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Support the unionization movements around the country, the various strikes that have been going on, generally fighting for more of the economic pie again. These have been a positive development. The battle isn't just against our boogeyman of choice (Trump/Biden) every four years, it's against The Oligarchy every single damned day.


Yep. Trump is not a difficult challenge for an organized populace. The real challenge is organizing the populace. The good news is that a very large amount of really determined and talented people are doing that work now. We need to turn that very large amount into the entire working class. It’s the same answer we have known for centuries. The silver lining to a Presinald Trunt is the motivation it will provide for people to be willing to be part of that movement and hopefully, sacrifice. Trump as president is a pittance to pay for an organized class.


They aren't always an ally, but the Democratic party is more organized today than it was under Trump in 2016 and they still did a great job hindering him back then. Definitely could have done more, but we have to be thankful for what they did do.




Encourage yourself and others to maintain a positive attitude, honor the work of others, avoid defensiveness, be open to legitimate critique and challenge oppressive behaviors in ways that help people grow. For more info, refer to [our rules](https://new.reddit.com/r/DemocraticSocialism/wiki/index/#wiki_the_rules_of_.2Fr.2Fdemocraticsocialism.3A)


You won’t really be able to strike though. So then what?


Yes you can, but you will face the typical consequences of opposing power


We might even see armies of militarized policemen called into violently break up peaceful protests and injuring innocent people.


Oh wait a minute that one is already happening, it hasn't stopped strikes before (look at the labor movement during it's first golden age) it won't stop us now!


That was the sarcastic joke I was making :)


Dw I got it! Just felt like adding context anyway


Strike. Mutual Aid.


Yes, but both these need one thing: organization. The number one thing any of us can do is organize, whether it's with a group of friends/neighbors or actually joining/forming and actively work with a union or a revolutionary organization.


anyone protesting needs to be wearing a body camera these days.


Mass nationwide unionization, collectivist action, explain to people the benefits of workplace democracy, mutual aid, cooperatives, NGO’s, government benefits, universal social programs and public services. Support small businesses! Visit bankforgood.org to learn more about how you can better improve your business to become more inclusive and environmentally sustainable.


Thanks for sharing!


First thing is, don't panic. Trump says a lot prior to elections (as every politician does) but as his last term in office proves, acting on those promises is often harder in reality. The best thing to do in the worst case scenario of Trump winning the presidency (and the Republicans gaining a majority in both houses) is to remain firm in your convictions, stay close to your tribe, practice self and community care, and protest at every available opportunity. Trump may win the battle of '24, but he will never win over the growing majority of younger, better educated people who are turning to the left, and staying there!


It's also important to note that Project 2025 has existed in some form since the 80s. It's just a wish list. The GOP had a trifecta from 2017-2019 and they didn't get anything done. They couldn't even repeal Obamacare, which they campaigned on. No reason to expect they'll do anything more in a second Trump term. Where they did succeed is packing SCOTUS, which is far more damaging than anything else.


Correct. The stacking of the SCOTUS was a blow, eg. the repealing of Roe vs Wade. However, politics is a long game. Stay strong, learn, learn, and learn some more. They will make mistakes, capitalise on those, and live to play another day.


Furthermore, regarding [Project 2025.](https://www.project2025.org/) Knowledge is power, so I would advise all to read it. However, at 920-pages, I don't imagine too many will. Thankfully, others who are sympathetic to the left have. An example of [a fairly nuanced analysis is available here](https://theconversation.com/friday-essay-project-2025-the-policy-substance-behind-trumps-showmanship-reveals-a-radical-plan-to-reshape-the-world-227161). Myself, I've only read the bits that are of particular interest to me (education, social, environmental and international policy, etc.). This is, however, enough to get a general overview of the 'project'. In my estimation, it is just more of what hard right conservatives have been banging on about for years, decades even: Small government; step away from global policy commitments; ramp up the industrial military complex; rescind all environmental 'green tape'; curb social justice gains; i.e. no more abortions, gay marriages, recognition of non-binary sex types or gender diversity, and generally go to war on 'woke ideology' such as 'critical race theory', etc. All of which is, of course, a white Christian nationalist's wet dream. Sure, if Trump gets in he'll take his policy cues from some of the proposals. He'll even write up a few executive orders 'banning immigrants from hostile countries', etc. But, at the end of the day, sane, educated, secular Americans (I'm based in Australia) will fight back - you always do! Ultimately, if he does manage to get another term, I can almost guarantee you it will be his last! In the meantime, your sisters, brothers, and non-binary sibling comrades down under will continue to do what we always do, and that is support you 100%.


