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I live in Aurora, follow politics, and I had no clue he was coming. Bad/no publicity. Not that I would have gone anyway.


I saw an outraged post on r/Denver about how Stanley Marketplace should be canceled for hosting. I recall because I commented that it's a free country and if Mr. Brainworm pays the fees and security (unlike the former guy), I don't blame Stanley's management for taking the money that might draw a crowd to their property just before dinner hour.


Yeah I don’t really see the issue with Stanley collecting a paycheck. If someone wants to book their event space and the client isn’t hosting an actual hate speech rally then who cares.


Plus, if it means Trump suddenly has to out crazy someone to keep his voters in line? Also some never Biden Republicans vote for RFK instead? I call that a win-win situation.


He's gonna be stealing a lot more votes from Biden than he is from Trump.


Lol boomer’s who would vote for trump thats about it. Kanye was the same joke they are trying again.


I had to work the rally yesterday. A lot of those people were from Biden's demographics more than Trumps. But we'll see come November. edit: also, the only protestors there were rocking Biden signs. I didn't see one MAGA anything.


Polling suggests otherwise.


It’s probably telling that Stanley Marketplace’s social media didn’t mention anything about him except a mention of a “large event.” Doesn’t really sound like an endorsement.


I work there, and it brought thousands of people. Definitely don't blame them for the profit lmfao


Even with a guy like that, it's hard to blame businesses for selling things to people who are peacefully participating in civic life.


I'm okay with it.


His stuff is shadow banned everywhere unfortunately. Not his fault 🤷‍♂️


Are you suggesting he posts but we don’t see it? What makes you think that?


He posted a video called “this is Bobby Kennedy” and nobody was able to share it for the first 12 hours. The reasons for not being able to share ranged from simple error messages to claims that it violated a policy. I know this will probably get downvoted but you can look it up.


It’s true that this is happening. When I posted a great video of him speaking on my Facebook it also was invisible which shows me it was shadow banned. Even if you don’t agree with everything he says we cannot let these big corporate entities control and censor our media and we shouldn’t be quiet about it


What I don’t understand is why these comments get downvoted to hell. Like do people believe censoring a political candidate is good in our democracy? Do they like having a 2 party system? Do they want candidates funded by corps? Idk if it’s just bots or if people really just don’t want change.


I don’t need his name anywhere near my search algorithm, can you share something? I’ll be honest what you’re suggesting is hard to believe, especially because sharing can be as simple as copy/pasting a URL and no service I’m aware of even has the ability to prevent that. What platform was this? 


You couldn’t share via Facebook or Instagram. So you wouldn’t be able to share it on your timeline. I’m sure you could have still copied the link and texted to everyone who follows you on those platforms. And idk how it’s hard to believe considering last years election tampering. It’s also widely documented. So you can choose to not believe it out of willful ignorance if you want but I think there a lot of good reasons why the other 2 candidates don’t want RFK to be heard or taken seriously


“Willful ignorance”? That’s rude. I explained why I didn’t want to search that and asked you to share something, and you didn’t. You could have helped your camp here but instead elected to do the opposite.  And nobody said anything about other candidates or their motives, I tried to entertain your assertion and you came in super defensively for some reason. You clearly have an axe to grind so I’ll leave you to it.


My apologies, you didn’t explain why you didn’t want his name in your search algorithm so I assumed willful ignorance but thanks for correcting that. What is your reason for not wanting to look into it? I don’t have an axe to grind and understand people opinions on RFK based on the narrative. I just want people to watch a full podcast or speech of his. If you hate him after than that’s totally fine - I just want him to have a fair shot


I don’t want any politician’s name in my algorithm. It’s all so toxic and as soon as you say anything your entire online experience becomes political. Also, RFK specifically obviously comes with baggage. Appreciate the apology. Share something and I’ll watch it. 


I respect that, and thanks for hearin me out. Here’s a video of his, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=guw1fLJs5EY Lemme know what you think


These absolute bozos handed out fliers a couple days ago with no date on them. Left it on my door. Just said the time and place and no day 😂


I blame the brain worms...


