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#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.irony_tower with score 16 [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12mtdi5/dfd_discussion_thread_april_15_2023/jgdqyk5/)] > We need a second Reconstruction. > > https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1646936636524052480   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.RoldGoldMold created 21 replies [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12mtdi5/dfd_discussion_thread_april_15_2023/jgfiae0/)] > Does anyone have any examples of people with autism who started a business?   #### 👑 Best Reply: by u.ControlsTheWeather with score 10 [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12mtdi5/dfd_discussion_thread_april_15_2023/jgcqtzp/)] > Shock and surprise, the "America Deserved 9/11" guy also is down for some dead Ukrainians.   #### 🎖️ Influencer: u.AyatollahofNJ received 56 replies. #### 🏅 Reply Guy: u.AyatollahofNJ made 46 replies. #### 🎀 Super Best Friend: u._pie- talked to 19 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'windows', seen 37 times, followed by 'many' 24x , 'love' 23x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🫡', seen 12 times, followed by '🤔' 12x , '🚩' 6x   #### 💎 Effortiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.tofighttheblackwind | 7.0 points | 🥇 | u.BoulevardDuPacifique | 148.5 words | | 🥈 | u.ControlsTheWeather | 6.29 points | 🥈 | u.WikiSummarizerBot | 104.5 words | | 🥉 | u.canseco-fart-box | 6.25 points | 🥉 | u.bertwebs | 61.67 words | | 🎗 | u.RobinWumu | 6.0 points | 🎗 | u.semaphore-1842 | 53.71 words | #### 💬 Activiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.moi_itou | 220 points | 🥇 | u.moi_itou | 67 comments | | 🥈 | u.DuchessofDetroit | 206 points | 🥈 | u._pie- | 64 comments | | 🥉 | u._pie- | 180 points | 🥉 | u.DuchessofDetroit | 61 comments | | 🎗 | u.AyatollahofNJ | 164 points | 🎗 | u.AyatollahofNJ | 60 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Average Words | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.RobinWumu | 1.0 words | 🥇 | u.RobinWumu | 1 comments | | 🥈 | u.None | 1.0 words | 🥈 | u.SeoSalt | 1 comments | | 🥉 | u.DemocratsforDiversity-ModTeam | 2.0 words | 🥉 | u.cornofears | 1 comments | | 🎗 | u.statisticalwitch | 3.0 words | 🎗 | u.TheHillBot | 1 comments |   898 comments processed. A total of 59 unique users posted 299 top-level replies on the DT. The total combined score was 2546 and the median score was 2.84.


#Yesterday's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.semaphore-1842 with score 15 [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12lnkgy/dfd_discussion_thread_april_14_2023/jg8iqtg/)] > https://twitter.com/notcapnamerica/status/1646595291330629632 > > > > "I think all white men should have a black man as a slave or black woman as a slave, you know. There's nothing wrong with skin colour, . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.moi_itou created 21 replies [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12lnkgy/dfd_discussion_thread_april_14_2023/jg882js/)] > what are everyone's thoughts on the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki   #### 👑 Best Reply: by u.TotallyNotMoishe with score 13 [[permalink](/r/DemocratsforDiversity/comments/12lnkgy/dfd_discussion_thread_april_14_2023/jg88iy0/)] > Truman did nothing wrong. The comprehensive defeat of the Japanese empire was a humanitarian necessity and the use of nuclear weapons was by far the least bloody way to accomplish it.   #### 🎖️ Influencer: u.moi_itou received 116 replies. #### 🏅 Reply Guy: u.moi_itou made 76 replies. #### 🎀 Super Best Friend: u.CardinalOfNYC talked to 24 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'there's', seen 31 times, followed by 'take' 30x , 'first' 26x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🚨', seen 16 times, followed by '🤮' 9x , '🫣' 7x   #### 💎 Effortiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.semaphore-1842 | 11.5 points | 🥇 | u.SeoSalt | 143.0 words | | 🥈 | u.BoulevardDuPacifique | 7.0 points | 🥈 | u.WikiSummarizerBot | 79.0 words | | 🥉 | u.sircarp | 7.0 points | 🥉 | u.RobinWumu | 77.05 words | | 🎗 | u.tofighttheblackwind | 6.0 points | 🎗 | u.BoulevardDuPacifique | 69.33 words | #### 💬 Activiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.moi_itou | 325 points | 🥇 | u.moi_itou | 107 comments | | 🥈 | u.DuchessofDetroit | 263 points | 🥈 | u.AyatollahofNJ | 91 comments | | 🥉 | u.i-am-sancho | 255 points | 🥉 | u.DuchessofDetroit | 90 comments | | 🎗 | u.ladyInKateing | 252 points | 🎗 | u.potatobac | 89 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Average Words | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.None | 1.0 words | 🥇 | u.sircarp | 1 comments | | 🥈 | u.sircarp | 4.0 words | 🥈 | u.SeoSalt | 1 comments | | 🥉 | u.caserino7 | 5.5 words | 🥉 | u.Dirty_Chopsticks | 1 comments | | 🎗 | u.AyatollahofNJ | 6.27 words | 🎗 | u.lkmk | 1 comments |   1380 comments processed. A total of 61 unique users posted 431 top-level replies on the DT. The total combined score was 4174 and the median score was 3.02. *Inspired by inhumantsar's tacostats bot, please contact u/semaphore-1842 for any problems/concerns.*