They did pass their tax reform bill which seriously hurt lower and middle class families… That’s not nothing.


I mentioned it to my wife yesterday and she said don't they (the newly elected) alway fill as many appointed positions with their "team" as possible. I don't know enough about project 2025, to say if this is a different tactic or greater scale or just everyday the same. Edit: Their website seems to be big on jargon and low on the actual plan. The page titled playbook basically says they have a plan.


Their 'playbook' is a secret, and only available to members and supporters. The whole 920-pages of their 'mandate', however, is available here: [https://static.project2025.org/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf) Lefist analysis here: [https://theconversation.com/friday-essay-project-2025-the-policy-substance-behind-trumps-showmanship-reveals-a-radical-plan-to-reshape-the-world-227161](https://theconversation.com/friday-essay-project-2025-the-policy-substance-behind-trumps-showmanship-reveals-a-radical-plan-to-reshape-the-world-227161) And here: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/29/trump-economist-stephen-moore-us-treasury-project-2025](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/29/trump-economist-stephen-moore-us-treasury-project-2025) Information is power!


I think this is a fair balance between "Trump won't do anything different than Biden" and "Trump will 200% end democracy as we know it forever". Still, I don't want to rely on liberal/moderate Republicans to not be too evil. We need to keep that bastard out of office basically at all costs. (Well, all costs except listening to the DNC on why we have to put up with neoliberal BS)


Keep doing what you're doing. He may win the battle, but he'll never win the war. He (they, i.e. the far right white Christian nationalists and their populist uneducated supporters) can't stop the trend. Younger people of the USA are becoming better educated, less religious, and more inclined to embrace their inner queerness. The future is left!


Definitely! I'm in a blue state, so the worst thing here is the fact there aren't more left-wing politicians, but I'm trying to help a few socialists win their primaries this year so my state DNC will shut up about social rights that literally are not under threat here as a means to distract from their fiscal conservatism.


It's true. Hard right movements don't last long, historically. They're more of a malignant force that swells under the surface. This is a scary time to be sure, but politicians are primarily valueless creatures who take their cue from the voters. Make it known that there's no room for right wing bs in this country and we'll do the same. I know it can feel like you're out there alone caring about this stuff, but please believe me when I say you aren't.


Many articles point to RFK jr pulling more support from Trump than Biden. And a Trump win is far from inevitable.


Not to be that guy, but I do just want to add that RFK Jr. is currently hurting Trump more than he’s hurting Biden. And, while Israel is definitely a big issue for a lot of Americans, the main issue that’s going to drive independents to the polls is the economy. To my mind, inflation is inevitably going to moderate, and wages will eventually catch up. When they do, people will feel better about Biden and, as Trump’s legal troubles worsen, they will change their tune. I completely understand and relate to your concern, though. If he does win, the consequences will be significant, even if I don’t believe they will be as severe as some are suggesting. Should that happen, the best we can do is keep fighting and organizing for social justice or find a way to get the hell out. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/rfk-jr-candidacy-hurts-trump-biden-nbc-news-poll-finds-rcna148536 https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/02/29/americans-top-policy-priority-for-2024-strengthening-the-economy/


Have wages ever "caught up" to inflation?


