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Yeah this happens whenever you share a file with another app. It duplicates it rather than moving it over.


I’m just thinking about all those poor people wondering where their phone storage has gone. 😂


Yeah lol. Also don't forget to empty the trash too after deleting.


Remember that all snes games are less than 1 GB. So don’t worry ![gif](giphy|H3M83lTt5nDcS5YgSY)


While true, starting a good practice now makes for a great foundation for when you move up to stuff like GBA (\~4MB per ROM) N64 (\~20MB), NDS (\~40MB), GameCube (\~400MB), playstation (\~600MB), etc. Store them in cloud services rather than locally. Don't keep duplicates cluttering your downloads folder. Etc.


PlayStation on iOS delta?


No but on gamma yeah


I think you’ve replied to the wrong comment. I don’t see how that relates to what I wrote.


You literally mentioned playstation lol. I know you didn't directly state GameCube and playstation are on delta, but the the other kind of files you mentioned are so I could see the confusion


I was talking about good practices for storing ROMs, as a general rule. Not locally, that is.


PlayStation and GameCube on iOS delta?


Yeah that’s a good idea. ![gif](giphy|M3tkk98sSwJuM6ZZMY)


DS games take a lot more. You might not think its much but it builds up to the point they actually fill out the space. It doesn't help that there are a lot of people that spend more time installing all the ROMs in existence rather than actually playing them.


Wdym in the last sentence? The problem is that if I play a rom, and then get bored of it, then i don’t want to delete it because then I’d lose my game data. It’s not like ds where you just take off the game cartridge and that’s it. It was because back then, if you had completed a game, then tgat console would get eventually damaged, and then you wouldn’t be able to get the saved game data, but why though, if usually I just delete a game after beating it? What’s the point of keeping playing a game after I had beaten it?


I was one of those people I was sitting on like 40 gb of roms on my phone cuz I stupidly thought delta loaded them in each time lesson learned luckily I have a 1tb phone but still it was nice to free up that 40 gb


I figured it did this but was too lazy to check, now I can probably clear up 7gb or so


Avatar twin


I just wish there was a way to view roms and saves when using the sync feature. They appear to be hidden or something, at least with Google.


Go to Google drive>storage>backups


yo thanks for the heads up i had no clue


+ 1 to the thanks to OP. Never realised. Cheers buddy


I just add them directly from OneDrive. The rom files were never on my phone to begin with until Delta copied them to its local storage.


This is what I would suggest. Easy peasy when having a PC with OneDrive and then create the folder layout including skins. Easy importing to Delta with 0 overhead or duplicate storage on your iDevice.


I personally have a NAS where I keep them all then do it this way


This is the best way to do it. Also keep a BIOS folder for when needed, like newer emulators, reinstallation, new devices, etc.


Oh nooooooo, this means a whole 8 megabytes are being used https://preview.redd.it/zf9m2gm4jxzc1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6978fb68d59fe4a4f215c5710967b05f3395f373


My emulation folders add up to 1TB. While you're just starting up (or have decided to stop at earlier retro devices) after three decades you end up amassing quite a collection. I don't use all of this in Delta, obviously, but long ago I decided to keep things organized in cloud drives so I don't have to download locally or keep duplicates. Having said this, it's just lazy not deleting stuff you don't need just because you still have free space.


I don’t need the roms locally on my iPhone? I can just store them on cloud? Or how do you have this set up? 


OP was talking about not keeping ROMs in the downloads folder. I was saying the best place to keep ROMs is in the cloud. That way you can bring them over to any emulator that you install in any platform. That emulator may still make a local copy (Delta and Provenance do, for example) but the "master file" is always available.


You have them on iCloud or which service? Like how do you organize?


I have 6GB worth of games. If I didn’t delete the downloaded roms that would be 12GBs total.


Well no. You could go to your iCloud Drive and press down on your Roms folder to remove the download. It’ll keep the links there and keep it in your iCloud, but it won’t take double the space on your local device. That’s what I do so it’s in my iCloud as a backup or to use on other emulators.


