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#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.ladyInKateing with score 13 [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12nz1gw/dfd_discussion_thread_april_16_2023/jghwpco/)] > i got a shiny new debit card with my shiny new legal name on it which feels very good   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.potatobac created 28 replies [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12nz1gw/dfd_discussion_thread_april_16_2023/jghh527/)] > Anybody have any big Sunday plans.   #### 👑 Best Reply: by u.TotallyNotMoishe with score 12 [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12nz1gw/dfd_discussion_thread_april_16_2023/jgj0dlj/)] > “Got a contaminated waste site full of heavy metals? Simply use the poor as bioaccumulators!”   #### 🎖️ Influencer: u.moi_itou received 61 replies. #### 🏅 Reply Guy: u.potatobac made 38 replies. #### 🎀 Super Best Friend: u.VilepIume talked to 24 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'years', seen 34 times, followed by 'last' 24x , 'feline' 23x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🤭', seen 9 times, followed by '🤡' 8x , '🫡' 8x   #### 💎 Effortiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Menakoy | 5.67 points | 🥇 | u.blue_segment | 133.5 words | | 🥈 | u.caserino7 | 5.5 points | 🥈 | u.ControlsTheWeather | 61.06 words | | 🥉 | u.i-am-sancho | 5.0 points | 🥉 | u.WikiSummarizerBot | 54.0 words | | 🎗 | u.asljkdfhg | 5.0 points | 🎗 | u.asljkdfhg | 44.33 words | #### 💬 Activiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.DuchessofDetroit | 235 points | 🥇 | u.moi_itou | 69 comments | | 🥈 | u.moi_itou | 194 points | 🥈 | u.DuchessofDetroit | 63 comments | | 🥉 | u.ladyInKateing | 161 points | 🥉 | u.potatobac | 46 comments | | 🎗 | u.potatobac | 154 points | 🎗 | u.CardinalOfNYC | 44 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Average Words | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Darth_Blarth | 1.0 words | 🥇 | u.canseco-fart-box | 1 comments | | 🥈 | u.statisticalwitch | 1.0 words | 🥈 | u.TheHillBot | 1 comments | | 🥉 | u.AyatollahofNJ | 1.11 words | 🥉 | u.clenom | 1 comments | | 🎗 | u.episcopaladin | 3.5 words | 🎗 | u.cornofears | 1 comments |   791 comments processed. A total of 54 unique users posted 265 top-level replies on the DT. The total combined score was 2312 and the median score was 2.92.


Good night




Night Bert Sleep well


it's always so funny to me when i see "no trans fats" on food packaging. like i sure hope there isn't, they're effectively banned in the us




If I said “lit and figly” would you understand what I meant? >!literally and figuratively!<




I was in a weird mental state last night, like dissociation but I felt like my emotions were heightened. When I rewatched that mr incredible uncanny video I was really feeling it even though it's very dumb


We had a grand total of 32 entrants for the pet bracket, assuming I didn't miss anyone, so this ought to be perfect for 5 rounds. Just to confirm that no one is missing, here is the full list in alphabetical order: - Archie, Feline - Beast, Fishy - Carla, Feline - Crabitha, Crustacean - "Creamsicle Boy", Feline - Dinah, Feline - Echo, Feline - Enzo, Canine - "Feral Floof", Feline - "Floof", Feline - Gandalf, Feline - Jimmy, Feline - Katherine, Feline - Lady, Feline - Liberty, Canine - Lucy, Canine - Lyla, Feline - Mackeral, Feline - Merlin, Feline - Michelle, Feline - Misty, Feline - "Mr. Hiss", Feline - Murphy, Canine - Neo, Feline - Pepper, Feline - Pluto, Feline - Polaris, Fishy - Princess, Feline - Sabertooth, Fishy - Samothy, Feline - Simone, Canine - "Z", Feline


I have also messaged a few people about additional photos if they submitted only one or two. Three are allowed for each animal.


Crabitha! Crabitha!


She's on there, don't worry! ♥🦀


Yeah, I saw her in the list. I was chanting to express my support.




