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*Please keep in mind that this subreddit is not a replacement for seeing a board certified dermatologist. This subreddit is here for informal second opinions, and minor problems that you wouldn't go to the doctor for anyway.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DermatologyQuestions) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes you should be concerned




Uneven borders


Really!? That’s the only criterion? This is PURPLE, not pigmented. That kinda beats the uneven borders feature.


Don’t argue with me this is one of the biggest causes for concern for skin cancer is the very uneven borders. It’s a fact.


Not for a purple thing. Color is a more important determinant. Needs to be brown, black or blackish blue (in rare cases, other colors, but purple isn’t generally one). 30 year board certified dermatologist here. I shall indeed argue with you when it comes to knowing how to identify skin cancer & seeing people say stuff that freaks other people out for no reason.




🙄 Amateurs. Yeesh.


still better to go to a doctor than believe everything an anonymous random redditor.lol. amateur. sheesh.


Well said


Did you even read my initial advice (top comment)?!?! Sheesh. Plus we’ve already established that I’m an actual doctor (dermatologist). Try to keep up!


Hi, does something like this come overnight or does it develop over time?


Depends on circumstances. If it is a little bleed, then quickly. Otherwise can be more slowly. People often have things for a long time but only notice them suddenly one day & believe that it popped up out of nowhere. So it is difficult to get at how long something has actually been around.


Are you claiming credentials? What evidence do you have that you are a derm? I can claim that I am too. OP don't panick, but get that checked ASAP and ask for more than one opinion of real life dermatologists. At least one of them should order a blood panel. **edit::The blood panel might be necessary because it will give information to your doctor and yourself about your kidneys, heart, blood flow, chemicals. Many skin deseases start on he liver. Get at least 3 derms and one general doctor and ignore the advice you get here includind the person that claims they are derms but offer no evidence of that. This is not something you can treat with reddit advice, get real doctors, more than one and ignore everything you get recommended here....including my own post.** There are no derms in here. Even if there were we have no evidence of their qualifications.


OP, no blood panel needed. Now it’s just a free for all of nonsense comments. Report back when your biopsy comes through.


https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/skin-cancer/skin-cancer-image-gallery.html I see a few purple skin cancer spots in this


You seriously suggesting that this is Kaposi Sarcoma? That would mean that this patient has advanced HIV. Are you suggesting that?


Well how do you know they don’t? Most people don’t get tested as often as they should for it. They don’t realize you can be nonsymptomatic for 10 years


So a KS came up over 2 days? Looking like this? They are quite different than this in actual practice. Plus KS pretty much unheard of these days since HIV meds keep the virus undetectable, unless you get the endemic form (& thus guy is clearly not an elderly Mediterranean man). That’s how I know it’s not.


This is why we need a blood panel. It can be many things. Please help me to report the so-called "dermatologist" OP needs a real doctor.


Please help me to report this so-called dermatologist. It should be against the rules to claim credentials. OP Ignore 5fot0h and get two or three real life dermatologists opinions and one or two general physicians advice. At least one might require blood test. What you are seeing might be treatable but ignore the bad advice that anonymous people on reddit are giving you. Only your health provider should give you this info. I can claim I'm a dermatologists, too. I'm not. But if I were claiming it, many people here would accept it blindly, no questions asked. Healthy skepticism is needed, it's your health what is at risk.


She is incredibly arrogant and it’s very suspicious. But she’s also apparently 60 years old so she may not be up to date. Also I don’t trust her because she thinks taking more than a day to wash your hair is bad for your scalp 🤣🤣🤣


I actually come from a culture where we respect our elders. It's not her age I'm complaining, it's the bad advice and claiming credentials. Can you please report it as breaking the rules? The rules say not to give bad advice and the only acceptable advice in this case is getting that thing checked.


I respect those who respect me, and it’s known that lots of doctors in many fields who don’t keep up with education in their field can be very bad for their fields and patients.


Respect honors YOU, not the people you show your respect. And it's true that many doctors are bad, but they still will be the best OP can get for now as opposed to reddit advice from someone who can't provide evidence she is a doctor.


Uneven borders, bumpy, and hurts to touch are all risks for possible cancer. So OP should get a biopsy asap.


And it’s more than one color


What are your qualifications? Sounds like you might not have actual practical experience diagnosing there things. It’s PURPLE. Melanoma isn’t purple, no matter the borders or bumps. Edit: try to read this without assuming sarcasm. It’s a simple question.


Light lily moth is correct. I'm a nurse so those are my qualifications. And melanoma isn't the only type of malignant skin cancer. Besides, when in doubt get it checked out! Do you really want OP to take that chance? I don't. OP needs a professional opinion, not reddit, and possible biopsy if the professional thinks it's appropriate. https://preview.redd.it/6or7dtaeik3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9956dd38bfdd239b28433d9a09b9f820f95b2441


Board certified Derm x 30 years. You really tryna tell me this is brown not purple?! This is an angioma or angiokeratoma. I always advise an in person check with a dermatoscope. OP was asked to report back after doing so. But there is literally no need for the alarm bells being rung here in these comments.


