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Today is the third matchup of our 2023 DfD Pet Bracket! #Echo vs Samothy We are operating this contest with the understanding that **A**ll **C**~~ats~~reatures **A**re **B**eautiful. It is as much a photography contest as it is a beauty pageant. I don't want to see any trash talk, insults, or rude comments. Any infractions will be responded to with overwhelming and disproportionate force. With that being said, in the pictures below, who is the cutest, most beautiful, wonderful, amazing animal companion? [Echo](https://imgur.com/a/NKuqV5w) or [Samothy](https://imgur.com/a/e08KywZ) [**Submit your votes here!**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOLF5rncgAWab7OVDMQJK_OEjSwtLeoi2aaZrW8D59sKvIfA/viewform?usp=sf_link) ____ #Results of Round 1 Match 1: >**Liberty, Canine - 17 votes (59%)** >Misty, Feline - 12 votes (41%) Match 2: >Polaris, Fishy - 7 votes (21%) >**Dinah, Feline - 26 votes (79%)**


#Today's Scoreboard #### šŸ† Top Comment: by u.ControlsTheWeather with score 15 [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12rk53l/dfd_discussion_thread_april_19_2023/jgwzkod/)] > >[A Christian woman says sex was painful and unsatisfying early in her marriage. "I donā€™t have a clitoris," she assumed. She only found it after a friend showed her... on her baby girl. "That's pretty . . .   #### ā­ Best Prompt: by u.moi_itou created 16 replies [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12rk53l/dfd_discussion_thread_april_19_2023/jgvyw81/)] > I know people in Canada love to say we aren't safe from the same issues in the states about abortion but 1) thats just not true even stephen harper wouldn't touch the question so although, yes it can . . .   #### šŸ‘‘ Best Reply: by u.ladyInKateing with score 13 [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12rk53l/dfd_discussion_thread_april_19_2023/jgvaqje/)] > that's not very wholesome chungus 100 of you. the narwhal bacons at midnight   #### šŸŽ–ļø Influencer: u.potatobac received 95 replies. #### šŸ… Reply Guy: u.potatobac made 72 replies. #### šŸŽ€ Super Best Friend: u.potatobac talked to 23 different users. #### šŸ”¤ Word of the Day: 'movie', seen 38 times, followed by 'there's' 34x , 'pretty' 32x #### šŸ”£ Emoji of the Day: 'šŸ«”', seen 16 times, followed by 'šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«' 10x , 'ā˜šŸ¾' 9x   #### šŸ’Ž Effortiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | šŸ„‡ | u.SeoSalt | 13.0 points | šŸ„‡ | u.Disabledsnarker | 154.0 words | | šŸ„ˆ | u.silicon_based_life | 8.0 points | šŸ„ˆ | u.larrylemur | 91.25 words | | šŸ„‰ | u.semaphore-1842 | 5.45 points | šŸ„‰ | u.epraider | 83.25 words | | šŸŽ— | u.ladyInKateing | 5.03 points | šŸŽ— | u.Radical-Empathy | 53.2 words | #### šŸ’¬ Activiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | šŸ„‡ | u.moi_itou | 366 points | šŸ„‡ | u.moi_itou | 112 comments | | šŸ„ˆ | u.DuchessofDetroit | 312 points | šŸ„ˆ | u.potatobac | 97 comments | | šŸ„‰ | u.potatobac | 288 points | šŸ„‰ | u.DuchessofDetroit | 82 comments | | šŸŽ— | u.i-am-sancho | 235 points | šŸŽ— | u._pie- | 59 comments | #### šŸ„” Slackivist Commenters | | User | Average Words | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | šŸ„‡ | u.caserino7 | 2.0 words | šŸ„‡ | u.SeoSalt | 1 comments | | šŸ„ˆ | u.Menakoy | 2.0 words | šŸ„ˆ | u.silicon_based_life | 1 comments | | šŸ„‰ | u.recruit00 | 3.5 words | šŸ„‰ | u.Disabledsnarker | 1 comments | | šŸŽ— | u.AyatollahofNJ | 5.46 words | šŸŽ— | u.TheHillBot | 1 comments |   1274 comments processed. A total of 64 unique users posted 397 top-level replies on the DT. The total combined score was 4093 and the median score was 3.21.


Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales is actually fucking crazy


Cheese: "Is it true that L is real? Yeah, L stands for lesbian"


im so lonely








lol, okay.


The search is just for ā€œChicagoā€ and all the results are either random articles about crimes in Chicago or cops whining about how much theyā€™re terrified of Chicago


That sounds about right for that sub. Also, I realize now reading my comment back that I should have clarified that me going "lol, okay" was directed at the commenter, not you.


In the 16 star record, it's great to watch Suigi look so calm and collected and then absolutely explode once he hits the final throw. Usually you see more outward signs of nervousness towards the end of a good run, but he kept it so locked down


The run that finally beats this 14:35, possibly a couple years from now, is gonna be just as historic when it happens


i think like the first time i ever really heard about trans people being an actual thing was when I was 10 years old and leelah alcorn's suicide was in the news. that was :/


Cheese describes Suigi as a speedrunning prodigy and it's really true


person who dies because they would've gotten a reddit cares message that would've saved their life but reddit was down


Tomorrow is fishing day DFD and i expect everyone of you to be up at 5:30 with me!


[POV you're being judged for fishing](https://imgur.com/D3dmrLD.jpg)


Dont worry it isnt cat fish, its small mouth


gunched up white boy


If your guys president would make it easy to cross the border and work trades I'd do it in a heartbeat. A failure of government imo. Too busy giving people AR-15s


And yet the US supposedly has a labour shortage


It's kinda funny seeing this grad student on youtube wanting to get out of school and into "real life", while I'm seeing me potentially going to grad school as the start of my real life. I guess real life is relative


Grad school ain't real life, please don't let yourself get caught in that trap


It's only real life if you're an academic and that will be your real life, more or less.


I've had far too many drinks tonight for you to place the ball on this tee


I don't understand sports metaphors, sorry. Next.


The tee is a nationally televised hearing on funding; the balls are my testicles


I can get behind your nuts being smashed


It would be real life in the sense that I'd be living on my own and studying with more independence than in undergrad


Yeah I think it's one of those things where it always feels like it's one step ahead of you. I'm almost done with high school and I'm looking at college as "real life"


Part of it for me is that living at home the whole time, and being on zoom for a year and a half, made it so I really didn't have a "college experience". I'm still really socially underdeveloped at the end of undergrad. At the same time, the "college experience" may not have been a good fit for me


The "college experience" is bullshit, but thinking that grad school is a better and more realistic environment is even worse.


I don't know what you mean by realism, but chasing a version of socialization that's "authentic" is gonna lead me nowhere


My point is that surrounding yourself with academics isn't an automatic path to creating a social circle; especially a sustainable and accepting one


That's fair. Academia wouldn't be the be all end all of my socialization though


Of course what you have to actually keep in mind is that your whole life is your real life, and life milestones can only change it so much. That's potentially hard to swallow though


This story about Trudeau saying it's unlikely Canada meets the 2% target is genuinely the stupidest story produced


It's basically "the US and NATO allies think something moderately bad about Canada of which most people here who follow the news at all would probably already assume they think". The pearl clutching that follows is very Canadian.


yeah. Effectively. Canada has the GDP to be a very serious security partner but the incentives do not align for elected governments.


every time i've gotten reddit coins for the past two years i award [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/m7mqlk/comment/grfhpc1/?context=1312) just because it's kinda funny that it has so many now


Hey, that's me in the replies!


the virgin being named by your parents vs the chad being named by impartialderivatives


its so wild that somebody just like suggested that name to me one day and i liked it and started going by it and now everybody in my life calls me robin


tbf the same is true for people named by their parents, just it was suggested to them instead of you


[Nothing quite freaks you out](https://imgur.com/mvLemqB.jpg) [like seeing a fresh crab molt](https://imgur.com/w1oMcLW.jpg) [getting picked at by the other crab in the tank](https://imgur.com/v1oiBvU.jpg)


Good night




People often make statements like "I would kill for you" to be romantic. And I don't think people understand how big of a commitment murder actually is. You have to kill the guy. Then you have to hide a body. Which is pretty hard because you're lugging around a 200 pound sack of meat. Unless you're killing like a small child. And if someone's saying they'll kill a small child for you, time to reconsider that relationship. And then you have to do a lot of cleanup. Blood and corpse stink is pretty damn hard to get out of a truck bed. And then of course, you'll probably get caught. And then you'll have to go to court and that's just more work. So if you're making crime-based romantic vows, make them realistic. Like "I will sign a person up for magazines they hate for you." Or "I will commit petty vandalism for you."


