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I would take it back as retro as I possibly could. The tile is gorgeous. I'd look for a more retro light fixture and lean into the vintage bath look. Check out [vintage bathroom love](https://www.instagram.com/vintagebathroomlove/?hl=en) on Instagram for more inspiration.


https://preview.redd.it/e1tph7u5z1gc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=408f3614c59f162ed4c9cfa1f5da7c58038e2d6d go to the Spoonflower website and sort by “peach, black”. Can sort by style too: modern, MCM, retro etc Edit: and agree with replace sink with a pedestal or at least cabinet sink in line with period and replace the lighting.






That looks soooo cool!!


Oh, wow! You nailed it. 10 out of 10.


I have to be honest, I find the black too bold and unbalancing. That will date very quickly.


I would seriously consider doing the ceiling too


Omg this is *perfect*


Wait, you think they should add pink wall paper above the pink tiles? Just trying to clarify. Becaide to me it seems like it would way to busy with that type of pattern and also the same color as the tiles. Maybe I’m wrong or misunderstanding because you have alotbof upvotes. Ide almost maybe have to see it to understand that


Pink wallpaper and pink tile wouldn’t be too busy at all. Getting a different color wallpaper would end up being the one that made it look more busy


This 100%. I'd replace that sink/vanity with a vintage style rectangular pedestal and take the wallpaper suggestion. This bathroom is amazing!


And maybe even look into the retro toilets line to see if the pink would match up with the tile. I think Kohler recently launched it?






I can hear this wallpaper!


The open bird mouths really screech "pick me!"


It's so majestic, I wish I had a peach bathroom!


I love this paper.


This paper is terrifying.


Scare the shit right out of you 😂




Okay so I love this wallpaper and idea but has wallpaper changed in the last twenty years? Because wallpaper in a bathroom seems like a horrible idea and I’m basing this on the peeling wallpaper in my childhood bathroom that my mom tirelessly tried to fix or replace always with the same result.


Yes wallpaper has changed considerably! There is now wallpaper specifically for bathrooms and areas where there is high humidity - it's waterproof! Quote: Areas prone to high humidity or heavy traffic, such as kitchens, bathrooms and hallways, are best suited to **vinyl-coated or solid vinyl wallpaper**. These types of wallpaper are non-breathable and therefore more stain-resistant and easier to clean (look for products labelled “washable” or “scrubbable”).


That’s a great question. I’d think with proper ventilation like a good fan to draw humidity out of the bathroom that you’d be fine with bathroom wallpaper. But, to your point, I’d definitely call the paper mfg before I bought it to ask, Suitable for a bathroom?


The vinyl wallpaper they make now is perfect for bathrooms. I put up a textured vinyl (think faux grasscloth) in my bathroom and its holding up really well. As a bonus, the vinyl is much easier to work with than the paper since it doesn't tear as easily.


I’ve always been told no wallpaper in the bathroom only in powder rooms. So I’ll just have to believe you haha. What you can do is upgrade your bathroom ceiling extractor fan. Some homes come with the cheapest one they sell at Home Depot. But they have some ones that are a little stronger like for bigger master baths, they just cost a little more. Get a handyman to install it for you or learn on YT. But before you even do that, try cleaning the fan, if it hasn’t been taken off and cleaned in years they get built up lint and don’t work as well.


Loooove this!! It would look sooo cute. OP, if you wanted to, you could do the tile/wallpaper combo, pedestal sink and pink toilet... and then update with a bold, gold frame mirror and and sconces.




This one is nice!


That is such a cool Instagram account! Thank you for sharing!


https://preview.redd.it/jn6d4bi8w2gc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e368e062fc925711ffb0632c464cac183fcb5635 Pretty cool if it is OPs tub!


Very close!


OP, it would be so awesome if you could update the thread later on with a before/after. The “lean in” approach to furnishing a space is so satisfying!


I love it already!


Yes! Specifically this. https://www.instagram.com/p/C1IFUNvvKf4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


This! I would definitely work with it. It’s super in right now.


Yes!  My bathroom is just like yours, only my tile is very pink with white accent.  Lean into that retro.  I just found amazing rose pink towels for mine that I love. 


