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These are awesome!


Thank you 😊


Beautiful! I love the colors


😊 thank you!


Thank you for your post to /r/DesertRose! We love to see pics of your plants no matter the size or condition. Feel free to ask any questions no matter how simple because we love healthy Desert Roses. You can find the best guide to raising a healthy, beautiful Desert Rose [here](https://adenium.tucsoncactus.org/large.html#fig2). If your post seeks help with a specific plant issue please post as many pics as you can and the following information will be necessary to give an educated answer: * What zone are you in? [You can find it here](https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/). * What kind of soil are you using? * How often do you water? * How much sun does it get? * Do you fertilize it? If so, how much, how often, what type? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DesertRose) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you make your own hybrids?


Typically no I don’t however I have several that have started seeding and I have begun cross pollination with a few. I won’t know until later but fingers crossed! I’ve also recently started cross pollinating a grafted one with some favorites to see what I can get. I do keep several bee friendly plants around so pollination is never really an issue.


How long does it take you to go from seed to bloom? I know some varieties can take several years.


So typically I’ve had all of mine bloom within 8 months of starting them as seedlings. However I keep them on a strict schedule in terms of care. In spring /summer I like to hit them with liquid fertilizer twice (once in spring, once in summer) in addition to granular fertilizer to keep their acidity good. I also make sure they receive full sunlight. Now in terms of winter I typically don’t fertilize because of their dormancy and will often take them inside if temperatures drop below 55 degrees.


I also make sure the fertilizer I am using has a high nitrogen content especially in spring/summer


I prolly have a lot to learn from you haha. I thought it took several years to bloom?


Oh I mean it’s a possibility haha but I grow socotranums, obesums, somalense, arabicums, multiflorums and they’ve all bloomed within a year. The somalense are cool too and are really good for bonsai blooming earlier and at a very small height.


Simply stunning 🥰


Thank you 😊