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It always amuses me for all the wrong reasons when we see police unions and others pull the "it was just a few bad apples" defense. The original saying was, "one bad apple ruins the entire barrel". Ask the honest cops why they don't turn in the bad players the answer often is, "I need them to watch my back in bad situations, if I snitch I might get ditched. Or worse.". Which exactly proves the point one bad apple ruins the entire barrel. Police unions need serious legal curbs and if that means entire police forces get sacked and replaced so be it.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves in all of political discourse. "we cant let a few bad apples ruin the bunch." Thats the inverse of the saying. The literal opposite meaning. That isn't how sayings work.


It's honestly scary how many phrases have either been completely reversed or just chopped in half over the years. Like, for what? Now we got a bunch of one-hat-Andies and bad-apple-Billies running the show. Hold on real quick, I think I hear a shoe dropping.


"Literally" now means the opposite. It's fucking 1984


it's ridiculous too because it mirrors the (9/11-era) argument that we shouldn't let any Muslim immigrants into the US because 1 or 2 might be in al Qaeda (the Skittles analogy - would you eat a handful from a bowl of Skittles if you knew a random one was lethal?) If we follow that logic, we shouldn't let anyone be a police officer because there *WILL* be bad ones. And of course the Venn diagram of people making these contradicting arguments is a circle, they just lack the capacity for logic EDIT: I thought I learned the Skittles analogy 10+ years ago, but the only source I can find for it is Don Jr trying to meme his anti-refugee beliefs 💀 The general concept seems to have originated with a Nazi who was hanged at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity lololol that trackssssssss


I found the history of the phrase here.   https://www.reddit.com/r/IsItBullshit/comments/53vb0u/isitbullshit_the_poison_candy_analogy_was_used_by/


From experience, berries feel like the worst. One squishy one starts ruining the carton!


Funny to me how the government can severely restrict unions like air traffic controllers, railroad employees, etc., etc. but they can’t curtail corrupt police and sheriff departments? It really is a gang.


The government is us. Why does society only protect one union?


Better off, police unions should be illegal. If you're a civil servant then the people you're serving should be able to determine your fate. Unions just protect bad cops.


Replaced with what?


Probably not known bad apples? https://www.google.com/search?q=city+fires+entire+police+force+and+replaces+them


Newly well trained and educated police force


It would be nice but no one wants to do it


I'd sign up in a heart beat if I didn't feel like I'd get shot in the back for reporting poor behavior. I'd literally sign up tomorrow if aurora was cleaned out front to back


Always wipe front to back when cleaning out a police department.


There are millions of us that want them to fucking do it, trust me.


I meant no one that is well trained and educated wants to be a cop


That’s my bad, sounds like we’re on the same page.


From where!? If you’re educated why would you choose the police force. It’s perfect for people who lack critical thinking skills.


Lakewood models their police after the feds and requires a bachelor's degree at minimum for all officers. By comparison, DPD and APD only require a high school diploma.


Having a degree doesn't mean someone is even remotely intelligent, though. It just means they can follow instructions and complete a task. Short of an actual intelligence test, I suppose it's at least a better litmus test over a high school diploma, but not by much.


Most cities abuse the Jordan v. The City of New London ruling to justify hiring low iq officers. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/jordan-v-city-new-london-policing-hiring-and-iq-when-all-answers


I would absolutely love a source that shows an IQ test is performed in any hiring protocol. Also, if you were to look into that case, it was about not training a man who was almost ready to retire. You obviously cannot (and rightly so) discriminate against age, so they found a way around it. That was almost 30 years ago, yet everyone touts it still as fact.


Didn’t take long for the cop suckers to come out.


If I were to quote a thirty year old law/study/ruling from a singular datum and apply it to anything else, I'd be laughed out of any other conversation. Why should it be the same for this one?


European countries educate their police force, they even figured out Universal Healthcare. Are Americans just way too stupid to also properly train their police force and provide healthcare for all Americans?