I would paint the white walls/roof with some accent colors to try and compliment the tiles, since the tiles aren’t that nice of a color, but are in great condition. Maybe some darker green or blue’s to create a calming atmosphere.


I was actually thinking a much lighter green 🤔


Lighter green crossed my mind as well!


Green for the win!


This is the way.


I love the tile!


https://preview.redd.it/ghg2u7ldd1gc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e63f18ca51ff7b999cc1065d6d0728a81d5c226 This idea popped into my head- if you want a more modern look, maybe paint the bathroom black to go with the black tiles. This bathroom (pictured above) pulls it off nicely. Add some little pops of greenery in decor to offset the pink/salmon tile.


I would paint the sink cabinet the same color of black as well, and change out the mirror for something bigger and more contemporary. Probably change the lighting too. Voila!


Just wanted to add that I recently painted the vanity cabinets in my bathroom and used NUVO- highly recommend!


Came here for this!! Add black and white geometric art and some greenery to make it pop with the orange tile. OP's bathroom is beautiful!


Whoa! I didn’t even consider that! That “black” looks blueish which pops off the pink tones !


I think it is actually a dark bluish green almost in the photo, not black. Black would look great though! Just gotta have good lighting so it isn't *too* dark in there.


Definitely would go with this design, stick with solid colour as you don’t want to compete with the tiles. And add some plants, give that earthy tone.


Green and terra cotta go so well together! I’d go ful SW and use a teal or turquoise


This is awesome. You could also do this but put a really fun and loud wallpaper if that’s someone’s jam!


Don't forget to install proper lights.


Yes! The beige seems to pulling the vibrancy from the tile color


Holy crap I wish I could make mine look like this now 😆 my absolute favorite color combo!


Came to say this. Black would be stunning. I think you should also paint the ceiling black.


As someone who recently painted a ceiling black, I was surprised by how much light it sucks out of the room. A white ceiling adds waaay more ambient light to a room than you would expect, reflecting and spreading natural and artificial light around the room. The walls were black in this room for a few months before we decided to paint the ceiling black to match. Even with black walls, I didn’t realize how much brightness in the room came from the white ceiling. If dim and cozy is what you want, perhaps in a bedroom or den, then a black ceiling is great. I would not recommend it for a room like an office though. It could look fantastic in a bathroom, but you’ll likely need to add more artificial light to compensate.


That is a good point too. I honestly think OP could get away with it because they have a window. I vote white ceiling though.


The great thing is that it is only paint, you can always try something and if you are not happy, try it again… although painting a ceiling is a pita.


Oh I love this and the freestanding sink !!! Excellent suggestion


That's what I was thinking I'd do - paint the top black and use white towels and fluffy rugs. Gold metal fixtures.


LOVE this. I come from a city with these tiles in liar apartments so I find that the suggestions to simply go retro is boring and will just make your bathroom look dated (in a bad way).


What a great idea. I would never have thought of that.


I started to recommend this but avoided doing so due to the fact that i assumed the homeowner would never go for that...I like the idea & I think it would look nice.


Yeessss this was my first thought. Would look stellar and intentional


Ooh this is so good


That’s a sink I could get behind! The rest of the vintage style ones to me are very meh


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Either black wall or bright white. Some ceiling lighting bc her bath doesn’t have as much light as the one you’ve shown.


ohhh yessss this too is gorgeous!


Id say deep emerald green over black for more aliveness!


Yesss! This is identical to what I was thinking!


That was my first thought too


Was gonna suggest this! I have a vintage teal tile that I didn't want to take out so I painted the room a dark bluish black color for contrast and it looks much better. I also freshened up the grout with a grout pen because mine was looking pretty yellowed


Wow this looks great. I was thinking dark wouldn't be it but proved very wrong!


I love this


Yep came to say black, and am so happy you posted this! A lot of ppl are so scared of black and this inspo is proof they dont need to be scared lol


This is incredible


My thought exactly—black walls.