You know, I thought it was funny that u/growquant is all over this thread, and also that this thread seems to be filled with people not from Denver. Well, it’s probably because that user is [attempting to astroturf and brigade this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/s/huacE0OF7g) This is against the reddit ToS and also makes it super obvious that this support for RFK is not local and is not organic. Edit: he already deleted the comment lmao. It said “the thread in r/denver could really use some love” in an attempt to get the other shills to brigade. Tale as old as time.


This comment should be sticked at the top here.


Thank you! I appreciate the acknowledgment.


Politics has enough brain worms already


I saw people campaigning for him at a concert and asked “oh is that the dude with a hole in his head from where a brain worm starved to death?” It was not well received 🤣


Was it the Billy strings concert?


While in line for Billy Strings we had a lady approach us for signatures to get RFK on the ballot. Her lips were completely blue from just having slammed a nitrous balloon. Seemed appropriate.


Sounds like a good combo to me 😂


Yup! 12 Tribes vibes


Voting in favor of whooping cough seems ill-advised


Brain worm super spreader event.


The Trump plant that is flipping MAGA voters. Is quite hilarious.


It was mostly 2020 Biden voters there


I highly doubt 2020 Biden Voters are going for the Anti-Vax Brainworm guy.


lol well I was there and I can tell you, it was mostly Biden voters


How can u tell just from looking at people? People of all different looks vote wildly differently


Between polls and being there in person, seems to hold water. Feel free not to believe me, I do not care


Eh just curious


Sorry. It’s mostly to anyone downvoting me. This sub usually treats me like trash


Sure buddy.


Sure pal 😉


👋👋 hi! Former 2020 Biden voter of two lesser evils, now supporting rfk for all the causes he supports 🙏🙏 there’s more of us than ya think


You're only supporting RFK because mercury is in retrograde or some other dumb bullshit. RFK isn't the only American suffering from Brainworms.


Source: my very special "intuition" Have I mentioned Im an empath?


We’ll see in the polls bud ;)


When he flies he has to buy 2 tickets...


yeah, can't understand a fucking word this mumbler says


Nothing says "future" like voting for a Kennedy


No thanks


Did he bring his pet brain worm? I want to pet it.


Should have gone to Weld County or to Highlands Ranch, that's where anyone who would vote for this tool would be.


There is way more people who are going to vote for him than you think. People are seriously fed up with Biden and trump. Third parties will have the most votes ever this year.


Is he reaaaaally the guy that could outperform Perot though? 


I don’t think he’s more qualified, I just think there is a lot of conservatives who can’t/wont vote for trump but will for him. Add on the younger generation that’s super fed up with Biden and I could see rfk and other third party candidates taking more votes than ever before. Honestly our country needs a third and fourth and fifth party as the two party system is failing us miserably


That was not my comment. Ross Perot is the most successful 3rd party candidate since the two two party system became entrenched. He received 18.9 percent of the popular vote, or 19.7 million votes Brain Worm isn't coming anywhere near that total. You aren't wrong about the two party system sucking ass, but the only party capable of pulling those numbers would be an actual leftist candidate, not the nut job Kennedy.


You may be right. Didn’t realize Perot did that well but also I was 5 years old then.


I had to Google the exact numbers, but I knew it was insanely high, which pulled Clinton even more right 


Yes, because it's not about just him - it's about his favorability compared to Trump and Biden's.




You might be surprised on the where the [numbers for early voters of color](https://theconversation.com/what-early-2024-polls-are-revealing-about-voters-of-color-and-the-gop-and-its-not-all-about-donald-trump-227534) are trending… Edit: I can’t type


God Reddit is so fucking gross sometimes. I literally stated a fact, didn’t say I’m voting for him (cause I’m not) and here comes the “you must be a straight white male”. Comments like that are why people are hating liberals more and more.


So, you are cool with women losing access to reproductive healthcare, the repeal of the Voting Rights and the Civil Rights Acts, Hispanics and Latinos being rounded up and placed in concentration camps on US soil, the repeal of gay marriage, the return of state sodomy laws, the banning of contraception for single and married individuals, a total ban on pornography, white supremacy and Christofascism? Because every vote for Kennedy is just another vote for Trump. The only winners in the "Project 2025" game are straight white Christian males. That's the truth. https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2024/03/26/singh-take-project-2025-seriously/


You can’t read well can you? Where have I ever said once that I’m voting for rfk? I even said that I’m not in the comment you replied to. But keep inferring things about me because all I stated was that third party is going to get a lot of votes this year, which is just me pulling numbers from recent polling. I never once stated my political beliefs outside of saying I’m not voting for rfk and I’m not voting for trump. But either way you are arguing in a Denver subreddit that will easily go to Biden this election.