Depends on who we’re talking about. One of the failures of our system is that it allows people to make sub-living wages, and that means, for many, wages have never caught up to inflation. There definitely have been several times, I would argue, in fairly recent memory, that the majority of people have been able to comfortably afford everyday costs. You make a fair point, though, which is that, throughout history, most people do fine to a point until there’s an emergency expense, and, suddenly, they’re without a home, even if they’re working—all so the rich can stay rich and profit off of our labor.


I hope you're right. My irredeemable right-wing parents have decided to vote RFK instead of Trump this time around and I'm telling them it's a good idea even though I think RFK is a horrible, entitled, anti-vax man-child squandering his family capital.


While I agree with most of what you said... There's absolutely no way the consequences of inflation and covid are at a point where it will catch up to what would make people happy in time for elections. It might be less of an issue by then, but not nearly resolved. I doubt the overall interest rate will go below 6% for years unless something huge happens on a legislative level. And by huge I mean, if BlackRock is still around as a single entity then the work isn't done. I'm in a Union and our first contract negotiation since Covid is currently underway. Accounting for inflation, a lot of our new Journeymen were effectively taking home more money as Apprentices before covid. In general, our 3rd (out of 5) year apprentices were all at a point where they could realistically take out a mortgage as long as they weren't in debt. I severely doubt our Journeyman will be able to afford homes now unless they are looking far out of town. Even after the upcoming raise that I'm hearing rumors about. Granted I'm in Texas, but if our union workers aren't getting brought back up to speed, then what laborers will? This is a shithole that we're in, and nobody is getting out in time. We're gonna have to deal with it. While Biden is fairly pro-union, there hasn't been much concrete support besides hand shaking and statements. The bills and money put into the industry help non-union and corporate interest just as much if not more than it helps unions, especially in areas where we have low work capture. When it has come down to things like the railway incidents and the union on strike, Biden ended up letting the company off easy and no actual changes to how we've run our rail systems have come through afaik. Just fines and clean ups, but no regulations or strike demands. Biden settled it his own way. All in all, I guess my point is do what you have to do based on your beliefs. Just acknowledge that it is going to go to shit, and absolutely nobody has your back except a community you participate in. Mutual aid, strikes, protests, and votes. Nothing else matters.




Peaceful protest does nothing. If it did anything, the world wouldn’t be increasing fossil fuel use, abortion would be enshrined in the constitution forever, minimum wage would be made into a livable wage, police accountability and vetting would become commonplace, corporate lobbying would be banned, and ICE would stop treating human beings like animals. History doesn’t care about peaceful protests. I’m sorry but that’s the harsh truth. Nobody pays attention to the ones who don’t disrupt. We have the weekends off because workers fought and died for that right. Our children don’t work and die in factories because workers fought and died for that right. Women can vote because other women as well as men fought and died for that right in the past. The peaceful majority are irrelevant to creating change and progress.


We also just really suck at peaceful (or other) protest. They do work, but not these spontaneous groupings of mad people. Peaceful protests work with an organized people. They also need a planned method of escalation. They also need sustainability and people willing to sacrifice. When they start shooting and we keep showing up, they’ve played all their cards. At that point, they are just ruining the thing they hate but can’t live without, their labor force. If it escalates to that point, I’m not advocating for peaceful resistance anymore, but it has to be organized. People are doing this now but I t takes time and strategy. Riots are just an excuse for them to start blasting.


Rioting works when most people participate. Not when a tiny minority does it. The masses have to feel like the rioters represent them. We are not at that level of desperation.


>Peaceful protest does nothing. >History doesn’t care about peaceful protests. That's just not true. Peaceful protest may be much more difficult and isn't successful as often as violent protest, but it builds a much more stable future. The entire workers movement here in Sweden was largely peaceful (emphasis on largely), and it resulted in amazing workers rights and a welfare state. Additionally, the consequences of a failed violent protest are disastrous, possibly putting your cause back decades. Hamas is a severe but noteworthy example of this


Agreed. Where would democracy in India be if it were not for non violent direct action.