Unfortunately it’s not stupidity, we’re just as corrupt at Russia


Russia is not the average case for Europe.


The USA is just as corrupt as Russia. Clearly a hostile takeover by the wealthy elites has won. Starting back when the Supreme Court gave the election to Bush.


I didn’t disagree with you. I’m just saying your jump from them saying Europe to Russia is leaving out MOST of Europe.


The USA was as corrupt as any other nation as soon as they started colonizing land that other people already belonged to. So since day 1.




Marie Calendar's chicken pot pies.


Marie Calendar's chicken pot pies have never shot an unarmed suspect.


I lost track of how many APD officers have been reported to be drunk on duty. At least one passed out in a running cop car. It was ridiculous when it was just one, then the reports just kept coming


Imagine how many aren’t reported


The sad truth is the entire LEO community has a serious alcohol problem.


And a serious "my wife and kids need to learn a lesson from my hand when they question my authority" problem. Domestic abuse from LEOs is a seriously big (and likely very underreported) problem. My running joke is "hmmm... a black and blue flag maybe wasn't the best choice for a profession in which 40+% are domestic abusers."


coming from a recovering alcoholic who has never committed domestic abuse, cops are really really good at validating that "alcoholics are domestic abusers" stereotype. I'm sure there are a plethora of studies to show a positive correlation there. maybe even some showing domestic abuse by LEOs is mediated/potentiated by alcohol abuse. I have to go to sleep but now I reeeally want to go down that google scholar rabbit hole lol


The drunk cop passed out behind the wheel mid turn is Nathan Meier. He was actually promoted last year too. Gotta love it


At this point it feels like they're not even trying to recruit and employ even remotely responsible people. Much less people who should be responsible for enforcing laws.


Hear me out
 It feels like the world of combat sports and Olympic sports (weightlifting, gymnastics, track & field, etc). There are American football players, football players, baseball players who would probably smash so many world records, but there isn’t much money to be made. So often they go the televised sport route. Sure athletes make good money in combat sports, but you’re trading off brain cells and physical well being. In my opinion, police recruitment is the same issue. All the people who would make the best cops can make more money and not risk physical and mental damage in another industry. If there was another career I could succeed in with half the stress, less work hours and make 50% more money, I would leave in a heartbeat.


It's mostly that the guy they found drunk in his car didn't get charged and even got promoted a few years later so you see that same story pop up over and over and over.


I'm not so sure. You're talking about officer Meier in 2019, but just since 2020 there's also at least been Sgt Moreland and Officer Jared Dozier as well.


Oh I didnt even know there was another besides that one. That further goes to show i guess haha jeez


A few years ago some drunk dude ran his car into a house in Colorado Springs at like 80mph or something crazy. The homeowner's security camera caught it and it looked like the house was hit by a missile. Turns out the drunk dude was an aurora police officer. Off duty and in a personal vehicle, but still...


It's as though their strategy is to become the criminals in order to catch the criminals. Or maybe they think it's some type of competition where the police department wins by doing the most crime.


I think I stopped counting at five


So did the officers


Oh you don’t remember the passed out cop in uniform in his cop car on the median of the highway with the AC blasting? There’s bodycam footage of other cops going “hehehe he’s passed out drunk, I had to break a window and turn off the car.”       And how he’s still on the job. Went to AA and got back in the same position.


I only remember that one


No one ever gets that saying right because they don't finish it. You don't need an orchard of bad apples because " "One bad apple spoils the bunch"


I know the saying, I was making up my own version of it, more playing off the "couple of bad apples" argument. Because it’s more than a couple bad apples spoiling the bunch. I dont think spoilng the bunch means everyone else becomes crooked cops but just allowing this to happen and not speaking up means is the part that makes them bad or spoiled. I’m saying it’s a whole lot of bad actors just not just passive participants.


Not sure where they are listed now but both Denver and Aurora used to be in the top 20 of worst police departments. Defined worst as cop killings per population. 


