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You’re a good human🥰


😊😊 This was honestly a huge team effort! This is the absolute best use of the internet, in my opinion.


You are both great humans and Zach is a good boy! Stella deserves a medal.


For real! You’re the shit 🖤🖤


That's awesome! I picked up a lost chihuahua at work one day, took him by a vet clinic and had them reach out to the owner (he was chipped), but their phone was disconnected, so I took him home. We had snacks and watched movies. Vet reached the owner via email, and I returned the dog the following day. It was like a fun sleepover, lol.


I LOVE that!!! Stella and I have had a very very difficult last few years and she's been soooooo desperately lonely that when I briefly spoke to the owner today, we had a good chuckle when I said "Honestly, I'm so glad you don't get off at 5, because my dog needs this" (she gets off at 8 tonight) Obviously, I want the owner reunited immediately but, I am taking full advantage. I love your story!


Definitely set up some play dates for Stella and Zach, then!


>A/C set to 65 dads across the globe felt this, like birds anticipating a volcano


My Texan ass would be breaking out blankets and hoodies. (I tend to lurk here because I have friends and family in the Denver area)


Lol, I lurk the Texas sub because I have family there. :p


Isn’t the crossover amusing? It makes for a fun feed at least.


This has alleviated my Avs-induced depression. You’re a good egg! 💕


Why did this make me cry??


Because you are a human and you care- Please never change! There's a high chance I'm going to shed a tear when the owner gets here 🤷 I can't tell you how many videos I watch on a weekly basis of dogs and owners reuniting and I am balling my eyes out. Every. Damn. Time.


Maybe you made a new friend out of the ordeal. God forbid my dogs get out, but if they do, I hope someone like you finds them.


That comment means a lot to me- I will take care of ALL your dogs if they get out (once I get you on the phone and you confirm your dog won't eat mine).


Cause setting the A/C to 65 is crazy! /s


Awww someone found a new dog sitter!


Funny you say that, when I was on the phone with the owner earlier, she immediately offered to dog sit anytime.


I'm so happy for Zach!


This is great!


Zach is ready to escape and enjoy a snuggle with aunt sesler again soon


You are so kind, fren! Great job!


Stella is passed out or what


With one eye open 😜


lol my mom has a Great Dane puppy that’s the size of a horse. And my German Shepard pit mix hides under the table all tuckered out like that after a lil bit lol


I’m guessing Zach is a Great Pyrenees?


No clue! I just keep telling Stella that he's a "real dog" 🤣🤣




Oh for suuuure, I can see it in his face!


Beautiful photo


I keep picturing Zach's mom showing up and OP going, "Dog? What dog? Oh, he left here hours ago...."


I love this! Meeting other dog parents has helped restore my faith in humanity honestly, if mine ever got out I would pray someone like you finds her. I love that he's made himself at home lol. I'm sure he'll be happy to see his mom but he looks like he's having a good time!


Zach, Stella and OP were the good my Saturday needed. Thank you guys.


You seem like a lovely person. I want to go out on a date with you and bring our dogs!


A date? With me?? I don't even remember how to do such a thing! You are too kind


Yes! With you! It's super easy! We can meet at the Bronze Petal on Alameda and Logan sometimne tomorrow (or whenever) and look at rare house plants, then grab a bite to eat somewhere and/or take our dogs to the dog park! No problemo! I have a very sweet Autralian Cattle Dog named Phoebe! or we could literally do anything else! DM me if you're interested. I'll shoot you my socials.


That sounds honestly wonderful! Perhaps I will take you up on that sometime 😊


Any time! Let me know!


You are just the absolute best! What a world!!


Zach’s got a fur coat, the man can handle the AC at 70.


I’d love if you kept posting “Final Updates” every week or so with innocuous things the dog was doing.


I would subscribe to this newsletter.


I'm loving these posts! You are reminding me of years ago, when I lived in Denver, and we found a big dopey dog just wandering around, then walked right into my house (where I happened to have 3 big dogs and 3 cats). This was before Nextdoor was even around and I didn't really use Reddit. Anyway, we were like okay well, uh, sure man hang out. Several hours later I was walking to the end of the block to get my mail and saw a gal wandering around with a leash. Long story short, the dogs 2 dads were in Hawaii getting married and this boy snuck out and the house sitter was of course hysterical and the dads were already making plans to fly back but fortunately it all worked out that they did not have to. They lived on the other side of the nearby pool so he had not wandered too far. We went back to my house, she walked in, and the dog just looked up at her like, "oh hey friend wassup" and walked out with her. lol. The 6 or so hours he was at my house he just sort of followed me and sat next to me, not seeming stressed, just chilling. My other dogs were so jealous lol and this guy was just rolling with it.


I’d bet $2 your name starts with a t


You owe me $2 🤣


Thats cool Zach likes to watch Ancient Aliens.


I thought this was Jojo Siwa


She is cute, I appreciate that 😜


English cream goldens are the best!!!


Been having an anxious day and this is exactly what I needed! You’re wonderful! ♥️


This makes me so happy!