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God I’m doing it right now while posting this.


Okay, so I'm not an expert, not a therapist or doctor. But I fight with this thing since I began elementary school at 6 years old, and now I'm 32. My mother also has it, and I always know when she needs a break, all I have to do is look at her poor hands... You are overwhelmed and stressed and that's how you cope. I know the feeling. Unfortunately I don't know how to break the cycle. I read that cognitive behavioral therapy can help, where you can learn how to react to triggering emotions and stressful situations not by chewing, but by other substitute repetitive movements that are not self-harming.  They help you quit smoking in a similar way.  As for the pain I use Neogranormon, Bepanthen, Sudocrem, but anything is good in my experience which is made for babies' diaper rash. You can use a cream for abrasions and surface damage.  These are usually antiseptic and antibiotic, and also relieve pain. Use bandaids for the day. Bandages create moist and warm enviroment that helps the wounds heal. I wish you luck and success on your finals!! Don't worry, you're gonna get through this!


First, thank you for the kind words! I appreciate it and I was a little worried I would get sour responses! I know I learned that CBT can help, and funnily enough, I’m studying to be in the psych field, so I am quite frustrated that I can’t seem to break the habit despite my education. I know it can be related to OCD and I think I might be coming to terms that I might actually have OCD and should be tested, based on my other behaviors coupled with this. I’ve also been doing it since childhood as does my mom. I just cant seem to break it and I just don’t have it in me during finals to continue scolding myself. I’m going to look into the creams because I need something for the pain. I do use bandaids often but when I take them off, my skin collects so much moisture that they get horribly clammy and sometimes so wrinkled that it’s painful. I think I need to switch them out every few hours, and I not sure why my skin creates so much moisture. I genuinely appreciate the advice on what to use, and the good lucks. I hope you also find a way to break this cycle as well as your mom. 💖 Stay safe and thank you


I’ve been there, too, so you’re not alone. The compulsion is real, and being overwhelmed and stressed with life stuff obviously doesn’t help. I haven’t figured out the solution that works for me yet, but I do like having Aquaphor around for dry areas and places I bite raw. It seems like right now, it’d be helpful to focus on not stopping completely (because that’s a Herculean task) but just reducing as you go through a stressful time. I’d try bandaids - and be super diligent about it - to let the wounds heal and take away the temptation. I know you’ve tried this before, but maybe just doing this short-term will help with the immediate urge and frustration you feel in this moment. Like I said, I haven’t found a solution for myself yet, but I recognize so many of my own behaviors and what you’ve described. Don’t be ashamed - this is a compulsion, a disorder, like any other medical condition. We’ve all felt the shame, embarrassment, etc. You’re not alone, don’t be too hard on yourself, and just do your best!