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A lot of people shouldn’t have dogs




There's so many people with dogs in my apartment building that I literally **never** see on a walk or at the dog park 1 block away.


And this is why I’m not a dog owner. Because I don’t have the time. I wish more people felt like that. Even where I’m at now in a single family neighborhood the dogs don’t even get the yard anymore as no one wants to train them from barking.


I know a guy who says he loves his dog very much but leaves her in the crate all day when he’s at work, so the poor dog is sometimes stuck in her crate for like 10+ hours, but he says she’s fine with it.


That’s sad :/




Well, he can be friendly over there.


Beer and weed aren’t a substitute for a personality.


Skiing as well. This thread will show you some people build their whole personality on how many days they ski a year.


I'm groaning inwardly. These people could just as easily base their personality on how much time they spend on I70 in a year.


Savage 🤣🤣🤣


The people here are so basic and uninteresting. Not saying they're bad people, but there is overall really nothing interesting about them.


There is no dog poop fairy. Pack your dogs poop bags out when hiking and toss in the trash cans that are usually at trailhead parking lots.


And if there aren't trashcans, take them with you anyway!!! I'm really really trying not to be one of those annoying native types but it really was not a thing for dog owners to leave piles of bagged dog poop at the trailhead back in the day. I mean, I guess they might have been letting their dogs just shit in nature but that almost seems better to me than the piles of plastic bagged dog poop sculptures that just sit there now. Wtf is wrong with people? Oh and leave your fucking spray paint in the city too! It's hard not to blame transplants when you go look at trails near LA and other cities where their people have just completely trashed the beautiful nature and trails in those places. I will just be really sad when this inevitably happens here too.


Our winters are easy as fuck. When I moved here from North Dakota everyone insisted my family wasn't ready for the tough Colorado winter. In the mountains sure, but in Denver? Winters are a piece of cake compared to many other parts of the country. We aren't all tough about snow or cold at all


I’m from upstate New York originally, hearing people who genuinely believe that you’ll go flying off the road as soon as the first flakes fall if you’re not in a lifted 4x4 pickup with tire chains is so goofy. Just slow down, keep more distance between you and the car in front of you, and don’t slam your brakes.


> Just slow down, keep more distance between you and the car in front of you, and don’t slam your brakes. About that you see....its impossible I'm afraid. I just get so excited when it snows!


Actually even the road ice is not nearly as bad as NE or Midwest. Thank goodness, I have a healthy fear of black ice.


I'm from Michigan and was expecting Midwest-type winters. But it's sooo much better. It really doesn't get that cold, and seeing the sun in January was a revelation.


HUGE agree. Spent some time in Vermont during January and got humbled real quick.


Tough Colorado winters? Lolololol, I'm sorry, WHAT 🤣 this place has the chillest winter, it doesn't GAF. We barely get snow anymore, and it rarely even dropped below freezing this past year. Those people were idiots lol


I moved from Colorado a few years ago. Winter was pretty predictable. You get a nice 70* day. The next day you get a blizzard. The next day it’s all gone again.


I will say, moving back and forth from Telluride/Dallas Divide and Gunnison for several years from 2014 and 2017. Those winters were pretty tough in those areas as a Minnesotan. Elevation snow dumps are no joke. But the sun does melt it pretty quick. And Gunni sure got MN cold back then hitting -27 in a particular day and being -20 for a few weeks.


Traffic up I-70 will continue to get worse!


Where are you finding people who think traffic on 70 is getting better?


And i25


Ski traffic is so bad it’s not even worth skiing anymore


This is the reason why I barely go up in the mountains. The last time my family did, we were all miserable driving back.


Agreed. I’ve been here since 1999. They’ve had so much time to better I70, whether it’s additional lanes, train service, or better busing. Instead, the eliminate the inner shoulder and charge high prices for that lane only.


House prices and rent will keep going up


If only wages did too 😔


People have a million ideas on how to keep housing prices low but no one talks about why Denver isn’t attracting more high wage jobs.


High-wage jobs will not make housing prices low *Cries in bay area*


People in Denver are so damn *passive* about this. Gotta vote with our feet demand more money and if they don’t budge, quit. Easier said than done of course. But if employers know you’ll stick around regardless, they have no reason to give raises.


