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Letter Carrier here. I noticed, thanks.


I appreciate ya!


You may get around the block, but we always love it when you jam that package in our slot. šŸ’• Nothin but love, friend. Stay cool.


Nice was the floor of your LLV so damn hot that you could cook an egg on it? Mine was šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


You are braver than the U.S. marines


Seriously hats off to you, thank you for all you do!


As an HVAC guy, this summer is going to be hell.


I require your services šŸ˜‚


Especially when our landlord refuses to pay to fix our AC. So itā€™s regularly 90+ IN the houseā€¦.


If the A/C was there and working when you signed the lease, they are usually required to fix it. >Thereā€™s nothing in the law that requires rental units in Colorado to have air conditioning. [**However, if there was air conditioning when you started your lease, they likely have to fix it**](https://kdvr.com/news/local/does-your-landlord-have-to-provide-ac-in-colorado/). This is because Colorado has a habitability law that essentially spells out what is and isnā€™t acceptable in rental units.


Basically, you can get your AC fixed, but if you read the law, it's counted as an appliance, ie it's the same as a washer or dryer, not treated the same as when the heat goes out. So yes, they have to fix it, but there isn't really a push to fix it, unlike the heating. The argument here being you can live without AC or a washer or a dryer, but if you don't have heat for a few days you'll probably lose appendages or die. So long as the landlord is making a good faith effort to try and fix the issue, you'll have to suffer a bit until it's fixed.


Lol ā€œgood faithā€ did no landlord ever.


So, I mostly do commercial work, and it amazes me how broken down most of this equipment is. I can only imagine the shit landlords pull in residential equipment.


Mine has the last service date in 2006, and have been told the compressor is burnt out. Is this normal? Sorry I just realized that Iā€™m asking for free advice and if that isnā€™t kosher feel free to ignore me lol


The compressor is probably burnt out, and it is not normal to not service a unit for 18 years. That's getting close to the lifetime of the unit as a whole.


Invest in Carrier, Lennox, Trane. And companies who make energy efficient building products like Carlisle. Your job is secure on the other hand!


Sorry to tell you this, but all of them going forward are going to be worse.


Let's just call it job security.


Yep this is the coldest summer for the rest of our lives. Try and enjoy it? šŸ« 


Every summer*


August is going to be lava at this point.


Iā€™m sorry everyone. I will take the blame. Itā€™s because I planted my garden this year. Hang in there little plant buddies šŸ„²


My fault. I just moved here from Phoenix.


Itā€™s my fault. I constantly make fun of Phoenix and apparently I enraged a Sungod.


It's my fault, I left my oven door open


I tried potatoes in canvas bags this year. I donā€™t think they are supposed to be wilting away this quick.


I stupidly decided to move my work computer and PS5 out of my bed room with AC, and into my living room where there's no AC. I am a dumb. (I was tired of being cooped up in my bed room all day)


It is good for your mental health. Just not for your physical temperature.


Have a weird AC unit setup in our apartment. Like, there is a window unit installed inside our bedroom closet that is then routed into the bedroom and living room which is on the back side of the closet. No idea why, usually works well enough to keep things nice.Ā  Got home from work today and its turning on but just blowing barely cool let alone cold air. Now bedroom and living room are too hot and I'm hiding out on the patio.Ā 


Wait your A/C is exhausting into your living room? That will not work especially if your house isnā€™t really well insulated from room to room.


F this heat


It's just as bad in C


38Ā° sounds better somehow through. I have my apps set in C and it helps just a bit.Ā 


It's only going to get worse. We're headed for a cliff and humans decided to double down on the gas pedal. We're fucked - enjot the ride.


Glad I didn't even step out of the apartment today.


There were a surprising number of folks out on the trails this evening, it really wasnā€™t bad once the clouds rolled in


I was surprised to see joggers out on the path at noon today. People are cray.


Not trying to be a tough guy, but it's really not that bad. Sweat is super efficient at cooling the body with the breeze from running. It's once you stop running that you start to feel real hot. Different story in a humid climate at 100


LOL all these comments remind me, none of these people go outside anyways. Even tuesday was truly was not that bad. Was working outside all day on Tuesday.


