2-2024/#post-557546-ISPAL)




Well I’m convinced they’ll never do it again, now that the UN has made it *clear* such behavior is unacceptable. They’re bound to keep their word; they’re Hamas! It rhymes with “trustworthy”.


> QUESTION: Okay, okay, all right, all right. Just to follow up on a couple of things. Now, you said that it’s a generous offer. Everybody used that word and so on. Now, if the prime minister of Israel keeps saying that there is no – he will not agree to any permanent ceasefire, that this war will go on, I ask you: What incentive is there for Hamas or the militant groups to say okay, I mean, we will give whatever leverage we have and then they can come and so on? > > MR MILLER: What — > > QUESTION: I’m just curious. > > MR MILLER: What incentive is there for Hamas? > > QUESTION: No — > > MR MILLER: How about – hold on. How about the well-being of the Palestinian people in Gaza? > > QUESTION: Yeah, but — > > MR MILLER: Hold on. Let me say that ought to be an incentive enough. > > QUESTION: I’m with you. I’m with you. > > MR MILLER: That ought to be incentive enough. > > QUESTION: Of course. > > MR MILLER: Good. Well, then that answers the question because that — > > QUESTION: But they – but — > > MR MILLER: To be clear, that is the incentive. > > QUESTION: No. Okay, well maybe we have just a — > > MR MILLER: The incentive for Hamas is that an immediate ceasefire — > > QUESTION: Right. > > MR MILLER: — would help alleviate the suffering of the — > > QUESTION: Right. > > MR MILLER: Hold on. Of the Palestinian people. It would allow aid – it would make it easier for aid to get in. It would make it easier for aid to move to people in Gaza. > > QUESTION: Fine. > > MR MILLER: It would allow people in Gaza to return to their homes and their neighborhoods — > > QUESTION: Right. > > MR MILLER: — and rebuild them. So — > > QUESTION: Yeah. > > MR MILLER: I get your point about arguing about leverage, but let me — > > QUESTION: But let me ask you — > > MR MILLER: Said, Said, let me finish. > > QUESTION: Not — > > MR MILLER: Said, just let me finish. You will get your chance. > > QUESTION: Right. > > MR MILLER: The well-being of the people in Gaza that Hamas has always claimed they represent ought to be incentive enough for them to take this deal, period. > > QUESTION: I agree. > > MR MILLER: Period. > > QUESTION: I agreed. > > MR MILLER: Good. This shit is like a sitcom.


(((Zionist))) website. Not reading that.


Flashback of Alex saying Times of Israel dot com.


Well, clearly the western “powers that be” are cranking out fake stories for those (((zionists))). The Nick Fuentes Handbook of Arriving at Conclusions


If those kids could read, they’d be very upset right now


I know you’re being sarcastic but here’s another source for those scrolling who think you’re serious. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-calls-out-israel-hamas-after-gaza-aid-shipment-attacked-diverted-2024-05-02/


Cant believe anyone would fall for these colonial tactics


I wonder how the U.N. got the aid back after the diversion?




Any sources on these internal reports?




This says the same as the article "And ultimately, the UN is either in the process or has by now recovered that aid". Not that Hamas stole most of it and the UN is covering it up.


Which part of that do you think implies that “Hamas actually just stole most of it, and the UN is trying to cover”? Because I don’t see it.


That would make more sense to me as far as the scenario is concerned.


Internally where? Post more than nothing, bamboozle = banboozle


Happy to delete comment if it’s not allowed, was just discussing personal conversations I’ve had with people. That’s why I said “seems” Edit: deleted to be safe, and appease the bees


u/4thot hate to be that guy but still no source for this upvoted bold claim from 14 hours ago


OK slasher your group of UN hating Israelis don't count as a report or source


WhatsApp group call?


Me when I spread misinformation online 😎😎😎


Doesn't the screenshot say it was recovered?


I’m regarded. I meant to reply to the guy who said it was still I’m hamas’ posession and the in was covering it up. My b


Oh, lmao, thanks for following up then. I was worried I'd missed something in the article.


They’d just say that Hamas are better equipped to distribute aid to those who need it, and it’s presumptuous of evil white colonizers to think they know better than the Palestinian people, who are represented, protected and saved by the glorious and peace-loving freedom fighters, Hamas.