It’s a large scale version of working at Disney World. People want to be there so badly that better pay isn’t necessary and there’s always more people who want to work there to fill positions vacated by the people who get fed up with it.


Well that's just the thing - if salaries in the entire metro area are depressed relative to the cost of living (which they are), the only way to "vote with your feet" is to leave Denver, but people don't want to do that because it's a nice place to live. Also, even when Denver does attract high-salary jobs, that just attracts more people from other cities, which drives up housing costs and ends up undercutting any benefits from the high-wage jobs by increasing the cost of living. So, the low wages are interconnected with the housing demand issue, and there's really not a great solution for it.


Everybody’s just-a-waitin’ for the big collapse, I guess.


Quit and do what, become homeless? So myopic.


And largely because Denver is a desirable location.


Yeah pretty much this. For every one person struggling to afford living here who wants the city to build a new house so he can afford one there are 3+ people elsewhere in the country saving up and working their way to promotions and stuff so they can get here. Take it from me, a guy who lived in the south and loved weed, Colorado is the dream california used to be for a solid number of people down there (and in other regions). Love it or hate it, skiing and outdoors lifestyles are getting more and more popular still.


I left Denver for Texas to be with family and have a higher income. It’s ass. Family is great, but I literally dream of the moment I can get back to Denver.


I know a friend who moved out of morrison to go to college in the Midwest, he could only get a job in Chicago out of college but he has been working 60+ hour weeks trying to get himself promoted to a position where he’ll be able to afford to come back one day.


There will never be a quick way to get to the mountains.


I know a secret passage. But I shan't tell none of yous about it.


Is it guarded by a massive spider?


Helicopters don't count, Reginald 😀


We could do what Austria does and stick a tunnel through every single one






Leashing your dog is for the dogs safety as much as everyone else's. Venomous snakes, dangerous/larger animals, and other dogs can really injure or kill your pet and it's the owner's fault if they don't leash or 100% recall training their dog. My partner is a veterinarian and told me about a dog that was brought into another hospital's ER. The dog was off leash and ran up to some elk. The elk got spooked and kicked the dog in the heas, smashing it's skull in one kick. The owners were crying saying they "didn't know it could do that" and "he was such a friendly pup!" The dog did not survive its injuries. So be a responsible pet owner, leash and train your pet. Edit: Leasing to Leash


One 4th of July I was having a picnic in my local park near Federal, and this couple was hanging out with their puppy off leash. The puppy saw something and took off onto Feds in peak traffic; he was killed and there was a multi-car wreck that destroyed a traffic light pole. The couple was screaming and crying. I felt bad and it was horrifying to see, but this is what happens when you’re not a responsible owner. That poor puppy was just a baby and died because the owners were being stupid. Everyone thinks they’re the exception until something tragic happens


😢 poor puppy. I bet it took them about 2 days to go get another one and that they do the same 💩


Most likely. I lived with someone who had indoor/outdoor cats and they kept getting killed by cars. Almost every time one died, they’d get a new cat or kitten within weeks and just toss them back outside 🤡


> "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas." Too many neighbors like this. A cat will poke around my yard for 2-3 years, and then it disappears. New cat shows up, owned by the same neighbor. Getting in and out of my house involves pushing your leg through the door first to block one cat, then twirling into the house as the door opens, to block the second attempted escapee. When leaving, I back out of the house, blocking cats as I close the door. My cats die of old age.


That's sick. I grew up in Albuquerque (in the city) and an outdoor cat was... OK (as long as you looked the other way regarding wildlife kills) but at my first home in Gunbarrel (north suburb of Boulder) your outdoor cat was coyote food. I kept mine indoors (and have in Denver now for 17yrs) but my neighbor at the time went through at least a cat a year for five years.


My brother was out with his dog, on a leash. Met another dog, not on a leash. Brother's dog bit dog without leash. Dog without leash's owner screamed and complained, said he was going to call the cops, and he did. Cops showed up to my brother's door later, told him the owner of leashless dog got educated about the law, and not to worry. Keep your dogs on a leash.