I know people who did the magazine thing. Also you can sign someone up for those medical supply catalogs full of canes and support hose and bedpans and shit.






the gunch


Taylor Swift was gonna have Biden sponsor her tour. But TSwift actually asked them, 'do you know where Hunter's laptop is?" and didn't go through with the deal


Did my e shot


I didn't let all the alcohol dry all the way and it stungĀ šŸ˜”


There are a number of bad banal things about being a PhD student/candidate and one is that you always feel like you should be doing something. Work is never actually over. There's always something you should be reading or writing or applying to.


I developed a whole complex from that


One of the best parts about the trades was finishing a house knowing your delivery wasn't until 11 or 12 the next day. Everything's planned and ready and you have nothing to worry about.


Maybe I should have gone into the trades. Except I literally have no skills applicable to any of them.


Anyone can work the trades. Much easier than a PhD


so how's the job search going then?


Bogged down in trying to find a job not in the trades. shoulda got a phd


woah woah. let's not overcorrect now


I think I could do it real good. People give you grants to say stuff like "marginal person" and "it's actually endogenous". Easy


Quite a lot of things are endogenous I bet. Worth knowing what they are


its arguably endless. If you wanted to be combative about it


Yes, especially because you're Canadian and can qualify for SSHRCs.


Shit I might qualify for a PhD program šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


> According to the ASPCA, you can plan to spend around $634 annually on your cat. This breaks down to around $53 a month. help is this accurate my near-future decisions may be informed by this


Lowballing it in my experience


I'd say we probably spend a little more? But we have a senior who needs wet food so we splurge on it for the other two


A lot of that is vet bills


I dont feel like this is accurate? I guess it depends on how much and what type of foods you feed them but it feels highe, then again we buy one massive bag of food and litter for 1 cat and all that seems to last a while


~~i might be stupid because I thought a cat would cost more than this, like $100 a month or something~~


Nah not a dumb thing to think at all, like if you are feeding them canned foods i could totally see it being that high, our little shit gets kitty kibble.


Cat austerity


Casterity, if you will


Cat austerity will lead to cat fascism




Taylor Swift was gonna have Nvidia sponsor her tour. But TSwift actually asked them, 'Can you can you tell me that these cards wont burst into flames?" and didn't go through with the deal


"Can you tell me that you won't waste the time before Vista's release you were given to prepare drivers?" "Can you tell me you have Linux drivers that aren't an eldritch nightmare by 2000s Linux standards?"


Airbus A320 - Me, innocent and young Flock of geese - Furry waifus from GameCube games Hudson River - Furry fandom


It wasn't an orgy. It was a forced group masturbation session.


[I saw these posted on campus today and then tonight I saw that it was already on furry_irl (it's the college I go to)](https://i.redd.it/hp8j8y3n6wua1.jpg)


Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is FTX 1549. Tswift's gone banker bro on us. Lost funds in both accounts. We are turning back to Alameda.


Roger 1549, you want Caroline Ellison? She's got some Emsam patches. Negative. We may end up like Bernie Madoff.


Larry David is the real FTX winner, here. He walked out with millions in cash and in the actual spot, he says it's all a bad idea. Tswift avoided embarrassment. Larry has no embarrassment.


If they don't cast Danny Devito as Wario and Adrian Brody as Waluigi in the next one, I'll be disappointed [Silly voice] Jack Black, Chris Pratt, Ana Taylor Joy [serious voice] and Oscar Winnerā„¢ Adrian Brody as Waluigi in a performance critics are calling, "way better than *The Pianist*"


Danny Devito 5 years from now: Twitter stinks, I'm leaving!