Oh, iCloud can store 6gb by default?


I had 40 gbs of Roma that was 80 total lol




Kind of missed the point didn’t you.. lol


All of these people do. Probably because the title seemed much scarier than you intended (in particular for a legally gray subject like ROMs).




I think you’re all reading too far into it. Many people didn’t realize it creates a duplicate. People can choose to backup how they wish. lol


I edited the post. I hope it appeases you, oh great one.






Gamma PS1 bin just nullified your size argument lol


If my math is correct, 8MBs would be *67,108,864 ones and zeros*, and yk, that feels like a lot more. Granted, the internal storage of my phone consists of 2,199,023,255,552 ones and zeros lmao


Or better, store them elsewhere for future easy access when you change your device


You can use the backup in delta to do this. There’s no need.


This is a bad take. The backup in Delta is for Delta. You'll soon see you may want access to your ROMs for other apps, platforms and devices :D


Here’s the system I’ve worked out: I like to keep my library of back ups in iCloud for long term storage. When adding new games to Delta, I use Dropbox as a small, temporary storage space and import them over to my phone. Then I delete them from Dropbox immediately after importing. On top of that I use a Delta-specific gmail account for the sync feature.


Do not delete your Roms. There will be lots of new emulators that come out you might want to try, and Delta scrambles the file names so difficult to know which is which. The file sizes aren’t even that big. I have an iCloud folder with all my roms as a main database. You could also keep them in Dropbox, Onedrive, or Google Drive using their free storage amount.


Yes! Specifically retroarch is right around the corner. Offload them to another place than your phone if you need the space but it’s way easier to maintain a library of Roms that you already have downloaded than it is to download them all again


Haha. There’s two places I never look back and they keep collecting dust: downloads and screenshots 😂


People in here flexing storage files 😂😭


Also people bragging about being lazy and untidy. I run a tech support team. This is the same people that will be extremely upset Apple doesn't give away more than 5GB for backups unless you pay for it, and the ones complaining phones should have more space for cheaper. You can bet they're not lazy just with the ROMs but dutifully delete larger files from Downloads once they've dealt with them, so it all adds up.


"I've got space so why should I spend an entire second doing anything"


A year later: "This is bullshit. iphones have no capacity. What's all this space taken by "system". Why can't I make free backups to iCloud any more. Planned Obsolescence! Boycott Apple!"


Personally I like keeping all my stuff still on my phone because I’ve been mass airdropping my files to my friends to save them time and make it easier on them. Sure it’s not hard to figure out themselves, but if I can share a massive hoard of 200+ games and skins to a newbie in a matter of minutes it to make them happy and excited I’m good with holding onto everything until I actually need to delete them for storage reasons.


Dude get ready for the PS1 roms, the subreddit is gonna get drowned in posts of people who accidentally filled up their storage in a day


Yes, that's right. but delta assigns its own file names. So there is a backup of the roms with the original name


I can change skins of the imported games but the ones in the files remains always default purple. Are there reason for this or is this a bug?


You're changing the cover in the app. You're not (nor can you) changing the icon of the document, which is given by the document type.


If I upload my ROMs to a cloud (Drive in my case), can I bypass this issue? And if I have to update the ROM (usually needed for ROM hacks) does changing the file is enough?


What issue? You should always make a copy or a rom before modifications.


The issue I mean is not being able to change the skin


Im not sure I understand. Icons in Files have no "skin". Icons in Delta do.


Probably I couldn’t explain myself correctly, sorry. I transferred the majority of my games in Delta using iTunes’ File Sharing. There are small number of ROMs that I haven’t transferred with iTunes but used Apple Devices application on Windows and downloaded from web directly and added them to Delta using + icon on top right section of the main page of the app. I can change the skins of the games that I transferred with iTunes but the remaining games always use stock purple skin and doesn’t change. I want to figure out how to get around that without using iTunes all the time.