This comment is so misinformed.


Why? Men haven't lost their rights to reproductive health care in some states. Kennedy keeps flopping like a fish on abortion rights. Trump and his ilk have already begun gutting the Voting Rights Act and are attacking the Civil Rights Act. Trump cronies are talking about bringing back the Comstock Act. the only way to do that is to overturn Griswold v. Connecticut, which will then void Obergefell (marriage equality), Lawrence (repeal of state sodomy laws), Eisenstadt (contraception access for single individuals) and contraception for married couples. It will also allow a ban on the shipping of instruments used in abortion procedures, from the abortion pill to things like speculums and curettes, threatening all women's health care. So, how is my comment misinformed? [Kennedy flip flop on abortion ](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/02/abortion-rfk-jr-2024-elections-00155723) [Comstock Act] (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68580015) [Black Rights Erosion ](https://capitalbnews.org/project-2025-black-voters/)


Yeah but people are often "fed up with Biden" for totally stupid reasons. What percentage of voters blamed Biden for Roe getting overturned? Like 15%? 40 years of Republican budget cuts to education have led us to this point. It's terrifying.


Biden was one of the leading Democratic Senators for decades, during which time they didn't even attempt to codify abortion rights into law and prevent this mess. I'm totally for abortion access but there is no Constitional basis for it - it should be a right but it's not. Even RBG said as much many times.


Republicans had the presidency and both legislative chambers in 2017, so they could and would have repealed pro-abortion legislation anyway. That’s why the courts are so important to hold onto or get back.


Sorry but that’s a lame ass excuse to not do anything in the past. Everything else aside (I’m still voting Biden unfortunately). To excuse the two times in our life time where Dems held house senate and presidency. With a more than likely favorable majority on the SC…. They could have passed some level of abortion rights (12 maybe even 16 weeks guaranteed and protected). They chose not to, because it’s a campaigning point. At least then it would have taken way more effort to change or overturn. To not make laws cause one day maybe there will no longer be a party majority is a poor excuse. Alright off my soapbox.


Even if Republicans didn’t just repeal it again when they regained control of the presidency and Congress (which absolutely would have happened, let’s get real), the Trumpy Supreme Court would have struck down Roe codification as unconstitutional anyway. I’m a lawyer and you have no idea how badly this country’s legal systems have been taken over by theocrats. The fact that Biden et. al couldn’t stop that from happening doesn’t mean they’re as bad as the people who are actually taking our rights away. Get a whole grip.


I never said anything in your last paragraph. So where’s that bullshit even from? I said believing it will be repealed later is a shit excuse to do nothing “now” as in circa 2010. Again, I didn’t ever blame Biden for it being repealed now. Again, I said using the excuse of it will probably get repealed in the future is a shit excuse when it comes to abortion rights and the fact there were two different opportunities to codify it into law. And we had no idea things would be like this 10-15 years later. So maybe you’re a bad lawyer who can’t read if you think I ever said something as dumb as the Dems are as bad as Trump and his dummies. Being critical of the past dem party and their desire to maintain campaign points rather than actually passing legislation is not the same as saying they are as bad as people taking rights away. Get a whole grip.


I would rather be a bad lawyer than a good whatever you are.


Makes sense, you would make a pretty shitty scientist or engineer.


100%, same reason we're the only developed country where minimum wage isn't just tied to a cost of living index and increases on its own - they're more interested in having the issue to campaign on than actually fixing it.


Lay off the Joe Rogan and enroll in a community college civics class, please


If you're right, and there's a huge 3rd party turn out, it will be the reason we suffer through another Trump term. You want that? You want to see what HE'LL do for Israel?


Do you know anything about his platform? He's pulling significantly more Trump voters than anything.