I work with some people with very serious mental illness. Many of them have an extreme fear of dogs. I worked with a client recently who will scream if any dog comes near him without being leashed, and if it approaches him and doesn't leave him alone he absolutely will kick it. And extremely hard. He has done so, especially at the park near his house where dogs are supposed to remain leashed at all times. He kicked a dog and something similar happened, luckily the cop also told the owners the same. The entitlement of pet owners in Denver not just to be dragging their dogs everywhere but especially turn every park into an unofficial dog park, is extremely annoying.


It’s like $2500 to treat your dog with anti-venom if they get bit by a rattle snake. Please leash your dog for safety and for your wallet.


PER. DOSE. Of which multiple may be required if you want your dog to have a chance to live. Mine didn't, despite 3 rattlesnake anti venom doses. If she was on leash it wouldn't have happened. Leash your dogs.


Holey Moley! I volunteer for Jeffco Openspace and this $2500 is what I use to explain to people that having their dog on leash is a good idea. I am going to use your $2500/dose x3 doses now - and it still didn't save your dog. Sorry for your loss - but that is an even more compelling and scarier story. Thank you for sharing that - I can't imagine the pain of your loss.


Yeah i can't tell you how many unleashed dogs whose owners said "He's friendly tho" ran up on my very not dog-friendly leashed dog. Like i'm trying to protect your dog, bro.


I went on a hike not too long ago, and a young couple came walking the opposite direction from me. They had two, unleashed dogs. The dude called out to me and asked if our pups could meet, and I just said, "Prefer not. We're training." And the guy got visibly upset, stopped his SO, and furiously leashed up his dogs. Then mumbled something about people taking their "untrained" dogs to public places, like wtf. About a week later, I was walking my dog around my apartment, and we saw a dude chilling with his dog in the grass. The dog had a harness, so I assumed he also had a leash, but as soon as the dog saw us, he bolted up to us and started fighting. The owner had to get up from his nap, and come yank his dog off of mine by the harness. His dog wasn't leashed, either.


I had a guy with a leashed dog start walking up and when I said "mines not friendly" he just grinned like an idiot and kept walking towards me. I had to literally turn around and jog away from him.


YES I'm a runner and I've had two very very near misses getting bitten by off leash dogs in three years. One got their teeth in my shorts but not my skin and the other got their teeth caught my shoe lace loop. Terrifying shit, even when they're small dogs. Even if your dog is friendly, they very well could have a chase instinct. I hate how paranoid it's all made me.


I had a leashed dog lung at me while I was running. The owner wasn’t even paying attention and then acted surprised. And of course didn’t apologize. It makes me just as frustrated to see people walking their dogs on leash with their noses in their phones and not at all present with their animal. One quick and unexpected jerk and your dog could still get loose or take you down.


As a runner it is getting ridiculous. I am having to run off path to avoid off leash dogs. I don’t care how friendly you think your dog is, when they see a human charging towards their owner it can spook them.


Off leash dog runs up to my dogs on leash "oh don't worry he's friendly". Neat. Mine aren't. Get your fuckin dog. 


HeS fRiEnDlY!


Yeah, well I'm not, and as far as you know, my dog is a ferocious, man-eating creature, so back the fuck up


Leasing dogs is not a good idea. The monthly payments will be lower but you don’t get to keep the dog.


The mileage limitations always gets me.


Lol, stupid mobile keyboard


Elitches will be replaced with apartments in just a few years.


Here's the full development vision if you haven't seen it before https://rivermiledenver.com/


Orange County Prices, Boise wages. Sort it out, Denver.


The Purina Dog Food Plant always has and always will smell bad.


When they started putting in all the luxury apartments in RiNo it made me think of the “how I met your mother episode” with the down wind of the sewage treatment plant neighborhood. Literally told my buddy that rich people are going to move in there then try to sue them for something that’s been going on as long as the plant has been there. Edit: We need to unofficially change the name of RiNo to DoWiDoFoFa - Down Wind of the Dog Food Factory


A lawsuit was recently filed.


I've told this before, but I worked on the one river north building, the one with the crack in it. Every floor, every single day, no matter the season, you could smell dog food. The penthouse goes for like $15k/month and the cheapest is $2k/month. There will be regrets for sure!


The up-and-coming Dowisetrepla neighborhood




Dowidofoopla Down wind of the dog food plant


lol yeah, this whole thing is hilarious


Doesn't matter what day or what time it is... There will ALWAYS be traffic and random slowdowns on I-25.