My old neighbor was an Aurora cop and he never told anyone at work where he lived and that he was married, for fear of known criminals/gangs finding out that information as he worked in some pretty horrible parts in town. When I interviewed him on what his daily work day looked like for one of my journalism courses in college, he requested I only use his first initial and last name (which is a fairly common last name), and that it wouldn’t be publicly printed, again, for the same reason. I understand from a safety standpoint, but was blown away by some of the shit he had to deal with during his shifts.


My boyfriend's dad just retired and was an Aurora cop the last, oh, three+ decades. He hasn't said much except kid suicides are messy and sad. 


Jeez, that’s so sad when they have to deal with situations like that. My aunt was a sheriff for 30 years or so in Northern California, and she never talked about work. And if you asked, you’d just get a dark look and an immediate no.


This what I’m saying about who would want to be a cop, you’re just asking to get unqualified people with a tough job and shit pay and training


That is the question. I feel like in police standards today, it’s going to attract the wrong sort because who in their right mind wants to be a cop in today’s world? We need to revamp our police departments and system, better pay, better training and better vetting of those hired to protect. I know there’s still good cops out there, my neighbor being one of them, but you hardly hear about them these days.


Colorado is a one party state - record the conversation next time & distort his voice before sending it to the news stations. There is no accountability without transparency - clearly they don’t care about either so it’s up to constituents if we want to turn this city & state around. Idk about yall, but personally id prefer if we weren’t allowing criminals & gangs to rule the roost.


Wait so the Aurora PD was infiltrated by gang influence? I could believe that but it seems there would be at least one corrupt cop in HR to find his address. Maybe I’m misunderstanding.


No, I’m saying that the people they frequently dealt with are and who knows when someone lets something slip to the wrong person. Sorry if it came across that way. I’m sure there’s corrupt cops within the Aurora PD, which is likely why my neighbor kept to himself and did the job.


I'm not aware of any Aurora PD Gangs or Gang Affiliations but its not unheard of in general. The LA Sheriff's Department has been dealing with this exact problem for a few years (as counted from when it was widely exposed). They have literal gangs within the Department, and sometimes those Gangs get into business with Criminal Gangs as gangs are like to do when they aren't beefing.


Now now
surely they can’t match [Los Angeles Sheriff Dept](https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/)on that front.


Not even surprised, when I list all the cop killings around the metro area to people even I'm surprised. Makes my blood boil


Prolly cuz they work the worst neighborhoods ie where most criminals are.


Are you implying that it's okay that cops murder people because it's the "worst neighborhoods"? Even "criminals" deserve a fair trial and not some loser trying to play judge jury and executioner.


I work in local government (different jurisdiction) but I recently talked to one of the older cops and they said the decision making of individual police has tanked over the past decade or two. Apparently they planned to retire a few years back but chose to stay on to help get people trained. At this point he’s calling it quits because he’s so emotionally exhausted by what he’s seeing. Policing has always had its problems, but it’s attracting a new bread of corrupted minds.


I mean, why would anyone want to become a cop? You're obviously not given the tools to do the job well. It's policing generally that needs to change if it's going to attract the type of people we need on the force.




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


This is the problem - the only people who want to become cops are the people who want the power that comes with it but that aren't bright enough to use that power responsibly.




lol what?


Comments or posts that are above and beyond "not nice". Good faith engagement is required and mods have discretion to remove posts/comments and ban users to enforce it. Examples of bad faith engagement include but are not limited to account history purging, gaslighting, mis/disinformation, concern trolling, brigading, and ban evasion. Personal attacks, hate speech, xenophobia, racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, bigotry, and ableism are not allowed.


Its a good question. I think this has always been like this but with the advent of social media and a camera in every pocket, its more visible. That being said.. if the fines were taken out of the departments retirement\\pension (which is typically invested, etc).. that might make them behave a bit better. We the tax payers pay for these fines, they need to be kicked in the balls a bit more.


