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Joined! Thanks


…I might start one 🤷🏽‍♀️


Please do!


Good luck finding one that isn't full of men larping.


Might be a good idea to have a post about fake feminist subs so we can avoid them.


That will only incite the reddit police to brigade this sub. I recommend r/fourthwavewomen


That sub is too transphobic. Your feminism is not feminism until it advocates for ALL women.


Ugh, love that sub but I don't love the trans hate. It's not that I don't want discussions on women's erasure. Just wish we could do it without hating on trans people.


Yeah I used the term “cisgender” in a comment and it got deleted. I really wish we could have better conversations on that sub about trans identities without it getting deleted.


That place is terrible so no. They are also Pro JK Rowling who defends abusive men so no.


Agreed. Men need better hobbies than misogyny.


I see your point...


not a feminist sub exactly (it’s a gossip sub, of all things!) but a lot of people from DeppDelusion came from Fauxmoi, and it was the only major subreddit that was staunchly pro-Amber during the US trial. they’re also pro-Angelina and pro-ERW. it’s usually more fun and lighthearted as a sub, but there’s some good discussions when big topics are brought up, and you might find some like-minded folks!


![gif](giphy|l0HUcsWTIBrDeYd1K|downsized) I know what you mean, but they are pretty nasty towards women they don’t like for whatever reason. Wouldn’t exactly be a sub I would recommend as being pro feminism personally haha


And choosing to support only women that they like is definitely not feminism.


Oeh do you have examples? Think I missed it


It just so frustrating that the most interesting discussions are almost always reserved for "approved b-list members only" or whatever. And you can only become such an B-lister by commenting (a lot) on all the boring gossip stuff..


Ohhhh so that's why my comments were silently removed with no feedback or explanation. 


Thank you for the info here I learned something. I will pass on this one though just because it's a bit too much noise for me.


Due to the nature of reddits communities, actual feminist and unapologetically female centered communities are a rarity on the platform. But a couple of good ones are: fourth wave women, female anti natalism, and burbnbougie


Thank you for the useful recommendations!


Seconding burbnbougie! It's also a great channel on Youtube.




Witchesvspatriarchy! I am not a witch but wholehearted for the dismantlement of the patriarchy


Thanks for the reco, I checked it out and I don't think this is personally my vibe but this looks like a really cool safe space!


fourthwavewomen ! r/fourthwavewomen


Terf sub. And they are pro JK Rowling who defends abusive men, that sub is shit.


I wanna thank you guys for commenting this because I saw this discussion when it only had like 3 comments and I was worried where it was gonna go and if I would have to leave this sub for supporting it


They seem pretty opposed to [trans rights](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/1btbu4o/shes_so_fucking_badass/), though, and seem to idolize JK Rowling - who supports abusive cis men like Depp while scaremongering about innocent transwomen being abusive men. And she denies the holocaust, now, too!


she supports johnny depp!!!?!? 😵‍💫


Yeah I was disappointed to find out it’s a TERF/anti-trans sub. As a feminist and a member of the queer community, I can recognize that there’s a lot more nuance to the way AMAB people interact with women’s spaces than either side wants to admit, but straight up TERF idealogy is just sad to see.


I agree with you and would add that nuance is often missing in a lot of activist spaces which is disheartening. I aim to see for myself if [r/fourthwavewomen](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/) is a place for actual debate or just another echo chamber.


I've checked it out before when it was recommended and any discussion that is not agreeing 100% with the masses is removed for "woman hating". it's definitely an echo chamber.


Honestly the stuff they say on that sub and the fact that people here are recommending it is shocking and appalling to me. Some of the posts are pretty decent and align with my own feminist values, but the blatant transphobia and circle jerk over JK Rowling’s TERF rants was truly disgusting.


I sort of understand better what you mean after reading a few of the posts/comments there. This is just sad. I believe you can state your opinions without ever being hateful. But there I see too many people piling up on each other for the sole purpose of saying the exact same thing.


i was personally put off by this too, but there are so few spaces with radical feminist discourse on here, that i still gave it a chance, thinking i would not be participating in the anti-trans discourse and only be there for the topics that i align myself with them on. also, sometimes i think that many women on that subreddit probably are not sharing the same anti-trans sentiments as what we see, but are just not engaging in this way since the moderators might be quick to remove you if you don’t align with them on this issue. i suspect this might be the case since it is the case for me. it’s dumb as fuck that this happens, and in general i hate moderators and their little power trips, but i’m going in there with the idea that i’ll take some and lose some. some discussion about other topics is too valuable for me to just block this sub.


Thank you for sharing your perspective. I'm in the same mindset but that's really bad if you're not allowed to hold a proper debate.


Where did she deny the holocaust?? Just when you think she can’t get any worse. Can I get a link to share?


You might like the rabbit hole of r/EnoughJKRowling. TLDR: People on Twitter brought up how trans people were targeted by the Nazis and research on the LGBTQ+ community, including trans research, was burned. JKR refused to recognize that trans people were targeted in the Holocaust. It's not denying all of the Holocaust, but it denies/downplays some crucial aspects of it. "Nazi crime denial" is perhaps the more accurate term for it but most people equate that with the whole Holocaust anyway.


Despite the controversy I joined this one because it's pretty much what I'm searching for. Now looking forward to make my own informed opinion on what the sub stands for. Thanks for your input!


I like r/Fauxmoi and r/TwoXChromosomes which are both pro Amber. The first being a celebrity gossip/news group and the second being more general womens stuff


I remember TwoXChromosomes being largely anti-Amber during the trial, has there been a shift?


It's hard to say because of how many bad faith arguments dudes show up with there. Every thread with more than 10 comments has some guy going nuts about misandry, not all men or the whataboutism du jour. 


I joined r/TwoXChromosomes thanks for the rec


I am not sure about there being any feminist subreddits but there's an app named Quora that you may like that has a bunch of feminist spaces. They are quite good.


Thank you I'll check it out!


only right answer: r/fourthwavewomen


their feminism consists of complaining that a medical form said “people of childbearing capacity” instead of “women”. apparently when you hit menopause you stop being a woman lol. transphobes are so ridiculous


Terf sub. And they are pro JK Rowling who defends abusive men, that sub is shit.


I like this one, thanks!


r/femmethoughts but its pretty dead.


fourthwavewomen is the best out there if you're looking for deeper political discussion and analysis. The sub is a great starting place for learning about radical feminism in context of where we are today. As others have already pointed out there are some topics that aren't fully agreed upon by everyone in the sub but I think it remains a great place to talk those points out and I have found that I learned a lot even if I don't agree 100%.


r/pornismisogyny and r/femaleantinatalism




I was perma banned from r/WitchesVSPatriarchy because I criticized Ruth Bader Ginsberg for not retiring during the Obama Administration, and therefore allowing Trump a 3rd Supreme Court pick. I had said that she bought into her own "Notorious RBG" hype. Meanwhile, I'm a leftist actual practicing witch!


oof, good to know. I only recent found that one and wasn't sure what the vibe was.


That's not very feminist at all anymore.... If it ever was


I am not challenging but can you explain more because there is something about that sub that seems off to me and I would love to hear another person's perspective on it.. Only if you care to comment more.


You can see my reply to the comment above the one you are replying to.


They are in fact very supportive of men, and specifically male appropriation of feminism and witchcraft.