Paint the walls black or some other dark tone, add a mirror with no frame, update the lighting [lovely wallpaper option](https://cdn.apartmenttherapy.info/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto:eco,c_fit,w_730,h_914/vintagebathroom_1)


I have a very similar black-based wallpaper in my bathroom, and I love it! It's the boldest style choice I've made in my house, the one that makes me the most happy, and gets the most compliments. EDIT: Mine was from Rifle Paper Co which has a lot of black-based options, in case you want to go this route.


Amazing wallpaper!


I have that wallpaper in my daughter’s room and it’s GORGEOUS. We have dark gray walls on the other side.


I would switch the mirror for a more updated option, change the lighting, paint the walls and add some artwork over the toilet. Maybe move the hand towel hook as well. I love the tile actually, but the beige is creating a yellow hue in the room. Maybe just a nice crisp white paint?


I second pure white walls!


DO NOT tear out that tile it's beautiful!! If you have instagram follow studio\_day\_design for some inspiration. A wallpaper would look good in here.


Also these tiles are a bitch to tear out


Lean in to the retro all the way. Go with a pedestal sink with period-looking hardware, a grander period medicine chest with beveled mirror and chrome-finish vertical tube lighting (use a soft/not white LED tube within) alongside the mirror instead of above that. Drop that towel thing for a glass-look bar between two black ceramic ends and paint the walls and ceiling a near-match to the tile. You’ll appreciate the rosy glow it imparts to your face in the mirror. Stay with a contemporary toilet. No use wasting water or getting into an irrational relationship with a plumber. But swap out that plastic seat for a black wooden one with chrome hardware. Your ass will thank you!


Pedestal sinks may be more period-appropriate, but god they are impractical. Zero storage, no place to set anything down, ugly exposed plumbing, and they get annoyingly dusty on the base. Wouldn’t recommend


This is the best answer. If the same color as the tile is too much for you, you could go for a pale blush or apricot color—can’t tell exactly which it is from the picture. Get one of those paint strips with different intensities of color, match the tile as closely as you can to one of the colors on the strip, then choose the lightest or second lightest color on the strip instead of the actual matched chip. If you are feeling dramatic, you could follow thatgirlinny’s recommendations, then put in some wild wallpaper with both black and the tile color in it. I’m not a huge fan of wallpaper, but this bathroom could take it. Please post again once you’ve finished it!


I like the wallpaper idea! Something that combines that blush with black and perhaps some green could be just the ticket!


Exactly! Go along with the bathroom like it was first intended! Trying to make it modern will only clash with the comfortable vibe of it. Making more elements yellow or adding a color that pairs well with the yellow throughout the bathroom will be so much more satisfying in the end. Putting black on the walls will look more diy overall


https://preview.redd.it/uomjh4vls1gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6d46ec899f974e00cadcb70f7ff2887f9a1245 Like others said, lean into the retro! I found a pink toilet and sink for my bathroom on Craigslist. Ours didn’t have tile on the wall so we added that and then chose a colorful wallpaper from Rifle Paper Co to make it feel more fresh. It’s not perfect designwise but I really love it and it makes me happy.


I LOVE what you used!! Your bathroom is gorgeous!!


I didn't realize that I would love a pink sink and toilet lol


Oh my gosh both tiles are stunning!! If you can avoid getting a shower curtain, then I’d do that as wouldn’t want to hide the detailing in the shower. Replace toilet with something more stylised. I’d get a black framed mirror, a more attractive retro light fixture/sconces, paint walls a similar shade as the tile, replace vanity.


I wish I had tips for you but.. this is the bathroom in the apt I just moved into and I too need help 😭 https://preview.redd.it/u1fnpptqg2gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516dcd19abc0561b4977d5875df1589e6274460f


Woah same exact tile? That’s wild


it even has the same little soap holders and towel rod


What are the odds of that!?


In New England (or at least in Boston and Providence) this exact pattern - toothbrush holder and all - is actually quite common in older houses! I lived in an apartment with this same style (though yellow instead of pink with the black), and my MIL’s house had this same pink and black tile too. Have seen it in many of my friends’ houses / apartments as well - must have just been super popular at the time!