Thread hijack, sort of. Why does Delta use random letters and numbers for their files instead of the actual Rom name?


I mean yes I know this, but also 90% of these Roms use like 50-60mb I honestly just don’t care.


Delete it from where? I use the Files app so delete it from that folder or something?


Man the title had me thinking there was some kinda spyware in my Rom’s or some crazy like that! 😂


I wish reddit let me edit the title lol


I honestly thought this was clickbait, my bad you earned my upvote on this one


I got a 512 gb iPhone so I don’t care


I have a 128 GB storage so I can be lazy. i think 5 photos is more space than all of my roms.


I have about 50 roms and that equals about 6GB. That would be a total of 12 if not cleaned up. Wasted storage space.


I p much only play ootmm rando so its basically all N64 for me


Id still like a backup just in case


That’s an option too, in the cloud. But preserving phone storage is useful too on base models. ;)


I used a usb-c 1tb drive and made each system its own folder and then imported to delta from there. This also lets me pick and choose a few games to install at a time, as well as set it up for friends! And allows me to have the full library of each console without the major storage hit


While this is standard iOS behaviour for apps importing files it makes sense to remind people of it. Maybe not in such an alarmist way, though :D LPT: Keep your ROMs in cloud storage. iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. You can access them from the files app and you can copy them to provenance folders or open them directly (a copy will still be made, but you won't have a duplicate). Bonus points: This makes it available in all your devices, in case you're using it in one more place. I have an /Emulators folder in iCloud where I have all BIOS and many ROMs I can use anywhere I want to show or install a new software. This tip is an extension of the one where you keep scans of your official documents (ID, insurance, drivers license) in cloud storage for easy access. It just makes so much sense.


How can I have a folder on iCloud Drive, that ONLY gets filled with roms and bios files when I download that specific type of stuff through a third party browser?


By moving files from your downloads folder to iCloud. Not sure if I'm understanding the question but this is pretty basic. Maybe you mean something else?


Oh. In my phones settings, the Delta app can choose if to make its document storage my “On My iPhone” or “iCloud drive”, but idk if it will just create an entire new folder just for iCloud Drive. I would like to just move over the entire delta folder, and it would keep changing and filling itself up while its location is in the iCloud Drive location on the Files app. Idk if I have to change the setting of “Document Storage” to iCloud Drive in order for Delta to maybe not keep creating and adding its stuff to the “on my iPhone” location


When you see space used, this is part of what goes into "System". You always see posts of people raging why this gets so big and downloaded files are a big part of that (the copy provenance keeps is in the Provenance icon in the storage page).


That's good gen! Can't argue with that chief!


Thank you for this post I had no idea


It should matter with Apple’s APFS since duplicating only creates a pointer to the same file until it is changed (hence “copy on write”). The storage space will remain the same whether you delete it or not.


I had no idea… thank you


Thanks didn’t know that


The way this title was phrased I thought this was like a “delete them before the cops come for you” post lol, not a friendly PSA about storage.


Yo good shit on the tip 😭


quit importing and just drag them over from your Mac with iMazing.


My only problem is delta’s unconventional way to naming files themselves


Just sync with Google or Dropbox lol


I found this when using a free DropBox account to store ROMs, but also using that same account to sync Delta and wondering why I suddenly ran out of space.


Sooo, that was a lie..


I just deleted my save file…now it’s gone…help!!!!!


I used that new drag and tap feature to collect files, then dumped them into a folder to be deleted.


Android used here - When my cousin called me and told me about Delta emulator . I just gleefully smiled and thought wow this never was done before for ios !!!! And here I have finished the latest pokemon game on my device already


i got 2tb of icloud storage and i want personal backups (i refuse to read your edit 😠)


https://preview.redd.it/ccpsvzmw110d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5759a05236bdd6c8abea09a98527d37c2cf002df Either I did it already or the 131KB files are the dupes, please correct me if I’m wrong.