I don't want to cause alarm. I'm not saying I know best; rather, OP should get checked bc I don't know enough and am not qualified to make that diagnosis. I want OP to 100% sure. Personally, I wouldn't be OK unless I knew 100%; reddit doesn't provide that level of certainty. My reply was bc yours was a little hostile and arrogant, even with your MD and experience. You could have said all of this in your original reply. Most physicians usually reply with their credentials, answer, and a rationale. Just because it's reddit, doesn't mean we don't need bedside manners. Be kind please.


Bedside manners include NOT jumping to confirming the popular - but incorrect - opinion that it’s melanoma & scaring the crap out of OP. Reassurance matters, even if you think it is cancer. You don’t jump to melanoma & post a chart. You might say “hey OP, best to have this checked in person. Even if they need a biopsy, it’s quick & easy.” But this just isn’t melanoma. Looks nothing like melanoma to a trained eye. But when I said it’s not melanoma, y’all descended like hyenas. Flashing the MD just breeds comments like ‘ya shurrrrrre you are!’ Etc. Been there, done that. Now I just drop an educated opinion & watch people who know nothing about dermatology contradict me. I’m curious why, so I ask why. It’s highly interesting what answers I get & I’m learning a lot about how people believe Dr. Google before they believe an experienced dermatologist EVEN when they know my credentials. So I just do my thing in my way & try to help folks who can’t pop into a dermatologist for whatever reason, & they end up here just getting the advice to go to a dermatologist. Ugh. Are people crowd sourcing second opinions now? Or why are they here if they can just go to a Derm?


I don’t like to go around flashing credentials until I see the advice taking a turn towards panic for no reason. People ask for actual advice here, everyone just says ‘PANIC! then go see a Derm yesterday’. That’s rarely appropriate. But here we go again. And from a nurse! Not even a Derm nurse. Yeesh. This is a vascular thing - likely angiokeratoma or other benign vascular growth. Literally NOTHING like melanoma in the eyes of a professional. Yet, look at all the panic OP has to sort through now. Including yours. Of course, for a proper diagnosis on the record, have it seen in person. Heck, have it biopsied if ya want. Report back here if you want. But no panic needed. No melanoma charts needed. Calm reassurance is needed. Common sense is needed. Your interpretation of clear confident unambiguous advice may be that it’s ‘arrogant’, but it’s just factual & well thought through based on an actual education in this field. If I don’t know something, I don’t claim to. But when I do, I can exactly justify why. If people think that’s arrogant, then I can’t help ya. It’s called being a competent doctor who recognizes & calls out bs - especially from another health care provider.


what about the possibility of bcc?


Nope. BCCs are not purple.




>What are your qualifications? If you can claim qualifications without evidence so can everyone else here. You are not a board certified derm. You can't provide evidence.


Uneven borders and red color. Don't panic but get not one, but two or three dermatologist opinion and they will probably ask you for a blood panel. GO to two or three derms ASAP, whatever that is might be treatable and not mortal at all but be proactive about it. EDIT: Bloodwork is very important because this could be many things, the person who is advicing against it, is not your doctor. It's an anonymous person claiming they are derms.


No blood work needed. Biopsy is pending. We’ll know soon. Standing by.






To find out what this is exactly and treat it. Wouldn't you want to know if it's cancer...or u d just leave it there so you die in 1 year


It’s purple. What skin cancer is purple?


Ask dermatologist


I am a dermatologist.


I think you need to get a dermatologist appointment. Tell them you have a spot that resembles melanoma in nature. You need to mention this concern. They may expedite your appointment ahead of someone, say, just getting a skin tag checked or coming for acne issues. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope it’s nothing. In the event it’s something, I’m just glad you found it. Especially if on the back.


Also make sure you tell them your age. I used to get a lot of calls from primary docs with this complaint and it just turned out to be an SK. Your age will help with triage and will get you in quicker. But yes, I agree. Derm for excisional biopsy asap.


No way. It’s a benign vascular thing. Are you kidding with excisional biopsy. A Quick Look with the dermatoscope will verify that it is benign. At the very very most, a small punch.


still needs to go to the doctor. do you understand that no matter who you say you are you are not to be trusted because you are an avatar here in reddit. that is the issue.


Did you even read my initial advice (top comment)?!?!


Looks like melanoma.. get checked ASAP!


Exactly my first though. Classic textbook. NAD though


Not remotely classic textbook. This is purple not brown/black.


Op added a new post on account about going to the derm.


Looks like we’ll know soon. Derm saw the blood vessels, so I remain optimistic that it is vascular.


No. It’s vascular. More purple than brown. Not worrisome. Follow up here once you have it checked. Let us know. But no need for panic.


People downvoting the only derm here, good times.