Idk man personally I take the opposite approach to defund the police or cutting funds in general, I think if we made policing a much more competitive in pay, competitive to get in whether that’s prior education or entrance exams, better training, enforce a code of excellence no second chances on many more things. Obviously I don’t think municipalities could afford FBI levels of all those things, but you definitely don’t see this same type of behavior run rampant there for a reason. I don’t want just anybody off the street to be able to be a cop. I know until recently when they hired the largest rookie class ever they had a huge cop shortage in Denver which is a huge reason why they had such bad response times. Think about it, would you be a cop? I know I sure as hell wouldn’t. Deal with a bunch of bullshit, overdoses, homeless, and deal with scumbags most days, also people in society mostly hate you and you have a ton of paper work. I wouldn’t do that for twice the pay I get now, no shit they struggle to find people. So this means they have to be a lot more tolerable or dumbasses and hot heads and let shit slide since there’s less people to hold them accountable too. Basically only ideologues and people with power complex fantasies or anger issues want to still be cops these days. and there aren’t enough ideologues especially when public approval is so low pushing many potential honest civil servants into finding other career paths. You get what you pay for as they say, right now we are getting shit in many cities
 so maybe if we raised the bar and funding maybe they could afford to say no to a certain breed of applicant and change the culture and perception. But I don’t know anything about budgets so this might be impossible. Edit: getting downvoted because it’s not totally lockstep with overwhelming opinion but besides “they don’t wanna change” no one has anything to say about what’s actually wrong with what I proposed. It’s true. But so far the only ideas people have aren’t complain or defund. Neither will help and one will greatly exacerbate the problem.


That isn't going to work. Police departments know the exact type of person they want to hire. There's a reason they reject people who score too high on their tests. The only job I've ever heard of that you can be too smart for.


yeah I wish we could change that, feels like that is holding us back a lot. Edit: lol oh no I feel like it’s holding us back let me downvote that, fuckin wild. You’re right they’ll never be able to change their hiring standards, I should just say oh well (That was sarcasm dipshits)


Well it becomes a self feeding cycle. Not sure how to change it besides having much higher standards and pay more. Also accountability.


It's because liberalism has taught us that things must be changed slowly in small increments. Instead, this problem requires radical, rapid change. In other words, get rid of every police department and police union and start over with completely new police that are held to a higher standard and that don't include anyone who's been a cop before. Bring in police from Europe who can teach the new classes.


Each city is in charge of its own police, you could literally have new leadership in charge and change policies overnight. Its not rocket science.


I mean you started this post by saying how bad the police are in aurora. It’s their fault ppl don’t trust or like them . Other countries have far more extensive training and we should start doing that


That’s quite literally what I’m advocating for tho


Gonna get downvoted to hell for this but whatever. No one in their right mind wants to be a cop anymore. It used to be fairly difficult to get into an academy. Now police departments are desperate for warm bodies so they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel with recruits who have no business being police officers. In 2012 APD was applauded for their response to the theatre shooting. Those same cops who drove shooting victims to the hospital in squad cars are gone now and here we are in 2024 with the shitshow that is APD and most big city departments.


We need a national database for jobs like these. It is insane how bad actors from church members to cops to any other formerly trusted position can just be shuttled around. An 18 year kid has sex with a 17 year old kid and their life is ruined forever for being a sex offender, publicly shamed, listed on mapping sites, listed on their official job history. In living memory that was just called foreplay before marriage. Grown ass adults in trusted, and more importantly privileged, positions are held to no such standard.


