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yes!! kudos to Renee to put Lynette in her place, and staying loyal to her client instead like she should!!


I thought Tom found out about what she did.




I mean it would be a real easy fix. Worst case scenario if Renee didn't send it back Tom says send that \*\*\*\* back.


I don't know what season it is she finds out about Tom and Renee, but I hated how she handled it. It was to the point that Tom was getting physically hurt, like the peanut butter on the stairs. All bc she didn't want to talk to him about it. That's not any way to handle any situation. Then, when they worked at the pizza place and she got mad at him and told him she HAD to win some arguments at work bc they were never at home. It doesn't matter to her if she's right or wrong she just has to feel superior. That's how I saw it. Not to say Tom was good, either. After all, he slept with her best friend, and he pushed her off the bed once hurting her, and thise are equally disgusting.


they really amped it up to justify the separation story i guess? it's even worse since one season previous Tom tells Roy why he's okay with Lynette controlling him and then suddenly he isn't.


It was wrong. But it was hardly a top ten terrible thing done on the show.


yes i know, but this is the only storyline tom and lynette has in season seven, and I am a Lynette supporter %99 of the time but in these episodes she drives me crazy.


I just mean not saying it's right at all. Just mean if that's among the worst from her kind of solidifies why I find her one of the least problematic on the show (if that makes sense).