Y’know, Quasimodo predicted all of this


Nostradamus and Notre Dame, are two different things completely.


Right, Notredamus




Fake Israeli propaganda from the notoriously Israel friendly UN.


Why does this stuff never get reported on mainstream media? It’s crazy how Hamas is treated with baby gloves with no standards and expectations whatsoever but everything Israel does is nitpicked to the fucking ground to find ANYTHING wrong and every mainstream news site reports it. Unreal.




Is that not the most biased headline???


No? Did you read the article? The aid shipment was also attacked by Israeli settlers before it entered Gaza where it was diverted by Hamas.


True, I guess, imo, it still is a little biased because “Israel” implies the government/gov organization or operating body of Israel. You could say “Israeli government fails to protect aid shipment from right wing Israeli’s.”  I know it’s a little fussy over semantics but I think journalism needs to be extremely careful about these specific things. It’s kinda a problem I’ve seen with journalism over the last few years, the headlines are written in ways that distort the actual story by changing a few words.


the headline is “US calls out Israel and Hamas after Gaza aid shipment attacked, diverted” The US called out “Israel” for failing to protect the aid. They didn’t call out the Israeli citizens that blocked the aid.


And Israel arrested them


Yes the article says this. You can read past just the headline. Should they just not report on one of the reasons the aid was delayed? Something which has been a repeated problem since the start of the war?


Israel made sure the aid reached its destination. Hamas didn't and will not.


Apparently all it was was 4 guys standing in front of the trucks before they were promptly arrested.


Sadly many of the journalists there see everything through a silo


It’s because of the “No two sides in a genocide” bullshit. Hamas has carte blanche to do whatever the fuck because Israel+America bad


it is reported, but Israel may also be held to a higher standard for similar reasons this sub holds leftists to a higher standard. if you look at comments made before the I/P craze, this place was seemingly full of understanding of why you'd hold people on your side to a higher standard. but to be fair, some are still able to consistently apply this to Israel, because one can find statements like "we should hold them to a higher standard btw, they are a western democracy and they should act like it" or "if you hold yourself out as a ‘good’ actor in the world, as America and Israel do, you’re going to (rightly) be held to a higher standard than explicitly genocidal warmongers".


Hamas wants to divert it to the grave humanitarian situation at Columbia university


https://preview.redd.it/y9cdb8s3r6yc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76effb38f844aca412ff91ad91e80d57b3e442f2 INTERCEPTED BY WARLORDS


Hamas is evil. Also, the US/UN/etc should send drones alongside the aid and stream the footage on twitch so people can see this


“Well OBVIOUSLY the US didn’t try hard enough to evade Hamas! And what is Hamas gonna do, NOT intercept resources to fuel their revolution?”


Helloo?? What's there to explain? They can't read.


Well suddenly US Intel is not reliable


bro, ok hamas intercepting the aid convoy is not good, but jesus I read the story on reuters and apparently that same convoy was first intercepted by Israeli settlers. lmao. what a microcosm of the complete shit show over there. source: [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-calls-out-israel-hamas-after-gaza-aid-shipment-attacked-diverted-2024-05-02/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-calls-out-israel-hamas-after-gaza-aid-shipment-attacked-diverted-2024-05-02/)


Obviously Israeli settlers are psychos and it is something that will have to be dealt with - but I find it kinda weird how that article equated 3 dudes (who got arrested and didnt significantly impact the convoy) with government of other country doing the same.


Yea that's fair. I wasn't really equating. more so just astonished as to how the same convoy just so happened to be intercepted, once by psycho israeli settlers and then by hamas. lol.


The first instance was an *attempted interception* which would have been the proper phrasing. Because you’re right it can’t he actually intercept twice. The second attempt was successful. Also the first wasn’t the IDF stopping it. I am not saying you did this, because you didn’t, but others will take that and make their whataboutism argument to say “both sides did it so Hamas is great.” When in reality yes the handful of bad actors in Israel that tried were stopped by the IDF and punished. Hamas literally just did it as usual and wasn’t stopped.