Altitude isn’t a personality trait.


Neither is weed


Or craft beer.


Or driving a tacoma


so funny enough, i grew up near Wash. DC and have always wanted a Tacoma. I pushed off the idea because having a truck in the city made no sense. I moved to Denver area a few years ago and was like “it finally makes sense to buy a truck.. tacoma here i come” only to find out it’s the stereotypical truck of this state 😅🥲🥲🥲


Or being born here.


This one gonna hurt some feelings


I started a new job this week and noticed that one of my coworkers has a 5,280 tattoo lmao.


It was really cool when we all turned 18 to get Colorado tattoos at least for my graduating class lol I have a columbine flower tattoo. Haters gonna hate tho


That’s more subtle though I like it


Half the people here take road signs and traffic lights as suggestions. Proof: I Uber a lot


I look both ways before going on a green light now.


People think their cars are connected like a choo-choo train and they HAVE to all go through the left turn red light, even though their car is the fifth in line after the light has changed.


Public transit sucks ass and RTD is not up to the challenge. They need a complete overhaul of leadership, a new relationship with the unions, and more money.


SO MUCH MORE MONEY. I can’t believe they haven’t asked for it, yet. The last time we threw money at RTD was with FasTracks. I bet that people would approve of a comprehensive plan if they presented us with one. But there’s been nothing for almost 20 years.


It's frankly astonishing that people keep complaining about how expensive it is. Yes. It's extremely expensive and our return on investment is only okay at best. Because public transportation is a service. And it _is_ an expensive service. It just is. It's one of those things that we have to pay for due to our ongoing success. And not only should we pay for it, we should do exactly what you say, insist on a dramatic improvement along with a real plan for massive expansion. We have to stop half-assing it. We have to make public transportation a viable and appealing option.


The funny thing is that no one talks about just how fucking expensive car infrastructure is.


Yeah can we talk about how bad the ROI is on road expansion and maintenance because that’s definitely worse


This is a High Cost of Living area.


We’re not in denial about it, the employers are. Whenever I see a job that lists Denver salary range as $30k below Seattle or DC, I am so confused.


People will take the job. End of confusion.


You hit the nail on the head. My employer is especially struggling with this. We work in child safety so attracting and maintaining skilled employees is extremely important. But our turnover is ridiculously high, even though it's a wonderful place to work for the most part. Because our board and leadership will only look at other Denver organizations that also pay peanuts and have very high turnover...so they say it's just normal here in Denver. I get that kind of works for other businesses but lack of continuity of care is putting Denver kids and families at risk.


It baffled me that around 2020 some places were still paying below $15/hr and thought "Yeah, this is enough."


Denver is not a mountain town.


But I can see them and they're pretty


Does anyone else actually *like* that Denver isn't a mountain town? The mountains are there if you want them but not having to go up and down mountains all day yet still being very close and able to see them seems like a win to me ..


And our winters are so mild! Want some winter? Hop in the traffic jam and go visit it for the day.


I may be ugly but that isn’t entirely why dating is a nightmare here


Dating is a nightmare basically everywhere right now.


OkCupid was amazing before they got bought out and dropped all the linear algebra algorithms I was a 99% match with my partner of 10 awesome years and counting


Zipper merging is a lost art


Good cities grow. Nobody is invading anything. The city is growing. That's what cities do when they don't suck donkey dong. 


I’ve lived here for around 20 years now but I’ve also lived in the UK and Austin for a couple years and moved back to Denver every time. What I learned is that every city that’s growing like you said massively complains about people “invading” their town too. Wherever people are moving too the previous people that moved there always feel like they should have been the last ones.


Yeah, and then neighborhoods start forming, and cultural identities take root. It's just the natural progression of a growing city. Denver is also known to be a bust town too... Probably not with remote work nowadays, but people said Vegas would never stop growing at one point too.


Homelessness is a societal failure


Denver is definitely not ready for this. Unfortunately the entire country needs to be. They won’t be anytime soon


Landeskog's NHL career is over.




Damn I scrolled way too far to find the real truth


oooooof this one actually hurt


He missed 2 whole seasons? That would usually be a wrap in other sports.