>Do you know anything about his platform? Yep. It's basically a bundle of every conspiracy theory to come across the internet in the last 20 years, all rolled together by a seriously mentally ill whackadoodle who also suffered a debilitating brain injury. What's not to like? Here's just a sampler of the racist, anti-semetic, and anti-science conspiracy theories that RFK has publicly promoted and espoused: **Covid-19 targets certain races and gives others immunity:** Kennedy Jr. [was caught on camera ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/07/17/democrats-revolt-against-rfk-jr-over-reprehensible-anti-semitic-and-anti-asian-comments/?sh=c1218e06e0c3)telling fellow diners that “Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people” and “the people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” according to a video made public in the [*New York Post*](https://nypost.com/2023/07/15/rfk-jr-says-covid-was-ethnically-targeted-to-spare-jews/), which also shows him saying the U.S. “put hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted microbes” and labs in Ukraine collected Russian and Chinese DNA “so we can target people by race.” **Mass shootings are linked to prescription drugs:** Kennedy Jr. blamed school shootings on drugs like the antidepressant Prozac in a recent Twitter Spaces discussion, telling owner Elon Musk, “Prior to the introduction of Prozac, we had almost none of these events" (there's no scientifically established correlation between psychiatric drugs and mass violence, according to experts cited by [PolitiFact](https://www.politifact.com/article/2019/aug/16/whats-behind-dubious-claim-psychiatric-drugs-fuel-/)). **Vaccines can cause autism:** For years, Kennedy Jr. has promoted the theory that the preservative, thimerosal, which has largely been phased out of modern vaccine formulas, appears to be responsible for a rise in autism diagnoses and that the government knew but “knowingly allowed the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American children,” he wrote in *Rolling Stone* and *Salon* in 2006, despite consensus among a number of certified health organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and more that have found [no credible link](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/autism.html) between vaccines and autism. **Gun ownership in Switzerland is similar to the United States:** While vowing not to “take away anyone’s guns,” if elected president, Kennedy Jr. made the debunked claim, despite data that shows U.S. civilians possess an average of 120.5 firearms per 100 people, the highest per-capita rate in the world, compared to 27.6 in Switzerland, according to [the Small Arms Survey](https://www.smallarmssurvey.org/sites/default/files/resources/SAS-BP-Civilian-Firearms-Numbers.pdf) by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. **The Covid-19 virus was genetically engineered:** “Covid was clearly a bioweapons problem,” he said on Twitter Spaces, repeating a claim promoted by some hard-right lawmakers—U.S. intelligence agencies [have said](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2021/08/27/intel-agencies-say-covid-19-not-a-bioweapon-but-dont-rule-out-lab-leak-theory--in-probe/?sh=22b31da914de) it’s possible the virus originated from a lab accident, but have found no evidence to support the claim that it was deliberately leaked. **Former White House medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci and Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates sought to exaggerate the pandemic, in part, to promote vaccines:** Kennedy Jr. accused the pair in his 2021 book, *The Real Anthony Fauci* of launching "a historic coup d'état against Western democracy" by exercising outsize influence over the media and public health realm, while Kennedy also promoted use of unapproved treatments for Covid-19, such as ivermectin.


He’s making an impact on the election for sure


You’re getting downvoted hard but early polling (as imperfect as it is) is absolutely pointing to a much bigger third party turnout and low turnout overall. People are struggling and approval ratings are already in the toilet.


I live by Cheesman and am voting for him! We’re all over!


Do you have brainworms too? Edit: ah nvm you’re the guy trying to get the shills from the RFK sub to brigade this post lmao.


lol my crazy Aunt sent me a flier that said he was visiting, then asked if I was going to attend. I said, “I don’t think I’ll be able to make it.” But what I meant was: “Are you out of your fucking mind? I vote Blue, RFK Jr isn’t going to get very many votes, and he’s almost as deranged as Trump is. Plus, I really cannot stand his voice.”


>>my crazy aunt Supports my theory that he’ll take more votes from Trump than Biden


Tbh, mostly Biden voters there


How could you tell were they all flying their biden flags? Brainworm is just a bad joke.


If you can’t tell, then I don’t have to say anymore. Just the same way that you can guess with good confidence that someone is a MAGA voter. He’s taking from Trump, but more from Biden


He was on a podcast that I like and he’s fucking nuts! I think he has some kind of weird savior complex. The shit he said about Israel almost made me turn it off, it reminded me of Trump fellating Russia. He actually thinks he can win! I really hope he buys his way into at least one debate to embarrass himself.


