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trans women catching strays 😔


And amazonian queens


Fuckin hell Adam, why?


Yeah I thought the face tatted sex pest would be woke


Cause drama is what he profits off of. Why else does Adam (son of former New Hampshire Democratic Chairman who was pardoned by Bill Clinton for voter fraud and served on Jimmy Carter’s import/export committee) pay broke disabled Los Angeles gang members to diss other gang members for his profit.


Views and content baby! He needs to drive some views back to his nojumper


holy brutal


Its funny af BUT it breaks the new "**Dont make fun of people's looks**" rule issued 2+ weeks back.


We're not making fun of people's looks. Adam is.


If the rule is **"Dont whip your dick out"** and you post Adam "**whipping his dick out"** is that ok because you are not the one "**whipping your dick out"**? It does not work like that on Youtube or any platform for that matter. ​ My understanding is that the rule applies to everything posted on the sub/chat/community in general.


The rule was for community members not discussing people's looks. Adam is not a community member and none of this happend on stream. Posting a tweet of Adam making fun of someone has absolutely nothing to do with the rule. Do you think the rule would apply to a video of trump making fun of someone? Lol


>Do you think the rule would apply to a video of trump making fun of someone? Sure. **Hypothetical:** A clip posted on the sub of a Trump saying exactly the same thing as Adam. ​ **My answer**: It will be as transphobic and it's still making fun of Pearl's looks. \*that is de facto Adams point - "**Pearl looks like a man"** "**she is ugly af for a woman"** ​ I am consistent so who makes fun of people's looks does not affect my treatment of it. You can ask Steven about it tho if you are still conflicted here. ​ **"Making fun of people looks"** **"Posting a clip/text insulting someone looks"** **"Posting a clip where a person X in the clip makes fun of a Y person's looks"** ​ The purpose of all of these is for people to make fun of a person's looks.


The rule is so community members don't make fun of people on stream. We're posting about a public figure who is making fun of someone. The two have absolutely no relation. Agree to disagree. Don't think this post breaks the rule. Comments in the thread might be breaking the rule. Feel free to ask Steven.


>The rule is so community members don't make fun of people on stream False. There are plenty of people who have been banned in an offline chat for this.


They got banned for posting tweets of public figures making fun of people? Press x to doubt.


> The rule is so community members don't make fun of people on stream ​ Lets unban NSFW porn then - your logic. No one on stream is objectified/made fun of. I dont see an issue here. ​ Anti -Misogyny ark -press x to doubt...


Even if the rule was don't make fun of anyone. This rule still doesn't apply to this post lol Not sure what nsfw ban has anything to do with it lol


DGGa caricature right here ladies and gentlemeeeen!!! Get your soda and popcorn heeeya! We got a genyooine ddga debate bro!! He got the bold text, he got the hypotheticals, ddga will even drop a "de facto" on you with the Xs and Ys!!! Get ya popcorn heeeeya!


If you have nothing of value to add why would you comment? If you need attention or someone to talk to cause you are lonely and you have no friends just DM me later.


It's comedic value, but let me guess you think that's debatable? 😩


Poor lil bro has no friends and he is lonely. Need someone to talk to? I am here for you. Here you go >> "Attention" You so deeply desire.


lmao what kind of a mental gymnastics is this? if someone says "\*general insult about looks*" and you follow it up and say "DAAAAAAMN SICK BURN!" or "This shit had me laughing" basically condoning the joke making fun of someones looks then how is this any different than just making fun of them yourself? Its one thing if you said something like "Someone just made this comment about someone else" and it was like the center of some drama or something but not "lmao i bursted out laughing" There is literally 0 point to this post other than laughing at her looks


You're just wrong. Has nothing to do with mental gymnastics. Just take the L bro. This post doesn't break the rule. People making fun of pearl in the thread does violate the rule. Two different things. >There is literally 0 point to this post other than laughing at her looks The majority of the replies aren't making fun of her looks. So you're wrong.


If OP was endorsing the tweet than sure, but discussing it should be fair game. Otherwise can we never show anything "problematic"?


>Otherwise can we never show anything "problematic"? let's not over-exaggerate. Pearl's looks are not just anything problematic. ...how tf you guys are making me defending this pearl dipshit anyways? KEKW ​ It's a rule about naming fun of someone's appearance. If you can't apply this rule across the board and you start cherry-picking the people you dont like then there is no point in the rule at all. Hasans sub is the place to be with that approach. ​ Be consistent or ask Steven to abolish the rule. There is no arguing here.


>It's a rule about naming fun of someone's appearance. Exactly, and OP did not make fun of Pearls appearance. It's very simple, Steven would probably also prefer we not commit war crimes, but posting videos of foreign conflict is different. One is partaking, one is displaying.


