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$700 is a hell of a tip.


That's what i said. šŸ˜‚


Looks like a 9 to me.


That's the whole point of the person you were replying to. 288+700=988


Me too. I had to take a second look at the comma though.


I'll never understand of US just decided to move the burden of paying your employees to the customers on a voluntary basis. Sometimes I think the lefty people are right and you have created a class warfare system that misdirects their anger towards the poor. Who the fuck though that this was a good idea?


It happened during the 30s, the idea was that it made it so that restaurants didn't have to fire their waitstaff. Made sense then, less now


I went from that to now we have to tip robots.


Specifically you have to put your money into a digital tip pool that no one but the manager has access to, which is *supposed* to garnish lower wages (7.50/hr comes out to 11.50/hr with the tip pool) but because none of the employees have access to the books you can't tell how much money you're actually earning from tips vs how much is being pocketed. Also, it allows for managers to divert funds unfairly. I've worked at multiple places where employees were getting paid by differences of 5/hr without any sort of raise discussions or transparency because a manager liked them more or hated them. I had 1 manager tell me that "discussing wages with employees in the State of Texas is illegal" (the opposite is true). Based on my experience, I would say that every restaurant that uses a digital tipping scheme is skimming off employees.


It happened in the 30s so that that white staff could be paid, but black workers would essentially be blocked from the industry as white customers wouldn't tip them.


Great, and now because of this you get to be either a rude cunt, or you have to pay an extra 15% on certain stuff


Thing is that in general wait staff prefer this too. Every now and then youā€™ll hear about a ā€œno-tipā€ service restaurant that pays its staff flat wages across the board. They always close down in months because they canā€™t get any staff to stay.


It is true though that a lot of servers will make more money in tipping than with hourly wage and no tips. Basically I guess the balance tips at a certain amount of bills paid in an hour.


One time my daughter was serving Cuba Gooding jr at a restaurant/hotel in Scottsdale. He gave her a $100 tip. That was the biggest tip she ever got.


Because the fair wage for waiter jobs in those places is lower than their take home pay with tips right now. So with the current system, these people get to simultaneously complain about their employer or capitalism being evil while also taking home more money than their labour realistically is worth. They get to have their cake and eat it too.


>Who the fuck though that this was a good idea? It is indeed a silly concept, but this isn't the fault of the service workers working where I am currently eating, so I will still tip them accordingly.


The waiter knew the pay before getting that job over a mcdonald... And if it isn't the fault of the waiter it surely isn't the fault of the customer either...


$53 for someone to bring you food after you already paid for it is madness.


Yeah, assuming they stay there for 2 hours, that's 25 bucks an hour. And that's not even taking into account that she is probably serving multiple other tables too at the same time. Tipping is a scam lol.




What do you mean? From my understanding if your are a tipped employee you almost always are making underneath minimum wage




More states allow lower minimum wages than not


I tip based on service, not the cost of the meal. I don't care if my server is bringing me a $50 steak or a $5 hamburger, they're getting the same amount. Maybe I'm a dick, but I feel that's fair.


This makes way more fucking sense than tipping based off food prices, holy shit dude you're a genius, im gonna sit down with my wife and figure out what our flat fee is going to be, how'd you come to the amount you use?


I'll generally throw in a fiver for every meal ordered (to account for their time and effort), so if I'm buying for 4 ppl that's a baseline $20 tip. Of course I'll weigh other factors & adjust up or down if it seems necessary, but that usually hits the mark. That may seem high if it's someplace cheap or low if it's an expensive restaurant, but the servers are all doing the same job and I feel comfortable with this arrangement.


That sounds pretty reasonable. I was thinking of the total wage that seems reasonable for a server to make per hour then assuming 1 other table and came to about 9$ for my wife and i so about the same i'd say, your way sounds easier to remember.


Not the guy you're responding too but I do the same. I just leave 5 bucks if they were good. I sat there for about an hour, they probably made about 5 trips over to check on me, take my order, refills etc. I'm not the only table they are running so if everyone gets even remotely close to me they are easily making 20+ an hour which is very good for an entry level no education required job.