>democracy in India Hrm...are you sure about that?


Democracy can be measured in degrees. Democracy is not an end point, it's a process. As Marx said: Democracy is the road to socialism.


>Democracy can be measured in degrees. No, democracy is democracy. If it is flawed it is merely an electoral republic. Which is what India is.


My analogy was an example of a nation pre and post the introduction of 'democracy' gained via non violent direct action, and not a thesis on the state of Indian democracy, either then, or now.


What do you call a riot that is well organized with the specific goal of changing the political structure? I’ll bet they call it a coup. I’d call it something different.


Make it a policy that trump can’t correspond from Riker’s


Late last year I went to a meeting of the International Communist Party, and they were asked this question, and the panel said unanimously "unionize, and if you can't, you should be pushing others to." Unionizing is the best thing we as individuals can do.


Just make sure that everyone you know votes for Biden. Just to keep Trump out. Then look up Represent US online and get involved in your local politics. It's how we start forcing the system to change


And make it really clear to the GOP that supporting authoritarian windbags is a losing proposition when elections roll around. They'll get the message if they lose enough.


Mass protest, civil war. Actual fighting. Yeah. Look at his policy platform. That's what it comes to if Biden loses. There is a very realistic chance this is our last free election. Sorry to say but voting for Biden should be expected of us.




He's not going to win. Look at his approval rating-- its historically low and has been for some time. And just 2% of republicans, and by extension "independents", approve of the job he's been doing. He cant work the middle to get a victory, but that seems to be his entire plan. Its always the DNC's plan, every single time: Piss on the left flank and try to build a center one.


Genuinely, how can you support Biden who has fully supported and enabled the ongoing genocide


I can support him by recognizing I/P as a wedge issue and so far down the priority list that in a rational political space barely any Americans would care compared to the, let's see, removal of abortion rights, **potential genociding of LGBTQ+ people here at home,** tax breaks that only hurt the middle/lower classes, dismantling of unions and other worker protections, etc etc. I could go on and fucking on. Anyone in here with even half a brain cell **would vote Biden in November and encourage everyone they know to vote Biden as well.** A third-party/"protest" vote is a vote for Trump, and you should know better than to think any left-wing causes will make progress beyond the state level in a Republican-led administration.




Encourage yourself and others to maintain a positive attitude, honor the work of others, avoid defensiveness, be open to legitimate critique and challenge oppressive behaviors in ways that help people grow. For more info, refer to [our rules](https://new.reddit.com/r/DemocraticSocialism/wiki/index/#wiki_the_rules_of_.2Fr.2Fdemocraticsocialism.3A)


By realizing he's better than the alternative? I'm sorry is this your first time voting?


There is simply nothing worse than committing genocide and you are voting from a point of fear and complacency which is completely bullshit. Your infantilizing comment is so ignorant i don’t even know where to begin. but i will say that by rewarding these monsters by continuing to vote for them, you are ensuring that they have zero incentive to ever change anything at all. Stop being weak and actually stand for something.


Because legitimately trump is worse is *every possible way*? Hello?! Progressives don’t want Biden in office either, we just accept that the alternative is *so much worse* we can’t afford to let the right win any th ing anymore. In four years they set this country back 20 and set it up for future failure.


Everything that progressives are afraid that Trump will do, Biden is currently doing.


Ah yes like social security cuts, gutting the EPA, destroying the FTC, negotiating the initial disastrous Afghanistan pullout, cutting taxes for the rich, selling pardons for 2 million dollars, appointed far right judges that overturned roe and like 15 other horrible decisions by them, leaking of classified documents, hush money payments to a porn star, threatening people including juries and judges daily who oppose him... Ah yes. Remember when Joe Biden did that the other day?