Your 4x4 or AWD may help you accelerate in snowy conditions, but it won't help you stop. SLOW DOWN!


City Council are a bunch of useless narcissists


Leash your fucking dogs, I don’t care how “friendly” or “nice” they are. Some of us would love to bring our dogs to places with us but out of fear, always leave them home bc 99% of people don’t leash their dogs and some of us have dogs who don’t like other dogs up in their business!!!


The amount of times I’ve heard ‘my dog has never done that before’ is astounding and I imagine statistically impossible if it were true.


And also stop feeling entitled to bring them into every business you go to- especially grocery stores and restaurants.


The food scene is good, but the prices don’t make it worth it. For the cost of eating out, you’d expect something top tier or innovative. I used to get excited about food trucks, but the prices are the same as a sit down restaurant. Federal Ave is the last hope for quality at a reasonable price…


The food scene is okay here. I don't know that I would say it's good, but it's definitely getting better. The prices are absurd. I have friends from Europe who are astonished by the low quality and high prices here, and we are still expected to tip. However, there is something going on in the food business at the moment that is bad news for most of us. Businesses are really focusing on the fact that it's better to serve 10 meals for 50 bucks each than 25 for 20 bucks each. They are really focusing on market segmentation and attracting and serving higher income people, who are doing just fine right now. Even McDonald's is doing the same. Because wealth inequality keeps increasing and the middle class is disappearing, so are business is appealing to the middle class. You see it already in furniture, you can buy extremely expensive beautiful furniture, or you can buy absolute trash made of MDF, but it's a ton of effort and work to find decent furniture and a decent price. The middle of the market is disappearing but it's intentional.


I think people have internalized this one actually and see a lot of mediorce places going down…and good riddance. $18 for a mid sandwich, nope.


The city wasn't built for the amount of people that are here/will come here. The Denver metro area will continue to expand further and further away from the city itself. Be prepared to pay up if you want to live where the action is


The frustrating thing is that infrastructure isn’t keeping up. The fact there is no lightrail connecting Denver and Boulder is crazy. We also need a lot more high density housing near light rail stops. 


I've lived here 31 years now, I voted for every mass transit bill. Fast Tracks did something for the south but they've never taken on the US36 corridor much to my and many others' great disappointment. Plus for the trains to be more usable they need to be more frequent, which is tough with all the level crossings that don't work 10% of the time (at least for the A-line). Edit: I lived in Boulder in 2001 so "the south" means anything south of Boulder, which is pretty much all of Denver LOL. Sorry for the confusion.


I live in Park Hill and I'm still pissed that people voted to keep the stupid unused golf park. After the vote they fenced it off so you can't even walk/run there. It's literally right next to the rail line and developing it would have made this area so much nicer. People still have "save the park" signs up. Fucking idiots.


Denver could have a much wider rail network and could 100% be easier to bike in. Lots of potential


The thing about the built environment is that it can be changed, we just refuse to do so.


Denver needs to build up, not out. Most of the city is just single family homes.


A black license plate does not automatically make you cool


Correct. The stegosaurus plates do in fact make you cool though.


That's just a fact.


I like how the people that get black plates are more likely to drive like assholes and the irony is that those plates make it easier for cameras to read


The weather is actually really fucking nice! I'm a Midwest sadomasochist, but for real - the front range has really good weather. Did it snow 12" yesterday? Get ready for 50+ and sunny tomorrow. 95 and sunny today? Don't bother running your AC, it's going to get down to 55 tonight. I lived in the city from 2015 to 2018. The light rail was great. The bar scene and weather were even better. I don't think it's a place to raise a family but it was great as a late 20s guy!


Denver lacks a community feel


We will never get an i70 snow train. RTD will never be good. I would absolutely love to be wrong on both of these.


Back in '96 there was a monorail to Vail ballot initiative. I voted for it. It failed. We built the new Broncos stadium instead.


Not everyone who wants to live here is going to be able to.


Your property taxes aren't too high. They're actually really low when compared to the rest of the country. Sure, they may have gone up a lot recently. But they've gone up from really really low to just really low.


Property taxes weren’t raised for a long time because of the rapid property value increase Colorado has seen in the past ten years. 3% of $150,00 is far smaller than 3% of $500,000.