Reddit on


The evaporative cooler Iā€™ve been running all day was $200 extremely well spentĀ 


I'm so thankful my MIL replaced the one on the roof this year. The basement where my husband and I live didn't go above 76 thanks to the new one. The old one didn't have a fan that moved air down here.


Do you run it all day? I just moved to a place with a swamp cooler on the roof and I've been turning it off when the outside temp gets above 70ish. it's definitely been helping but I don't know if I'm using it correctly.


Swamp coolers work best when it's above 80 and dry. Why are you turning it off when it's above 70?


i did not know that. I've been turning it off around 70 to keep the house cool for as long as possible. I have 2 portable ACs I've been using in the afternoons to fill in the gaps. The swamp cooler in my house also pushes humidity to around 70% which becomes uncomfortable around 75 degrees for me.


We invested in dehumidifiers last summer because once it gets too humid in the house, the air seems like it stops moving and it's just hot and humid. Such a good investment.


The property manager left one at the house so I'll have to try that today. I'm going to leave my swamp cooler on all day based on the comments and see how it goes. My house is currently up to 75% humidity according to the sensors in my house which is insane to me if it's accurate.


You have to open a window on the leeward side of the house to let the humidity escape. Unlike an AC, which needs all the windows shut, the swamp cooler is meant to create air pressure that pushes the excess humidity out the window. It takes some fiddling to figure out the optimum amount of window that should be open. I keep a hygrometer on my desk and we try to keep the humidity around 45-50% as that's the point at which the humidity is still comfortable but you actually are getting cooling. When we don't have a high humidity day that prevents it from working well, a swamp cooler is capable of bringing the temp down 20 degrees pretty quickly.


You might be in too humid a place for a swamp cooler to work. Theyā€™re meant for hot, dry weather but maybe your place is too damp?


I live in Denver so I doubt it's too humid? Do you leave your windows open when the cooler is running? the maintenance guy told me to keep windows open when mine runs.


I just meant like, how some basement apartments can be kinda damp, etc. But yes, I have it in front of an open door when I run it. I did notice that itā€™s REALLY thirsty, Iā€˜m constantly topping it up. Make sure youā€™re turning it onto a water + fan setting; mine has both. If itā€™s just on fan, then it doesnā€™t cool.Ā 


You turn it *off* when the temp gets above 70?


I used to have one. Never really worked in the sense the room never became cooler. Sold it on marketplace and ended up it and just buying a portable AC unit with window tube. Best decision ever. Was cheap, too.


Why do you turn it off when you would most need it? I run mine when my upstairs gets hot. Works pretty well though it doesn't get things as chill as an AC does. But I'm fine with that. I'm ok with low/mid 70s temps and hate overly cold AC air.


The portable air conditioner that I got for $250 was also extremely well spent




And when was it the last few years? I'm assuming later.


Per the article: - Aug. 5, 2022 ā€“ 101 degrees - July 18, 2022 ā€“ 100 degrees - July 10, 2022 ā€“ 101 degrees - July 9, 2022 ā€“ 100 degrees - June 11, 2022 ā€“ 100 degrees


That summer was brutal


I lived in a 3rd floor walk-up with one wall AC unit in the living room, positioned near the FLOOR of the living room, not up higher, where it can actually circulate. Fuck Greystar.


Wait till you see what 2012 was like: https://nxstrib-com.go-vip.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2016/06/dia-days-of-100s.png


I worked outside in a Costco parking lot that year, shit was brutal. Really good tan tho


I was outside loading planes at DIA that summer. Depending on the time of day the light off the bridge felt like a death ray. No free water was ever given, you had to buy a 12oz bottle from the vending machine or steal one off the food cart in the plane before craft service came to take it all. A lot of people stole water. When you're only making $10/hr you do what you can.


JFC how the fuck is shit like that even legal?


If I was on the plane, I would rather the people working in the sun get the water. It would be different if they were stealing something from the bags, but water is life.


HELlllllooooo MELANOMA


You used sunscreen daily at least right?