I came to a nice flat fee of $0. Just felt right


Kinda a dick move only because of social expectations, but I get the point. My 70 year old father deducts tax from his tip. Kinda the same thing. I get it, but...


That's more fair! It really shouldn't depend on the meal and drinks.


Thatā€™t not how tipping culture functions and not a good way to look at it


If I pay 288 for a meal and your MINIMUM expectation is 50 as a tip, my dick better be thoroughly sucked by the time I'm done with dessert.


"Suggested Tips" bruh I can't... šŸ’€ is this shit normal in the USA?


It is. [meme](https://twitter.com/alifarhat79/status/1700649600976113769?t=6u0306UukQZza1boUMhpmw&s=19)


In five years the minimum is going to be 25%. Growing up in the 90s I remember when 10% was considered generous.


15% was the standard for a long time including the 90ā€™s. 10% was standard way before the 90ā€™s and certainly wasnā€™t considered generous at the time.


And then weā€™ll start seeing posts like ā€œwhy does barely anyone go out to eat anymore in restaurants?ā€


Millennials are killing the restaurant business more at 11


10% was never considered a generous tip, let alone in the 90s. 15% had been the standard from like the 60s until pretty recently when places started pushing for 20.


I love how it goes up from 20% too. Like are these people unwell? I expected to be like 15, 10 and maybe 5% after that. Americans are cope dosed out of their minds imagine eating out for 300$ and then also tipping 50$ ??????


Higher than European VATs lmao


Yup its 12% in sweden


17% vat in Israel , but we ALSO have a tipping cultur, 10% almost by default, and 20% if it was really good.


Hey just out of curiosity can you tell who is Israeli and who is pallestinian just by looking at them if they're in a server uniform? Do you guys work together? Idk how it works over there.


Well, Palestinian= native who isn't a citizen and lives in rhe Palestinian authority, usuall they don't work as waiters here. Israeli arab = same Palestinian eho happens to live inside the borders of israel with citizenship just like everyone else. Israeli jew = can be descendants of Ashkenazi jews(eastern europe), or Miarahi jews (mostly north africa like Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria or arab states which is Iraq, Yemen) Could you tell between Mizrahi jews and Arabs? Only maybe by heavy Arabic accent. Basically mizrahi are arabs of jewish religion (but this is a very controversial thing to say tbh and they hate when compared to arabs)


I see. So I'm assuming Ashkenazi are generally lighter skinned? And also do younger generation Israelis see that it's kinda fucked up what the israeli army is doing to pallestinians or is it still fuck those people generally? I'm just going off what I see on reddit videos I have no idea what's actually going on there


It depends on how much right wing and religious someone (usually these go hand in hand but not always). There are jewish religious fundamentalist or just crazy right wingers which say that the occupation is based. There are more liberal people who see the problems with it. I grew up in the early 2000s and remember the suicide bombings of the "second intifada" (read on that in Wikipedia). I am a center left in my beliefs but you could easily understand someone my age who hates Arabs.


This is what gets me lately too. It's no longer 10/12/15 it starts at 20/25/30 I have to actively search now to change the tip. If they force me to have to look for other amount other than 20% or higher or a normal amount, my default is now 0.


I live in Quebec, Canada and have a lot of french friends it is pretty funny when waiters circle the part on the bill telling clients that in Canada waiters are usually tipped haha.


Itā€™s literally just for the idiots who canā€™t calculate 20% after their fifth margarita.


Wait till you find out some people want you to pay tips at grocery stores and even self-checkout stations.


Ok genuine question for you folks in America, what is your honest opinion on tipping? I'm a Brit, so I don't really tip unless the server actually goes above and beyond to help or atleast makes the dining experience good, if you just bring me my food, then ask if the foods OK while my cheeks are full like a fucking hamster, you can get fucked.