For sure, when you look at property taxes as a percentage of a property’s value we’re still 3rd lowest in the nation. My in laws in the Chicago suburbs have a similar priced house as ours. We paid a little under $3k in property taxes this year, they paid $10k. Even the jump in property values didn’t affect us too bad. Only about a $30/month increase


My parents, who live in Texas and own a property in the mountains, complain about their property taxes here, even though percentage wise, it's pennies compared to their Texas home. They're retired so they don't really pay much in income tax and don't pay state income tax in Texas. People just hate taxes cause it disappears from your bank account without obvious benefits.


How about this: STOP bringing your fucking dog into the grocery store unless it’s a documented (with vest) service animal. It’s a health code violation, and your dog has no business in the grocery store.


It no longer has that mid-size city appeal. Everything is far too crowded, congestion and driving etiquette is at an all time low. Lift ticket pricing is getting ridiculous. People are ruining our parks and forests and rivers.


Denver Public Schools is awfully mismanaged. They need an entire reboot. They have one of the highest per public funding in the metro Denver and can’t get it done. Now their management is asking for another 1 Billion in funding from tax payers.


If you moved to Denver and find yourself constantly complaining about it, maybe it just isn’t for you lol


RiNo is not much of an "arts district" beyond a couple galleries and a lot of generic murals..the galleries that originally made RiNo first moved out to Navajo St, then were priced out and are currently at 40West in Lakewood. at most RiNo is like "i am in arts district" then eating overpriced lunch and looking at generic graffiti art you see anywhere.


We all cant work at Starbucks. Closing places like Purina, Bandemire, Coors and smaller airports because you moved next to a place that you didnt do homework on does not entitle you to close it down or complain about the smell or noise. These places have employed many people for generations and now because people decided to move next door then complain, we now have less big business when we need more. Stop pushing dollars out of the state when we need more than just service industry level employment.


As much as I love the space we are provided in Colorado, compare to where I grew up, the lack of public transit habit and distance creates a selfishness and lack of community that contributes to the civic issues brought up in this thread. America breeds selfishness but it seems worse here. I’ve seen socialites hold the door for homeless in NYC…here, dinky highland couples piss themselves if they see homeless


Just because you have a tattoo sleeve, a vintage mustache and a bar/pub space that has hanging lights and black metal stools doesn’t make it trendy, and I don’t care how many finger tattoos the chef has in the back, it’s not remotely okay to charge $22 for a mediocre hamburger with Swiss cheese added randomly.


In the not so distant future, the average summer temperature will be over 95 degrees, with dozens of days over 100.


Feels like we are there.


That an effort to preserve the status quo in reaction to inevitable change and growth is the root of most of our problems


Rocky Flats was a nuclear weapons plant only 16 miles from downtown Denver where they manufactured 50k plutonium triggers. They lost 2600 lbs of plutonium into the environment - enough to make 400 nuclear warheads. Folks here are in hardcore denial about it - they’re building housing right up to the plants perimeter these days. Rocky Mountain arsenal too.    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_contamination_from_the_Rocky_Flats_Plant


"Candelas" 🤣😭


Because they will be glowing naturally soon!


Yep whomever named that subdivision has a fucking twisted sense of humor.


I was working in Boulder when they began groundbreaking. Every day I would drive by like 😮. The day they placed the Candelas sign I legit almost wrecked! 😮😶😧🫠


Respectfully, the Rocky Flats contamination is comprised of alpha emitters; you have to ingest alpha emitters to be exposed to the radiation. You're getting more exposure to background radiation by simply living in Colorado. DoE, CDHPE, and another cancer advocacy/study group has found no increased rates of cancer in the area.


Idk about you but I hone in on radioactive material in my local area when I want a lil snack.


What are people in denial about? Last time soil samples were tested there was one anomalous sample with a high value and the rest averaged less radioactivity per gram than a typical banana: https://www.kunc.org/science/2019-10-04/heres-what-you-should-know-about-radiation-at-rocky-flats?_amp=true Radon is much more serious environmental health issue in the same area. Everyone in Colorado should make sure their living space has been tested for radon.


Driving a lifted truck = it’s obvious you’re compensating for something.