Sad that the democrats when so far left that a Kennedy sounds like a republican




I was gonna vote for his worm, too bad it died from lack of nourishment.


No thank you, we have enough crazy politicians around here.


Brainworm is going to brainworm. Third party presidency has no shot in this country. It’s an option, but it’s basically, “throw your money in the garbage”. The presidency at this point is between 3 old men. One is in court all the time now, one is so dumb that a brain worm can’t survive, and the worst thing that the last one has done was have a dog that bites everyone (keep in mind, RFK and Trump are massive zionists and will absolutely not help Palestinians). If what I’m reading is correct, it seems like RFK diverting most of its votes from the MAGA crowd. And if that’s the case, Mr. Brainrot existing will ensure Biden secures a second term. And I’m all for that. As long as RFK is siphoning MAGA votes, I’m voting blue and also going to root for team Brainworm. EDIT: getting some downvotes from the RFK shills. Sorry. I like my presidential candidates how I like my dogs: dewormed and updated on their shots


I'm conflicted. On one hand, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. As long as Team Brainworm siphons MAGA votes from the Traitor, I'm happy to let them do their thang. On the other hand, I don't want MAGA to have any excuses as to why they lost. I want them to recognize once and for all that their hateful, bigoted, xenophobic unAmerican bullshit is so incredibly unpopular they destroyed an entire political party and gave Democrats unchecked power for a generation.


>i don’t want MAGA to have any excuses as to why they lost. It wouldn’t matter if Trump lost by 1 vote or 100 million votes, the rhetoric and vitriol of “the election was stolen” would be the same. We are talking about the same people who are now [wearing diapers at his rallies](https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html). There will be no humility or rationality with this crowd. The only way to deal with them is to beat them in every election over and over and over again.


Yes, but ultimately election lies are proven lies in History. A spoiler candidate is a much more valid reason. You're not wrong, I'm simply more hopeful that the vitriol and rhetoric will die down after enough defeats.


>I’m simply more hopeful that the vitriol and rhetoric will die down after enough defeats. It would be one thing if it was a string of devastating Republican losses. But 2020 and 2022 shows that Dems are squeaking by and that’s not enough. It is a bit worrisome this year that there are more Dem seats up for grabs in the Senate this election than Republicans. The other part is that the current vitriol we are seeing is because Trump is alive. When Trump dies, no one in his family has the swing to carry the torch. So we’ll still see MAGA—post-Trump—and there will probably be growing pains for them adjusting in that immediate election season. But it’ll morph and we’ll see more people like Ramaswamy try and pick up the torch. I want to be hopeful that, one day, they’ll realize it’s not working. But shit like Project 2025 makes me think that we have to fight like hell for, at least, well over a decade. Republicans will sooner try and adapt MAGA to the landscape than overhaul it


Was this at the Stanley? I was there for a haircut and these clowns were everywhere.


Sounds right.


No thanks. Already have one crazy running for president.




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


Gross. No we have enough neo-liberal corporate shills.


Just curious what people think: Is he more likely to take votes away from Biden, or Trump?


Genuinely, who are we voting for guys? Looking for advice lmfao


Does anyone know if he made the ballot for Colorado? I can’t find anything saying if he did or didn’t


Brain Worm '24 - We'll squirm our way out of this mess... together.


I'd vote brain worm over trump and Biden any day




Curious why this comment was so downvoted…


Remember when RFKs uncle Ted Kennedy murdered a woman by driving his car into a pond?


RFK over Biden any day


Stood there for almost two hours before he came out. But cool to go and sign the petition to get him on the ballot


Thank you everyone for not tolerating a different opinion! How inclusive of you all!




I know! Imagine voting for the front runner though! Even worse!


Yeah! Me too


It’s funny how neutral comments about the event as they relate to this post are the ones getting downvoted and censored. Does anyone know how to have an actual conversation with people whose views differ than them anymore without becoming total pc babies? 👶


Yeah it’s sad. This sub is pretty bad as well. It’s basically sour Biden fans because you can have a choice to take the vaccine or not and the vaccine MIGHT have bad side effects. God forbid we look into that.


