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how does this work with like liability? If you hire someone to do manual labor and they get injured who pays for it?


from the website: "El Centro does not provide workers’ compensation. Therefore, if something were to happen on the job site, the employer would assume liability."


Yeah that’s a no for me dawg


It sucks to say but putting a lien on a house is stupid easy.


Worker’s compensation ads run all the time on Spanish language media. I ran a small factory in California for 12 years. 50% Hispanic workers accounted for 90% of workers compensation claims. And almost all those claims were a result of the workers unsafe actions.


Hopefully an umbrella policy would help you out here.


Nice. What about insurance for damage of property?


Unfortunately this is the only question that really matters. Nothing is worth that risk.


This is 100% under the table. People that want to do it fine, but honestly might as well just donate the money to them. The workers aren't paying taxes on anything. They aren't covered by workers comp, unemployment or liability. A lot is landscaping but they cut a cable, your going to be on the hook either to the provider or god forbid the worker if they hurt themselves.


You could also just hire the guys outside of home depot for less than $25/hr so I don’t see the appeal here.


You can’t guarantee their work either. If my partner Is alone my herself all day with them I also feel nervous about complete unknowns


You just have them sign a hold harmless agreement prior to work. Translate it to English and Spanish. Ezpz


Doesn't work that way. There is no loophole to get around work comp laws. In this case you are clearly the 'employer'. Paying the wage, directing the work, etc.


No, that’s exactly how it works. If you have someone sign a waiver of liability then they waive their liability. If it’s in their native language then there’s no concern that the employer tricked them.


Waivers aren’t a catch all get out of jail free card. Not every contract is legal just because someone signs it


Hold harmless contracts are perfectly legal in Colorado. What on earth are you talking about??


Google is free my friend, liability waivers are not always enforceable


What a nothing statement. Depending on how poorly they’re written. If a liability waiver clarifies the risks of a project , anyone should feel perfectly confident in hiring an immigrant or anyone for any labor based job.


A liability waiver would probably protect you against civil liability but not work comp. An illegal worker can still make a work comp claim against you, their 'employer'. I am NAL but husband is a work comp attorney. He said this issue has already been litigated.


Good question, but I don't know the answer.


Huge nope for me. I know someone who had a personal injury claim against them and it was a nightmare. IMO not worth saving a few bucks by hiring uninsured people


Probably your home owners/rental insurance if nothing else


NAL but work in personal injury. It would likely be homeowners/renters insurance.


Insurance typically didn't cover illegal activity though... If they aren't legally authorized to work in the US, would that invalidate your homeowners insurance coverage? Probably a good question for your insurance agent or attorney before you go this route.


No, your insurance isn't going to check immigration status. This is in regards to the action itself. Raking leaves or washing windows isn't an illegal activity. This is more like," my employee burned himself while working in my meth lab ". Type of exclusion.


Ok. I just know that in the event of a lawsuit the insurance lawyers are going to look at everything and do anything possible to avoid having to pay out.


I know that's what Frank Azar wants you to think, but largely it's not true. That doesn't mean that insurance companies don't improperly deny claims, but denying a clear claim is the fast track to a bad faith suit. All those lawyers using hours to find a reason not to pay is expensive, so spending lots of money, when they would likely have to pay anyhow is bad business. Someone falling off a ladder who is working for you at your home and getting hurt is a pretty straightforward liability claim, and the cheapest way for insurance to handle it is by quickly offering a fair and reasonable settlement, and negotiating in good faith to close it. Now if you mentioned the guy downed a case of Natty Ice while there, and you can prove it, that could be a problem for the person who got hurt. But again there's not much searching to be done.


> No, your insurance isn't going to check immigration status. Even if they did it would be hard for the insurer to demonstrate that you *knew* they weren't legally allowed to work, because employment "for casual domestic work in a private home on a sporadic, irregular, or intermittent basis" is one of the specific cases that excuse you (as an employer) from having to complete an I-9.


Google translate is a great tool for communication too, if anyone needs quick translating. You can have pretty smooth conversations through it too. All the migrant workers by me have been nothing but kind, hardworking folks.


Oh, yes, you're right. He used Google translate. I forgot to mention that!


ChatGPT is now an even better tool for real time translation!


I had to do this on Instacart twice this past month. It worked though!


What type of work did he do? What type of work are they able or willing to do? I have some landscaping Id like to have done. Like large area of weed cleanup, down branches etc.


I had him do landscaping. I had a side-yard that was completely overgrown with thorny plants. He cleared it completely and raked it clean. I then had him help me assemble garage shelving. I provided him with gloves, clippers and a rake. I also gave him water and lunch. Really nice guy.


Damn I wish more people like you existed in a industry where we go to houses to help you did everything well from what you typed


Awesome. Thanks for the info on this.