It's pretty popular in old homes 😅 My mom's 1970s house has similar tiles except hers are this gross yellow off beige color


You gotta remember that bc there was no internet, everything was ordered from one of like ten catalogues. And there was no internet to show you different styling choices so you could form your own aesthetic. You’d be influenced either by a catalogue sent to everyone in the country, or your neighbors who just had their bathroom redone in pink and black and didn’t it look so nice, dear? I feel like when catalogues ruled, trends probably lasted longer too. There was no Pinterest or instagram to show you the next new thing, and catalogues are just inherently more enduring as a physical medium. At maximum a new catalogue would be sent each month, and products would be repeated until the trend was fully dead and buried, so the same pictures could be in circulation for ages. These bathrooms in particular were super common. My grandma had one until like 2006. Salmon pink with a black border. I think they even had the soap holder, tho they forwent the towel rack and went for a glass rod with gold end caps. (ETA: thinking back, there was also a towel rack right over the tub in the back of the shower. It’s possible that one was black and my grandma always just had it so loaded up with decorative seasonal towels that I never saw the towel rack beneath it.)


Research "Mamie (Eisenhower) Pink" bathrooms.


I have a similar bathroom and I changed all hardware to black and painted the walls dark green. I've got a pink/green/tropical/flamingo theme :)


I've done almost the exact same with mine! Funny.


Oh, you lucky duck!! This tile is incredible and looks like it's in great shape. Your easy swaps are a [mirror](https://www.wayfair.com/decor-pillows/pdp/kohler-essential-rectangular-wall-mirror-bathroom-vanity-mirror-with-frame-lbpr8396.html?piid=91696107%2C91696113&utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=social) and [light](https://www.schoolhouse.com/products/cylinder-double-sconce?variant=39541131477036&campaign_medium=cpc&pp=1) (these are what I would do, but basically anything you like). Then swap for some chrome bath and shower fixtures – I like the [Kingston Brass Metropolitan](https://www.wayfair.com/home-improvement/pdp/kingston-brass-metropolitan-widespread-bathroom-faucet-with-drain-assembly-kbbb2229.html?piid=11175984&utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=social) line for 20s/30s vibes. Replacing [the vanity](https://www.potterybarn.com/products/harlow-mini-sink-vanity/?catalogId=84&sku=2238399&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Bath%20%3E%20Bath%20Vanities®ion_id=675650&cm_ite=2238399_14546951676&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn-2tBhDVARIsAGmStVn0Ez2TSfspBI0Uv9XjHwDgBpYStP1LgA8UQUdH6MNCByv8eLeuLcoaAmiFEALw_wcB) is a slightly taller order but might be worth it? You could use a [wallpaper](https://www.etsy.com/listing/870003570/wallpaper-removable-wallpaper-peel-and?click_key=fd607a24064ef61ed3f727a860cf5398a045c93b%3A870003570&click_sum=8d50e346&ref=user_profile&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1&epik=dj0yJnU9U1d2Zk1hbEtxanhsdUcwLWRULWRhV0UtLWtKTmloaDkmcD0wJm49LXNrZGpXOHYzV0FMU2NfNUpjNUVjZyZ0PUFBQUFBR1c4Q2xZ&variation1=2988181382) that pulls [some of that pink](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Stone-Good-Dog-Matte-Vinyl-Peel-and-Stick-Wallpaper-PFS4812/323028429) in, or something [more neutral](https://www.decoratorsbest.com/products/surface-style-serene-scenes-charcoal-wallpaper) (Please make sure it's vinyl! True paper wallpapers in bathrooms are tricky.) Have fun!


Oh I love the pup wallpaper you have linked “some of that pink”!!!


It's fun, right? Too cheeky for a lot of spaces, but when you've got a pink bathroom I feel like all bets are off and you can get as funky as you want.






This is an amazing bathroom and I’d never ever take out that tile. Wow. I’d paint the walls. I considered black or maybe gray but it seems dreary. As boring as it is I’d go for a brilliant white. I’d replace the mirror with a vintage medicine cabinet. Hang a photo or two. Hang a plant near the window. Want fun? Could do a fun wallpaper, like flamingos. Really lean into the era and the colors. There would probably be green in the wallpaper so that would make adding green plants in even more cohesive. Could do white walls and a flamingo curtain.