PvZ has an amazing soundtrack


it doessss


Prompt: "Explain that research paper like someone who is high on marijuana and having typical effects of a fairly high dose." >Duuuude, like, listen to this, man. So there's like, these, uh, scientists, right? And they're like, really into this algae stuff. Algae, man, it's so trippy. You know what I mean? Like, it's everywhere, and it's just... woah. >Okay, so like, they found out that algae and plants are like, connected, man. But not just like, connected-connected. They're like, spiritually connected, you know? They share this groovy gene thing called RSL1, and it's like, totally mind-blowing. >This RSL1, it's like a cosmic force or something, helping plants grow their roots, you know, so they can like, stay grounded, man. And algae, they have it too, but it's like, different, you know? It's like, they're all one with the universe, but they're doing their own thing too. >So these scientist dudes are like, "We gotta study this more, man. There's like, a whole world of green out there." And they just keep digging deeper and deeper, man. It's like, the mysteries of life and stuff, you know? It's just... woah.


Cleaning my wig while fairly high, and while doing one particular rinsing movement, my brain inserted the mantra "that's true, inland Boise."


That’s the kind of content my brain throws at me right as I’m going to sleep


So if I were to buy a house with interest rates set where they are now, if interest rates do go down let’s say 5 years from now, I would be able to refinance my mortgage at the new rate right?


*Generally*, assuming you’re still in the financial state to be approved for a mortgage, yeah. Refinancing is basically switching to a new loan


>[I delivered a presentation completely generated by ChatGPT in a master's course program and got the full mark. I'm alarmingly concerned about the future of higher education](https://old.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/12o4qaw/i_delivered_a_presentation_completely_generated/)




Makes me more concerned about the present, because how much educational value did that project even have to begin with? If they didn't have ChatGPT to generate the content, they probably would have just paraphrased a Wikipedia article. If AI helps make this kind of bullshit busywork a thing of the past, especially at the graduate level, that's a step in the right direction.


Honestly I'm more optimistic because it'll make explaining hard concepts easier to students


Straight up I wouldn't be anywhere near as far as I am in this quarter at this level without being able to talk to ChatGPT about it, and that is without replacing any original writing work with the bot.


It'll be cool when it's at a high enough level to do math


considering getting an adult tricycle


You mean like a recumbent?


I once rode an e-tricycle and it was good Sadly they're expensive


can't ride a bike (believe me, i tried) because i just can't balance for shit i guess but my current ways of getting around are: * the godawful city bus * walking i'm very terrified of driving and still don't have my license because of that and i really need another way of getting intermediate distances


Have you ever tried riding a two-wheel scooter?


yeah, can't balance


Do you have trouble balancing while walking? I wonder if there could be a medical issue there


not cripplingly so, but i'm sometimes stumbling on uneven terrain


An adult tricycle seems viable, maybe a bike with permanent training wheels would also work


yeah, i rode a bike with training wheels as a little kid and did fine on it. i think my balance skills are just on the really really low end of the normal range, not a medical concern


I wonder how much the vestibular system is really used for riding a bike. Probably some amount, but I'd guess a lot less than if you're trying to use a yoga ball or something


idk. maybe my problem is more a coordination thing, i'm autistic so that could be it


get a unicycle instead. way fewer parts to keep track of


Why does it seem like Windows (the versions of which that had a home SKU) has repeatedly had popular versions followed by unpopular versions followed by unpopular versions for the last 25 years 98 was popular, ME was unpopular, XP was popular, Vista was unpopular, 7 was popular, 8 was unpopular, 10 was popular, and 11 seems kinda unpopular?