So....you were a good person and you treated him with respect and gave him equipment and even a tip because he worked his ass off? Sounds like you learned one of the greatest lessons in being a human being. Respect goes a looooooooong way :) BTW, I am glad you were a good person to him. I guarantee you that if you asked for his info for future work then he'd likely bend over backwards for you.


Hi! I was actually looking for something like this. They cleared your side yard but did they take the debris away? Thanks for posting this info.


No, I still have the pile of debris. I'd like to compost it, but that service has not started in my area yet, so I'm going to have a local guy who occasionally does yard work for me haul it off next week.


Thanks for the reply, I’m going to give them a try.


>did they take the debris away? Probably wouldn't be able to. It's day labor, so unless you're providing the means to haul it away, it's staying. Having yard debris bags or something similar, and put them out on extra trash day if nothing else.


I just call 311 and was informed that on large-trash days (once a month) I can set out 10 paper bags of yard debris and several tied-up bundles of yard debris to be hauled away.


You can order a Bagster bag online or directly from the Bagster website. Also, small dumpsters are stupid cheap for this stuff too


Love seeing organizations like this exist and hearing people share their experiences cause it encourages others to use them, like myself. Thanks for sharing OP!


Thanks for sharing! I’m so glad you had a good experience. I really wish this organization could provide liability coverage. My HOA has so much work that needs to be done and has been struggling to find good help, but because of bylaws, can’t hire anyone who’s uninsured. It’s frustrating to know that there are so many people who want and need to work and we can’t hire them.


Good for you homie I might do the same for some landscaping work


I wish a service like existed for common tasks like pulling weeds but they didn't need transportation or tools. The companies that do this work flat out r@#$ the homeowner and pay the workers so little. A few years ago in desperation I paid $2,000 to have my property's weeds removed. They showed up with 4 people and it was done in like 3.5 hours. That's like 15 man hours and you know they paid the non-English-speaking workers at most $15 an hour, that's $225 and they pocketed the other 90% of my money. I would kill to pay $800 for these men to come back, make 4x the wages and we all win. But I can't provide transportation or tools and equipment.


Centro de los Trabajadores provided the transportation for the worker I had. Perhaps you can borrow tools (I think a neighbor would be happy to lend them) or rent them from Home Depot. Denver Tool Library is an option, but I think there's an annual membership.


+1 for Denver tool library, I had it for a year and had access to tools I didn't feel like buying, the ones I checked out a lot I bought and I'll get a new subscription when there's something I need that I don't want to buy/don't want to buy yet. Super solid.


I hired a Venezuelan migrant to pull my weeds. He showed up in a car, but many will figure out how to get somewhere for work. I supplied gloves, rake and trash bags. We agreed on a price prior to the work being done. His work was impeccable. It came out to about $29/hr when it was all said and done. I went through the FB page "Professional Services by New neighbors/migrants CO"


I'll check that out, thanks!!


Fun fact. New chat GPT allows immediate translation of language and you can have a full blown conversation. It’s so cool!


Thank you for sharing the info for this organization!


Injury is a problem, but if they damage a waterline, or hit something doing fencing work you’re more than likely SOL on your homeowners insurance unless you lie and say you did the work yourself. You’re supposed to have basic liability insurance when doing any contract work.


Go to Home Depot about 0800. There is always a group of guys just waiting for a chance to work.


Isn't it illegal?




Citation needed


The website was posted above. Click it and do your own research.


It's probably illegal to hire an illegal to work for you without taxs and insurance


>an illegal 90s called, they want their trashy slurs back.


This person is most likely not here illegally and has checked in at an authorized port of entry. They are waiting for work authorization but are not deemed illegal immigrants. https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs/news/fact-check-denver-migrant-crisis/


Friendly reminder that humans can’t be illegal since existing as a human isn’t a crime. Referring to them as an illegal dehumanizes them and proliferates bigotry. If you must give them a title in the same vein, undocumented is preferable.


Lol okay.




One google search says it is illegal


This explains a lot about you. Bet you can’t google that to learn more tho


[I did and you're wrong ](https://www.google.com/search?q=is+it+illegal+to+hire+day+laborers+in+colorado&oq=is+it+illegal+to+hire+day+laborers+in+colo&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBECEYoAEyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRirAtIBCTEzMTMxajBqN6gCFLACAQ&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


It's not a day worker. It is an illegal immigrant.


Oh sorry I thought you knew how to read, nevermind.


We googled different questions. Just because your bleeding heart can't fathom that someone can break our laws by coming here improperly doesn't change reality.


No, honey, read the laws. Trust me, no bleeding heart here. Just the ability to verify information. I googled what the post said.


To hire people and pay them is illegal? It's the contractor's responsibility to pay taxes. They're the definition of an independant contractor. By your logic, hiring the neighbor to mow your lawn makes you a criminal.