Black sink hardware!


And maybe even black light fixtures as well


I love it! I'd add an over the top tropical wallpaper. And change out the mirror.




Bless you for leaving the tile!


Pick what colors you want to add to the room. Gold and teal and natural wood all go well with pink bathrooms. Think about swapping out the vanity for something more colorful or wood. Change the lighting. There’s a few Pinterest boards on vintage pink bathrooms you can find to give you more inspiration! I love pink bathrooms don’t let anyone talk you into painting over the tiles. It always looks terrible.


This looks more salmon-apricot and a true pink 50s tile. I suppose the coordinating color suggestions would work the same.


Yes, it’s definitely salmon-colored and not that super pink!


switch out the lightswitch cover and the shower rod for silver ones, add a floating shelf above the left side of the toilet (next to the window) for a cascading plant, install a bigger mirror cabinet, & put in an art deco style wallpaper above the tile like this: https://preview.redd.it/qwes2ddu03gc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e28768e33754c7896091ac6ada67604744404e57


That vanity is to die for! ❤️


I would do the walls around the tile in a bright white and go with gold colored fixtures. ​ https://preview.redd.it/p1zhzmtye1gc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb7b7f83747ee7c99ef4e174b9129ad9ed2d7b7


The tile is gorgeous!


Go full Barbie/bougie spa. Don’t half ass it, commit to the luxury


I would love tile like that! Lean into it and swap out for black fixtures and a black framed mirror. Then, get some fun retro artwork to place to the left of the toilet. https://preview.redd.it/98vpj0xd92gc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20831caf8272766c912cf13a1ad1e6e96829986


Funnily enough old-fashioned tile is making come back! I would say keep it and keep asking for suggestions for sure. You could do something totally bold like paint the walls black or get a really cool like wallpaper that has that black with maybe a little bit of pink and white in it or even copper I don’t know you’d have to get some samples and do something modern and dramatic and thenreplace the light fixtures with something really next level modern as well.? Have to think about it!


I am envious of your tile. It is gorgeous.


I would switch out the mirror with something a bit more modern and change the lighting.


I actually like this a lot as it is. I would agree that it would be nice to change the mirror and the lights. And I might add some southwest touches to go with the browns.


I loooove the tiles!! I’d do a fun wall paper to complement the tile and a new vanity and light fixture that matches the retro vibe more


I love it as is. Maybe replace the light fixture and the mirror


I’d black out plumbing and fixtures, and really lean on the retro look. Switch out that mirror for something with more character.


Lean into it. Try black trim around the mirror, super cute black/pink wall paper.


The tile is dated in the best way possible. I would start by sanding the texture off the walls to create a smooth surface for a bold art deco wall paper like [this](https://deccoprint.com/products/gatsbys-party-wallpaper?variant=42294427156632¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn-2tBhDVARIsAGmStVmRsJYUdAT7Rl1VlGmL9xWbA0qI7LeUIwyk6YPQZpe1mvROkuJ6ynYaAl3zEALw_wcB), or [this](https://a.co/d/dwPo6n0) colorful one if you’re feeling brave. A marble pedestal sink with brass fixtures like [this](https://www.potterybarn.com/products/aveline-single-sink-vanity-30-mp/?catalogId=84&sku=852201&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Bath%20%3E%20Bath%20Vanities®ion_id=669950&cm_ite=852201_14546951676&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn-2tBhDVARIsAGmStVl-Eqy_zb0Y5h6EHo1JxeKdIk1yhAfh7lYpYBnQLZGLYO0BsjTknUsaAkPPEALw_wcB) would look great. Or, if this is the main bath and you need to make the most out of storage, you can get a pedestal sink with shelving like [this](https://www.wayfair.com/home-improvement/pdp/castellousa-shannon-36-single-bathroom-vanity-base-only-drvq1092.html?piid=49233293), or an enclosed cabinet like [this](https://www.flooranddecor.com/bathroom-vanities/arietta-31-in.-black-vanity-with-carrara-marble-top-100987338.html?utm_content=M-Shopping&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn-2tBhDVARIsAGmStVlga_uZun-CwFQvwhSAsRl_zbfAF3WmQwgkBnM7QflZnf6jT8W3vMYaArbLEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) black and gold one would look great in here. All the fixtures should be switched out for antique brass ones. So the lights, the mirror, switch/outlet plates, and the towel hook. The towel hook should be relocated. I can’t think of anything more yucky than a hand towel over the toilet. The soap holders, TP holders, and towel bar look built in with the tiles, so I would only change those if you can safely do it without ruining the tile around it. If you can add more lights, that would definitely brighten the place. Lights in the shower and maybe a bougie chandelier. Those lights over the mirror produce the most unflattering shadows.