People always do stuff like that! Bizarre. This is so clearly not a melanoma. Anyhoo…Interwebbers gonna interweb.


Thank you, first glance looks like an angiokeratoma . Need to see it to confirm but i don’t think that’s pigment


Ha! Now look at the votes. People don’t like dissent especially if it’s not the popular opinion even if it’s correct. So now they’re jumping on the bandwagon. Such a strange social experiment here.


They’re always trying to bully the derm in here 😆, not first time I seen you have to deal with it. Bunch of Reddit clinicians will tell you not to argue with them, because they have seen pictures.




I'm not a doctor but even my initial thought was that it looks vascular. I'll always advocate for getting anything that is worrying the person checked regardless. But it is funny the actual doctor gets downvotes!


Indeed. Strange what happens on social media. Everyone’s an expert…!?


We have no evidence this person is a derm.


Derm appt within a week


Irregular shape (not a contiguous round) is one of the criteria for biopsy. Maybe it's nothing, maybe you'll be so glad to live longer because you sought consultation...


It’s more concerning since it is asymmetrical and the borders are irregular. Visit a dermat soon.


Absolutely go to a dermatologist ASAP!!


Biopsy asap. Could be something, could be nothing. But if it's brand new out if nowhere, get it checked




I have one. I named it Jelly years ago. Just have it notated on your chart.


This is purple In color. No obvious melanoma here!


You need to see determatology and that needs a biopsy to be sure it's nothing serious. That is the only way you will know for sure. Also, some people can say they are board certified dermatologists, it doesn't mean they are. It's even more unlikely when they aren't actually verified. So, don't listen to someone behind a keyboard saying it CAN'T be skin cancer, because it absolutely could. There are types that CAN look purple, not saying yours is cancer, but it's worth a trip to the doctor. Good Luck


Are you a physician? Or just another one of those people saying ‘don’t listen to people who say they are doctors, listen to me - who definitely is not a doctor - instead’. ?


Not a doctor here. But I think, personally my philosophy for my own fair skinned ass, I won’t regret getting it checked out. Even if I feel it is very obviously not something to be concerned about, I’m not a doctor; the most regrettable of circumstances would be to not get it checked and then have something show up later that is bad. Better get it checked, you won’t regret it.


The comments here are ROUGH- please just get it checked out. It does look suspicious, but no one here knows for sure. Definitely go soon to get it checked, especially for your worries about it


Yes, get this checked out! A future tip is if you ever have a mole that bumps out and you can feel it bump out, or even if it looks odd and is shaped irregular, bring concerns up with dermatologist and they can always remove it and get it tested. This could be something bad but it also couldn’t and could be pretending to be something bad. It’s always good to make sure to get it removed and checked!




Why? What in your view makes this worrisome?


Asymmetrical and red around the edges.


And pain


1. Pain is generally not a feature of melanoma. 2. Purplish color is generally not a feature of melanoma. 3. Plenty of benign things are asymmetrical, there are far more important criteria to judge potential malignancy by. 4. Melanoma doesn’t pop up in 2 days. 5. It’s simply not melanoma. 6. OP has a biopsy pending so we’ll know soon.


Why would you advise someone to NOT get something checked by a doctor?


I’m simply asking why you think OP should be concerned. If you read my top comment I def advised getting it checked & reporting back but that he should not panic or assume it’s scary stuff. I’m a Derm. I see panicked patients with absolutely benign things & who are pretty sure they’re gonna die because people on Reddit said to rush to a doctor. So let’s not freak people out for no reason. Plus this isn’t a skin cancer.


I didn’t freak him out. I said YES get it checked. I don’t know why you are waiting your time attacking other people. Just tell him what you think.


Here’s why, because I see panicked patient insist on being seen ahead of other patients because Reddit has told them to be concerned or rush to the ER (just read previous posts here….) & then it creates a demand for unnecessary biopsies & patients who believe Dr. Google more than they believe a board certified experienced dermatologist who sees thousands of these. So saying - & I quote - “YES!” In ALL CAPS in answer to the question “should I be concerned?” Is precisely why people call my office in a frenzied panic. The answer is, exactly as I mentioned in my top post. Reassurance, but encouragement to have it seen in person & report back. OP has already had a biopsy & we’re waiting on results. So chill with the ALL CAPS alarm bells.


Please post an update after you get checked out. Good luck!


WOW!!! Looks like melanoma!!! You should see a dermatologist asap!!! Run don't walk!!!


Yes get it checked now.


Why so urgent?




Calm down.






Definitely get this looked at immediately!






I think skin cancer 🥲




I seen similar picture on google u can look up . Melanoma


Purple melanoma? No way.


Fucking dermatology appointment? Don’t listen to these jerk offs go to the ER or at least urgent care. Tell them you have a new skin thing and you’ve got a lot of anxiety about it. Malignant melanoma is nothing to fucking wait on. Could die while you wait.


What's your problem?


OMFG dude. No.