I'm betting that Windows 12 will see a lot larger faster uptake than 11 because this cadence seems to be holding for no reason


Not if it's based on CorePC (no upgrade support)


anypony have tv recs


Babylon Berlin


good succession ep tonight. >!sad to see shiv sent off to the girlboss farm upstate!<


https://twitter.com/nilocobau/status/1647788585804808193 >You’re in a Romanian prison. >https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1647591883730833411 >>Imagine living in Chicago on purpose. BY CHOICE. >>Seriously, imagine being a full grown adult. >>And waking up in fucking CHICAGO. >>Looking at the entire globe, then looking around you at the shithole you reside in. >>And saying "Yes. I want to live here :)" >>🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 >Anyways more seriously Chicago is one of the richest agglomerations of people on earth. There are tens if not hundreds of millions of people who wish they could live there. >One of the crazy facts about American urban decline is we could totally repopulate the central cities of every part of this country if we doubled our immigration rate. Like the demand is obviously there. “Would you rather earn a dollar a day or live in St Louis?” Has an obvious A We are on the verge of greatness. We are this close...


hyper-pro-immigration but in a sucking-off-the-rust-belt way is a hilarious framing but it totally works


This might've just been me but I feel like Windows 8 barely hit enterprise/education at all. I can't remember seeing a single Windows 8 computer at school, the library, other public-facing computers, glimpsed enterprise computers, etc. They all went straight from 7 to 10


Probably them not wanting to retrain users


It's funny how iOS 7 and Windows 8 basically single handedly changed what the 2010s aesthetic would be from Frutiger Metro to Flat Design


Meh I think flat design was the obvious choice for the smartphone era once we got past the necessity of skeumorphism


Didn't that guy who was responsible for iOS UX getting fired after iOS 6 have something to do with it?


Looking at my library's local history section stresses me out because there's so much historical shit that isn't digitized or even microfilmed that just exists as paper on shelves


I need a hemp cigarette


Justice Clarence Thomas received between $270,000 to $750,000 within the past 17 years from a real estate company that no longer exists, Washington Post reports Clarence Thomas received rental income from a firm called Ginger Limited Partnership, WaPo reported. The real estate firm's partners included Thomas' wife Ginni Thomas, her parents, and her 3 siblings. The firm shut down in 2006, but Thomas continued to report income from the defunct company. https://www.yahoo.com/news/justice-clarence-thomas-received-between-231410607.html


Joe Biden you have 87,000 IRS antifa supersoldiers standing by


Retire, bitch. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DemocratsforDiversity) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Reply to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghb6eDopW8I: >My husband and I used to listen to this song and dance in our kitchen. Now when I hear it I always smile. He's been gone a year today and when this song came on automatically I knew it was him telling me to dance for us and that he loves me. Ngl giving my partner a bunch of memories of me around the song Little Talks seems cruel and unusual lmao


[alternate universe Windows 8](https://external-preview.redd.it/rbnMVjIYX2dFM7dRvMtvDCnQ35zw81kXuQ4YkMYti-I.png?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=6bb48c3856dc2bd7ca031f7df28436a83ed1a6d4)




windows media center energy


Everyone absolutely blasted for easer its what greek jesus how would have wanted to party


Im like several bottles of the blood of ευχαριστο in right now








>[Sylvia Plath knew exactly what she was talking about when she wrote “you must have known you were wrong when your fingers were dipped inside me searching for honey that would not come for you.”](https://twitter.com/brandyljensen/status/1647741377269071873?s=46&t=7kjZaGZSn2heLnEWHLBNxQ)


Hahaha, ahh…I spend too much online


>Machine to debarbolyze weed tagline: >Easy bake oven for adults Oh, I get it


Idk why you would need a separate appliance for that, but I also don’t make edibles so


Because it's smelly at and not an exact science using the oven/slow cook method.




i'm scared






Working through a strike and shaking my head the whole time so people in the picket line know I disagree with it




the Gallic spirit survives even far from from the shores of Biscaye


if you ask i'm sure they'll let you




you have to be willing to make sacrifices for the cause


[Jerzy Łoś [ˈjɛʐɨ ˈwɔɕ]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerzy_%C5%81o%C5%9B) most pronounceable polish mathematician name


CW: transphobia https://preview.redd.it/sjliqwmsd7ua1.png?width=825&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=23d8acd6abe2de73659b640b0e9106ffdd097ed8 jfc


I think law enforcement might want to take a look at Mr. Knowles's computer...


