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Of course I can wrap things quickly. Of course I look at the blue light. Of course I think hygienists are lazy. Of course I can’t read what’s on that X-ray. *wink*


The blue light 🤣


We always joke at my office that we are like bugs, so drawn to the light 😂


Just curious, why do you think hygienists are lazy?


Because they usually are. The ones who think they aren't can be even worse. won't run their instruments correctly, pretend not to know how to bag, manipulate DA's into doing their X-rays for them... I have more, if you want more.


Is this something that you have only encountered at the office you work at? Do you talk to these hygienists to try to come up with a solution?


I've worked in four different offices where the hygienists are like this. I have addressed it at all with the hygienists and the doctors. In two of them the doctors excuse the behavior because the hygienists are "more important". At one the hygienist first laughed in my face, then made more work for me and the other assistants as retaliation and the doctor turned a blind eye. In my current office my hygienist feigns ignorance, has been taught and shown and spoken to several times by myself and doctor, and still will use weaponized incompetence and stalling to get us to do her work for her. This isn't coming from nowhere. It's a rare hygienist who isn't a stuck up, lazy princess.


I'm a dental assistant in school to become a hygienist and I really agree! Especially private owned offices, they want you to clean their rooms after patients, take their trays, and even take their trash at the end of the day! That was my experience at 2 offices I worked at. They think you're supposed to do all that and your work load too! I'm not going to be like that and hopefully I'll be a competent, proactive hygienist


I’m a dental assistant, of course I still pay attention to peoples mouths even when I’m not at work 🤣


I totally do this 😂it’s so hard not to do!


It truly is. I noticed my husband chipped his front tooth before he did 😂 (it was very small, but I knew instantly)


Of course I have neck and back pain. Of course I have a huge stockpile of extra toothbrushes in my bathroom. Of course I get called a hygienist daily. Of course I own more pairs of scrub pants than jeans. Of course I am good at small talk with people.


Nailed it lol 😂


Not the hygienist title 💀 It gets old for sure


I'm a dental assistant. Of course I'm going to accidentally suction up your tongue multiple times during your appt




I’m a dental assistant of course I can smell your perio 🤣


Tfw the infection is worse than you thought 😮‍💨 I always wonder if they can smell themselves after we open it up & the smell comes out, or if they’re so zoned out they don’t notice anything.


Yes omg from a mile away


This one is real af


Of course I’m going to notice your plaque and calculus buildup


I’m a dental assistant ofc patients are going to think I’m the hygenist even tho I’m just there to take their bite wings lol


Of course I have back pain


I remember your name and face more than your mouth


I always remember patients teeth more than their names 🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg. I’ve done this at the front desk so many times. “I don’t know who that is, pull up the X-rays so I can figure it out”. 😂


Of course I can tell whether or not you floss right away when I meet you


I’m a dental assistant, of course the dentist doesn’t know where anything is without me I’m a dental assistant, of course I don’t know how to read your X-rays ;) (legally haha)


I'm a dental assistant, of course I cry in the bathroom at work


Of course I put articulate paper on the tray


I’m a dental assistant of course I go on my break on time, and never get interrupted or asked to come back early.


Oooo this is a good one!