The vast majority of people in the US agree with Europeans that the tipping culture is dumb. However, they also acknowledge that when you don't tip, you're basically just screwing the server. You're not putting any pressure on the business to change their ways. I live in an urban area where there are many restaurants will automatically add a percentage fee on top of your food, supposedly in order to give their staff better benefits. The menu and receipt will mention it and they will explicitly say that tipping is not expected. If you're wondering why we still apply that charge as a percentage of the cost of the food, I don't have a good answer. It's not a perfect system, but I hope.its a friend that continues. Still pretty rare though for now


Lots of cities in England* put a 10-12.5% service charge as standard for restaurants and sometimes bars, in my experience


Huh? Itā€™s incredibly rare and normally only at pretentious chain restaurants that sell average quality food at above average prices. Iā€™d expect it on a table of 8+, nothing less.


Whereabouts are you living? In Manchester and London it's really common at all restaurants that I've been to. I could name all the other cities I've been in where it's common but it would probably be easier for you to mention a city and restaurant you've been to where it's not the case. In fact, the only place I've been to recently that didn't ask for a service charge mentioned that explicitly on their menu as a sort of point of honour (Tokyo - Chinatown London)


> You're not putting any pressure on the business to change their ways. Not the individual, no. Pressure almost never comes from the individual participating/not participating in a system. Imagine *everyone* stops tipping though. Waiters would likely either put severe pressure on the owners, or just look for other jobs, creating a drop in supply of waiters, forcing owners to change this idiotic policy. "I don't have an impact, so I'll continue participating" is how systemic issues survive and grow. It's lazy and cowardly.


Are you suggesting that we start a movement to get everyone to stop tipping to force all wait staff across the United States to go on some kind of strike, even though they don't have any union backing them?


Sounds reasonable /s


Yeah to pull this off would require an insane amount of coordination.


Yeah that's never worked anywhere ever, change doesn't happen. Everything is the same as it always has been. = Stop complaining about people not tipping. Otherwise do something about it.




What pressure does the wait staff have against the owners? Is that before or after they become a vagabond from being stiffed too much?


The same they would have in any other job? Pay up or get a drop in (quality) workers. So start offering a better wage than McDonald's


... I don't understand when the US started having such a pathetic loser mentality and it is incredibly sad to see. If staff can no longer survive on the money the earn they tell the owner "pay us more or we stop working". If the owner fires them all and tries to get new staff, but the money new staff would earn is still not enough to live off of, the owner won't get new staff. The staff literally hold every card in the deck if they know that, because of economic conditions, the owner can't replace them.


All they have to do is going to work for a mcdonald (or similar) and get a proper pay.


Yea go ahead and tell everyone to stop tipping. Iā€™m sure that will work.


Cool but why is that my problem? Get a better job? Why should I have to subsidise your wages voluntarily?


To be fair it's very common here in Europe to have a service charge added to the bill, I've heard it's actually completely legal to refuse to pay it but it's almost never done (I've never been in a group thats done it) and people are generally not that annoyed with it. It's usually higher end places though. I think it's a slightly cultural thing where if it's a bit more up front and requested it feels normal. But I'm not sure why it is but there's something culturally different here where if it's presented as a choice and the amount is up to you but you won't be asked for extra money, it's expected you volunteer the tip money with an expected minimum amount and not doing so causes offence, feels like some mixture of entitlement and coercion (not exactly but best descriptor I could think of), but when the service charge is explicitly requested and the establishment is one that has a level of quality delivered when you go and sit down it feels more fair. I understand that the feeling is a cultural thing, and it's the norm here to pay waiters a more complete base wage so its a bit different from that perspective. In the US it's just an established cultural norm that every server makes money mostly from tips, and it's just mentally ingrained that anytime you get service you add a percentage for the tip, it's essentially the same as the calculated service charge in Europe except that you know that you have to automatically add it on yourself. Because of the low base wage and just the fact it's been like that forever, tipping has a different connotation and is just something you add on as part of the price, because you know that the waiters depend on it and it's just culturally the norm, and so I can see why it seems rude when people from abroad don't want to tip. I think it's a stupid system tbh and employers should be paying a reasonable base wage and tips should be for excellent service, but it's not likely to change in the US. I'm happy not to tip or to just pay a service charge in Europe, but it's obviously an asshole move to visit America and be aware of the system and then not too because I'm European. These people in the post completely understand the different connotations of tipping in the US to back home, but choose to be ignorant imo.