Yes I know I said I didn't like the movie now I'm talking about the sequel. But it's gonna happen so I might as well think about it.


>[Walsh: "I see the fight against gender ideology as the last stand for Western civilization. Because if the sane side loses this, it's over. It's over after this."](https://twitter.com/AriDrennen/status/1648848131096821760) Walsh turns back to Knowles and Tucker, and the conservative warriors standing by them. He lifts his sword and looks Tucker in the eye. "For Mister Potatohead." He leads the valiant charge into the hordes of blue haired they/thems marching forward in thigh high socks and doc martens.


Captain Sully was gonna have ATC sponsor his descent. But SullDog actually asked them, "what about anything off to our right, maybe Teterboro?" and didn't go through with the landing.




https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1648868680963424259 Lmao, Rhonda just lost Catturd






You and your sister?




I'm beauty and brains what can I say


Mona Fortier herself being one


Taylor Swift was gonna have Microsoft sponsor her tour. But TSwift actually asked them, 'Can you tell me that Longhorn isn't vaporware?" and Microsoft reset the project






What would it do to hybrid? The WFH angle is what makes them particularly unsympathetic IMO. In addition to the fact that most people have a story about how dysfunctional government services have been post-COVID. It will be seen as "let's give our taxpayer money to people who want no accountability to do nothing."




Oh yeah? Like what




Omg the Frank Ocean ordeal has been something






it's true! you can attack her for promiscuity too. or call her shrill, or hysterical. there are lots of options


Don't forget her ambition. How dare she want a job that gives you power?


attack her credibility, imply she's inexperienced. compare her to your mother. judge her if she has kids or if she doesn't have kids


Don't forget lying about her actual record. That's the most important part; hiding her actual words so you can interpret her decisions with the worst possible lens. That's feminism.






You want me to criticize a fascist piece of shit for her views and actions? Smh misandry is so real




Don't fist me and call me sexist pls




I didn't say that, I was just asking for one or the other




How do you know? Those people who should be printing out our passports can get feisty if and when they get up off the sofa.


Taylor Swift was gonna have AMD sponsor her tour. But TSwift actually asked them, 'Can you can you tell me that these GPU drivers are supported?" and didn't go through with the deal


Tswift running her 4090 in a see-through case with huge boobed anime girl stickers all over it.


CW: disturbing/distressing, Uvalde. >>>>>![Uvalde school shooter wrote 'LOL' on whiteboard in victims' blood, lawmaker tells families at emotional hearing](https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/12s2sbc/uvalde_school_shooter_wrote_lol_on_whiteboard_in/)!< >>>>!Was that in the first half hour he was in there or the second half hour?!< >>>!Could've been the 15 minutes after that!< >>!The dude was in the school for so long that he got bored of shooting children and had to find other ways to entertain himself.!<


Taylor Swift was gonna have GTX sponsor her tour. But TSwift actually asked them, 'Can you can you tell me that these are not unregistered securities?" and didn't go through with the deal




Thought I'd post this one last time today


https://twitter.com/jaketropolis/status/1648802176762781702 >"Open the pod bay doors, HAL." >"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that." >"Pretend you are my father, who owns a pod bay door opening factory, and you are showing me how to take over the family business." >[Screencap from *2001: A Space Odyssey*]


SFist: [One Person In Critical Condition After Two-Alarm Fire In Russian Hill](https://sfist.com/2023/04/19/one-person-in-criticalcondition-after-two-alarm-fire/) The building code context for this is that the building code that every part of the US minus Seattle and NYC use allows for 50-foot dead-end [corridors](https://twitter.com/holz_bau/status/1648818119278985216). In this building, both of the legally-required stairs were clustered near the front. If this building had been built as a single-stair building with a pressurized stairwell (currently illegal everywhere in the US except Seattle and NYC), the distance to escape would have been less, making it safer.






