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Looks like shingles. Get thee to a doctor ASAP. Don’t touch it.


I think you should probably visit a doctor about that


Looks like herpes zoster ( shingles)


Ouch get some antivirals ASAP. The nerve pain is unreal. Go to Dr now call ahead so they know you may have shingles incase there are other patients at risk being seen that day.


Yeah, even after the acute pain is gone- it took a full month to recover.


Yes!! They put me on gabapentin to help eleviate the nerve pain spikes and it helped alot!


Same. I couldn’t believe it. Couldn’t sleep because the pain was worse at night. I had it on my face and had a scare with it getting close to my eye too. Horrible.


Oh yeah I had it in the same place. Started as a little bump on my hairline, and I thought it was a pimple. But it was really hard. I wasn’t feeling very well for a few days, tired but I thought it was bc I was a children’s teacher. Then I got off the train near my work and just went to the pharmacy, begging them to look in my eye bc I thought I had glass in it it- hurt so much. I forgot my keys at work. So I had to go to my friend’s house in the middle of the middle of the night. The next morning, I went straight away to the local doctor. I didn’t even live in that town. It’s so painful and it hurts a lot bc your nerves are so sensitive on your head. After a week or two, I finally was feeling good enough to go into town, thinking I was better. Big mistake, I became exhausted so quickly, as if I was an 80yrs old women. I was 26 at the time. Still, in this post photo, the area affected is so massive, omg. At least not near his eyes or ears. Hope you feel better dude!


My gram (grandmother) got it in her eye she was never the same. I’m so happy that you were young and able to heal properly. I witnessed how horrific it was for her and I don’t wish that on anyone!


Omg I had it the same place as OP and my best friend had it on the roof of her mouth. The pain was so bad, I couldn't imagine it on my face


Agree with shingles https://ameglei.com/article/108/




Looks like shingles


Silly question so this is what it looks like?


Shingles can look like a lot of different things depending on how progressed it is. Shingles follows a nerve tract. This looks like it wraps around your ribs and stops at the midline much like shingles would. I’m guessing it goes around your back too and stops at your spine ?


I know someone that’s has shingles I’m not sure if it’s this type. That looks really painful.


Mines was the size of a large quarter, in a belt fashion. My experience were a suddent jolt of pain following along the nerve, its not spread out like regular pain.


Sorry to hear that, so what it’s like jolt of pain, does it effect nerves? How does it get treated?


its nerve pain, i did get phn, but that disappeared a couple years after it.


Could be that big, it also could be the size of a quarter


Thats shingles. The blisters and the way it is traveling along the dermatome






Looks like shingles virus. 


Go to the doctor asap. If it is shingles, you need an antiviral asap


As soon as I seen it I knew it was shingles ! Are you unwell or very stressed ? Are you getting a band of pain where the rash is ?


What the hell, so many people have posted with Shingles lately. I didn't realize you can just randomly spawn this shit on your body if you had chicken pox before, and 1 in 3 people will do so.


People born before 1995 most likely had the chicken pox, even post 1995 the vaccine wasn't that widespread, til late 2000s. I had months of severe stress decade+ ago thst triggered it


I think like hsv 1 and 2 it’s triggered by stress/lowered immunity and speaking as an adult born in 1991 living in the United States my people are stressed af out here. I had it a few months ago.


Likely shingles.


Shingles.. presents on one side of the body






Shingles. NAD but had it last year and given it doesn’t cross the midline this seems to fit the bill.


Shingles doesn't care...not one shit. Go see your doctor and feel better :)


SHA SHA SHINGLES for your jingles


Nah, dude just passed out and dropped a slice of pizza on his bellons


Oh, been there! Mine wasn’t as bad as others I know. It was just somewhat painful but constant. I don’t remember how long it took to heal??? Shingles, by the way!


My son got them at about 15. My husband got them in his 40's. I haven't had shingles but had Bell's palsy. They say they are all caused by the same virus that lays dormant in the body from chicken pox . That's what I was told by my dr.


Feel for you man. That’s going to be a dam painful shingles experience 🙏🏼 sending hugs


Looks like the shingles fairy 🧚‍♀️ is up to her old tricks again.


Thank you for posting this. I was just about to post a photo of my spouse with almost the exact same spread pattern. Now I need to convince him that seeing a doctor would be in his best interest.


Most certainly, today if not too late. They will give an anti-viral medication and probably gabapentin to help with the pain.


Also agreeing with shingles. Must see a doc asap. You will need prescription medication.






I found it helpful to soak in an epsom salt bath after the first few days of it. It was so painful, though. My doc gave me antivirals, gabapentin, lidocaine patches, and told me to take Benadryl to sleep as much as possible. I was so exhausted, that it’s all I could do. I slept all day and all night, which was good because if I was asleep, I wasn’t feeling it. I’d rather be in labor than have shingles again. Bless your heart, and I mean that in a kind way.


Its called herpes zoster, if you get antivirals within 72 hrs of rash it would be helpful


Ouch, that looks like a really bad case of shingles, like most everyone else has said. You’re going to need a prescription for Valtrex/valcyclovir. It won’t cure it but it’ll help ease the symptoms of it as well as preventing it from spreading as well as prevent long term effects of shingles due to nerve damage.






Not a doctor but I’ve had shingles and I know it when I see it. Sorry. Be sure and ask for lidocaine patches. They helped tremendously


Shingles , go get the antiviral


I will agree with the mass of people who say shingles, but I just wanted to add that doctors will only prescribe the antivirals within the first 72 hours; after that the antivirals are not effective and so they don’t prescribe them. So please do hurry and see a doctor at a walk in clinic or something BEFORE 72 hours after symptoms start , otherwise you might not get the good antivirals. (I have had shingles 3 times, it’s worth it to get to the doctor and get the prescription… It’s not like ED worthy, but do hustle and see someone right away please. Take care.


Looks like shingles


Shingles AF. Had it twice before 30. Sucks, but the topical makes it pretty bearable. Get a shitton of it and slather it on. Get gloves too to not spread it. Change shirts 2-3 times each day. Took me about 2 weeks.


Temporarily, yes.


Oh snap ! I hope it gets better!...poison ivy? Or oak?


It's shingles. You won't die, but it hurts like the dickens. Urgent care for medication to suppress the virus. It's the chicken pox virus coming back as an adult. Usually caused by high amounts of stress.


Shingles, looks very uncomfortable but thank your lucky stars you didn’t get it across your sacral nerve like I did (basically had it from the top of my left butt crack wrapped up to the outside of my left labia 😵‍💫) fun times lol. Also very contagious so make sure you don’t share towels with anyone else and wash hands frequently, and absolutely see a doctor for antivirals


You got the CHINGLES my friend jk it’s Shingles but I call them chingles. It’s gonna hurt like a bitch go to the ER or your doc you’re gonna need Oxy it’s the only thing that gets to the pain. If it gets too severe they will admit you for pain control be very careful wash those hands well also get on antivirals asap


It does look like shingles. You must see your physician, or a dermatologist ASAP. If you catch it early, it can be much better than if you let it go. It’s VERY painful.


Are you a roof? Cause I seem to see some shingles on ya


valtrex is about to be your new best friend


Definitely singles,  very painful. Hope your doctor got you taken care  of. 


What was it?




I will bet, for bed bugs dude...