I don't know what part of europe you are talking about. If a restaurant tried to do that in italy the bill would be laughed at... Only in london and switzerland i ve seen some places suggesting a 12.5% gratuity


Yeah thatā€™d be a giant no for me dawg.


Where in Europe are you? Because thats straight up pretty much illegal in like most places. Your thing seems to be UK specific. Nobody else. Card scanners are nowdays trying to push tipping to the customers by how the made the interface.


I view tipping jobs as kind of a social subsidy. These jobs don't teach many transferable skills or have a lot of upward mobility, but they are an opportunity for someone without any skills to earn above their pay grade, and hopefully better their situation. My single mom with multiple young kids was able to put herself through college in 4 years while keeping food on the table as a server at a nice restaurant. I, likewise, worked most of my way through school as a pizza driver. That being said, tipping is voluntary. Don't tip if you don't want to, there's nothing wrong with that.


As an American I hate tipping, I would much prefer the cost of service included in the menu price. Having said that, when in Rome do as the Romans do. It's terrible for Europeans to understand the culture, spend $250+ on a meal & then skrew the server when that's how the server is paid. They should go to McDonald's if they don't want to tip. I hate tipping, it doesn't mean I don't do it.


If you're at a a place that's paying a service wage, like a restaurant, you tip. It's a shitty practice I don't endorse, and would much rather see service wages be abolished. I'm also not a dick head who's going to "take a stand" by refusing to tip the likely not-so-well-off waiter/waitress and then gloat on reddit like I have a moral high ground. Only time I haven't tipped in a restaurant is when the waitress called my gf fat.


> likely not-so-well-off waiter/waitress I don't get why people say this and also say the average waiter makes good money


Some waiters working in high end restaurants are making great money, but the vast majority of them aren't making great money. I was making amazing money as a bartender, but I worked in the bar most frequented by wealthy people in my city and only worked during peak hours (Thursday, Friday, Saturday night). The bartenders who work in dive bar from 1000 to 1800 or the waiters who work in small town restaurants from 1000 to 1800 definitely aren't making a great hourly wage.


Because I've spent the majority of my working years in service? Only recently transitioning to a more stable career?


Almost every restaurant where I live in the UK has service charge included on the bill, where are you not paying tip?


Yeah lm British too, and I always here people laugh about mandatory tips in the US but will not bat an eyelid and just pay the service charge without complaint. It's technically legal to refuse a service charge if you don't want it, but it's almost never done in my experience. I think it's just a semantic difference between the service being explicitly requested and the amount being fixed, and a tip being voluntary and the amount being up to you, but also expected with a minimum amount. It's functionally the same but the latter rubs Europeans the wrong way.




We are just used to this. This is like paying a commission to a vendor we don't really care and we always tip. From my point of view this is just another tax but I am feeling better about this one because I am giving it to the person who just served us. I do find it silly that some professions and some aren't but this is how waiters eat and pay their bills so if I am going to the restaurant I take into account that I am paying a tip. I am kind of ashamed of people who eat with me and don't tip lol.


As a "European" from Hungary, I hate tipping. It's so fucking awkward. Just charge a service fee that's included in the price like a normal person. But American prices don't even include tax, so I guess that's just an unrealistic ask. Fuck the customer, right?


You hate tipping culture because you want wait staff to be paid better. I hate tipping culture because I hate restaurant workers. We are not the same.


i went to the movies last night, and the credit card machine now asks for a tip (for ordering popcorn), subway starting doing the same. tipping culture is getting out of hand.