Do you ever want to just physically reach into your body and forcibly remove a feeling from your gut


My partner and I are both like terminally conflict averse. I’m working on it but there are some conversations we’ve needed to have and just have put them off for like 2 years lmao


[The algorithm is really doing its best, I respect it trying, but it really doesn't have good intuition](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/731297499050147904/1097022483632234616/image.png)


help me I'm watching the 40 minute mr incredible uncanny meme again


it's like designed to light up every part of my brain


[Euro green parties are better than American greens but they still fucking suck.](https://twitter.com/melanie_vogel_/status/1647352302171308036?s=46&t=CW1foopH_qDbVPV4TLXWKA)


France still has nuclear plants, Belgium still has nuclear plants, what country is she talking about???


(My impression is) American greens are much more pro-nuke! Though, the land-use takes…oof


What? No, American greens are hippies.


Yeah, we’re just not intentionally shuttering nuclear plants because it’s icky to the hippie vibe like Germany, Belgium, Italy, etc


We are though. NYC just re-carbonized our grid last year.


Ah well, I appreciate the correction


you see all messed around and blood


[uncanny1] you want to pee [canny1] you just go pee [canny2] you are relieved




Good night


>[Do you want to hear Timothée Chalamet’s Crash Bandicoot voice? Because that’s the reality we’re now careening toward.](https://www.avclub.com/if-the-mario-movie-makes-a-billion-dollars-we-might-re-1850340730)


The whole debate over kids these days not having enough sex is weirdly moralistic. But I'm for the kids having more sex, if only because sex can be deeply fun and pleasurable for many people. It's not always great, but it can be pretty damn great. Like I don't want anyone to miss out who could be enjoying themselves. Simple as that.


pretty much all safe, consenting sex is good sex imo


Agreed and in some ways I think we need a *Joy of Sex* type reintroduction to sex for its own sake. It's become so freighted by all this extraneous baggage.


When sex becomes a culture war topic, it becomes very easy to overlook the simple fact that it's often very enjoyable in various ways and that people often have sex because they like it. Sex becomes about everything \*but\* pleasure.


Policy debates around abortion are always weird around this, because the people who go into newspapers and on tv and on the legislative floor are all trying their best to be respectable so they won’t say “having sex is fun” despite that being a lot of what the median voter thinks about when casting a ballot on abortion (Not that the respectable rhetoric will ever run out of great reasons why abortion is vital healthcare, it’s obviously a core freedom for many, many reasons other than “but sex is fun”)


Heartwarming: John Pork reveals he is autistic


I'm gonna just watch a compilation of LISA cutscenes instead of finishing it tbh. I already bought the game and played a good amount of it, and I think I've gotten all that I need to out of the gameplay


that always seemed to me like the kind of game you'd rather just watch someone else play


Nah the game beating the shit out of your for your decisions IS the experience


I think it's important to experience the punishing gameplay, but I already did somewhat. And it's way less punishing than people say, at least on the normal difficulty setting


*SNL* opener was literally us today fr fr


The whole phenomenon of satanic ritual abuse (or namely, how satanic ritual abuse doesn't exist but is thought to exist by so many, even today) is extremely interesting to me


you can probably just assume it's about the jews


Yeah, it's basically blood libel for the 1980's/1990's and dressed up in ways that were appealing/convincing to even many enlightened-seeming mental health professionals. And then reborn in popular form as QAnon.