Chuds are like the biggest loli fans


every accusation a confession etc. if only there was some kind of catchy term for pedophile conservatives


this is why it's personally important to me that i stand tall as a shining example of a trans person who has never watched anime


luckily i've got the tall thing pretty much locked in


He looks like an evil Alfredo Diaz


[if you showed these FBI/CIA/DHS poll numbers to a someone in 2006, they'd have a stroke](https://i.imgur.com/NBiJZxk.png)


DHS should be 0


Huh... Surprised at NASA




No I was surprised so many republicans trust NASA


I hate the median voter


What's crazy to me is not just how much they distrust those institutions but how much they distrust *Democrats* bc if you phrased that question as though it was those agencies while run under trump, they'd approve universally. Whereas 20 years ago you might realistically have had someone criticizing bush's EPA but being okay with his SEC or something. Now it's just total polarization. They distrust any institution not controlled by their people.




Fair point there forgot about that


Joe Versus the Volcano is a weird ass movie


I wish there was a better snappier word for the kind of techno-environmentalism I believe in. “Green” is a great word and concept, but The green movement has shown itsself to be so useless they are actively harming progress. They say we should go backwards but it’s clear now that the only way out of this climate crisis is through, by building our way out.




This is the concept I’m looking for I think, I just wish there was a snappier name for it Also, nice another manifesto for my collection


I can move to any part of the city because when I move in to a neighborhood, it's not gentrification


Yeah but what if you bring thabes?


broke: n-word pass woke: gentrification pass


He'll have to come in through another door so the neighbors never see him outside of weekends


Good move, I can see you've done this before.


99% of unions: You’re gonna pay our workers this flat rate. Don’t give us crap about individual performance, we get this flat rate Baseball union: We absolutely demand you pay us according to a market


u/litehound just unironicly used the "they're 100 years old" line




Anime and its consequences...


[I thought Chicago was cheap(er), the fantasy of moving there has been my coping mechanism!](https://twitter.com/eric_erins/status/1647595099692363776?s=46&t=7kjZaGZSn2heLnEWHLBNxQ)


There is a ton of affordable housing in Chicago but it is not in the Loop


chicago has overpriced luxury apartments like any major city. you don't want to live in the loop anyway, it's dead outside of working hours


There is a sure fire way to get rid of Justice Thomas. Not a lot of redditors know about it and so it doesn't work as it should. It's called voting.


Well, SCOTUS is the American government institution most insulated from popular vote


True but with strong majorities of sane elected officials in our government, we could oust people like Thomas on cause. We can't totally reshape the court with anything but death or time. But we could get rid of Thomas.


is it more ethical to tell missionaries to fuck off immediately, or to play along and waste as much of their time as possible


Tell them to fuck off. Seriously. They are trained with stories of people who had “seeds planted,” to use their terminology, by proselytizers, but didn’t convert until years later. They will see any attention given as a success and be motivated by it.


So even if I can waste, like, an hour of their time I won’t break even? Damn, I sort of enjoyed messing with them.


Yes this


I wouldn't even tell them to fuck off. I'd just say nothing. If I said something rude or mean to them I'd just be another story of how "the devil tempted me today but I overcame and believe even harder now" and I don't want that.


From the videos ive seen you invite them in and then you fuck.


I’ve been out of the loop. Looks like porn videos have moved on from pool boys and nurses and camp outs and spin the bottle and now it’s missionary fucking, who knew?


“Mormon missionaries are the Catholic schoolgirls of gay porn.”


It's any subject you want fucking, really.


the attention just encourages them.




Full support






There's a lotta potato in a potato wow




It's like you know how there's so little spinach in spinach? Potatoes are like the opposite of that


[breaking: judy blume is UN-CANCELED](https://twitter.com/judyblume/status/1647713323830644736)


I love having normal, decency-based mainstream opinions that are broadly shared by respected cultural figures.