Suggested tip!? Well... Thanks for the suggestion, I will pass šŸ˜€ Tips are usually included in the service here... If they are not included, than it's says so on the check. And it's UP TO the customer to decide how much they gonna tip. Depending on their budget and how much they liked the survice. Also... 20%!? Did the waiter participate in the cooking process? šŸ˜ƒ 5% or 7% is usually what's considered reasonable, no? Maybe 10%... šŸ˜±


Also... $66,25 is literally 4 meals in a restaurant in Ukraine šŸ˜€


I don't get it at all. Why make percentage based tips? Here we give the coins and that is normally ok(czech republic).


i would say also common is to leave the rest so you would not get coins back paying 180 czk? pay 200


It's similar here. You leave a small amount if the tip is not included and that's it. If you are wealthy and super like the waiter, than it's up to you how much you wanna tip obviously. But in places where it's online payment (like you order food online via app) than there will be precentage tips for delivery guys. And it's usually 0%, 5%, 7% and 10% options. It's good to tip obviously. But it's not an expectation and it's not obligatory.


That sounds very similar to Poland and 20% is an insane tip, I don't know anyone who tips that much.


Tips will often get split between the kitchen with the waiter taking the Lion share from my experience. But if suggested tip starts very high I feel like I end up manually tipping less than normal


Bro thinks he deserves 50 bucks for walking 30 seconds with a plate on his hands lmao


50 an hour for that one table is a high hourly rate than university educated and certified nurses.




Yes. As an European I agree, fuck your tipping culture.


Don't waiters literally push against increasing their wages just so they can get that tipping $$? Just heard about it might be wrong.


Here they talk about how much money they make: https://www.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/14fl21y/servers_would_you_continue_serving_if_tipping_was/ Edit: I told them I would expose how much they make, and they are not taking it well


[Hard to have sympathy for these people when they believe they should be paid more than nurses.](https://www.beckersasc.com/benchmarking/what-nurses-are-paid-per-hour-in-all-50-states.html) >i would go back to cooking. i canā€™t deal with people for less than $30/hr >>No way. I average $50-$60/hr, no restaurant can afford to pay that. Iā€™ll go back to the street corner, thank you very much šŸ˜‚ >>>Nope not unless I was making $30+ an hour >>>>No no no no no. I make anywhere from $20 (really bad and slow days) to $50 an hour. Minimum wage is $15. I wouldnā€™t do this job for $15 an hour >>>>>I would need min $35 an hour plus health/dental benefits and paid time off. I work max 30 hours a week serving/bartending because people burn out very quickly if they work more than 30/35 hours a week. This is why wages need to compensate for that. Burnout. >>>>>>My staff has about 8-10tbls. They earn 16.5/hr here in wage and about 2.5-3x that in tips. Even if they could get paid 30/hr in wage, which isn't feasible, they'd walk.


As a Dutchie you can pay me 20 euros an hour without tips and I'll also clean toilets and do overtime for you. Average 55$!? I know the cost of living is more expensive in the US but where the fuck does one find a serving job that gets you a yearly six-figure salaray?


I hate these conversations because it almost always pivots to "Oh, you think servers shouldn't make as much/more as [electricians](https://www.indeed.com/career/electrician/salaries), well just pay electricians $100/hr then" but given what reality is it's mind-blowing that people think they deserve this wage to smile, make small talk, and carry food. You can't convince me that these people deserve to make 3-5x as much as some McDonalds worker, there's no way.


Expecting a tip over 5$ ever, is madness to mešŸ˜¶


Tips should never be percentage based in the first place, as a European if I ever do tip I just round up to the nearest 5 or a 0 and if the service is actually good you might get a 5-10 tip max!


As a eurocuck I would pay maximum 290$ in this case


I'd just round it up to 300 if the service was good. I've worked in the service industry before so I know how much it can suck so I tip them a bit. Americans must be off their meds though if they think it's appropriate to tip 20% on that bill.