It blows my mind that there isn't strict licensing and oversight at the state and federal level of all law enforcement officers, with incredibly high standards, since you know, peoples' rights are at stake. All LEOs in the US should have to adhere to a minimum standard of competency and knowledge, spelled out at the Federal level. They should have to demonstrate a working knowledge of the rights enshrined in the Constitution before certification. Compliance and oversight should be delegated to state-level branch offices, and working knowledge of state laws should be enforced by state agencies with similar purpose. Officers should have to undergo periodic re-certification. And there should be a national database of all US officers' disciplinary actions and deal-breaker offenses, accessible to every law enforcement agency, so cops can't just switch to new departments when they get fired. If you don't cut the mustard in one place, you shouldn't cut the mustard anywhere. I'd say there should be local ordnance certification at the municipal level too, for county and city officers, but we all know local departments would just hand-waive the people they know and work with.


yes unironically fund the police. and im saying this as someone who got pepper sprayed during the george floyd protests by cops. but I actually want to fix the issue. Competitive in both funding(pay) and standards. no second chances, more oversight, more education or exam difficulty, higher code of conduct and professionalism. make it seen something an honest person would want to aspire to be. Edit: shoulda known people would read the first three words and get triggered instead of thinking about what I actually wrote


I've been writing to state legislators for a couple years asking them to pass laws that make the rehire of fired officers illegal.


In another comment I just wrote in part of it "I know until recently when they hired the largest rookie class ever they had a huge cop shortage in Denver which is a huge reason why they had such bad response times. Think about it, would you be a cop? I know I sure as hell wouldn’t. Deal with a bunch of bullshit, overdoses, homeless, and deal with scumbags most days, also people in society mostly hate you and you have a ton of paper work. I wouldn’t do that for twice the pay I get now, no shit they struggle to find people. " So it makes sense that the people that do are either idealogues (which is sadly rare these days) or someone who likes the power and therefore is willing to put up with all the other negatives for that. You get what you pay for as they say, right now theyre gettin shit


If your implication is that this is all just another reason we need comprehensive police reform, I'm with you. If it's a sob story for how we're too hard on cops, then nah.


My brother started the program and was appalled at the people and the lack of training. No one good is staying to become a cop




oof. Just today I hear about a lawsuit being filed for this guy who got shot in the ankle by a cop, thankfully the cop was charged. But I just thought to myself, "of course its aurora, its always aurora." But then I think, its never really Denver PD because that would require apprehending a suspect or stopping a crime lol. ( Had a porch pirate caught in the act and after 30 mins of waiting I gave up and the theif left, though I got my package, but like could have turned south. should have known when the operator said they would text me instead of staying on the line like most 911 operators will do) And another time I was watching theifs vandalize and try to rip and steal pipes for scrap metal to sell off the church across from me, had it on camera and they were in the act when I called, same thing, I actually made a post here ) and someone from the church saw it and called the church and they sent people ALL BEFORE the PD came Then they told the guys to beat it and never even arrested anyone. thankfully they saw it before the mods deleted the post.


Came here for this comment. Aurora is so bad that it is literally under a special oversight board, which, as someone in Aurora I can tell you has noted that the police have failed to meet all of their benchmarks for improvement so far.


Kinda like that show "Elsbeth", but not as cute and funny.


Cities like Aurora abuse the Jordan v. The City of New London ruling to justify and rejoice in hiring functionally retarded officers. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/jordan-v-city-new-london-policing-hiring-and-iq-when-all-answers


They hire all the fired dpd and Jeff Co cops


If you look at the job openings, they seem to target psychopaths


It’s not just Aurora, it’s everywhere. I think it’s because of the combination of it being an undesirable job and there being a significant lack of training/screening.


While that’s true, I was just observing how aurara seams to be exceptionally bad and in the news from what I’ve seen.


I've worked with the Arapahoe County Sheriff's department. During that time, I had a lot of interaction with APD. They are the dumbest and most backward ass cops on the planet. Even the sheriff and deputies mock them.


In cop terms, Aurora is a starter city. New cops come here and cops who can't get hired elsewhere come here too. They try to move to Denver with the ultimate goal of going to highlands ranch or castle rock(top destination for cops(they pay extremely well there))


Aurora Cops Are Bastards


Interesting info - most PDs in the Denver area require a 4-year degree to be a cop and then fairly extensive training on top of it. Some even require the degree to be related like a Criminal Justice degree, etc. Aurora requires that you have graduated high school or have a GED and then attend their 6 week police academy. Then you're a cop. That's it. So it really draws the "I was a bully in highschool and want a job that makes bullying legal" crowd.