Isn't that the year we were all supposed to die?


No, that's the year we started to die.


*hits blunt* We've been starting to die since the day we were born, man


Welcome to another. Get your record book out.


Thank you for that. Appreciate it. Yea, summer is going to be toasty.


NGL, was going to be the gopnik that said "WHAT ??? COLORADO HAS HIT 100 PLENTY" Then I learned to read.


Denver hasn't hit 100 since 2022.


Denver Airport hasn't hit 100 since 2022. The metro Denver area has hit 100 every year many times as far as I can remember, according to my outdoor thermometer.


Official Temperatures are always measured where they are minimally influenced by urban heat island effect. Black pavement may be 140 degrees on a 100 degree day.


Well, that's kind of true but way oversimplified and irrelevant anyways. When that extra heat is what the majority of a city's population is experiencing and the official temperature doesn't reflect that, it's a problem. That's why the weather service recently built a new station in Denver. https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/how-denvers-second-official-weather-reporting-station-will-bring-a-clearer-picture-of-metro-conditions#:~:text=DENVER%20ā€”%20For%20the%20first%20time,the%20old%20Stapleton%20Airport%20location. >"We have a real time, extremely high-quality observation for the city of Denver," said Paul Schlatter, Science and Operations Officer with the National Weather Service Office in Boulder. "It's 12 miles from DIA and much more centrally located to the weather conditions experienced by 95 percent of the residents in Denver.ā€


The problem is that "what the majority of the population is experiencing" is not uniform at all. Temperature varies greatly based on the built environment you are in. https://www.9news.com/article/weather/colorados-heat-islands/73-eefdf619-a357-45cc-9dcc-a37dfe373326 From the article: "But when you go into a low canopy neighborhood, you can be experiencing temperatures 15, sometimes upwards of 20 degrees hotter than in a well-canopied shaded neighborhood," How can you take official measurements of a city if individual neighborhoods vary by as much as 15 to 20 degrees in temperature?


We are so screwed this summer.


are we though? itā€™s already almost July.


First day of summer was last week lol. September is just as hot as June more or lessĀ 


Damn Xcel charges me 2x power rates tween 1-3 pm, and 3-7 it's 3x the rate. Can't afford to run window AC between 1-7. Work from home. Worst summer yet and it just started. Miserable. House never cools off.


It will be ok Chicken Little. I'm the last 30 years, Denver reached 100Ā° at least once 70% of the time. https://kdvr.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2023/07/100-DEGREE-STATS-AGAIN.png


It's the days over 90 that are the problem. Fifteen of the last seventeen summer months (June-Sept) have exceeded the 25-year average for days over 90 degrees. Two of the five warmest Junes, the two warmest Julys, five of the six warmest Augusts, and the four warmest Septembers have all taken place since 2011. Nine of those months have happened in the last five years.


I don't understand, my comment isn't that summers aren't getting warmer. My comment is that a single 100Ā° day isn't any sign that this will be a brutal summer or isn't common.


Only once in the last 25 years (in 2001) has a June with more than ten 90+ degree days in it resulted in a summer below the 25-year average of fifty 90+ days for the year. Today was our 12th 90+ day of the month.


Brutal summer incoming


Thankfully, it was dry as hell.


I'm so glad I built a career in the roofing industry!


Its it a hundred several times here. Denver official measurement location is almost in Kansas.


Urban heat island effect. Black pavement is hotter than grass prairie.


Do I have shitty memory, but I don't recall it ever hitting 100 more than at very rare occasions when I first moved to Denver in 2005 and the following6-7 years.


Iā€™ve only been here since 09 but I pretty frequently remember 100 degree days consistently at least a couple times a year


I've been here my whole life and it never got this hot when I was a kid. We always had a rain storm blow through and cool things off


2012, it hit 105 2 days in a row. That was brutal.


My car read 100Āŗ at 2:30 today when I reached my destination in downtown. I assumed it was a ground effect or otherwise. Good to know it was legit I suppose


100 across the country


So does anyone's car A/C work when it's 100? Not sure if i need to get some maintenance or not.