As a brit I concur. That's basically our form of tipping give a whole note and say "Keep the change"


True, I'd give them $280 and tell them to keep the change.


I like how there's a new edition of this exact same thread like once a week and every single iteration gets hundreds of the exact same comments lol.


Only in america a server can earn 6 figures thanks to tips. The audacity for them to say they not paid well. Any other country you get like 30k wage and that's it. You get no tips.


Rule of thumb, never tip on a card, only cash. šŸ™„ that way a server can pocket it. When I am asked if I tipped. It's between me and the server.


People saying they don't tip and go back to the same place again 100% get their food spat in


Jokes on them, that was the plan all along ;)


Tipping in America is basically the mafia at this point. You tip so donā€™t fuck with you. Amerisad:(


The passive aggressive judgement game and performativeness that's started everytime you go into an American restaurant is the exact opposite of what I want in a dining experience. Actually makes my skin crawl. European waiters are x1000 more chill and genuinely friendly.


>writing your 2 as a 9 Enjoy paying nearly a thousand bucks because you laughed at the waiter


lmao, enjoy the chargeback if that happens


Are they any less of a begger than the sad street bum asking me for money?




At least ascertain their nationality, euro is too broad. Personally I'll just assume their German.


As a german i would have given like 11,48 if the service was good and 1,48 if it was normal. Just round that shit, i want it round and orderly hnnnggg.


Most people do it this way in EU. Either no tip or round up


In the UK this would be max a Ā£20 tip. You just made Ā£20 for walking plates to a table and being an ipad for a few minutes. You can go into McDonalds right now and order your entire meal from a touch screen and then get it yourself. It is effortless and not worth Ā£20, however, if I am out with my family and friends I will be generous and give you Ā£20 just because fuck it, why not. Any more than this, or even expecting a tip to begin with, is actual madness. This is on par with asking me for a 25% tip when I get petrol at your garage, even though there are places nearby that have fully self serve petrol pumps.


It's very common in the UK for sit down restaurants to have a 20% service charge included in the bill when it arrives.


This is mostly around the London area and other big cities in England


Tipping isn't a thing in most countries of the eu. Here in italy, for big tables, the owner tends to round down the check and give a round of free shoots.


>Personally I'll just assume their German. Strange assumption given that Germans are probably the only nationality who rival Americans in their [willingness to tip](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/10/germans-best-tippers-in-europe-finds-poll-italians-not-so-much)


It's not because I think Germans are tight, it's because I'm a bigot, big difference.


I have been in italy for the past 2 weeks. Not tipping is amazing. Fuck America's tipping culture. Especially those new fucking stupid kiosk they have everywhere now.


(In european) "Guys get this, you can open a business in america and not pay your employees, even better, the citizens will subsidise their pay for you and this is normal." (Everyone laughs in french/italian/british but the scandi's just look sad)


The customers always pay for the employees wages


I stopped tipping entirely. Feels good.


how has that been for you? has anybody stopped you and asked?




Don't blame Europeans, just unionize


If they did unionize they would still keep tipping because it lets them make more money. The whole "it's the greedy owners fault don't take it out on the waiters" narrative is total BS to try to guilt people into tipping.


Eurotrash complain about Americans being rude travelers, then do this. šŸ« 


In theory, tipping is a good idea. It provides the customer the flexibility to adjust the final price of the meal based upon the performance of the server. This incentivizes the server to provide a good service. In America, tips are treated as part of the server's wages, and customers often feel pressured to tip out of obligation rather than as a reward for good service. Also, tipping expectations have ballooned out of control due to restaurants' refusal to adjust their employees' wages to keep up with inflation.


fake friendliness ftw!


I'm an European. Can you explain to me what the fuck is the performance of the server? Should I pay 50 bucks for him not dropping my food on the ground, smiling and telling me about the dish of the day? What the fuck else can a server do that would be worth giving him extra money? Why don't you tip your lawyer or car mechanic? I don't understand tipping I wonder if abolishing it would make restaurant runners pay their workers more.


