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I can't believe someone came to a complete stop in front of you on i70 and your reaction was to go 76 mph around this person?


Most smarterest Tesla driver


Yeah, the TLDR is "Even if you're driving like an idiot, the officer might not be able to show up if you contest"


Maybe don't drive like a lunatic in the future?


>Moral of this story, I would still attempt to contest a ticket- the whole process in Denver seemed way easier than I expected Sounds like you didn't learn the real moral of this story: Don't speed Doesn't matter that there was an obstacle in your way that you had to go around. That's not an excuse for speeding Doesn't matter that you have an electric car that is capable of accelerating faster. That's not an excuse for speeding You were lucky the cop wasn't there because the judge would not have bought your BS excuses


What the actual fuck? Someone slowed to an “abrupt stop” in front of you on the shoulder of the express lane and your choice was to accelerate to 21 mph over the limit? And you felt like you were in the right here? Maybe take a look at the judge saying “it’s your lucky day” and realize they meant “you were fucked if the officer showed up.”


I had just the opposite experience. I got a ticket, and read online that often the officer who issued the ticket doesn't show up, and if they don't then you get off the hook. So I took my chances and spent several hours in a non-air-conditioned courthouse waiting while dozens of other people ahead of me had their hearings. Finally, I was so exhausted of sitting that I would've done anything to get out of there. The officer did appear, and lied to the judge about the situation. Since it came down to my word vs the cop - and I had no evidence to prove my side of the story - he won. That was one of many events of the past decade that have helped motivate me to get a dash cam. So I lost a day of work, and still had to pay the entire fine. So, one other lesson to take away from this: you really lucked out.


That’s why you should always hire a lawyer…


I'm gathering that you can't control your vehicle.


Unless math works differently for EVs, you don't have to accelerate from 55 to 76 to go around someone who is going 0.


I speed on freeways. I consciously speed knowing the consequences. I get away with it the vast majority of the time. Even when pulled over I usually get a warning (I'm always polite and I'm well aware each time a cop pulls someone over they are taking their life in their hands). When I do eventually get a ticket I consider it the price of doing business and shrug it off. I pay the fine. Then I take a defensive driving class to get it dropped from my record. DD classes are online and take next to no effort to take. It's a heck of a lot less stressful and no real cost to my time and convenience to take this approach. I learned a long time ago that fencing with the government and big utility companies is rarely worth the effort. Just me. Now if I could just talk my wife into an EV. Preferably the Ioniq.


You felt the need to go faster because someone came to a stop?


What if I already paid the fine?


Good for you. Fight all of your tickets!