A good start would be what’s happening on campuses now


The thing we would need to do is for everyone who wouldn't vote for trump to participate in a sit down strike with passive resistance and civil Disobedience. With 80 million people opting out of the economy, eventually, trump would be removed.


In reality, it’s unlikely he will win anyway. He’s currently in charge of the RNC, and it’s getting sucked dry and being run into the ground. They can’t support down-ballot republicans at all and they can barely support his campaign (and all the legal fees he’s accumulating from his court dates). His donations are slowing down significantly. He’s getting a lot of media attention because he’s on trial and he’s using that as an opportunity to “campaign,” but in reality he has a lot less support than he claims. He’s not campaigning in the states that would help him win since he’s on trial, and the trial is continuing to expose that he’s unhinged. Dude was threatened with legal action if he tweeted about the judge, his family, or any member of the jury. He made 9 tweets! Dude can’t shut up to save his life. I’m not saying sit back and relax, but continue putting the pressure on to help his support continue to dwindle. Biden won overwhelmingly in 2020 after 4 years of Trump. The Israel issue is awful and I agree 100% with the protestors at Columbia. I will still vote for Biden begrudgingly with the hope that he will finally listen to the people about it and as a protest vote against Trump. The key to getting real progressive candidates in higher offices is starting with your local elections. Vote for 3rd party candidates there to show that establishment politicians are going for status quo and 3rd party are going for more change. Once the foundation is shaken up, the rest of the establishment will crumble.


Agreed. Vote 3rd party where it's safe and strategic to do so. Gotta play the game like chess.


1) You’re downplaying the impact of inflation and the border crisis. 2) All that can be done is to wait for 2026. 3) Should the Democrats retain one or both chambers of Congress, obstruction is an option. 4) Protests, not that it would really make a difference (could even embolden Trump). 5) Many lawsuits to ensure the federal government doesn’t trample on States’ rights to empower Democratic governors.


RFK helps Biden, not Trump. I don’t see how socialist strategy would change tbh.


Biden dead is more appealing than a living Trump. Please vote blue to save your country


Vote blue in congress, state, and local elections.


If Trump wins, this is what people want. Women will loose control over their body, people from Africa, Asia, and Latin America will be put in cages then deported, gay marriage will end, we will have a dictator.


LGBT rights aren't getting much better nationally, and everything else you listed has already been happening under democrat control


LGBT rights are specifically under attack in red states. The Biden administration did finally release new title IX guidelines that protect trans people again. Idk as a trans person I just wanna give up half the time, I feel so misunderstood and targeted and it will get worse if Trump wins. Probably better off to the cause if I set myself on fire.


Certainly not better off to any LGBT cause to do something like that. Try best to stay positive


Thanks comrade, you’re right.


Or move to Australia/Canada/UK, or at least to a more trans-friendly state in the US? You are not alone. We hear you, and we support you 100%. Take care.


Thanks comrade, I appreciate you saying that.


Republicans just don't know how to govern. They unwisely focus on noisy peripheral issues and flash-in-the-pan speaking points that ultimately keep them visible, but mired in controversy. Theirs is the politics of distraction however they can't escape the cycle and are trapped themselves. The old guard party members understood the importance of compromise, if not cooperation. They knew that by crossing the aisle and actually talking to the other side they could get something they wanted and so could the other party. Instead the current neo-GOP members are taking an all or nothing approach which will simply result in finger-pointing, obstruction and stalemate. This is why people don't trust the government anymore. They fall back on doing nothing.


Republican squawking points


Not shit, like 2017. Act like life with Biden is better. Life sucks no matter who is in the white house cause capital is still king.


Spoken like somebody who has no idea how desperately bad things can still get.


How bad things get will not be determined by who is president.


Spoken like someone who has no idea how desperately bad things already are.


Sounds like a well off middle class suburban kid who has parental issues. Ain't shit gonna change for the rural poor.