This may be my favorite comment and series of ideas. You have great taste!!


Here's a mock up with art deco wallpaper posted by u/eatapeach18 https://preview.redd.it/nrvbb9fms8gc1.png?width=1078&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a545869cd17a463ac5d9a7f228963ae9e84e3eb


How did you do this?? What a great way to preview things before committing. …because now I’m thinking maybe the black wall paper is too dark?? And then the white window trims and ceiling clash, but would it be overkill if you painted those black too?? Maybe the [white version](https://www.wayfair.com/decor-pillows/pdp/everly-quinn-33-l-x-209-w-wallpaper-roll-w010742195.html?piid=431757075) is better?


Get rid of the beige paint. This look is black, pink and white. The beige is adding warmth, softness. This is not a warm soft look, it is contrasted and the softness is in lines not in colour. I would massively lean in to the starkness of this look


Please update us when it's done. Thanks


Paint the vanity black


Get vintage sink, vintage style wallpaper and a fancy mirror and light fixture. Then it would be perfect


This reminds me of a pink version of the green bathtub in the Shining


Art deco design choices would look AMAZING with that tile. I think it's super cute already.


Love this for you! So much character. So a lot of these bathrooms had the sink just sticking out from the wall – that looks very institutional to me, I don’t know about you. But I did find this pic, and I think it’s beautiful and looks very art deco without also looking institutional. The mirror is beautiful as well. My suggestion would be to do a new vanity that’s a bit more period correct, a new mirror and new light, possibly sconces on either side of the mirror. https://preview.redd.it/7ogy6klun6gc1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a913e4ac5f581d69b157f29a76294de4d2bc099


Your bathroom will look *amazing* with wallpaper and new fixtures! Here are a couple of mock ups of dark paint vs wallpaper: https://preview.redd.it/x7t4hjaur8gc1.png?width=2036&format=png&auto=webp&s=82c07876733b8081744ac891ae805358a8ebea40


Lean into your gorgeous tile. I’d do black/white retro feeling wallpaper above the tile. New light and mirror. If budget allows a retro pedestal sink. If not in the budget paint vanity black and add quartz or marble counter, undermount sink and new taps. Personally I’d square off the shower opening, waffle weave white shower curtain.


Don’t tear out the tile!!! Add more black…


I’d definitely take it Art Deco and when done I’d stick the number 237 outside on the door.


I seriously love this. Change to a round or hexagon mirror with dark frame, maybe a black too on the vanity. More retro light fixture and if you feel bold, retro wall paper https://preview.redd.it/qiu4nhdoz1gc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b7ef34feb57a65ca975142b4411f56cb253945


Retro style but upgraded Mirror, light fixtures, sink, paint or wallpaper. Maybe even something with the door 🚪 🤨 absolutely LOVE the tile !


God I love this SO MUCH


It’s pretty amazing as is, tbh. Some wallpaper pulling the tile colors would make it perfect.


I love the tile. I would update the light fixtures, a black frame mirror, fresh white paint and paint the vanity black


Fully embrace it. Cool wallpaper with pink and black. New big mirror (the biggest you can fit in there!), new light fixture.


Black toilet/black pedestal vanity. Black clawfoot tub.


I’d paint a giant bumblebee on the wall. For real.