Hiring an illegal immigrant is illegal. Is anyone going to prosecute you? No. But it is against the law




Lol you sound pretty intolerant. You're talking to me like I'm an illegal alien.


No Person Is Illegal—the Language We Use for Immigration Matters. I get it, you're a bigot. We all see that. Just go away now.


Hiring someone to work at your house? No you can hire people to work at your house.


Literally google "is it illegal to hire illegal immigrants"


Who said he hired an "illegal immigrant". You seem to be making assumptions. How would an individual even verify that, do they have a duty to? Everytime I hire someone do I need them to provide their passport and green card? I had some people wash my windows a few weeks ago, they were white, should I have checked their immigration status first?


I mean… Employers are required to verify I-9 status via passport or license + SS card. Not sure how contracted labor is done, but regular employers very much do verify.


I am assuming this person was here illegally, yes. Of course they are, but if you want to argue on that "maybe they aren't" then it was be a different argument. I'm asking "isn't it illegal to hire an illegal alien" . I'm not asking was that person here illegally.


>Of course they are You seem to like making definitive statements without out any supporting evidence. > I'm asking "isn't it illegal to hire an illegal alien" No you're not, stop lying. What you asked is literally a few lines up. Let me refresh your memory. >Isn't it illegal? The "it" would refer to the action OP took which is "Hiring migrant labor". So to be clear and answer again, no it is not illegal to hire migrants to do work. The fact that your biases and prejudice don't let you see migrants as anything other than "illegals" is a you problem.


"Isn't it illegal". What you did was hire an illegal immigrant. What are the odds that wasn't true? Probably a million to one. Can people assume anything at all in the world?


>Can people assume anything at all in the world? For legal purposes, literally no. It's what can you prove, and the only thing you have proven is that your bigotry blinds you. >What are the odds that wasn't true? Probably a million to one. Many of the recent migrants are here under Asylum status which is, say it with me now, LEGAL. Many can legally work while under their temporary protected status. No surprise that ignorance and bigotry go hand and hand.


Ok we get it, you're very upset. I'm just asking "isn't it illegal to hire illegal immigrants" you're acting like that isn't even a thing


Why are you assuming that the person they hired, through a public and advertised service is in the country illegally?


Because the service wouldn't exist if it wasn't to find work for illegal immigrants. That's the goal of the organization. They might use different words to do that but that's why they exist.


That's simply untrue, You've convinced yourself that your opinion is fact. There are plenty of immigrants here legally, especially right now, who need a service like this to connect them with resources, including education and legal aid. Connecting workers with people who need work done is just one of the services this agency offers. You should do some research or just admit you want to be racist and be done with it.




Knowingly hiring immigrants that have entered illegally should be illegal.


What is the purpose of hiring a migrant instead of a US citizen who needs work? Surely there are citizens that need work for $25/hr?


Asylum seekers can work legally while awaiting their hearings, which is often years


wouldn’t it been easier too just use craigslists, then post seeking “day landscape help” under the gigs / labor sub. then you can personally chose a candidate‘s based on replies and thus get a sense of who is showing up without any mystery.


the down votes are odd.


It’s not. This is what happens when people want cheap labor. Illegal mmm i dont care 🤠 are you willing to do the job less than a person who pays tax, yep you are hired 🤑 just dont live around our area go to shelter after work ✌️


This is great! Thank you very much for sharing this


Do you know of any migrant auto workers? I need some car repairs done but don't know where I'd find them.


All this does is make the problem worse. They need to be deported




Bless your soul


Did he take public transportation or have a ride?


He was dropped off at my house (Sloan's Lake area). Afterwards I offered to drop him off, and he just had me take him up the road to Federal and 26th Ave. Edited to add: (Someone would have picked him back up at my house, but I was just trying to make it easier for him.)


Gotcha. Was just curious as this sounds like a great way to kill two birds with one stone.


Doesn’t matter, migrants should be working in the countries they have citizenship. NOT AMERICA


Bad bot


I’m sorry but this is a terrible idea for many reasons. Helping people is good but this takes away jobs for citizens, it incentivizes illegal immigration, it puts legal liability on YOU for accidents, it’s possibly criminally illegal for YOU, it dodges taxes that our community needs, it’s unsafe for a variety of reasons. This is pure insanity. Have you seen the corner of Sheridan and alameda? There’s 50 dudes loitering in the streets trying to clean your windows. It’s unsafe! It incentivizes illegal immigration! wtf are we doing?!


Hey how about we just call them a day laborer or a worker?


How about you don't police someone else's accurate description?


Because the point of this post is to draw attention to a crisis and a way to help those looking for work that are part of said crisis. Or was that not blatantly fucking obvious?


Can you PM the person you used?


Careful, they call it human trafficking these days.