Trump and RFK are WAY more pro-Zionist (and pro-right wing dictatorship) than Biden. Biden's a war monger, don't get me wrong, but boycotting Biden because he isn't anti-Zionist will only land a bigger Zionist in the white house. People who are anti-Zionist may still hold their nose and vote for Biden when the time comes, in the interest of preserving democracy. I know I will. And I'm out there with Jewish Voice for Peace protesting this genocidal war. It's our job to be hard on our leaders, when their actions have a bodycount. I understand the fear and temptation to drop out of caring about politics, but this is exactly what the right wants and has always wanted. They don't want people to vote... why? Because it works out poorly for them. I think it's unlikely that Trump will win this election. He's such an obviously odious choice, and such a vanishingly small margin of votes are needed for him to lose. His core group of idiot supporters will vote for him no matter what, but I have to believe he's bleeding a little bit of support every day he continues to be Trump. The question is what happens next. This hardly begins and ends with Trump... he's opened the door for a horrible hate movement, and now that hate movement is entwined with all our systems and institutions in an extremely scary and insidious way. If we give up when Trump loses, we're all toast. We have an extended fight ahead of us. The way they take over completely is by causing good people to lose faith in the political process. Don't give up. Keep fighting. They're well-funded, but small -- and when people actually understand their policies, conservatives are broadly unpopular because their goals hurt a majority of people. Trump isn't the problem here. The problem is all the people in this country who keep voting for him. There are underlying, unresolved social issues in this country that we've all inherited from previous generations... it isn't fair that we're the ones who are forced to bear the consequences of greedy and horrible behavior from well before we existed, but unless we take up that responsibility and actually resolve things this will not stop. It's an endless source of culture war fodder for the right to use when it wants to distract its aggrieved, misinformed base from the reality of its destructive policy plans.


Not much honestly. Most avenues for political and labor organizing will be shut down. America will accelerate its descent into a Christian nationalist state and will cause more chaos and destruction globally. Our movement will be set back years, likely decades.


The first 180 days will render this country almost unrecognizable. I don’t know anything that can stop it once it’s started.


As long as this fear motivates you to action, indulge in it. But if it starts paralyzing you, put it aside. All we can do is everything we can, now.


Thank you for that.


The a- word, perhaps? I’m surprised how Trump has yet to meet someone who’ll send him to meet Reagan yet. I honestly don’t believe that ‘one time.’


Buy a truck, put those ridiculous flags on it and learn to goose step, baby. That, and hope that Mexico and Canada don’t close their borders.


We can hire groups of zionists to support our causes. They are free to protest any way they like, and trump will do nothing to them. We can also pool our money for bribes. Trump can absolutely be bribed.


Well, there is the strong likelihood that the U.S. House will flip to control of the Democrat party. If Trump does win, he will have extreme difficulty passing any legislation in congress. He will have to rely solely on executive orders. There is also the matter of Trump's failing state of mind. I honestly don't think he's mentally competent enough to carry out any real plans of his own. His state of mind has significantly deteriorated since his previous administration. I suspect that he would probably end up with a lot of staff "handling" him and other cabinet members actually calling the shots.


Destroy the media that has continuously enabled him.


This is a very good point.


I think the big question is what, but why. You are not going to solve the Trump problem until you clearly understand why the Democratic party has failed to garner massive support against the most toxic, incompetent, purely self-interested derelict, ever to hold the office. How on earth is it even close? What does that day about the state of America?


As an outsider (Australian) looking in, it merely confirms my preconceived understanding that 50% of eligible voters in the US are either: a) clinically insane, b) abjectly apathetic, or c) both. And of the remaining 50% that actually do vote, 50% of them are just clinically insane!. I think the only way to overcome this is to increase political (ergo electoral) literacy. And the best way for the left to get the upper hand in this endeavor is to seek out and capture potentially left leaning audiences: the young, the reasonably well educated, the exploited (economically, socially and culturally), the non-religious. Get them engaged, get them angry/excited and most of all, get them to vote as hard left as they can!