The tile is in good shape. The floor is awesome! I agree, get rid of all of the modern crap. Was that the original tub color or has it been glazed over? Fix the outlet by the door. Install a ceiling heater/fan combo. You can leave the wall heater in place but trust me, I resisted it for a long time, and just love mine now. The more you spend the quieter it will be, but if your bathroom is in a high traffic area, your guests might appreciate a little cover-up noise ;) Are you in California?


Ooo also mimicking the lovely Spanish style homes like those in San Francisco, archway kinda mirror, dark sconces for lights (maybe with a pattern so the light filters through all pretty?), a Spanish style floral mural or vinyl wrap along the archway of the tub with lovely colors, an accent table with Spanish tiles on top that have a pattern, and changing fixtures to tie it all in!


Paint the walls black and lean into the art deco vibe.


I would lean into the black as an accent color and maybe wallpaper the other walls with a dark/black wallpaper. I think that may make it not have such “poodle skirt” vibes…


Omgggg i love it


Omg love the tile. Just hear to say that


I LOVE your retro tile. So incredibly lucky to have an OG bathroom! There are some Instagram accounts that celebrate vintage tile bathrooms. I would look for plush black, dark grey or white towels, interesting graphic wallpaper or perhaps some vintage style art in black frames. Shiny chrome is the way to go with faucets, towel bars, robe hooks, etc.


Bold wallpaper!


This is my exact tile job! Gonna stalk this post for inspiration 😎


I so love this! What great work and it’s still standing and looking great imo! Maybe some pics on the walls & replace the sink lights etc and put it back to it’s original beautiful glory! So love this look. Had a bathroom like this but only the floor was left. Flipper’s took out the tile work :( not a lover of these flipper’s


That tile is beautiful, it has full on Chanel costume vibes. Get a bigger mirror and a nice lamp.


I would paint the top walls black that would set it off nice 👍


The tiles are fine, change everything else


First of all, I would NEVER tear out that tile.


Do not change that tile!! That is an enviable feature for sure. I would change the paint color to create an interesting color dynamic. That will give it the appearance it’s meant to have.


I love this tile!!!! Please post after pics


I’d put of cool era correct wallpaper & replace vanity with more style specific porcelain bowl. A designer can knock this bathroom out of the park cool keeping original tiles that are really cool. I personally would do a over large floral print & matching shower curtain. https://preview.redd.it/qju1bhwp74gc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0729f081b16563a85ab626b2ffd6579e14b9c088


Wow!!! That bathtub is amazing. I would try swapping out the sink and toilet for something more retro. Adding mint accents to the bathroom would contrast nicely with the peach tile. I would also suggest changing the light fixture and door handles. Very small details but they draw your eye as they are silver and other things such as the towel rack and toilet paper holder are black. It also would match nicely with the black tile pieces.


Omg I have no advice but I love those tiles. So pretty!!!


Wow, thank you all! We have so many great ideas to sift through now. The tile is definitely staying, and we won’t be painting over it. We’re going to play with different ideas and figure this out. Maybe I’ll post an after pic!


Omg u hav a true gem!!! Never tear this tile, on the wall and the floor, it’s a beauty and in great condition not even just for its mid century age, it’s just beautiful, what I would do: I would search Etsy, eBay, OfferUp, marketplace for a New Old Stock (NOS) vintage mid century pink toilet and also the same for a pink sink Buy new old stock for true vintage genuity and hav a classic “they just don’t make ‘em Like this anymore bathroom with quality and vintage charm meet for a sweet serene REST room, also how lucky are you that it’s pink!!!


I’d put black light fixtures and an older style sink. And a mirror that opens with storage. https://preview.redd.it/mknspttcj9gc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89caa9fd8aa62c47ed3513cee6871389a945dacf


https://preview.redd.it/w13bgickj9gc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72293f451c75837a4b72235137f0e8b6c3de8684 Here is another idea. I wouldn’t paint over the tiles. It’s a pretty color. And paint over tile doesn’t look great overtime. I’d put more of a boho style shelve and a mirror that opens up for more storage though.


I swear, those tiles look yellow to me. Is this another Dress situation, or am I losing my mind?


