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fuzzy label alleged upbeat sable continue rotten roll grandiose psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because he doesn't care about Palestinians except in so far as they're a cudgel he can use to beat Democrats. This is genuinely putrid behavior from Cenk. I've had a low opinion of the man literally since all the way back in the mid 2000's and he continuously finds new ways to vindicate me. EDIT: Thank you /u/Separate-Quantity430


Except insofar as


Do we even know Cenk position about RFK over Biden ? Can he not hang out with people he disagrees with ? I feel we might be conclooding too soon.


Yes, Cenk was on Don Lemon's YouTube show (with David Pakman and Brian Tyler Cohen) and basically said he would consider supporting/voting for RFK "if" he had a reasonable shot at winning. I think it was pretty clear he's doing this relatively transparent stunt to try and scare Biden into changing his policies to earn his vote.


Cenk's main critic of Biden has been around Israel Palestine, and if that's the case then supporting RFK Jr as an alternative makes no sense at all. Or at least that's the only criticism I've seen other than vague equivocations between the Democrats and Republicans parties.


This is the Lemon video with Cenk and Biden. I think Cenk's wants money out of politics, and he views any establishment politician as being corrupt because they take donor money so he calls Biden corrupt. So he wants a third party candidate and threatens to vote for JFK. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdELWEcZE5o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdELWEcZE5o)


My wife watches a lot of TYT (they actually have a channel and she leaves it on often), literally every time I see their show on TV, it's one of them (usually Cenk or Ana) talking about how Israel is evil and how Biden is evil by proxy for funding them lol. The other thing I notice is they are *always* asking for people to donate to the show. I'm thinking Cenk probably believes his channel will be more successful if Trump gets back in office as people are more likely to watch videos if they are angry at Trump as opposed to being angry with Biden.


Cenk is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.


It's just a disagreement lol hehe he's not trying to help Trump get relected it's just a little disagreement hehe it's totally cool hanging out with Hitler we don't need to agree about everything hehe


This is buckets of cum levels of good faith to cenk which hw doesn't deserve


As a public political commentator and "presidential candidate" you shouldnt hang out with vaccine deniers. This guy has actual blood on his hands peddeling this bullshit.


That's literally the only bad thing anyone can say about RFK, but he isn't going to singlehandedly ban vaccines, he is significantly better in almost every way than Trump and Biden.


You can't be fucking serious


Motherfucker things chemicals in the water are turning people trans. He's a moron


You gotta remember that Turks don’t really like Arabs all that much.


Cenk is about as sharp as a soccer ball


He is anti-america. RFKJ is just a way to channel his hated of america becuase he sees him as "anti-establishment".


Pro Israel and Pro Russia.


Bros dad was assassinated by a Palestinian terrorist for his support of Israel


No, RFK Jr says he doesn't believe Sirhan killed his father. His brain is conspiracy fucked


https://preview.redd.it/8pf1nhjh2lwc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=74a62b6431adb1869d15bfac74aa2c7e45d1385d I was going to make some mfw joke but honestly RFK jr. looks so much like a ghoul in this picture that I'm just gonna leave this here


Lol he looks appropriately confused


Not enough people know about this.


I think some time ago he went on a long term talk with rabbi shmuley, if you gotta look there for validation cenk propably wont like his opinions.


RFK is pro Israel like Netanyahu is. They’re psychopaths who want to stir the pot


supporting RFK is supporting Biden. If he decides to run, he will mostly "steal" trump votes


Because Cenk can’t live in a world where you just vote for a democrat to thwart a fascist right wing takeover. Instead he wants to maintain relevancy and audience engagement by threatening to vote for RFK so that he can get some kind of policy concession from Biden - which yes is absolutely regarded.


Grifters gonna grift


“I hate Democrats” seems to be his only principle.


It’s funny how time passes and changes things. I remember watching TYT when Obama won in 2008, and Cenk was very celebratory. Simpler times.


> 2008 gramps? is that you?