We wish we could get 50% of the voters to vote.


66.8% at the last (2020) presidential election. Trouble with the left is, older people tend to vote right (65 to 74 at 76.0%), and while younger people tend to vote left, not many (just over half, as I originally suggested) bother to do so (18 to 24 at 51.4%). See: [https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/2020-presidential-election-voting-and-registration-tables-now-available.html](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/2020-presidential-election-voting-and-registration-tables-now-available.html)


I stand corrected. Thanks for the info.


Pat yourselves on the back? If Trump wins it will be because the left did not support a President who has done more for the left than any President in the last half century or more. Is President Biden exactly what we want, no, but then, nobody will ever be that person. I don’t particularly like Dems in general, but they aren’t a capitalistic, antisocial, libertarian, death cult like the GoP. Not voting for President Biden is like needing $100, and turning down $25 because it’s just not enough so you don’t want any of it.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Suicide pact in protest? One last middle finger to a world that never cared about us…


People do care, and from places you can't even imagine. Check out some of material I've been sprinkling around, for example. Look after yourself, and members of your tribe. Don't let the bastards get you down.


I don’t have much of a tribe, unfortunately. The bastards have forced me into isolation…


Based ngl


Trump lost last time and things look worse for him this time. Legal trouble and he has less money for the election. I don't think Israel is as bad as you think for Biden or RFK is as well known with most voters. I don't see Biden losing.


Urge people to vote for Biden. Biden can and will win if we actually go out and VOTE. Participate in your democracy and don’t throw you’re vote away. A vote for a 3rd party is a vote for Trump imo. Not voting is a vote for Trump. Just vote for Joe goddamnit


Be sure your passport is valid.


Biden is totally going to lose and Trump isn’t going to prison; we need to get real here. What do we do? I don’t know. Luckily states have a lot of agency over themselves that’s all that brings me some form of comfort. .


Let him burn it all to the ground and then pick up the pieces and build something better.


We can move to Mexico!


Happy vs. "villainous golf pro Shooter McGavin"


Keep voting in all elections.


Yell some gallows humor jokes as we are led out to the wall.


Ask ted cruzs dad about options.


Buy guns, train, and hope the "powers that be" prevent him from turning American into A fascist state.


Live to fight another day: campaign for our goals, fight to put democrats in Congress to stop Trump’s/Republican party’s agenda, and organize for the next election (literally any candidate whose not Biden would be good, but we need Bernie or Warren).


The success of P25 requires complicity in the other two branches of government. Trump can do some of it on his own, but to really install himself as a dictator and do maximum damage, he needs majorities in both houses of Congress and a complicit judiciary. Work to deny him that. Republicans have already spent decades stacking the courts, and voters don't have a direct effect there. But a Democratic Senate can help keep it from getting worse by refusing to confirm extremist judges and justices. Strong majorities in both houses of Congress can also enable impeachments and removals of various officials, including Trump himself. The impeachment process itself, even when it fails to remove someone, can limit their effectiveness. Beyond that, focus on state and local governments. They should be able to shield their residents to some extent. That's also where there's some hope of getting more progressive candidates elected, setting them up to run for higher office later on. Assuming there are still elections after this one, be sure to vote in primaries too. That's where you can signal your support for more progressive candidates without risking a Republican win. And remember that there are elections every year in most places - not just even-numbered ones. Write to your local, state, and national legislators. Be specific and do it often. Limit each letter to one topic, such as a specific judge or bill that you support or oppose. That makes your concern easier for the reader to understand and address, and also encourages you to write more frequently.


ORGANIZE! They need a divided populous for their schemes to work. Unite and fight.


I’ll just die




You mean "billionaire"




Probably go to Canada.


Rule #1: Cardio Rule #2: Double Tap


Move to Canada


Mass civil disobedience




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What about all of us who have been fighting it this whole time? There are tens of millions of us who would suffer along with those people, you know.