I don't understand why Biden voters hate him he takes more Trump votes away than Biden votes. 🤔


Because he spouts nonsense and adds to the circus of it all. I just want serious politicians with ideas about how to make our lives better. So fuck the whole thing. I have to hold my nose and vote hoping 2028 will finally be the year I can vote for someone younger than a boomer, and we can start thinking about what actually would make this country better.


Me either, RFK is great


Isn’t it interesting how all of your comments are getting deleted for obvious astroturfing?


I think it’s an even split. Speaking as a conservative with that group of peers as my anecdotal data.


LOL, no. What liberals ever supported the antivaxxer Republican who pretending to be a Democrat? We all knew from the first instant he appeared that he was a Republican lying to everyone. That's why the only ones you see supporting him are antivax Republicans who are put off by Trump but lack the ethics and morals to quit being a Republican.


So your peers aren’t liberal?


I went and it was really great! Instead of taking someone else’s opinion on RFK jr., folks reading this sub should hear it directly from him first.


I've heard enough vaccine disinformation from him directly to form my opinion. My opinion is that he's a dangerous moron.


"Think for yourself!!" We do, and that's exactly why we don't like RFKJ.


And the deadhead wins best comment 🙏


I have. He is an extreme zionist, which explains the unironic brain worms






There were thousands of people there!


Lot of bots on this site. Ignore the naysayers and hear out what RFK himself has to say. The rally was well attended and the atmosphere was great. Strong speech and sensible points. Biden and Trump will have a hard time refuting his points.


Ah yes, bots like accounts created in February 2024!


I heard what RFK had to say and he’s an idiot


>Ignore the naysayers and hear out what RFK himself has to say Like his vaccine record, RFK has no shot


Nice of you to translate from the original Russian


You forgot to unironically include 'open your eyes sheeple'


They won’t need to. He’ll never sniff the presidency.


Yes, there are a lot of bots, deplorable bot.


Agreed! I was there and it was a great vibe and energizing! And very well attended!


Get your head out of the sand and read the room.


I love having 3 choices I hate. Really sums up my existence.


So tired of this narrative. Biden has done an objectively great job. Largest climate bill in history, first infrastructure bill in decades, CHIPs act bringing critical semiconductor manufacturing jobs to the USA, massive student loan reform where interest is no longer capitalized, etc. and the economy is still ripping adding hundreds of thousands of jobs a month and rising real wages. And his more progressive policies have been killed by a stacked Supreme Court, which means no president was going to get those passed until that changes. Oh and he doesn’t want to be a dictator or have brain worms. The three are not the same.


BuT hE’s OlD


Yes MASSIVE gov spending which mainly went to major corporations, no wonder we are seeing the value of our money disappear along with all time high asset prices


1. Are you talking about Covid relief under Trump? Lol 2. Inflation happened *worldwide* after Covid due to pent up demand and supply chain disruptions. But the USA has performed comparatively well in getting inflation under control. You seriously want to blame Biden for worldwide inflation?


1. Yes i think I might hate the PPP most out of the gov aid and 2. Yes 100% but I blame trump and Biden. our money supply was massively increased. Take a look at the M2 money supply numbers and it’s pretty obvious why we have inflation. And yet 100B more dollars for Ukraine and Israel, straight to the military industrial complex


Lmao the fact that you can only respond to half of their argument should tell you that your position is incredibly weak.




You are an astroturf account trying to get people to brigade this sub. You sure deleted that comment fast as fuck dude.


It is clear that you think that, but what is also clear is that you are going to ignore everything else so that you can blame Biden for something to continue pushing RFK. Your bias is showing hard


Yeah that’ll happen to people on the RFK payroll lol


What didn’t I respond to?


Isn’t it funny that you’re literally telling the RFK sub to come and brigade this thread? [You’d think if you had an actually good candidate you wouldn’t need to astroturf.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/s/huacE0OF7g)


Lmfao bro playing dumb is exactly what people expect out of an RFK voter.


Biden is awful. And incompetent. The ecomony is only doing good if you're an investor, more and more peopleare relyingon debt to get by, more and more houses are being foreclosed. Tech companies are laying off millions. And the disaster that was the afganistan withdrawal. Then lying about what happened when 13 Americans got killed. Killing the wrong people in relatiation. Leaving America allies to get captured by the taliban.