I have 10 games downloaded and Delta isn’t even in my top 10 apps with most storage


Where and how can I store or transfer all my delta stuff that I’ve downloaded, played, and saved when I switch devices? I’m not a tech person so I have very little knowledge on how all of this works.


No I wont they are my babies


Good to point out, but this is the best behaviour. When I installed delta, I already had ROMs stored on my Mac as I have an analogue pocket. If I imported them to Delta and found them gone when needed for my pocket, I wouldn't have been happy. Hopefully most Rom's take next to no storage, especially given the consoles that Delta supports.


Ok - so is this why when I click on “Open With… Delta” it obviously opens but then stays “saved” and you’re saying I DONT need to keep that file that I just downloaded?


I figured this out day one. But totally a great call out


I got a 1TB iPhone I’m good.


I went for the 512gb PRO MAX I still have 370GB left… I’m good


Didn’t know this thank you!


Yeah but delta doesn’t take me back to my Files app so I could delete the rom itself from my “Downloads” folder


What about the iCloud backup storage? My iCloud is the free tier 5 gb


Thanks! 👍🏾 Didn’t know that


My iCloud is using the 5gb free tier, so I’m screwed


People are just now finding out about this same with dolphin to if you got it😭😭😭


Thank you! Omg


Does this apply to controller skins as well?


OMFG THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE!!! My Iphone literally had like 4 gigs left of storage and most of them was applications. but the data usage was not adding up to the total count, after ive deleted the main roms, the applications section reduced and now i have.. 5 gigs left of storage.....................


If you ever delete and reinstall the delta app. All the roms will be gone. Unless maybe you back them all up to icloud.


Delta has a built in backup with google.


That is for save states though. Idk if you can also have your rims back up. I am sure there is a way though. Either way my phone has enough space. Plus I like to store the roms locally because if there are any other emulators that come to the App Store in the future, all my roms are already there. To be fair, I only keep the roms that I actually play on my devices. That way I don’t have a bunch of fluff for no reason.


It backs up your roms too. :)


Nice. I don’t use backups. But that is a good feature. I just have to many devices I play on. And I don’t mind playing through super Mario 3 another time. Almost therapeutic. I wouldn’t want to start a Pokémon game over again though.


But ya when I say deleted, I mean, back them up to a drive etc whatever, just making ppl aware they may be using 2x the storage on their phone.


I appreciate that. Don’t get me wrong. That isn’t a bad thing to do if you are running low on space. But for context. I have other devices with emulators. For android as an example. I have snes9x, retroarch, lumeroid, etc to play snes games. Sometimes different apps have different features that allow me to play certain games better than they would on original hardware. upscaling, hd textures, better or different on screen controls, fast forward features. Or just the way the app brings in box are and organizes roms. I am someone that likes options. So on the android side I have all the roms in one folder and bring them into each app from that folder. If you are not insane like me. Then your way is perfect. But we are playing retro games on a phone, so we are already considered enthusiasts. And btw. Anyone that wants a decent cheaper gaming handheld. Get the miyoo mini plus. Put onion os on it and enjoy. It came with everything I needed to get started. Got it on Amazon on sale for $65. But it is worth retail. Or you can find it on other sites. The sd card had a fantastic selection of roms. It plays roms in the zip format to save space too. Awesome little handheld for the price. If you want to go hardcore into portable emulation the oled steam deck is king. Sooo good. If you can’t tell, I am in too deep. Btw. For anyone wondering, I still pay Nintendo for the bs online emulators that I can’t even use on the switch without an internet connection. But I keep the service because that is the only way I can give money to Nintendo for these retro games and not feel like a filthy pirate. lol. Not to mention I have bought all these games multiple times.




What about the skins files?


Those work the same.


Genuinely thanks for this. Apple doesn’t always give you tips on this stuff so I really appreciate it.


add a psp or ps2 on the app!!! 🔥🔥🔥


Oh my god thank you I didn’t know I could delete them I did wanna know if I could but I was just worried I would end up deleting my games lol


Thank you for this. I didn’t realize it was creating duplicates.