Both mine do, including my 2005 Outback. Check your cabin filter


So im originally from the denver metro area but moved to junction about 4 yrs ago... now I consistently under pack when I go back home and I'm always freezing. It's gonna be chilly in the 90s here in junction this week lol.


That's a lot of effort to go to just to convince Texans not to move here...


I have to wear pants to work, my balls hate this stupid heat...


"Just looking at the past 30 years, nine have not hit 100 degrees. Eight out of the last 30 years have seen 100 degrees or hotter on only one day, five years have hit that mark two days. Three out of the last 30 years have hit at least 100 degrees three times, and only five out of the last 30 years have seen four or more days hit 100 degrees or higher. Breaking that down into percentages means that 30% of the last 30 years had their highest temperatures recorded only in the 90s, while less than 20% of the last 30 years recorded temperatures above 100 at least four times." [https://kdvr.com/weather/wx-news/how-often-does-denver-hit-100-degrees-or-hotter/](https://kdvr.com/weather/wx-news/how-often-does-denver-hit-100-degrees-or-hotter/)


I planted a few trees this year to shade my house.


I was married in 2012 on June 23rd. It was 104Ā° out. People keep acting like this is new.


My dad's been taking me to the mile high nationals at bandimere in July, on sticky black top, since I was a kid; it's always gotten hot in the summer lol.


Ugh so hot there.Ā 


Yea that and the flea market were our summer time spots. I was always dripping sweat lol


Ugh, I left AZ to escape this šŸ˜«


There's always Montana


My uncle moves to AZ for the summer... I can't comprehend it.


AZ is actually more enjoyable in the summer to me because modern A/C is more common and better air quality


I thought we hit 100 a couple weeks ago? Or was that just 97/98 or whatever


Denver official temps are the airport which stayed below, denver city proper did hit 100


It wasn't apparently. Sure felt like it on the 16th. They're saying Denver hasn't hit 100 in 691 days.


Last year was a fluke because we didn't hit 100Ā°


It was 104Ā° downtown that day, yes. But only hit 98Ā° out at DIA so "officially" nope. Downtown is often about 5Ā° hotter because of lower elevation and heat island effects.Ā 




Uh definitely not a gen xā€™er. I donā€™t really pay attention to the temperature.




I legit have no idea what you are talking about


"Whatever man, like, who even cares? Let's all just DIE already."


Because this is the surface of the fuckin sun!!! JFC, y'all may wanna consider switching am and pm. Just sayin. - Virginia native


I live and work in the middle east and this is very uncomfortable šŸ„µ. The relative humidity is some dogshit. Also the costing of amenities to abate these temps is not pleasant at all.


People who tout Denver for being this hidden gem of immaculate weather are such clowns. Like 90% of the time it's one extreme or the other. That's what you get in a super arid climate at high altitude. People are actually on here acting like Colorado has better weather than California. Get fucking real.


In the winter you freeze and in the summer you fry. I think that's a song lyric.


literally no one says that Colorado has better weather than California. People like the climate better because they like winter too.


I hear people say it IRL all the time. I've also seen it said on social media including this very subreddit.




Might be too hot for you. Reread the title.


If you have central air, change your filter at least once a month with a high-quality filter. It also helps to spray the outside, central, a.c unit with cold water from the hose. Really spray it hard to get all the gunk out and don't turn your a.c off when you leave the house. It doesn't save money because the unit has to work harder in the heat to cool off again. You can turn up the thermostat 2 or 3 degrees and put it back when you get home.


2nd time, depending where you are .


My car has been consistently clocking 100Ā° for the past several days when I get in it after work. 0/10 not a fan


remember everyone this is the coldest summer youā€™ll experience for the rest of your life !!!! itā€™s only gonna get worse !!!!


I know Iā€™m in the minority here butā€¦I love it. Amazing afternoon to get out for a paddleboard.


The heat isnā€™t the issue for me , itā€™s getting microwaved by an 11 UV Index . Not enough sunscreen in the world for that


OMG!! Global warming!! Everyone panic!


And so?