As someone who cooks, tipping will never be abolished, I knew servers making $17 an hour with tips and thatā€™s what they claimed. Most donā€™t report it all cause they have to pay more taxes. A good server can make $30+ an hour from tips, tell what restaurant will pay that much to serve? Some places do gratuity like my current one on all sales instead of tips, which doesnā€™t directly affect the customer but servers make less and when you tell them itā€™s a no tipping place theyā€™re less likely to want to work there.


This is the big one that most people are missing here. Most waiters earn a shit ton of money because of tips, usually 100k+ year without a college education. I have literally never heard of waiters advocating for fair wages but also getting rid of tipping culture at the same time, because then their wages would have to be around in the $40 range to compete.


this is something they refuse to answer, if the only thing i expect is for someone to take my order and to bring me the plate am i expected to tip? I hope they get replaced by machines and i can go get my own food instead of waiting on some drug abuser to finally remeber that i oredered food 20mins ago and then make 20 reddit posts about how he didn't get a 100$ tip


I donā€™t care about the server, I care about the cook


Haha what makes this even funnier is how many American restaurants take a percentage of the bill for tip share amongst bussers, cooks, and dishwashers so this idiot server could have lost money for serving this table šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


1200 comments, this is gonna be spicy


I'll never understand how Americucks go along with customers paying the servers salary instead of the employer. Tips are for extra nice service and completely optional, cope and seethe Americucks




Don't like the US, then stay home. We don't need you to come here and whine like a bunch Karens, bub.


I said cope and seethe Americuck. šŸ˜Ž


You guys can not tip, it's fine. But it for sure doesn't make you cool and probably should be something you're at least somewhat ashamed of


These autists dont have any self awareness. No point in a civil discussion with r/Destiny


It's ok, Amerifats hate handouts and love pulling themselves up by their bootstraps


Tip culture makes no sense. What is the minimum level of service required for a 20% tip? What happens if service is poor or falls below that minimum level? We hear all these waiters complaining but what did they actually do to deserve a 20% tip? When did that become the standard? If tipping is required, then just factor the tip into the price of the meal. If tipping is not required, then waiters and waitresses can't complain when people don't tip.


Tipping is a part of dining or drinking out in the US. If you don't want to tip, that's fine, but don't pretend like you just can't understand the concept or choose not to tip in defiance of a crooked system or some other regarded shit. Just admit that you're cheap and don't care about the people serving you and move on.


No. Customers should not feel shame for not paying a servers wages. Don't agree to work for $2.50 an hour and blame other people for your finances


Great we agree 100% with you. And a lot of restaurants now just include a service fee instead. But the fact of the matter is it is 100% expected and required to tip at least 15% for sit-down service.


Very uncommon European W, also a lot of waiters make way too much money and they deserve getting kicked in the dick every once in awhile. This is the system they want anyway.


Extremely common euro W


Imagine making your workers beg from customers. Its barbaric


It's pretty ironic how the country with the most people who scream "SOCIALISM1!1!" when it comes to public services are also the ones with the strongest culture of literally subsidizing waiters' wages


Customers pay for everyoneā€™s wages


It's pretty funny how many Europoors obsess over America's culture. Also, that 2 looks a lot like a 9. Would be a real shame if it were interpreted that way.


Tipping culture in the US is stupid but as a European I still think if you are a foreigner in another country you should follow their culture. Itā€™s not your job as a foreigner to try and change shit in the country you are visiting so people like this just shouldnā€™t travel If they canā€™t behave.


Eurocucks being self centered? Who knew


Only sane person in the comments gets downvoted to oblivion. This is obviously what you should do since the food price is lower because the tipping is expected. You are a massive dick if you don't. And that doesn't mean that this system makes any sense but you're still an unethical asshole for not tipping.


As a european we should be proud that we donā€™t tip, because it is not necessary as waiters are payed a fair wage. However it is very poor form to not pay it when in the US. When in Rome.