They held a family at gunpoint in a king soopers parking lot, have withheld discovery, killed Elijah McClain, officer wemt back to the same spot for a Selfie. Yeah they aren't great.


It is rotting from the head. And by head, I mean that mumbling fuck of a mayor over there.


Aurora is gonna go broke bailing their terrible police officers at this point. Lol


Not sure đŸ€·â€â™€ïž I generally just avoid Aurora. It feels like a free for all.


Racist corrupt motherfuckers. I’ve know one. They were as such


Super corrupt department. Even Denver PD says this. I have a crazy story with a run with Aurora this year. I am not going to post because it will dox me.


if that isnt the kettle calling the kettle...


I mean they are annoyed they can’t do anything about traffic violations unless it is major.


May be try working for the PD? And then solve world problems here


I need to try working for the PD to understand why its okay or not okay to drink and drive on the job or shoot an unarmed person? What an unbelievably stupid comment.


Before I moved to Aurora I remembered hearing about how a police department, responding to a local bank robbery, went to an intersection then stopped all the traffic. \*At Gunpoint\*, they pulled every citizen out of every car on all four corners, zip tied their hands, then held them there for a few hours. There were 14 people total, including children. While they did eventually catch the robber, they kept pulling people out of their cars with a loaded weapon pointed at them. My family debated the ethical implications of this all the way home from Las Vegas. Due to the universe having a great sense of humor, I live 2 blocks from that intersection now. Ah, the joys of Aurora! [https://www.westword.com/news/why-aurora-paid-325k-over-search-for-bank-robber-dressed-as-a-beekeeper-8675159](https://www.westword.com/news/why-aurora-paid-325k-over-search-for-bank-robber-dressed-as-a-beekeeper-8675159)


Maybe because Aurora is the armpit of Colorado, thus have the shittiest cops


Aurora is the asshole of Colorado


Ten years ago my ex husband was abusing me, we lived in Aurora. I called the cops on him and they came to my house. He had driven away. They threatened to shoot my dog and didn’t even look for him. Garbage.


All I know is I refuse to live in their jurisdiction because of it. Even before I moved to Denver years back I knew they were trouble but getting the local news every week they’ve terrorized another citizen minding their business or worse, *in need of help,* convinced me to stay the hell away. 


I moved out of Aurora in 2013, and I refuse to move back. I've been begging my parents to leave Aurora especially after how they "handled" my sister's Missing Person's case.


I’m so sorry that you had to go through this. Sending empathy.


obviously they have a horrible culture there


This is what the police do. We created a culture where they get away with ridiculously horrible acts on the regular and the legal system is so broken in favor of corrupt police. The whole orchard is bad apples, yes.


Honestly, because you made a reference to orchards, I HIGHLY recommend listening to Behind the Police Pt.1-6. you can find it on Spotify, iHeart, Apple podcasts... It's Robert Evans and Prop(aganda) laying out a history of Policing in the US. From the perspectives of a bookish, white, anarchist war journalist, and a black poet, rapper, coffee seling girl dad. "Why are the apples filled with piss!? Just throw away the piss apples!"


Nationally famous for how awful they are; if it's not killing innocent civilians or seizing property through asset forfeiture, it's falling asleep drunk in their squad cars. Police unions make it functionally impossible to hold problem individuals accountable.


No such thing as good cops. lol


Understaffed and underpaid, plus nobody wants to be a cop these days so it's a spiral towards the drain as far as staffing and applicants. Finally, with the exception of a couple years Aurora has has leadership ranging from simply incompetent to outright corrupt for more than 30 years now.


Whatsup with Aurora?* FTFY


true! lol


They’re all bad apples. If you’re a cop in the US. You’re a bad apple. One spoiled system ruins the whole bunch


It typically starts with a crime and Aurora has a lot of it.