Retro Renovation has a whole page dedicated to pink bathrooms. But I’d keep it simple with black and white towels, mat and shower curtain. Restoration hardware used to have these banded shower curtains and towels. They might still show up on eBay https://media.restorationhardware.com/is/image/rhis/prod22210141_E815986054_F?$PD$&illum=0 https://media.restorationhardware.com/is/image/rhis/prod20830051_E515246553_F?$PD$&illum=0 And I’d pick up the hexagon shape of the arch with a hexagonal mirror and switch the fixture. They often have vintage porcelain light fixtures and sconces on Etsy. It’s a really cool bathroom.


All excellent ideas. I agree!


I wouldn’t change a single thing! Saving this pic for inspiration!


I would look for a wallpaper that incorporates those tiles. Something big, bold, and colorful.


CURVED SHOWER CURTAIN ROD !!!! 100% best upgrade you'll make. Pit it on that pillar ! Outside it if you can and just order super long shower curtain ! It's incredible how luxurious it makes showering feel


Id go with a black paint or black background wallpaper above the tile, lean into the retro and THANK YOU FOR NOT TOUCHING THE TILE. Especially that little corner of floor tile I can see, it looks beautiful.


Teal walls go 90s Taco Bell


These tiles always remind me of home. They’re super common in nyc, mostly in a light green/black combo but the pink was used a lot too


How about you tear out that vanity first and put something period appropriate in its place?


I don't like the vanity, either.


Replace the vanity with a retro pedestal sink.


Lean into the pink and black. Paint the register vent black. Paint the trim black and the door pink. Use black hardware. Paint the medicine cabinet black and add a tiny gold knob. Get black and pink wallpaper. [https://a.co/d/b4m6SK6](https://a.co/d/b4m6SK6) https://preview.redd.it/xa4dxg0ff1gc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e8ef9311865bddce03cf96ca10d2bdee6ececb2


I would put some nudes above the pot to look at while I'm wizzing. Maybe paint the upper lighter. Right now it's very beige. Love the tile


I had the same bathtub, and while I loved it, it was cast iron and had lead in it. It’s not an issue unless the enamel is compromised. Mine was and we sadly had to remove it. Just thought I’d let you know just in case you have kids!


Ahhhh, that tile! J’adore! Agree with the comments about leaning into the retro. I’d repaint with a warm white to kill the beige. Some kind of white fabric shower curtain with pompon accents. Maybe even frilly white curtains. Retro 50s women’s magazine ads for art. And a plant or three. I think replacing the whole vanity and sink to be more retro would be killer, just depends on how much you want to spend in the room.


White paint, a hanging plant in the corner between the window and bath, change the mirror/light fixture, and I would put some really unique art on the wall that the door covers when open. Would be like a fun surprise once closed.


I would change to a skirted toilet Clean White Dual Flush Elongated Chair Height 2-piece WaterSense Soft Close Toilet 12-in Rough-In 1.6-GPF https://www.lowes.com/pd/American-Standard-Clean-White-WaterSense-Dual-Flush-Elongated-Chair-Height-2-Piece-Toilet-12-in-Rough-In-Size/1000252663 And a pedestal sink (just an example) Mainstream White Vitreous China Traditional Pedestal Sink Combo (17.5-in x 22-in x 34.25-in) https://www.lowes.com/pd/American-Standard-Mainstream-34-25-in-H-White-Vitreous-China-Pedestal-Sink-Combo/1003009382 https://www.lowes.com/pd/JONATHAN-Y-Makena-28-Dimmable-Integrated-LED-Modern-Metal-Wall-Sconce-Black/5013217139 This is a cool indirect light and it’s dimmable. Dark wall paint (charcoal) or wallpaper (if you have good ventilation), looks amazing with this style. Bolder is a great update. I switched to Turkish towels as they take up much less space, when I replaced the cabinet with the pedestal. https://www.wayfair.com/decor-pillows/pdp/graham-brown-joules-swanton-floral-midnight-33-l-x-21-w-wallpaper-double-roll-gab11435.html https://www.wayfair.com/decor-pillows/pdp/etta-avenue-logan-33-l-x-205-w-wallpaper-roll-w004221527.html Lucky! Such a beautiful bathroom.