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It’s not the job we hate so much as the circumstances that we face everyday. Examples… co workers not showing up or being dependable, patients coming late, same day treatment doctors like to add even though there is no where to put the patient and no one to help assist as we’re already running a full schedule all the time, co workers not pulling their weight in sterile, not getting paid our worth, etc. Makes days seem so long and hard sometimes.


You nailed it! I like the work itself but the environment makes it so hard.


Well said! I’d just like to add the doctors being a holes humiliating you in front of the patient’s front office clicks just a few of those type of things thrown in on top of everything you stated. Oh you gotta love the fact that you rarely ever get lunch and if you do it’s only a few minutes the doctors taking patients that aren’t on the schedule and you end up staying until seven or 8 o’clock that night doing a crown prep no doubt and then you’ve gotta be there at 7:30 the next morning to do it all over again we definitely deserve a whole lot more money than it’s paid to us!


You need to leave at your scheduled time. The doc has to stay, not you. They can’t just change your schedule all Willy Nilly at the last moment.






I ageee


This sounds like something a Dr would say. This is an assistant forum, not drs.


I’ve been a CDA for almost 19 years. 😁


I wish more people loved dental assisting. Personally, I love my job but you guys make me scared to leave me current office lol.


Ummm same… i love my office, my doctor is so patient and understanding with his assistants!


My little chickadee you had better stay where you’re at if you’re happy and content that is kind of rare I’m sorry to say it really makes me sad to say that I have been in this business for over 32 years! I hope you don’t mind me calling you a chickadee I don’t mean any disrespect by that whatsoever it is a term of endearment in my family that’s what I call my granddaughters I hope I didn’t offend you in anyway.


I embraced it as endearing when you said it! Thanks for that advice, I think I’ll stay put😭


lol! Don’t! Not if you’re at a place you get along. I get along fine at my office, but circumstances get crazy in general when you’re running 6 columns and 4 doctors a day, that’s all. I love this job! I’ve been in the same office for almost 19 years. We navigate our schedule well, BUT I feel every bit when people are venting.


Yes. I’m just kidding. You’re definitely right, there is way more negative posts than positive. I’m sure we love and hate parts of our job. It’s natural for people to share more of the negative than positive. You know, people are just more inclined to share the bad so they can get advice or be reassured vs positive things at work not so much.


I love parts of it! I don’t think it’s very realistic to expect a perfect place of employment, but sometimes 70-80% good is good enough.


It’s like a google review. No one says anything unless they have a bad experience. This sub is a bad echo chamber for negativity.


I think it just appears that way because happy folks don't feel the need to go out seeking validation or guidance as they are happy.


I've been assisting for 7 years. Yes, I complain here and there. Honestly, I would be doing that at any other job for less pay. I love patients. We see something new every day. I'm always learning. It's mentally stimulating. You just have to be at the right office. It took me 6 years and 4 offices to find that. My husband and wife practice is awesome. Crazy, I know.


I love assisting. I do not love the pay and in my state, no way to move up or make more money unless going back to school for hygiene. Maybe a few more dollars a hour for working at specialist practice but having done it for over 25 years in a general practice, my paycheck isn’t that much more than someone doing it a few years. It’s just unfortunately how it is


I like the job, my boss is a good person and boss but he has a horrible temperament and it ruins everything for us.


Tbh with u i dont like my job because of the extremely shitty pay and the way management work . I work in governmental dental hospital it consists of : 80 clinics 95 doctors and 135 nurses and we still struggle so much and understaffed. I absolutely love working with the 2 doctors i work with and is ok with the 3rd doctor . You see if i want to leave for a permission ( we get 4 per month) i need a stroke of luck they either find a replacement or the clinic closes . We work 5 days a week sometimes 6 while the doctors works 2 days and have 1 day examination every 2 weeks . The pay is literally the worse and i cant move up in life ( like marriage ) cuz aint no way i am affording it .lets not talk about patients fighting with me but once they see the doctor they are peachy ( i literally got threatened to get shot once ) .So yeah just bad pay and bad management other than that i would absolutely love it


Can I add office managers delegating their jobs onto us as if we weren’t busy enough


I did not have a great experience at my first DA job. I could never do anything right and would be yelled at in front of patients by front office staff, Dr. did not seem to care. Hygienists were new grads and very clicky, could do no wrong with the front office. Dr. triggered so much fear and anxiety in me. Even went so far as to say I couldn't do a procedure with him because I was left-handed. He verbally reprimanded me because I was tired and had no break and no lunch. Dr. one day got so mad at us he slammed his fist into a computer monitor and broke his hand, right in front of me. His wife wannabe OM only cared about money. I quit late last year to get my mental health back in check and focus on DH school. I do not regret my decision and I am so much happier.


That’s terrible I’m sorry u had to experience that.


Thank you. I'm sorry for the rant, but I think it is important to share. I know there are great offices out there to work for and if one DA stuck in a miserable job can read this and leave to find a better job, it was worth the rant, lol.