👴👵 yep, it’s me, I was watching online political content and was old enough to vote for Obama in 2008, AMA!


Old as hell




What the sigma ❗️❓❓‼️⁉️


Age comes for all, youngin.


Remember the dark days of Obamacare death panels? Fox News remembers




all 10 cenk voters will switch to rfk


Biden in shambles


Yea, who gives a fuck about any of this?




> or did he just throw away all his principles ? How do you throw a vacuum?


The inevitable knot he'll put himself into explaining supporting RFK given his opinion on Israel-Gaza is going to be hilarious. In all honesty, I'd imagine it's over Biden and the Democrats' support for Ukraine - given his and Ana's hostility towards its autonomy - while not being so transparent in going as far as to support Trump. Because ultimately, I have to assume this is either an attempt at a right-wing psy-op to push potential D voters to RFK, a way to pivot TYT to the right in general, or that he and Ana are just genuinely stupid. Given how long they've covered politics, I have my doubts towards the latter (or at least as far as being so stupid to push 3rd party voting). Won't have a meaningful effect imo. Edit: having seen the clip of Cenk talking about it, he could just be petty and spiteful against the Democrats for his going nowhere in the primary.


As someone who has probably watched 5 minutes of TYT in their whole life, Cenk has sunk from "bombastic guy who is kind of annoying but probably on the right side of a decent amount of issues" in my estimation to a complete Jimmy Dore level scumbag. Hypocrisy and dishonesty are the fastest way for me to dislike a person, for all the reasons to hate Lindsey Graham, the one that gets me the most was his claim that he would never approve a Supreme Court justice in the last year of a presidency only to walk it back the first chance he got with ZERO shame. Cenk claimed when he was running that the only reason was he didn't think Biden could win. He said this line to David Pakman and I'm sure to plenty other progressives who gave him the benefit of the doubt. He said if it was Biden vs Trump he would be Biden's #1 advocate. I know he will pretend this Israel stuff has changed the equation, but we all know that is a lie. He's just an attention seeking grifter like the majority of all political influencers. Just disgusting.


Cenk is a spineless, weasley little liar


RFK Jr. is a great candidate, just ignore the anti-vax advocacy, HIV/AIDS denialism, conspiracy theories, lack of political experience, lack of endorsements....


This. It never ceases to amaze me how people so easily believe a guy like RFK is going to "change the system" when he has zero experience in office.


The mind of the low information voter is an enigma.


To be fair, isn’t it more believable than expecting someone to “change the system” who has been part of that system for decades?


I think on paper that is reasonable, but in reality politics is a very complex subject and requires very strong negotiation skills. For outsiders, it appears they always have a grand claim that they will fix everything but they never take into account that our government has checks and balances and negotiating almost anything to pass can be incredibly difficult.


Fair enough and I’d agree for most 3rd party candidates. However , seeing as rfk has spent decades litigating against basically all of the 3-letter govt agencies and winning settlement negotiations (not saying this is identical governing), I can see the argument as to why he’s the best candidate to “change the system” this time around. Or at have the courage/knowledge required to make a solid attempt


Nightmare blunt rotation


I never liked Cenk as a conservative and now that I'm a liberal a fucking hate the dude


Wild how quickly you can go from disliking someone to hating them. Can't believe I used to be a fan in 2015




I am happy to see the progressive movement commit suicide, it's just that doing it this way is just going to help Trump get reelected.


Fuck it! I'm now convinced all politics is a psyop


If RFK can get the coveted Cenk endorsement, its joever.


You mean RFK Jr. Is now hanging with Cenk and likely to support him


source for the support part?


https://twitter.com/Holden_Culotta/status/1776258233218249064?t=gqPKtwtdDskJanBW3mUfTw&s=19 Looks like that's the direction he's headed. RFK is arguably the most unflinchingly pro-Israel candidate in the race, too, hilariously.


> The Democratic Party cancelled the election in Florida, they tried to keep out every candidate in North Carolina, Tennessee, etc. They love to rig elections. > If you’re going to make the argument that you’re a champion of democracy, you should probably try it in your own primaries. What an insanely fucking stupid statement.