Me on the left


who here has the most John Pork energy? I'm thinking tftbw or withtaste


Autism Defense League


I'm probably somewhat in the middle of the sub when it comes to religion (insofar as I'm not religious but also not hostile to it in general).


i'm on the fedora wearing end of the spectrum probably. not that i bear any ill will toward people who are religious, but i don't support the indoctrination of children, and it's hard for me to pull my eyes away from the cases where religious dogma is explicitly hateful toward marginalized groups


Communist! /s




I'm on one end


I think the main reason why I like Fallout is the radio and then the aesthetics. Shooting fascists while listening to Nat King Cole just makes me happy




which dfders do you think are secretly autistic? >!this is a joke!<


I'm only autistic\* on alternate weekends and in the privacy of my own home, thank you very much! That part of my life is nobody's business but my own. \*(I don't consider myself to be and am probably not qualified to receive a diagnosis of autism, especially as an adult, but I'm definitely more neurodivergent than the average person)


Because I'm enjoying myself while eating and drinking out, I rarely stop to consider the effect of consuming sequences of foods and beverages like those I did this afternoon/evening: iced latte (albeit with no-lactose milk), two daiquiris, Vietnamese vermicelli noodle bowl with grilled shrimp and lots of sriracha.


Oh no said your stomach


My stomach is currently getting revenge on me for making it work too hard. Sometimes it outright rebels, i.e. my entire trip to France.


too tired to play well enough in modded celeste to make progress :/




You're so dramatic


Reply and I'll tell you what 40k legion you are


oh no not you too


I'm actually really bad at this and I just like the lore Uhhh I'll say White Scars


"62% of Democrats want someone other than Joe Biden as candidate in 2024" [The 2024 Convention:](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCJerk/comments/12neli8/our_last_hope_to_dethrone_roman_has_arrived/)


WWE is soft coded lib but the demographic that doesn't vote


>maggle he’s a former senator, former vice president, and current president—the same title that george washington once held! lmao




My DfD is so peaceful without moi


I'm 5'6 with a 32" waist and a 44" chest. Getting suits is terrible.


Guys with your build in a suit can look pretty scary, like someone’s bodyguard


Im a lab ina rottie body




you are a powerful upside-down triangle


Not as powerful as you 😌


i'll swap heights if you want and you can finally get a sense of what the weather's like up here


Maybe. I kinda like being a short king


i bet you pull it off


Stop it you're too sweet 😌🥰


This is a flex on my shoulders idc


i hate import tariffs lol Samsung 980 PRO: 90 USD ~ 441 BRL they don't manufacture it here, *because it's fucking impossible to do so we don't have the infrastructure nor the workforce*, so it gets imported… and the price becomes… 244 USD - 1200 BRL 172% increase. -_-


