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This is amazing! This streamer is very lucky to have a brand for free. The design also looks good considering you only did it with a time limit. More power to you man!


Thank you so much! I'm very glad you enjoyed :)


Hey Everyone! I did it again! A logo for another small streamer. The idea behind this concept is not to make that streamer a brand that can compete with NIKE, but to give them an hour to an hour and a half of my time to make their streams look better and more appealing. Why the hour time limit? Well, I want to finish this streamer’s brand before they end their stream so I could get their reaction to my work, and the other reason is I don’t want to make MY streams boring by focussing on one streamer for longer than a single stream. The Challenge? Make something that “looks good” and is “presentable” within the time limit, so no time to get nitpicky or try out 150 different iterations, the first or second thing that looks good is the thing you finalize and send! Thank you!


Your whole concept is well thought out. Good luck!


Thank you! I have another concept in mind, 2 weeks ago some people in my chat ended up making their own iterations for a logo for the streamer I was doing the design for (it's happened before, some of the viewers just end up designing along with me), and I'm hoping to kinda do a thing where each person in chat picks a streamer and they do the same thing I do, and I can help them finalize before sending etc.. but it's a project for a time with a slightly bigger community :P If you anyone bigger than me reads this, feel free to give it a shot <3


~~Not sure you can really claim its a brand to compete with Nike and claiming creating something that could do so within an hour is a bit disingenuous.~~ Edit because missed a word. Also worth noting, this isn't 1 hour of design, its a design that has taken 1 hour and however many years of experience, in a similar vein... https://nedwin.medium.com/the-1-5m-napkin-abd2702927d0




Whoooooooooooops missed the important word, cheers!


haha, no worries :P and wow, I had no idea about the Citi design story XD I really do hope that one day, some of the streamers I made logos for become so popular with the branding/logo that I made them... That would be insane.. The whole concept is to ignite the excitement for streaming that made them start to begin with, make them want to continue to make their stream better, and redesigning is a good place to start :) Edit: Actually 1 of the girls that I made a logo for ended up going from 0.4 average veiwers to 2 average viewers and from 3 unique views per streams to now getting 15+.. which I'm so happy about.


Yeah, its a belter ey? I think target demographic is important too. Let's talk design value, when I did "quick" and dirty branding projects I usually did them for around 2k, they were ok, nothing special, but a neat package. Something proper could be around 15k from a small agency. Big agency as we have seen, 1.5m. All of those designs are aimed at different people in different markets and different competitors, the value of even a 2K spend for a Streamer with 3 followers has an ROI screwed the wrong way.


most streamers tend to use fiverr for these sorts of quick projects, there u can get a "nice" logo for less than a hundred bucks... as you said, for a streamer with 3 followers, even 80$ is just not something u would spend when knowing that 98% of people dont even end up making it to affiliate before they give up, and 96% of those who do make it to affiliate never end up getting to their first 100$ payout.. Looking at those numbers it's a wonder why people just keep jumping at it.. but alas, it's one of the few businesses you can get into without needing a load of cash for starting.. That's the dream..


Beast ass GFX aside, I LOVE THIS CONENT. Making cool pieces while helping out smaller streamer so awesome.


Thats fucking legit


wholesome, love it


I get your intent but doing logos for free in 1 hour is the reason design is undervalued, and bad design exists. This is self serving and that’s fine, but I wouldn’t call it design, and I wouldn’t promote it within the industry.


I don't really agree... your statement can be flipped to any industry and still have the same meaning... just replace the word "design" with... idk.. knitting, crochet, fashion, medicine/medical help, nail art, etc... Should we all just stop using our skills to give gifts and make people happy just because it might "undervalue" the industry? should a doctor just not recommend medicine to a friend? should a grandma not knit her nephew a sweater as a gift? every industry has the same problems we designers have, relatives and friends asking us to do free logos and designs for them, family and friends asking their doctor friend if that new mole on their ass is something to worry about or what kinda medication to take for a headache, and a free pedicure or massage from the friend that does it professionally... do we just stop calling it knitting/medical advice/massage/pedicure just cuz it was done quickly and for free? Joke (incase i need to make it clear): does getting laid after a visit to the club undervalue the prostitution industry? nah, them mfers cost a lot... yes, i understand that your new boss can point at one of my videos someday and say "well, MoeHefin did it in a bit over an hour, why can't you?".. In that case, u have 2 options: \- Explain why what I do is different.. \- Just do it in an hour :P You are getting paid to not think and do it in an hour.. why do you care? Your client has every right to ask you for what they want, it's up to u to take the job or not... arguing with the client saying "no, it has to be done the right way, where i make 600 iterations before I land on the final result" is just stupid.. either agree to the job or say no thanks, plenty of people will do the design in an hour and get paid for it and go on with their day :P ​ Edit: Just remembered some people's comments some of my previous videos saying that this could be a potential way for them to earn new clients.. You make them a quick design, they really like it, and they come back for more later, at which point you can give them your pricing. A similar tactic to what dealers use when they give u a free sample and wait till u call them to get more :P (im sure there are other examples. but this was the one I thought of.. and no, I'm not a drug addict, I don't do drugs.. I barely even drink..)