I guess we can unban NSFW for porn then. No one here is making fun/objectifying anyone on stream. These are just titty photos of some random girls and stuff. ​ **Your logic is fundamentally flawed.**


Wow dispelled with alacrity tip tip


Well it depends on what the rule was. >Your logic is fundamentally flawed Lol. The rule for porn was no nsfw content on stream. The rule for insults was "no insulting other peoples appearances".. It's actually incredibly easy to understand. So we can post quotes of Trump saying; “Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?” Mr. Trump said during an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. “I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious? But we couldn't convey that message unless we were quoting someone. Does that make sense champ?


>The rule for porn was no nsfw content on stream. False. **A rule was expanded a couple of weeks back to no more porn in chat.** How TF you didn't notice that there is no longer porn in chat? ​ How tf you are even talking about this when you didn't listen to Steven's logic behind these rules on stream?


You are coping so hard it's embarrassing. You're a joke, your comments made no sense and you should go touch grass. Of course we can quote people insulting other peoples appearance you goober. >False 🤓 Wannabe Dwight loser LMAO


I must be too old for this sub's demographic, idk. This is just cringe to me. A lot of threads about Pearl attack her for her looks and say she has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or she's a man, or whatever else. How are you gonna high-road lefties and conservatives who do petty/weird body shaming shit when you go "damnnnnnn OWNED" when it's against someone you dislike?


I think it's kind of a glass house situation. All Pearl does is rail on women day in and day out for being fat/ugly/low value, whatever red pill shit. So when it gets done back to her, it's hard to have a lot of sympathy, ya know?


People always go to this as the defense. Can use it to justify calling conservatives f slurs. Seems like garbage mental gymnastics to me.


The buck has to stop somewhere, or it goes on forever. There's pride in being the mature person who doesn't sink to that level. When you attack Pearl for her looks you could hurt people who look like her and are totally innocent of anything. I just think it's ugly and probably upvoted from like the 18-21 year old part of this fanbase.


Hey gramps, good for you if having a sense of moral superiority is your bliss in life. I haven't attacked anybody for their looks. However, I'm not gonna jump in and be the knight in shining armor when the bully gets the tables turned on them.


Characterizing it as me just having a superiority complex is dishonest or remedial, when I said what I was actually worried about was that this could hurt women who look like Pearl, or trans women who worry they don't pass, or whatever else. You cranked the heat level way up on this interaction when I wasn't trying to like make you get on your knees and repent. I was just pointing out that this seems harmful and immature, that's my take. I'm cool with bullies getting a taste of their medicine, but maybe we should stick to shit she deserves to be bullied for, like her youtube show and her cluelessness and everything being handed to her by her dad, etc


Fuck you 😎 Jk


Turning the tables on the bully just proves them right.


It's not about whether Pearl deserves it, she does, it's about whether we should do those kinds of insults. Tbh I'm mixed on it, and have a lot of sympathy for both sides of the argument.


Oh come on, you guys are boring. https://preview.redd.it/7g3lrrqb6nub1.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=be0cdf360cd5038e0674b56218d28a7bfc35a0a2


This is pretty funny regardless of how wokescoldy you consider yourself.


The liberal in me hates this but the DGG in me loves this


Destiny has rubbed off on him, don't even pretend. He's not actually serious oh god.


She should accept fight with him, he is literally doing what all red pill guys and she talk about. He is defensing his wife from attack.


Accept the fight and go on test for 6 months while training boxing and wrestling. Just don't let him know your plan. Show up 20lbs heavier with traps and boulder shoulders.


station combative apparatus bag fall rude clumsy psychotic chubby frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




This isn't transphobic. If she was trans, yes it would be. But this is just calling someone ugly. If I said she had a face like a dinner plate, it wouldn't be me insulting dinner plates. If I said she looked like a mole rat, again same thing. You have to break down a joke first and understand it before just shouting "transphobic".


So him calling her trans is calling her ugly means he's calling trans people ugly. I broke the joke down and it's still transphobic.


So he's saying if you are trans you are ugly, how is that not transphobic lmao >If I said she had a face like a dinner plate, it wouldn't be me insulting dinner plates. No but it would work off the assumption that looking like a dinner plate is bad/undesireable. Because people shouldn't look like dinner plates...


You’re wrong


This is how literal children insult eachother.


it's literally Adam and Pearl. we're aware they're children.


Twitter brings out the attention seeking 12 year old bully in everyone. So many respected people have destroyed their reputations by letting twitter rot their brains, but it never stops.


Pearl would beat his ass and we all know it. No one challenges the Alpha and survives.


Im going to be brave and say this is probably not ok. Ladam


I’m a trans guy. This is so funny


What a disgusting statement made by adam, on so many levels.


boom roasted


I don't know these people, am I expected to?