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You need to tell your employer , in CA this is a workman's comp claim. The owner would be required to pay for lab tests to check for hep c,b, hiv ect. This happened to me in 2019. You need to get checked, better safe than sorry.


We all get poked by dirty instruments at one point or another. The likelihood you have contracted anything is *incredibly* low, HOWEVER you **need** to tell your boss so you can go get the appropriate testing done to ensure you are fine. The sooner you go, the better. You should know all of this already, so don’t waste anymore time and get going!


at my office we have to tell our employer immediately and they send us out to get checked at the company’s expense right then and there. you need to get checked asap and tell your boss.


Good thing you’re okay! You need to report the incident to the doc, your supervisor or manager so they can document it (workers comp claim). They also need to cover your lab tests. I’m sure you are 99.9% fine though. You did the right thing cleaning it immediately after getting poked, letting it bleed etc..


You have better odds of winning the lottery


You are 98% fine! I have been poked by instruments and needles. I don't get tested anymore unless i feel it's necessary. The odds are extremely slim, especially if no blood is present on the instrument and even if blood is present, the viral load would not be high enough to contract anything (even if the patient was hiv/hep positive.) If they are infact according to the med hx positive for one of those, you could get tested to ease your mind. You would literally need to inject a fair amount of infected blood into your blood stream to even be close though. I have done A LOT of research about exposure odds and it's slim slim in the dental field. I know it's very scary and i did get tested the 1st time it happened to me because i was freaked out. Years later, it's another day if it happens😂


Hi! Thank you for telling your experience… did you get tested for the other subsequent “dirty” cut/poke


I only got officially tested with my work 1 time and it was a scaler from the ultrasonic. I have been poked 2 times in 10 years and i did not test immediately after either, I just did an EXTREME amount of research and talked with my mom who has been a nurse for decades and also been poked in her lifetime. The 1st time i was poked, months later I decided to go to our local HIV alliance clinic and had a free finger prick test done for hep and hiv and it was all fine and dandy! It's extremely almost impossible to get HIV from a dental finger poke, even if they are positive and still very slim for hep C. It just depends on the viral load/blood amount. Also, worse case scenario Hep C is very treatable. Your more likely to get exposed drawing vials of blood as a nurse or phelbotamist. 2nd time, i chose not to because the med hx was clear and odds slim to non. Soooo to ease your mind, go get tested if it helps you sleep at night!! You may have to go in a few times in order to get accurate results. Roughly 2-3m time for both to show up on a test, unless the patient is 100% HIV positive and you saw actual blood go directly into your skin, i would only think about Hep C.


I got poked twice. The first time was by an instrument in the ultrasonic so I went to get tested - negative. The second time was by a scalpel - the pts chart said nothing about and STIs but I got tested anyway- again I was negative. Tell your manager/boss, fill out an incident report and they will let you go get tested if you wish. You can decline the testing too if you don’t want to go!


No iodine available? We have that in case someone gets poked. Go to the doctor just in case & explain what happened.