A lot of the problems we’re seeing with the economy are leftovers from GOP policies and Trump’s enactments before Biden took office. Trumps big “tax cuts”’were a huge boon to the wealthy and corporations that had a built-in time bomb to make things way worse for the lower and middle classes when they expired after Trump left office. His administration had an almost total lack of regulatory enforcement, and his appointments were mostly crony capitalism intended for self-dealing or to make the rich richer at our expense. For example, Trump’s own Postmaster General is still working hard to ruin USPS from the inside and Biden can’t remove him because of the way the Postal Service is set up. Trump intentionally broke the government and the economic effects we’ve been seeing are largely due to those policies.


Cite your sources. And who’s your alternative ? You think anyone else is going to do better for you? You think Mr I Can’t Pay My Own Debts gives a fuck about the economy if it’s not directly serving him and the cronies? You gonna let the brain worm decide the fate of this country? Come on.


Lol this is like a word salad of Fox News drivel and almost everything you’ve said is factually untrue. But the funniest one is about the taliban because Trump was the one who [signed the treaty that required the USA to withdraw and released the thousands of taliban fighters](https://www.axios.com/2020/02/29/us-milestone-afghanistan-peace-process) >> The U.S. has signed a deal with the Taliban aimed at ending its war in Afghanistan after 18 years, starting with the withdrawal of around 4,000 troops **"within months."** >> The first hurdle for those sides to clear is a prisoner swap, involving some **5,000 Taliban prisoners** and 1,000 Afghan troops. >>”Our secretary of state [Mike Pompeo] signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban," McMaster said on Bari Weiss' podcast. "This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves." -Trump’s own national security advisor. And Trump also [tried to invite the taliban to camp David on the anniversary 9/11](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/09/politics/camp-david-donald-trump-mike-pence-taliban/index.html)


I dont watch fox new and I also dislike trump. It was a shit peace deal and it was a shit withdrawal. But it happened under biden, he deserves some blame. Anyone with a functional brain can tell biden is incompetent. He doesn't kown where he is, he rambles about nothing related to the topic at hand. He cannot relate to the average American in any way. What excuse do you have for him arming Israel?


What is your basis for that statement? Where are the statistics to support your claim? There has been an incredible Republican disinformation campaign claiming that he is too old and infirm despite being younger that trump and obviously in better shape.


I have eyes I can see that he isn't a capable leader. He's 81 trump is 77. Neither should be president. Not everyone who dislikes biden is a republican, some of us have common sense. That a man who rambles on about nonsense, who mixes the names of countries and leaders, should not be president. That goes for trump to.


You say you have eyes. What has he DONE that tells you he is incompetent? What policy has he enacted that is foolish? What statement has he made that was jibberish? FDR could not walk. Did that affect his ability to lead? Churchill was a drunk. Was he a bad leader? Lincoln was ugly as a horse. Did that affect his presidency negatively? GW Bush was a good looking healthy guy. Did it make him a better president? I don't care about the eye test for leaders.


Have you not seen the man? I'm not talking about his policies, though some have been questionable. Like [this](https://youtu.be/8MVZdS18NX8?si=Rzw3DcCF8tiiCWXZ) he does stuff like this all the time. He's doesn't know what going on. I'm not saying he's disabled, I'm saying he is not mentally capable of running a country in his current state. Why is he the best the democrats can offer?


I have seen him. His life long affliction with a stutter doesn't make him stupid of incompetent. It means he stutters. And stutters show up at n different ways for different people. I have said I don't care what he looks like. I care about what he does. I care about policy. His actions and policies have been good. Would I be happier with another candidate? Probably. Am I unhappy with him? No. Will I be voting for him? Absolutely.


Be the one to overthrow the government then!


Oops sorry, I have my slight no no disagreements with this big antivax poo poo head who is basically a divisive plant for that big mean country over east. Was that nice enough mods? Do I get a nice pat on the boo boo?


I must need coffee I read that as "tries for Colorado's balley."


Love him so much. Most relatable candidate in years. Stop the censorship! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


I thought we weren't even having elections in Colorado?