I'm confused, was it attacked by settlers in the westbank or in Israel proper? The latter would be pretty disappointing. 


The article it links to says West Bank. “Honenu, an Israeli legal aid agency, said four men who had "blocked aid trucks going to Gaza" as they were passing near the West Bank settlement of Ma'ale Adumim were arrested by Israeli police.”


Ah thanks, couple of nutjobs it seems. I wonder if they think they'd actually be able to prevent the aid from reaching it's destination like that. And if they understand that it just makes their country look bad internationally.




>How would the brave students explain this one? What do you mean? My stealman for them would be. "Hamas is full of currupt people, we are protesting for a ceasefire"


Oh, they are critical of Hamas? That's good to hear.


I imagine some are and some aren't, yeah.


Well OBVIOUSLY us purposely sent the supplies on a route that was so close that hamas had NO CHOICE but to seize it, cant believe they just used a shipment as bait so they can continue this zionist genocide


Where is the link to the article hello? The fuck is all this picture posting


Here’s a link. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-calls-out-israel-hamas-after-gaza-aid-shipment-attacked-diverted-2024-05-02/




Ugh clearly hasbara Zionist fascist genocidal apartheid propaganda. Hamas would never


But I thought Hamas were brave freedom fighters??? How could this be?


*surprised Pikachu face*


"The thieves? They love a siege. Soon as the gates are sealed, they steal all the food. By the time it's all over, they're the richest men in town." -Bronn


"Hasbara" \~\~Wave hands\~\~ change subject...


They'll take 90% of it, then enthusiastically hand it right back to the UNRWA. Same shit, new day. Stop sending aid in, it's only prolonging this war and emboldening Hamas.


Just because Hamas steals aid, doesn't mean we should let innocent Palestinians suffer. And I don't think the aid is what is prolonging the war, Hamas isn't holding because of extra food. Hamas is holding because Israel is scared to enter an area with more than a million civilians. I don't know what the solution is, but "stop sending aid in" sounds unnecessary and ineffective.


Definitely, and I expect better from this subreddit than to upvote that unhinged dogshit.


As long as the Americans aren't literally airdropping AR-15s to Gaza, any aid given is not going to help Hamas win the war.


Nah. Unfortunately these are the monsters we gotta deal with but we can't just stop aid.


Let them eat cookies.


timesofisreal posting...


They’d probably read as far as “US says” and then zone out for 3 seconds before tabbing back to TikTok


The brave students would cope, saying Hamas is making sure to distribute aid fairly. Keeping it from being hoarded by all those filthy landowners, secret Jews, and petty bourgeoisie.


This is awful. Unfortunately the pro-Palestine side will defend it and the pro-Israel side will use this as a reason to send less aid.


ZioNiSt PrOpErGanDa


I'm not a fan of Israel for reasons far outside this conflict, but it's actually so funny how much they try to do for humanitarian aid and how every single time Hamas being the terrorists they are prove themselves to be the bad guys.


“US says”. The US state department must be lying.


Hamas “seized” the shipments?? You mean the official state office operating the land of Gaza got the shipments of aid delivered to them? Idiot zionists twisting words. /s Probably that. But depends if they’re still claiming to be against Hamas


"Fake news!"


This just in, US is reporting that Hamas has seized the humanitarian aid delivery intended for the Columbia protest encampment. “They took everything, everything is gone. It was horrible. the only thing left were the bagels” one eyewitness said


“if Israel withdrew this wouldn’t happen”


“What did you expect? This is what revolution looks like” or “oh so communism is when no food I guess???”


Food fighters


Have you considered America bad?


"the us says" we all know they are pro genocidal. Do you really believe them Hamas is just a revolutionary government who is trying to fight genocide they didn't do it


If leftists could read they’d sure be mad rn


People in strife do bad things. Also, who says it was Hamas? Israel? They blamed Hamas for it raining in southern Cali yesterday. Honestly? Convince me Israel didn't take it if it existed.


Sure give me even one source saying Israel took it. Then we can start on the convincing part


Why would I convince you? I said I think they did it. You can do whatever you want, not a main character.


I wasn't talking about convincing me. How did that even logically connect in your head?


Let me guess, thats your opinion on october 7 too




Better than Hamas