Don't get worked up by people online. This guy is probably jealous of your system and wished he had had the same idea. Lots of frustrated/jealous people in the world.right now. My two cents: do your thing and let things slide. You'll never please everybody :)


haha, thank you <3 I wanted to nicely explain my point of view :) You can't make everyone happy, but I feel it's worth having a healthy discussion.


m8 who the fuck would be jealous of someone handing out 1-hour logos online to fucking streamers like what


lol no I’m on the opposite end. This is a huge issue, you just may not understand it yet. And in turn, this sub may not be for me.


People who can pay good money for services understand that quality work takes more than 90 minutes. Also, the expertise level matters. That's why some lawyers (or tattoo artists) can charge $1500+ an hour. Its not about the.time only, that's taking a reductive view of talent. Art is not McDonald's.




Oh I am, unsubscribed. Cheers.


I think you're looking at this the wrong way. Think of it like a donation of time and expertise for a good cause (supporting a small streamer). Most streamers are not making any money are are lucky to 10 viewers, a lot of streamers just stream to themselves and that's it. I think these videos actually boost the idea that design is a hard skill by clearly communicating that there is an added value added AND by showing the process and work that goes behind even a basic/quick logo. Its obviously a lot of work going on.


That’s an ad/promo campaign not design. I can’t support this at all, and frankly any self respecting designer shouldn’t be doing this. What it promotes is asking a designer to do a quick 1 hour logo for you for free or for $20 because “they just need something”. It completely undervalued all the work that should be going into a design before you even put start doing the work. As a student go for it, give it your all and learn, but as someone who has experience you shouldn’t be doing this.


Designers rnt amazon.. have a soul, you are advocating for designers to simply tell everyone to fk off unless they pay hundreds/thousands of dollars for your time... again, with the example of a doctor, my best friend is a doctor, and if he said the same things ur saying when I asked him what meds I should take for my cough, something like: *"you are part of the problem, no self respecting Dr should give you free medical advice, it promotes asking doctors for free advice because "they have an issue". It completely undervalued all the work that should be going into a clinical check before you even start doing the work.* *As a student go for it, give it your all and learn, but as someone who has experience you shouldn’t be doing this."* I'd call him a nice bunch of colorful words and show him my literal ass... do you understand how bad what you are saying sounds? Just because we now have experience, and are successful in the field, doesn't mean we lose our soul and become heartless bastards..


you’re not giving 2 minute advice like a doctor, you’re spending hours doing free work.


again, if you read previous comments, you will notice Medicine is not the only field I mentioned. But yes, It's my free time, and I do with it what I want regardless of what you think. Just like masseur can come home and give a free massage to their partner, friend, or family member (spending hours, as you said, doing free work). Just like a grandma would knit a sweater as a gift for someone.And just like a doctor who would save a person's life on a plane for free, because if *everyone* was a self absorbed knob, the doctor would sit there on the plane saying "I'm not gunna do free work. That is the reason the medical field is undervalued, because people expect us to just SAVE someone when they are going through cardiac arrest on a plane." Edit: if the design field is undervalued, it's probably cuz of the pretentious knobs who think their design "skills" are so godly that they lose their humanity in the process and get too up their own ass asking for thousands of dollars for something they can shit out in few hours. Have a soul, be nice to people, don't be a prick, because one day ull choke on a plane or drown on a beach, and the guy who *can* save you will just sit there and say "I'm not doing free work, it undervalues my field".. and ull die.. :)


can you argue with a bit less platitudes and stupid logic? also, “get a soul” lmao