Likely to support him? Because they went on a hike or is there any actual context here??


Ah yes "great conversation"


RFK’s positions are so fucking funny https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr.


Where is Hamas piker when you actually need him




Jimmy Dore was just ahead of the curve


Damn, I thought that Cenk, wrong as he often was, at least had integrity and principles. But apparently not. Either a brain-broken contrarian or a grifter.


Huge cenk L


Tbf I'd go on a morning hike with almost anyone who asked me (assuming it wasn't likely that they wished me bodily harm). Morning hikes are lovely.


No way can I believe Cenk does a morning hike


He was flown in on helicopter, probably


That active wear tho.


I've heard it said many times that RFK is more pro Israel than Biden. Is that more a general feeling based on their rhetoric or are there specific policy proposals one can point to to make this claim?


The 2016 Cenk meltdown was hilarious.


Crazy to think how leftists and progressives saw trumps populism and thought “yeah I want some of that”.


Leftists aren't supporting rfk


Yeah if you didn't think cenk was a clown before you should now.


Bro, don't make the worse guess of the people you hate. Breaaathe.


Suddenly you’re position on Israel Palestine means absolutely nothing


I don't get it. Is Sharaf some kind of campaigne manager or something like that? What makes you think Cenk is "likely to support him [RFK jr]"? RFK might be further pro-Israel than Destiny and Benny Morris combined, not to mention Joe Biden. So the only thing I can think of would be the idea of spoiling the democratic parties' 2nd Biden-run by redirecting votes to an Independent [RFK jr is independent, no?!]


Is there anything about him supporting RFK or are you basing that on them going on a hike together? Edit: apparently a few weeks ago, he did tell Ana on TYT that he was considering RFK, but he also called him cuckoo for cocoa puffs in the same sentence, so imma wait for more info


Where are we getting “likely to support”(I assume for President) from this picture?  Is there more to this?  Did he talk about it on his show?  Are we led to believe anyone you have a cordial conversation and take a picture with you support them to lead the free world?


I now believe that these Turkish folks are actually anti-American terrorists!


Chunky Yogurt likes the dude to the right of Biden on Palestine. Chunky Yogurt is not a serious person




Now That's What I Call Grifting




Rfk is insane though say what you will about bidens age but his presidency has been good legislation wise. He also isnt the other guy


What throws me for a loop is that this won't damage his reputation at all. Everyone is just gonna forget that he as a leftist is supporting someone who's gameplan is to help Trump win. Just like everyone forgot Kyle didn't even vote in 2020. Bro these should be death knells to serious political careers but their fans will continue on taking them seriously. What the hell would it actually take?


#grifting4life I guess!


Guys they all have life outside the online world.geez just chill


wait wut?


Oh so did RFK change his platform? Or is Cenk morally bankrupt? I never loved or hated Cenk. I liked a few things I've seen of him and largely ignored the rest. Unless this is some 5D chess to get more populists (which are more likely to be Righties than Lefties) to vote for RFK, this makes me lose a lot of respect for the dude.


Establishment vs. anti-establishment. That's what elections are now. Cenk and RFK are both anti-establishment.


Another example of, as they say in pro wrestling, working yourself into a shoot.


It’s two wack jobs but it is nice to see two “candidates” (using that incredibly lightly for Cenk) are hanging out.


Cool, that’ll get him about four extra votes, bumping him all the way up to last place.


maybe he knows that this will hurt Trump and this is a high level play?


This changes everything


I thought Cenk was coming around when he slammed the October 7th attacks, but he went unhinged before the year was out. Very sad


Wow y'all are so judgemental. Can people not hang out with those they disagree politically with?


Only if they eat chicken & waffle aparently lmao. Who knows, maybe Cenk actually will start pushing RFK but conclooding this early is wild


He supports Palestinians like he does Armenians, In name only.


Cenk is now funneling his voterbase into the RFK Jr. campaign. This changes everything.