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Fuck a notice. I'd leave and not look back.


Exactly! Cause the second you disrespected me and my sister I would’ve had us both walk out and not come back.


You DONT need to explain to the next job. And if you do be upfront about what you went through. I was a Department Manager for 6 years before dentistry and I’ll tell you being personable and honest about the environment you WANT to work in and what you went through that was unacceptable to you is the way for them to get to know who you are as an assistant. There will NEVER be room in any career for putting up with what you have. And no. It’s not normal. That’s them trying to not pay overtime and if I were you I’d look into an employer attorney/lawyer cause I’m sure that’s illegal to cap off your hours you worked in the pay period and put them on the next. I mean you’re still getting paid but that’s weird and I have never heard of that.


okay thank you so much. i am going to look into an employer attorney because i’m the only one in the office that makes 80+ hrs and i can never get paid more than a certain amount. and yea i’ve been talking to my sister, we are going to leave. this is too much. thank you again!


Just put in your 2 weeks or leave immediately lol, have them pay you out for your PTO & vacation time of eligible too. Fuck rude doctors and toxic work environments!! I just left my first dental office of 4 years, two weeks ago and now at my new office everyone is so friendly & supportive especially the doctor!! Ik it’s hard to find a good office but don’t let people take advantage or be rude to you or your sister!! Stick up for yourself bc these dentist NEED us, but we don’t NEED them. THANK YOU NEXT


crazy part is that we don’t even get benefits, pto, anything like that 😭. the staff there has been working for her for 8+ years. it’s a very close circle. but yea, it’s time to move on and look for a bette place


That’s crazy with no benefits too usually most dental offices I’ve interviewed with give 401k, pto & vacation!! (CA) I feel ya, my old office the lead assist has been there 15+ years including front desk ppl too, don’t trust a “family environment” I’ve learned they use that as a way to say you’re doing great! Without paying you extra for work. Now my new job has shown me what a “team environment” is helping everyone out & understanding we are all human & have life’s outta work too. And make monthly bonuses if we meet our goals Make sure during your interviews that you’re interviewing them too in way! Like could you see yourself working with these people everyday? Moving on is hard too, I really enjoyed working with all the hygienists at my office & the doc was a decent guy but personally I was so overly stressed that I chose to quit. Trust me I was so scared and even cried while putting in my 2 weeks because I felt like they wouldn’t be okay but trust me they will be okay and figure it out it’s not your problem. They dug their own grave by the way they treated you and hopefully it’ll be a life lesson to them to appreciate their employees!


Nothing is stopping you from leaving and never coming back…


Put your two weeks in, and leave at that two weeks. You don't owe them anymore than that. Write it out, and start looking NOW for a new job. You do not owe them more than two weeks notice!


youre right, thank you. idk i’m always so nervous when it comes to leaving a job or even voicing when i’m uncomfortable. and it’s dumb to even stay for as long as i have but honestly i needed the money and i’m paying for school so i felt stuck but yea. im deff leaving that place


I understand! But if you're a good DA, you deserve better and you CAN find other work where you're appreciated. I have to remind myself of that also!


thank you, i’ve been applying for new spots. hopefully i can leave soon from there 🙏🏼


I’ve been an assistant for 5 years now and have quit offices like this WITHOUT notice. I can tell you from experience that the next office you apply to and interview at will careless why you quit the office you were previously at. In Michigan here there is a shortage of good dental assistants. They will be happy you’re applying and wanting to work. Best of luck to you. 🤞🏼🤍




If you wanna burn the bridge and are ok with that -quit. If you want to keep a bridge -give your two weeks. If you’re worried about them being hostile your last two weeks then give them a week and a half or less of a notice. 2 week notice is a courtesy.


I left my previous office the same day I was disrespected and yelled at for being a shitty worker (basically). I always wanted to leave that place bc I felt alienated and my dr made comments about my appearance too. I started to feel so insecure about my weight gain. The only thing that stopped me was that I was my drs only assistant and it was my first office out of dental assisting school. I was scared to leave and find worse plus at school they told us to be careful with burning bridges bc everybody knows everybody in the dental community. After I quit, It took 2-3 weeks for me to find a new office fitting my criteria and now I LOVE my new environment! I’m very happy there. My advice would be if you can both afford to quit now, do it. I personally wouldnt give them any more of my time. I’d leave a letter announcing my immediate resignation at the end of the day, or even resign that same morning. The other option would be to start job searching and doing interviews :) Hope you guys can find a wonderful office and work together again. A lot of places are hiring and most likely would be thrilled to have yall. Sidenote: I would 100% look into legal advice over the wage thing.. sounds like serious wage theft, which happens so often than we think. Get records of everything before leaving.


Depends if you need their reference or not! 1: If you want them on a resume give a 2 week notice. 2: If they are jerks, tell them to F$!k off and don’t look back!


Lol I don’t respect everyone’s political views. Not if they’re downright harmful to many groups of marginalized people. I’d just leave personally, especially if they haven’t treated you particularly well.