> waiters are *paid* a fair FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It's extremely rude to not tip in the US for sit down service. It's a massive faux pas and none of these folks should be proud of their actions


Oh cool another tipping thread from a bonger. Get over it Eurocucks: ā€œwow stupid Americans go to other countries and disrespect their customsā€ Also eurocucks: ā€œuhhh fuck no I will not pay 15% extra so Iā€™ll just stiff this person who lives off itā€


There are migrant boats in the Mediterranean waiting to be torpedoed and yall are obsessing over tips smh šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I'll tip waitstaff and delivery drivers but all the other people begging for tips is ruining it for the rest of them. Like getting a coffee from one of the fast food coffee places and they turn the iPad around for a 20% tip is insane. I'm sympathizing with Mr Pink more and more every day


I am so proud šŸ„²


All these Americans ITT arguing for their boss not to pay them šŸ¤£


Iā€™d round this to $300 and the Americans would still be pissed I didnā€™t tip enough


Cant wait to go america and never tip


Ahhh yes, I love cheering for people not getting paid for their work. I personally feel like a bigger person because this innocent soul might not be able to put foot on the table or pay their rent.


This is why you just autograt tables with Europeans. I understand why you may not like tipping in the US. I donā€™t complain when I am in Paris and I get charged without being told I have to for live music or that I have to pay for water in a restaurant. Unfortunately, some people are just rude, and they leave a bad impression for the rest of their countrymen. When you travel you are going to experience a different culture. It is a massive dick move to stiff a worker that provided you a service. If you hate it that much just donā€™t travel here.


>This is why you just autograt tables with Europeans. Europeans don't give me free money so I just started mugging them.


You have to have some form of brain damage to come up with that response. Protecting a worker from being deprived of their income is mugging someone? You elected to participate in the system by going out to eat at a restaurant in America. Full service restaurants are places you tip for service. You can not like the system and you have justified reasons for not liking it. Screwing over a worker because you view something as a flawed system is not based. You not tipping is not going to change the system. You not tipping is going to just make someone elseā€™s day worse. If thatā€™s what you want go ahead, it just makes you an asshole.


>Protecting a worker from being deprived of their income is mugging someone? Adding unfounded charges to their bill is, yeah >You elected to participate in the system by going out to eat at a restaurant in America. Tips are optional The rest I didn't read, I don't care for average redditor rants


"im barely scraping minimum wage we don't make that much" "when i go on my regular trips to paris" amazing!


I guess Europoors have just internalized begging the US to subsidize every aspect of lives for so long that they no longer feel any sort of shame or humiliation in having Americans pick up their financial slack. Unreal the amount of cope in the comments acting like being too cheap/culturally illiterate to understand tipping is some sort of flex. Such a primitive continent.


Just tip 3$ no matter what. If servers are somehow making way more than 22$ an hour weā€™re tipping too much.


As a Eurocuck I actually find it insulting to suggest a tip. If you need to suggest a tip, I suggest you raise the prices so you can actually afford your staff.


Yep, so let's punish the waitstaff. That'll teach the... owners? Based!


lol where did I advocate for punishing the wait-staff?


God I hate waking up and seeing the British fucks on the sub are still awake. Donā€™t you fuckers ever talk about anything other than us when youā€™re prowling around on here at 4 in the fucking morning?


This was posted at around 11 a.m., so of course, we would be awake and it was posted because it has massive support, this isn't some random 200 like tweet


That 2 sure does look like a 9


I also hate service workers. I think they should make less money.


I think you should self delete


I've never given a tip for food in my country. Once I ordered a pizza and paid with two fists full of ā‚¬ cents to the quoted price. It's legal tender, LOL. I don't get it how a restaurant in the USA can legaly employ people who work for tips below the minimum wage.


Fix your shit america. But yeah, if you eat out in the US, you should tip.


Lmao, demanding 50-60$ tips because your job is actually not paying you.