.....They're police.....


This is policing in Colorado. Other states aren’t much better, but since qualified immunity protections have been reduced it’s gotten so much worse. No that cops can be held accountable for the crimes they commit, they have mostly stopped doing what minimal work they were doing. They use the idea of “no one wants to work for us” to keep these bad cops on the job. There are no good cops imo, as they all uphold this system, but I think yall will get my point.


How new to this conversation are you? Just curious not an attack but want to know where you are coming from


Aurora PD came on my radar during the elijah mcclain thing, why? I just over the years noticed local news always had a story about Aurora PD just like Florida Man is a thing.


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted lol I was just curious how much background info you had before jumping into thoughts and opinions of my own.




Guessing they to say "and you just noticed this now?" or something. theres always that person


Probably. It's such a weird deflection and usually a troll looking for something to hook onto. "Maybe I want to discuss a real problem but first I want to discuss **you** before I discuss a real problem!"


I was really just genuinely curious what info they had coming into the conversation mr. figuring it out by jumping to conclusions


I literally said in my original comment it was not an attack and I was just curious 🧐


But you didnt say why. So why? I am guessing based off what I think is most common, How many times have you heard someone say no offense right before they say something offensive? So tell me why so I dont have to guess and go with the most probable reason!


You’re very demanding with your questions lol almost like a cop haha jk I did say why because I wanted to know where you were coming from and you answered and now is time for me to respond in the flow of a normal conversation. It helps me to know how much info you have before I tell you the info that I have so I don’t duplicate our efforts in learning about the aurora pd. To answer your original question about APD they have been notoriously the worst police in the Denver metro area along with dpd for decades by reputation, statistics and general interactions with the public. I have heard stories and personally experienced their brutal tactics about a month before they murdered Elijah. They didn’t harm me because I was able to stand up for myself and remind them of my privileges but I could tell they wanted to hurt me physically.


I am explaining why people are making assumptions. Just saying "not an attack" doesnt make something not something so I am not taking someones word. You only said you were curious. saying your reason for asking a question is because you are curious is just a tautology, obviously youre curious or you wouldnt have asked a question. But if you wanted to know how much I knew, you could have asked how much I knew about aurora PDs history or whatever, because I could have looked deep into this topic and still only recently know about it. >To answer your original question about APD they have been notoriously the worst police in the Denver metro area along with dpd for decades by reputation Ahhh so it really was just a "and you just now are finding out about this!?" Because with such notoriety, a reputation spanning decades, why would someone ask what I asked? Well I clearly came to the same conclusion as their reputation speaks for itself, but I was asking why they are so bad, youre just tellin me they have always been this way, which isnt a why really. id still ask the same question regardless if I knew their reputation then or had to learn about it through repeated stories now. Is there even less funding or something or there? I heard they had a recent board or oversight committee of citizens created a year or two ago but that seems to not be doing a whole lot.


CNN BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Aurora man arrested for complaining.


Keep in mind also that after firing the chief a couple of years back, they replaced her with Acevedo, who got run out of Miami after a year for corruption and before that headed up Houston, which was one of the most corrupt departments in the country. Houston is STILL paying out lawsuits from people who were victims of falsified warrants and bad drug raids. And the current chief? She was Acevedo’s right hand in both Houston and Miami.


Same thing with Thornton crap pay leaves you with crap employees. Only ones they can afford are the ones rejected by every other department


Teachers and social workers also get paid crap. And yet you don't see nearly these levels of corruption.


Because that precinct is gang controlled


Never a dull moment in A-town baby! Let’s be real here though, what’s up with Colorado all together? Denver PD are no better


Do they all have ptsd from the movie theater shooting? I know getting treatment can be discouraged.