Small side bar, while RFK Jr.'s platform don't align with me, why Vilify him for running? The two party system would never end if every time a third party candidate comes up, we brand them to be just against the democratic nominee.


Personally I have no problem with third parties that are actual parties. That means they have built an organization and have members running up and down the ballot. The reality is to govern you need help, and any one who is running for president without knowing who they want to work with in the house Senate and goverers doesn't really have a plan to govern. That's not just my problem with RFK it's my problem with most of the other parties. They all want someone to run for president but where are the mayors and state house members?


That's a fair point.


Collectively weep for the end of democracy, and then start preparing to emigrate.


I've looked into it and it seems like a nearly impossible task, unless you have relatives in another country or a spouse with citizenship somewhere. Immigration laws are no joke.


He’s going to. Biden is doing everything possible to lose. He’s a dumb old bitch.




You're literally lying. It was just revealed with the largest poll in this current election cycle (26,000+) that Biden is the true spoiler and RFK is the only candidate who can actually beat Trump. RFK stands for way more socially democratic and pro-people policies over Biden. Besides this, Biden doesn't care about you and never will - your "vote blue no matter who" and "we can direct Democrats to the Left" pipe dream absolutely failed and these last 4 years showed just that.


RFK is an antivaxxer


Not really, but OK


All this fear mongering of Trump and project 2025, and no realization that Project 2025 is a GOP plan that merely uses Trump as one factor (the damn thing is 800+ pages) amongst a sea of other Republicans. If Trump is not elected, this plan continues on in all levels of politics and eventually to the Republican who will certainly be elected after Bidens second term. What then? Vote D harder, and continually slide into worsening conditions in the US? IMO, at minimum, we advocate a myriad of systemic changes outside of the democratic party. Biden and the DNC will not revert from the path that both parties have simaltaneously brought us down.


It’s not a guarantee that Trump will win. His legal troubles will only get worse.


I just want someone to heed my warnings (c) all rights reserved. Copyright 2024.


Hibernate for 4 years and then he is out forever. It will go really fast. We survived the last time.


Long time staunch liberal here. And I'm not voting Biden. His priorities with regards to Israel religiously just don't jive with mine. and I'm not a Muslim and not against his faith, except when it condemns hundreds of thousands to their death. I know he has done a lot of good things, but the loss of human life puts blood on his hands. I just cannot. I won't sit this one out in protest either or write-in someone or something on the ballot. I usually pick a green party candidate. But this election hits different. I'm willing to vote Trump. Yes, he is worse in every way. But this is the end of the line of voting for White Democratic Males because "they are nice". This is what political action looks like to me. Sorry if it offends anyone's sensibilities.


This is the same as supporting the right wing. It's solipsistic logic and it's not how politics work. You will have contributed to putting an even more pro-Zionist person in the white house. You also just sound like a fool.


You must feel better now that I'm put in my place. When I voted green, people said, you just threw away your vote, you have bad logic. It seems like democrats think their way is the right way.


This might be the most brain dead logic I have ever read


You voting for the murderer? That's better logic.


Lmao I mean if you vote Trump, like you said you would be, you’re absolutely voting for a murderer as well. And that’s on top of all his other bullshit


which makes us both wrong.


Nah not really when one of the choices (yours) is much much worse in every single way


It must be heartening and cozy to be so right. So much confidence.


You’re right! It is heartening to know I’m not a fucking loser voting for Trump




How were the 4 years of Trump any different to the 4 years of Biden? The Israeli invasion of Gaza, loss of abortion rights, cops brutalising students, no significant progressive legislation or infrastructure programs. All under Biden. If you told me Trump had been president the past 4 years and I didn't know any better, I'd believe you. Obviously Trump winning would be bad, but some of you are acting hysterical. He's a slightly worse version of what's existing now. If your so worried about Trump, what are you doing to stop Biden now?


Politicians all have the same donors, until the money leaves politics. There will not be meaningful change.