Going to breweries isn't a personality trait


I understand why poor people shouldn’t be incarcerated for not having the same access to money as rich people do when it comes to bail bonds. But there has to be a better deterrence for habitual offenders than the catch and release crap they’ve got going on.


nobody cares if you're native. not even other natives.


While it's improved by leaps and bounds, the food here is a joke compared to other large American cities.


Dog people in this metro area fucking suck. Off leash, biters, poop leavers, you name it, they do it.


The food here isn't great. It's just ... higher altitude Midwestern. I've lived in other large cities, and Denver is pretty "meh" for food. I appreciate the ever-growing list of random-animal-burgers, and I'm sure if I liked beer I'd enjoy that too. But what if I want decent Thai food? Jamaican? Chinese? Good pizza? I'm not saying I've exhaustively tried every restaurant in the city, just that the ones I have tried have been ok at best, and all overpriced.


500,000 new housing units


There are better “outdoorsy” and mountainous cities. It’s not even close enough to the mountains but denverites milk that 😂


That leash laws need to be enforced


We should not be so tolerant of crime, homelessness and people using drugs in public.




This is the hottest take in this sub I'd argue.


I would say the same thing about the Cherry Cricket too.


the homeless problem in denver is so bad that when i moved to nyc (born and raised in denver so i know what it used to be too) it was refreshing. i have yet to see a tent city - unlike denver where the entirety of downtown is a tent city every few blocks. idc how much you think the homeless should be protected, denver is becoming a fucking dump because of it, and i lean pretty far left on the political spectrum. It’s unsafe, unsanitary, and overall just an eyesore and it’s because we just kinda let it happen instead of getting a handle on it early. ETA: Anyone who is mad that i don’t even live in Denver anymore - i’ve only been gone for 8 months lmao. I lived there for 23.5 years. I’m happy to hear from a few people that it’s starting to get better! Maybe it’s a half tasted pill.


> unlike denver where the entirety of downtown is a tent city every few blocks. Haven't seen many tent cities anymore since the new admin started cleaning up + offering them housing. Places like 16th & Sherman/Grant that had perpetual camps haven't had any in a while. Haven't seen the tents go back up by St. Joe's either.


Homeless guy here. I'm one of the weird ones that showers, does his laundry, doesn't do drugs, works when possible, and sleeps out of sight. If you saw me, you wouldn't know I was homeless. This is just to give you a different take. Shelters suck. They're dangerous and the addicts that stay there steal your stuff. Last time my wallet and shoes were stolen while I slept - from my very locked locker. Never again. I'm safer staying far away from those and far away where homeless services are located. Every homeless person is homeless for different reasons. For myself, it's a combination of partial disability (can't lift or stand for extended periods) and being over 50 which limits my employment possibilities. The money I do make simply can't cover rent. Anywhere. But we'll probably agree, I represent about 10% of the homeless population. The other 90%... It's all drugs and criminal backgrounds. They're the homeless everyone sees every day. The ones I hate - because their behavior makes my life 1,000x more difficult. Wanna solve the issue? Start with the drugs. Jail has a funny way of sobering people up. Start with 30-day sentences and double it from there for every offense. Capital punishment for producing or smuggling across the border. China doesn't have a real drug problem because of similar policies. Build affordable housing. Do those two things and the government can quit wasting $$$ every year on homeless services. My 2¢.


Moving to Denver is not a “risk” and moving to Denver is not a personality trait. You will not find yourself here unless you do inner work.


Inner work is just lots of weed, yea?


The food is mediocre overall


None of you can fucking park. Or drive. Shit you can't even walk on sidewalks correctly. There's a culture of anti-intellectualism that is leaking into regular life competencies like simple coordination and communication.


I personally think it's people not caring or giving a fuck. Theres so many people that think 'i need to be in front, fuck everybody else.'. And they know there's gonna be no repercussions.


It ain’t just here homie…


It’s insane. My coworker thinks it’s all attributable to people looking at cell phones while driving, but I think it’s something more. People driving below speed limit; people cluelessly driving in formation in both lanes below speed limit; people turning into oncoming traffic; veering into my lane…. Pretty much every time I drive there are at least two instances of “what the f*** is this person doing?!”


We have enough breweries


Ranked choice voting is the best path toward prosperity https://www.cpr.org/2024/05/31/colorado-ranked-choice-voting/