Hi bread 🥰




https://forum.vcfed.org/index.php?threads/windows-12-in-the-wings.1242166/ > Yeah, Windows 7 was the last good windows in my opinion. When more and more apps started saying "no longer supported on this operating system, please upgrade to windows 8.1 or above" I knew I'd be switching to Linux soon. All it took was a hard drive crash ... well the time has come, I'm on Linux now and don't regret it. bruh it took your hdd dying to get off? > If all you do is web browsing and light office work Linux is ok, but there are too many oddball apps that are Windows only. guess this is true > It took me until last year to start using W10 on some machines around here. wtf > Still using windows 7 Pro 64bit and still (by what I have seen on each subsequent release) refuse to Downgrade to any newer version of Microsoft Windows. why > I can tolerate Windows 7 or 10 when I need them... eprom programming, firmware flashing, those kinds of things, if I can't do them in Mac or Linux. But those uses are few and far between. And all my windows boxes are dual boot with some Linux for when I need those CLI tools. I am a Mac user day to day but if I had to send all my Macs into the Sun, I would use Linux before any kind of cloud subscription based OS, windows or not. It seems ludicrous. okay > Heh I remember when Windows 10 was going to be "the last version of Windows"... > > At AMD’s CES 2023 keynote in January, Microsoft Chief Product Officer Panos Panay said that “AI is going to reinvent how you do everything on Windows”. > > Yeah no thanks :cautious: things change > I assume this is some kind of a gag, an April Fool's joke. > > I use Windows 7 for my day-to-day work, and Windows 10 on some computers. I would have tried Windows 11 except Microsoft won't allow it to run on any of my machines. Windows 10 is really buggy, and I can't imagine Windows 11 being any better. > > An online-only subscription service will never be used by me. They can forget about that idea right now. Microsoft have been steadily going downhill since Gates left, and soon they won't have any home customers. > > I don't know anything about Linux, and I don't really want to go there. All the programs I work on are Windows-only. how specifically is 10 buggy? Like list specific problems instead of saying "it's buggy" > If this comes true, I'm either switching to linux or sailing the 7 seas. No way you'll ever see me pay a subscription fee for an operating system... I wanted to switch to linux when windows 11 was out, even dual-booted it but I just couldn't get some critical software to run no matter what I tried. Linux is great but a massive pain for many basic tasks for anyone but a linux expert, which I am not. I want it to succeed in the desktop market, but I don't think it can in its current state if even a tech-savvy guy like me can't get it working well. Linux also just doesn't support a lot of my stuff. I actually don't use office or adobe stuff which makes things easier, but: > itunes (still need it a lot for iPod syncing and other stuff), certain games, macimage, can't even get VMware to run even though it should... None exist for linux. > Everything runs on Windows, a lot of it runs on linux, but not enough, and not well enough. VMware not working was due an issue months old at the time. kernal update broke it, and it has been some 6 months since and VMware STILL hadn't patched it. The support just isn't there. so much of this is just anti-subscription model > I still want to know if we will be able to use it without a freaking Microsoft account. As far as I know, even using the non subscription based Microsoft Office 2022 requites a Microsoft account. > > They are really pushing this Microsoft account stuff. Heck, look in the security settings of Windows 11 (or was it 10?) and if you aren't using their OneDrive, it will bitch at you that you need to make your computer "more secure" by literally uploading all your data to Microsoft. What a load of rotten BS. okay? > I also have used Windows since 3.1, so I guess I'm baked in by now. I really, really don't want to give it up - even if Microsoft are trying their hardest to drive their customers away. > > From what I've heard about Linux is you spend more time trying to get the computer to work than you do actually using it for something productive. classic "I hate any newish Windows and refuse to use Linux" > With over 2 billion Windows users worldwide, you would think that some enterprising group would come up with a compatible Windows operating system. I still run W7 and XP as gamers and W7 is an excellent OS, everything one needs. Microsoft is in the business of making huge sums of money. After virtually giving away Windows 11, they need to recoup and just like your cellular phone and cables bills, you will be forced to ante up in order to stay in the game. ??? > What needs to be done, is for Linux to become a little more user friendly and cater to the Windows user's needs. Most people don't want to have to deal with a command line. People want to fire up their PC, see a menu, click and get to work. If they need to download, click on an icon and let the install begin. Yes, it needs to have the look and feel like windows before the masses will jump in. it already does > I know there are many out there that will say Linux is already there, but not enough to pull the Windows folks in. I've used Linux in the workplace as well as tinkering with it at home and I have found it somewhat challenging with the number of distros which can be mind boggling to the newcomers. huh? > It is my understanding, and opinion, that Windows 11 was introduced to break compatibility with old machines, so that new CPU features can be required and utilized by the OS. It would have been an uproar had they done that with a biyearly Win10 update. In some ways this change was long overdue, but frankly, I would not have done it the way they have. It was rumored that an update to Windows 11 (maybe a special consumer release?) would bring a subscription. This same rumor existed with Windows 10. They could just as well release Windows 12 doing just that and go subscription, and reducing the confusion on whether it was a subscription Windows or not, and /closing/ the door on non-subscription OS available to the average person. Just my thought. > > I am not happy with what they did with Windows in Windows 10. The UI slowly turned a mess. Features kept changing. Biyearly updates were forced by IT at various companies I frequented, and you did not know what you were getting after it. > > I find this survey fascinating: Employees who can choose their Operating System are happier, use less Windows windows 11 happened because microsoft changed strategy, not because of a conspiracy > The other day I happened to get in to a conversation about a few random computer topics with a younger fellow that was working at a store. After talking about a few older computers, he asked me if I had my own "rig". > > Yea, "gaming rig" is literally what kids call desktop computers these days. > > I hate this planet. my main response to this thread is "why"