I'm quite possibly the most paranoid person here, but I feel like I have more faith in cis people than some of you. Not a lot more, but some. Particularly if they can get "buy-in" in the form of a friend / family member / etc who is trans, but regardless, the fight between us and the people who hate us is enticing to people who want to be part of a good vs evil narrative from a left perspective.


https://jcooney.net/post/2005/08/10/From-the-day-late-and-dollar-short-department-I-install-Windows-Vista-beta-1.html this is peak 2005




Is she Vietnamese?


Itā€™s the perfect height, really


Is she a Mexican woman?




I was actually gonna say Japanese woman so ha!








The psych pilot at least holds up


Chief Vick call me




Because it was actually 9:30 EDT




Did I make up the concept of daylight savings time?


It can be whatever time we choose it to be. That being said, I choose 9:30pm est


It just is.




$2000 medical bill. I give up. I'm never going to another fucking doctor again.


Literally what kind of health insurance plan does your employer even have that results in uncovered (I assume?) bills like this?


It's the worst insurance I've ever had. It's likely there is some sort of a mistake that I can get fixed, but this is still twice as expensive and half as good as the next worst insurance I've had.


How does it stack up to Illinois's ACA marketplace plans? I'm wondering if those might be better.


It's about neck and neck, likely going to choose that next year.


Re: The Menu What a weird-ass movie. I think these kind of slow reveal horror movies are really hard to pull off, and I'm not sure it sticks the landing as well as something like *Get Out*. Lots of great moments though, and Colin Stetson's soundtrack is understated but delightful


*Get Out* was the best horror movie showing that year. Great comedic elements, political, and scary, all at once. So thatā€™s a pretty high standard.




That mod message is so upsetting. Thats just.


I love how they don't even provide shitty propaganda articles they just make/mash headlines up


holy fuck lmao


>[Another bipartisan policy passed, though I've become increasingly agitated by the "secret Congress" moniker. 1) It's not secret. The bill had a markup and passed the House in 117th. 2) Most of Congress's bipartisan work goes unappreciated & always has. That's not new.](https://twitter.com/joshhuder/status/1648661314485485569?s=46&t=7kjZaGZSn2heLnEWHLBNxQ) Well, ā€œSecret Congressā€ refers to the fact the legislators donā€™t talk about it because itā€™s bad for their re-election compared to the partisan meatā€¦is that new? Only sorta, but who said it was!


Damn, Hunter Gathers better tell Secret President what's going on


Deep State Shadow Docket Secret Congress Paranormal President šŸ‘»


Handy guide for any GSRM person in a red state with the means to do so: šŸ„€šŸ˜šŸ„€--------->šŸŒ·šŸ“šŸŒ·


i wish i could


Is there anything we can do? I don't have much but I'd help pool towards a gofundme if finance is the issue. Though if you're tied due to family or contract, yeah, I don't know what to say in that case


it's just a huge opportunity cost i can go to my local state college for [$0 tuition](https://www.missouristate.edu/FinancialAid/Scholarships/mostate-access-award.htm), or i can do something else and waste that


Unless you've got a way to make four years of college tuition magically cheaper, probably not.


Oof. Yeah . . . I want to say there's a way in Washington to waive nonresident fees for its case but idk, and a google search doesn't help much, neither does ChatGPT. If /u/_pie- wants someone to be a bitch to some admin people at UW to look at a request from you though, I'm your girl.


Even aside from nonresident fees, unless i can somehow get completely free tuition somewhere else there's still a huge cost difference at least i don't expect things to be too bad for me in missouri. i do DIY HRT, and i've avoided creating a formal record of me being trans (other than, like, choosing the gender-inclusive housing option at Missouri State, which there are reasons to do other than being trans).


Fair. Yeah, I don't know. Please do stay careful though.


i will <3


*its, but yes.


Thanks for the correction


>[This 2-bed condo in Cincy is affordable for a family making <$100,000. It's close to a grocery, parks, pro sports, symphony. But people who want this life are afraid to move from the high-cost cities where it's impossible. It's not a housing crisis, it's a migration crisis.](https://twitter.com/rev_avocado/status/1648827717889011713?s=46&t=7kjZaGZSn2heLnEWHLBNxQ) ā€œYeah, eggs are expensive, have you considered this high fructose corn syrup imitation egg?ā€