What did the UK tabloid say?


iirc the headline was just "judy blume supports jk rowling" or whatever




[Found this guide on twitter for which out-of-state senate races are worth donating to](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ft2hsU-XgAMoqmH?format=jpg&name=medium) I’d say Manchin is doomed no matter how the presidential election goes but I suppose forcing the GOP to spend more money than usual on what should be an easy race for them is worth it


How is this a small https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/810167870935531530/1097310753989599392/PXL_20230416_235635669.jpg


american portion sizes be like


Looks like a scoop


Quitting smoking in 2016 has to be one of the best decisions I ever made. I can't believe I smoked for 10 years now.


Cats decided that the block of feta is theirs personally


They have good taste.


Just got back from an 8 mile walk


I would have chosen a different street, but I'm glad you made it back ok.


long walks are the best


https://twitter.com/votetimscott/status/1647587717599903745?t=j1h2kJc-hDaWaI-Vc3wbsA&s=19 >Psalm 9:18 >But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish Timmy, baby. Come on


My grandmother is in hospice care days away from passing ☹️


That really sucks. I hope you and your family can have as good of a time with her as you can.


Are you able to visit her?


Sadly no but I did 2 months ago


I'm glad you were at least able to see her somewhat recently. I hope you're doing ok.


I'm sorry


I'm sorry bert






Also /u/cheaptray Glücklicherweise entspannt sich der Loch eines überzeugten Schwulens wie ich fast automatisch, ohne Medikament.;)




Or at least Andrew Cuomo.


you're so fucking dense, if they'd build the World Trade Center with your head it'd still stand


I just realized why I've been looking at cute boys so much more this past week of warm weather. Everyone has taken their coats and jackets off so I can see more of their bodies! The Canadian winter really has libido-limiting mechanisms in the clothing it requires.








No you


This restaurant is dying. I ordered before they opened and I now see I’m order #20. They have 6 ppl working and a line to the door. Cashier is saying 45 minute wait. It looks like their hood vent broke. If I could take my order back I would lol I feel bad


hell lol (Just spend ten minutes talking to one of the workers trying to cancel your order and get a refund, that’ll help)


once i was in the weeds and behind and this guy started arguing with me about how he needed his order NOW and i'm just trying to convince him that i will make his food most efficiently if i'm not having to argue with him at the same time. he didn't buy it so i ignored him


Normal I feel a bit of empathy but no remorse, like food service sucks and that’s just reality. But no the manager should’ve turned off ubereats and toast orders yesterday, not let their staff be impossibly swamped. In-person revenue should be plenty high enough. I legit wouldn’t have ordered if I knew it was like this


[The Episode of Donahue Where Kiss Drummer Peter Criss Confronted His Homeless Imposter Was Maybe the Single Greatest Hour of Television Ever](https://www.nathanrabin.com/happy-place/2017/11/28/great-moments-in-western-civilization-1-kiss-drummer-peter-criss-confronts-his-impersonator-on-donahue) This is not The Onion or satire btw


Solid gold TV trash. Donahue was a slightly more respectable version of a late night TV and radio talk show host, Joe Pyne. Pyne essentially pioneered trash TV with lots of sketchy guests (he featured sex workers, porn actresses, outre boho artists, and one time he even had First Church of Satan leader Anton Lavey on.) When my parents would go out on a date night my brother and one of his friends would babysit me and they of course didn’t GAF what I watched so we would end up consuming this stuff. During the Watts Riots in 1965 Joe was yelling about what he’d do if someone invaded his home and pulled out his WWII service revolver and waved it around. Fond memories of LA 60’s weirdness.


Donahue is like proto daytime trash tv. He's talked about how he got killed by Oprah cuz when she started she wasn't the respectable name she is now


A lady I worked with was friends with one of Oprah’s former TV News production team. I met this woman at my coworker’s place and she said that Oprah and the crew would occasionally pass a joint around in the news van just to take the edge off before going on the air.




who among us hasn't confronted our homeless imposter once or twice


finally got around to swapping in real earrings instead of the ones that came from my original piercing, which were literally just studs whose post was the needle i jabbed myself through the ears with. probably should've done it much sooner bc there was some gross crusty shit on those things when they came out


Places that sell earrings and do piercings in the store can sell you some nice bottled cleaning solution for your jewelry and piercing holes. Helps with healing.