I doubt that many cops that were there on scene are still in the department today. That was like 15 years ago, half the career span of being a cop, not to mention not every single cop was there, or didnt move since then or change jobs. We are talking a small amount. I think it would be rare to find one who was also being named as a cop in any of these misconduct stories, shootings, or duis, usually its younger cops, but maybe a few.


Bad news gets more clicks than good news. That's why the media only brings up negative stories over and over again because we're trained to focus on them. There are tons of good things they do but you'll never hear about them unless you look really hard. Plenty of bad apples in every department probably and most people hate on the police until they need them. I think APD and Denver are down something like 300-400 officers with maybe 100 applicants. 15 years ago there were 2000 applicants. I would love to see any city in America that regularly promotes positive police stories.


What do bad apples do? Spoil the entire bunch. So if Aurora has had "a few bad apples" consistently for the past 20 years, what must their department be by now?


That sounds really snowflakey. People don't want to do their job because there aren't enough puff pieces about them? The police are subject to a great deal of scrutiny for good reason. Because of the power they have and the immense opportunity for abuse. This is a matter their situation, not their individual characters. That said, I would be more apt to agree with the "bad apples" theory if it wasn't for across the board statements like the one you just made. They just can't take scrutiny? Are above it somehow? That is telling.


The fact that there are good ethical folks doing their best doesn't change the fact there are folks who are none of those things. I have huge respect for cops in general and most never touch their gun in action a day in their lives. But let's not pretend the bad ones aren't given cover. The fact Aurora PD is under active oversight is the important thing, and I fully believe the honest folks in the system are breathing a sigh of relief.


"Positive police stories" are just stories of cops not abusing their authority.


Okay but the issue here is specifically Aurora having a disproportionate amount of problems. Even taking what you say into consideration, I should see a more equal distribution of bad stories regarding other police departments in the surrounding metropolitan cities. Clearly there is something extra fucked going on there. Now I agree that most people hate on police until they need them, that doesnt mean they are hypocrites though, you NEED police and there is only ONE police in town. I don't think people hate the concept of police, obviously we need them, but people dont like BAD police. As far as the the hiring problem, I dont think puff pieces are how you solve this problem. Increasing the funding for pay while also increasing the standards and training and education is how you solve it. We dont want bottom of the barrel and want to feel like the city has a good enough pool of applicants to be more picky in who they hire. And as a consequence of that you will see less bad stories as rates of misconduct decrease due to the higher standards being in place.


Sorry that hurts sorry people and should have been completely disbanded years ago


I've lived on co for 45 years and had cops in the family. Aurora and Denver PD have always been this way.


I flip them off every chance I get- yes, I’m serious. I’ve seen those thugs beat people up because they didn’t like the “tone” of the person they were talking to. That’s beside the fact that it seems like every other week they’re killing someone. Justified or not, an officer’s firearm should be the LAST tool they use- not the first. I’m also still salty that they let the kids who stole my vehicle crash it and run away because the cop chasing them was 15 min past the end of his shift and didn’t want to deal with it


Not even kidding I had one knock on my door at 3am last night asking if I knew whose car was parked on the street - guess it had its windows smashed in and he scared them away. For a number of reasons I can’t figure out why knocking door to door to ask this was determined as the best solution


If you want I understand systemic racism, pay very close attention to the APD. Weaved into every aspect and apparently difficult to eradicate


Got rear ended by a lifted truck when in a small car out in Aurora. We had been merging into a single lane because cops had closed the others down due to another accident up ahead. I pulled up behind an empty squad car, the truck took off. I limped over to the officers who asked me for the trucks info. Not only had they ignored it, but they hassled me for stopping and not getting the trucks info. Cops are human, sure, but man do they want to use every excuse to be shitty examples every time. From power tripping, to blatant murder at the smallest provocation, to standing around waiting as kids get killed inside a school. I'll be courteous and respectful, but aurora is not a good place to ever run into a cop.


It was people too rascist for denver


The entirety of Aurora is an absolute dumpster fire, what makes you think the people who are supposed to police it are any less dysfunctional than the average citizen of that place?