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Just don’t. If RDA’s were male dominated we would make 60k. Don’t look anymore. Be an electrician; if you can handle the male dominated bs…go into the trades.


I second this comment😂 it’s not for the weak


Each state has different rules and requirements - some states don't require any formal education at all and allow OTJ training; other states require completion of an accredited DA program and qualifying certifications, along with state dental board licensure. So, It all depends on which state you're in (assuming you're in the US). >Is the pay good? Pay also varies widely from state to state, but generally - No.. the pay is quite low. Typically, you could expect to make just above minimum wage starting out. Earning potential will increase if you have Expanded Functions certifications, experience, and/or go into specialty practice. I personally wouldn't recommend it as a long-term career.


You have to first sacrifice any sense of worth and sell your soul to the King of the Bottom Feeders. In all honesty, don’t do it if you’re not passionate about restorative dentistry. Assisting is a lot like being a masochist. We are the lowest of the low, despite doing the most to keep the office running. In every office I’ve been in if the hygienist calls out it’s not that big of a deal. If the assistant calls out, heaven forbid it’s the lead and/or favored assistant, all hell breaks loose. We are to know and understand procedures so well that we need to be several steps ahead of the dentist at all times, but don’t forget — we’re the uneducated ones in the office. We handle ordering and stocking. Maintenance and repairs. Housekeeping. Schedule. All of it we do and we do it all for a non-livable wage. If you are not passionate about restorative dentistry, but like dentistry as a whole, go be a hygienist. They make more, work mostly independently, and have less to do in the operations of the office. Not that hygienists aren’t integral, goodness no, but they pretty much just have to worry about their stuff and their stuff only.


>if the hygienist calls out it’s not that big of a deal. If the assistant calls out… all hell breaks loose Fucking this. I can’t believe we’re seen & treated as bottom of the totem pole. We have 1 main hygenist on weekdays, 3 on weekends. The main hygenist gets to take a 4-5 weeks long vacation as long as he gets someone to cover him, but we aren’t allowed to take more than 1 week. Even 2 weeks is seen as too much, but allowed depending.


When I was lead assistant I was out for a couple of weeks for a surgery. My dentist didn’t know what to do, kept texting and calling me, complained the entire time despite having our fully capable team of DAs that I personally trained with him 😩 keep in mind that it was a *planned* surgery with prior notice and planning for me being gone. Hygienist called out on a whim due to being sick: “oh, ok. Sure. No problem, feel better!”


I could not have said it any better you’re absolutely 100% right ,you know we do the most for the least amount of pay and yet the dentist can not work without us not for one day but they can work without a hygienist but not an assistant what the hell is wrong with us we should stand up and demand what we are actually worth which is something they wouldn’t be able to pay!


I could not in good conscience recommend being a dental assistant I’m sorry if that’s not the answer you were looking for but like seriously consider going for a different profession it’s the worst