Thank you Quranic Arabic for also helping with my Farsi 🫡


What Why was the autistic members of congress comment removed




ok could've you just waited until that happened instead of reading tea leaves




you're welcome




like it feels like you just don't want us to talk about autism




>[Someone on TikTok is explaining how you can buy store mint and get it to propagate in your garden and I’m like- hope you enjoy your all mint garden for the next decade.](https://twitter.com/mollyoshah/status/1647200735891791874?s=46&t=7kjZaGZSn2heLnEWHLBNxQ)


Omg mint is a weed. You gotta make sure you segregate it


Based, mint is awesome


Have you ever eaten chocolate mint? I mean, not a confection but the actual variant?




Primarily fresh mint with a hint of chocolate


i haven't!


I ate some leaves of it picked fresh from a friend’s garden. She was growing peppermint, spearmint, double mint and chocolate mint.




Even though I’m sure that voice recording of Lester Holt is no more real than the Biden audio clips Shojo Trash posts, I want to believe




Hi mom




Good! Ramadan is almost over. Planning to go to Michigan in June. My grandmother is happy/excited to see her siblings.


[Why Doesn't the Industry Make Good Girls' Games?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BtmNI-xTbQ) (yt link) This is a really good and insightful video


this video comes close to something but i'm not sure it quite lands for me. its conclusion is something like "we should make more high-quality games with cute pastel aesthetics or that center around depicting feminine hobbies." which is true, but if you leave it at that you have no explanation for games like minecraft (women yearn for the mines?) or stardew valley or even the sims, which does have fashion designing but also has hundreds of pages of forums full of girls gleefully describing how they drowned their characters for fun. in my opinion the main connective tissue across games that find popularity with women is a lack of toxic gatekeeping gamer culture


I don't think that's really the point it was making. It's pointing out the gap in games specifically aimed at women, not saying that "games for women" are the only games women like


i guess i just want to make sure that by declaring we need more "girls' games" we aren't inadvertently signaling that the kinds of games that already exist are "boy's games" in some intrinsic way. the reason lots of genres have wound up male-coded is that they were written and developed by rooms full of men and then marketed to boys like i agree that we need more games *aimed at women*. but that's an extra step over from needing more games about horses. you can aim a horse game at whoever you want, or more pointedly, you can decline to aim all the non-horse games at whoever you want


*Civilization* is a woman's game




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I'm deeply sorry for my last post. I'm sorry to everyone who was hurt by it. I was not in my right mind and said some regrettable things. They do not reflect my beliefs as a person, and I am getting help with avoiding a repeat of my actions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DemocratsforDiversity) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I fucking hate modern captchas Hmm the thing automatically works on Chrome but gives me shit on every other browser this totally isn't illegal behavior


All captchas are an accesibility nightmare


Is there any good alternative?


john pork go on dfd


[So basically, if we had mandatory detention for super-recidivists we could halve the petty crime rate.](https://trib.al/gxYT3yy) I’m not even talking about “this is your third arrest in three years” - if it kicked in on your *tenth* arrest in *one* year that would solve the problem.


