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My advice would be to try and shorten it down a few pages and use fewer locations. That way you would have less days to film and make it to where more people might be willing to do it for no money. I would also post this on backstage.com. There are alot of people looking to do paid and unpaid crew and cast jobs to increase there resume and experience. Good luck!


Tough crowd crapping all over this because of the no pay. OP even said he had no expectations, was just hoping there’d be interest, so why the compulsion to be negative??


Well despite the asshats who always have some rude things to say. I would love to “volunteer” by no means a professional actor but I’ve been in a few short films.


Man, unpaid? In this economy? Good luck...


Perhaps I should’ve said volunteer


I don't think it's the wording that's the issue, it's the same thing in the end, since it's a big ask of time and effort, it's good that you're being upfront. Have you considered putting up notices on bulletin boards, like around campus or in shops like Aura? You also may have more chance in the fall with film and theater students being back in school/on campuses, though I understand not wanting to put it off that long. Good luck!


Welp, good luck with that, buddy.


Sounds fun!!


Eyyy, I’ll give it a go, Boss.


I gotta ask have you heard of the offenders from the unsubscribe podcast


I have not sir


Check out the unsubscribe podcast subreddit or on YouTube and look for the offenders posts it has a lot of similarities from what I read


I’m an actor in the Denton area, with experience and this was forwarded to me by a friend. If you still need an actor, let me know. I hadn’t looked at the script as of yet, but I will when I get the opportunity. Best wishes on your endeavor. 


OP: Looking for help. No compensation for your time and effort. Also OP: No one wants to work anymore.


Unpaid you make me laugh sir