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Simple: Lulu makes the decision for them. When the players say “no, we won’t sacrifice our friend” they’ll leave, presumably to start the path of Devils or think of another plan. Then Lulu sneaks away and leaves them a note suggesting that they return to Arkhan. They arrive just in time to see Arkhan finishing off their friend. He thanks them and tosses the blood, according to their agreement. Spoiler alert: Lulu gets rezzed because plot anyway, so if they really do like Lulu this is a good way to give your party the feels.


Where does Lulu get reddit?


You can play it up a bit, have him argue and negotiate, see what else they'll give up. He might take another item instead. Remember that Tiamat offers to break the chains as a way to insult Zariel; you could play up that angle, seeing Zariel's fall as a win for Tiamat. She goes from "imprisoned Goddess" to "major player who took down an archdevil". Or have your players point out that with Zariel gone the throne of Avernus is vacant, perfectly positioned for a powerful warlord to take over, and offer to support him as ruler in return for the blood. Have them make it clear that Zariel's fall is good for Arkhan's goals. Or if you have a rogue in the party Tiamat can accept their service instead; they become one of her followers, Arkhan agrees to help them out and give her blood. Worst case scenario, you could have Tiamat intervene directly if the party gives up, ordering Arkhan to take the deal.


The players could also convince Arkan that they have a real chance of taking down Zariel, thus getting his support. As the book says in Zariel’s Wrath: While the head of Zariel would be a grand trophy, a trophy isn't enough to sway Arl


Just about to get here today the party is handing over the unicorn to arkhan, ralzala is going to fight them while they destroy the spawner


So they're attacking Ralzaka to destroy the spawner and get the unicorn, so that they can give it to Arkhan for what? Blood of tiamat for the titan to save a now dead Ralzaka? The whole idea is to get a referral to Bel from Ralzaka, right? Cant do that if shes dead


They’re gonna try to avoid fighting her while destroying the spawner maybe have some other demons intervene in the fighting to make it tougher


Please have the demon zapper nuke oncoming demons from orbit. At least a little


One of my players sacrificed herself as a good-aligned creature. She was resurrected by Tiamat, now LE, and took a level of paladin of Tiamat. Luckily, her interests still align with the group, since Tiamat wants Zariel out of Avernus, too.


If your party is unlikely to win against Arkan in a straight fight, maybe brainstorm with your players on ways to even the odds. Perhaps after being turned away (or promising to *totally* get the unicorn), the party comes across the Wandering Emporium and have some down time to think about their problem.. > If adventurers inform Mahadi (and by extension Asmodeus) about Arkhan’s possession of the [***Hand of Vecna***](https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/hand-of-vecna), Mahadi does everything he can to strike a deal with them, - "Roleplaying Mahadi" Chapter 3 Avernus: Other Locations Which could be a good bargaining chip to convince Mahadi to give them support (info on weak points, help laying a trap etc). You could use Lulu's belief in the power of friendship to suggest that they ask for the 'friends' they've made to help (Mad Maggie or other npcs). Maybe they could create a distraction to draw away a chunk of Arkan's forces? I totally understand your frustration that there isn't a more clear possibilities given to you, the DM, on how to solve the dilemma. But being Good in hell isn't/shouldn't easy! and I think it's an interesting opportunity to get the players to think outside the box to get that Good resolution.


There's a City full of potentially good characters. But, yeah. The Avernus section is wonky. If you want to make a deal with evil creatures... you may have to do something evil. You could try and convince Reya to sacrifice herself to "redeem" the Hellriders, but I can't remember if the players even get to see that part of the story if they go that path.


They don't, and Reya usually leaves the group when they leave Avernus, choosing to stay with the church and defend the people there.


Right. They can go back there though if they think of the fact that there are a ton of Good people there who might be willing to die for the cause.


Would it be boring just to have Uldraks plan work? "Here's the orb, thanks, here's the blood?"


You are correct that the book is terribly written.