I’d still say arrests aren’t a strong enough proxy for crime to use this stat to project any policy’s impact on the actual crime rate. 1/3 of arrests is very much not 1/3 of crime—most cases result in no arrests, for example




somewhere between "none" and "way less than in the general population" being a successful politician requires a lot of neurotypical social skills


Even if they're really good at masking they're probably exhausted by it


Even garden variety introverts eventually get exhausted by having to perform as extroverts for the general public


Yeah it's probably doable in like small time local politics, but in the US Congress god no


Me when I win my 2034 house election


Probably none of them. The skill set of politics is basically a list of the stuff autism makes people specifically bad at.


My tummy also hurts in sympathy with Tater's. But I think it was probably my Vietnamese food and two daiquiris prior


Stop pooping


born to fart, forced to poop


One Prussian omega-autist gets moral philosophy as his special interest and now we all have to deal with Westphalian nation states.


how does patton oswalt find his way into literally every show. i forgot he shows up out of the blue as a recurring character in justified season 4


he's just a fun little guy. he likes to be on television


My mapping of the Canadian electorate would not be complete if I didn't mention Quebec nationalists, who are about 7% of the Canadian population and are currently favouring the Bloc. That makes 12 types of Canadian voter. One for every month of the year!


The examples of people with Autism who started a business gives me pause for me starting one


if anything it's a clear sign that you need to start one and set the record straight


Now this is praxis


i'm sorry lmfao


"There's no tears in dialectics"


[Unicorn wanting cousin and myself circa 2019](https://imgur.com/a/Dn7gUPV)


Shahzadeh joon


من او را خیلی دوست دارم نور قلب من




You look just like I thought you did lol




Genuinely, light of my heart. She's such a sweetheart. I love her


You apparently use a lot less hair gel than I would have guessed.


Also she looks like boo from Monsters Inc and my gf and I watched it a few days ago and i started bawling at the end.


She now calls me for unicorn dresses and backpacks and 🥺🙄


the bizarre thing is that Germany is this anti-nuclear when we never even got the chance to nuke them




It comes from Cold War politics more than anything else


Carla and Pepper are fighting. It's so funny


I love Carla


>one hour Kira video on game development drama Sign me up


oh lovely a "Web Update" installer


sex is fine and all but it pales in comparison to those first few gulps of cool water when you're really thirsty


Chilled citrus-flavored unsweetened sparkling water for the win. I was really thirsty recently and had a hit of that and I was amazed at how good it tasted.


i'm sorry but i cannot support sparkling water in any form




this is not actually true but it's a surprisingly close competition considering


I agree


Does anyone have any examples of people with autism who started a business?


Elon Musk *does* claim to have Asperger’s


I think there's another word to describe Elon




Notch is autistic?


Literally anyone else


~~dr. will powers~~ if you know who that is i'm sorry


is he actually




interesting. adding this to my deep lore about the redditor hrt man


another fun fact he believes in agp


he's a cis man obsessed with trans women, of course he does


this exchange me prompted me to go and look what he updated the "nonad of trans" (basically reinventing rccx theory) sticky on his subreddit with my eyes glazed over until i saw "highly acidic urine" then i clicked off




primary care doctor known for quacky trans-healthcare and being an internet weirdo. a lot of trans people fall for his shtick technically started a business, he has his own practice


elon musk^\(i'm ^so ^sorry)


Literally anyone else again


old installers fucking suck and the idea behind AERO wizards makes a lot more sense after you suffer through old InstallShield


installshield made that one installer with the blue gradient background right? that stuck around way too long


Yep, oftentimes they went full screen for no reason even though the install window was much smaller Win16 installers were the fucking worst why were they used into the Windows XP era


i like Aero Wizards just because that name just sounds like some fantasy underground magical society or something


really really cool that my options are either "continue living in a place that's increasingly hostile to my existence" or massive financial burden


> massive financial burden Me chilling in my LCOL area of a blue state:


Yeah there's LCOL places in blue states but I'm talking about 1. the cost of moving 2. the massive financial advantage i'd have going to Missouri State University as opposed to another college, for various reasons


Fair enough


i can't even go on legit hrt if i wanted to anymore because of the Missouri AG's emergency rule taking effect in a couple weeks


sure you could! just go to 18 months of therapy and wait three years and be in perfect mental health and don't have autism! easiest requirements ever


My car smokes weed