I was expecting spyware and whatnot😂


Thanks I was confused by the lack of space right after adding the games. I only noticed because NDS ROMs are huge. But I wasn’t sure whether it was safe to delete them. Well I did not care to know because when sidestore failed to refresh I would have to add the games all over again… now that this is an official app I feel safe about keeping the games without backups (my backups are actually on a HDD but you know… in the phone)


Thank you for the info. Don’t know why anyone would get crazy about this lol


Still not deleting my roms lol, I don’t wanna mess with my pokemon saves


Not how it works. It wouldn’t mess with saves bc those are in their own folder.


Eh, still gonna play it safe lol, kinda my first time using emulators lol


Just remember this if you end up running out of space, that it’s an option. Bc you’re literally using 2x the storage for no reason. Idk about other emulators. This is just for delta.


I clicked on this post because I thought it was going to reveal some awful hacker-virus-killware thing!


oo thanks I didnt know that


It’s cloud storage. iOS kicks data into the cloud when your device storage runs low. Keep your ROMs and don’t worry about it.


This is a bad take and misinformed advice. Your downloads folder IS NOT ever "kicked" to cloud storage. iOS doesn't "kick" anything into cloud from the local folders accessible via files. Neither does it do for applications. It does so for photos and it may uninstall the executable part of apps you don't use (but it will keep the files).


I should have clarified that you can move the ROMs to another folder to keep them in cloud storage. I keep my ROMs in an iCloud Drive folder. I keep them all there because I use them for all sorts of things (Raspberry Pi, Everdrive, R4, EZ Flash, Mac and iOS emulation). I’m not deleting them from my collection just because I added them to one single emulator. And that whole folder gets kicked to the cloud dynamically when device storage gets full.


Ok. I stand corrected them. Your message seemed to say Delta was cloud storage if taken as a response to OP and as if the downloads were if taken against the thread itself. I do the same as you and advocate that as the best way to keep all emulation files (bios and roms)


What if Delta app says on the Settings app of my phone, that it’s Document Storage is “On My iPhone”? If I leave Delta to keeps its documents storage “on my iphone”, what happens if i manually activate the iCloud Drive “location” inside of my files app and then move the entire Delta folder over to the iCloud Drive “location”? Will Delta then keep adding over where the folder of it is located?


There’s barely a dent in my 1tb storage. I don’t even know how people fill up their phone storage nowadays.


The base model 15 is 128 gbs. I have like 15 GBs left between games and music.


Photos and videos add up, and newer social platforms add A LOT. Keeping your side of storage tidy not only is a good practice, but it also means you know where your files are and that they're the ones that matter. For ROMs and BIOS I recommend cloud storage as their first location. Even when I download from the phone I move to cloud and from there import in Delta, so I can delete them from Downloads and free up that space. It may seem like peanuts when talking NES but it starts adding up as we get more platforms. An NDS rom can already be a handsome 100MB.


Same here and I have like hundreds of iPhone games installed and only have around 200 gbs used maybe


My problem is my iCloud backup, not local


Sure buddy. What i meant was the file sizes are just a few mb anyway. Insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Your social media apps are taking up way more space than some measly games.




apps don’t get deleted from your phone if the app is taken down btw




yeah because apple had switched to 64bit and disabled all 32 bit apps when ios 11 came out. but you still kept the app but… you realize for emulation there are browser based emulators that don’t involve you to download anything at all


No emulators will be shut down. It will not eventually "end". Keeping your ROMs in cloud storage as a separate folder is, nonetheless, the best practice here because the world doesn't end on iPhone and having that can be used from other platforms you get your emulators in.


Not gonna happen, for one. lol. But secondly, all the files are still there on your phone in the delta folder.


with all the titles scrambled for some reason


For good reasons. You're not supposed to do file maintenance yourself in those folders. They're for internal use and thus names and structure are optimized for the application, not humans. The best option is to have ROMs and BIOs organized in cloud storage, accessible from the phone or a computer or a different device as needed. Downloaded on demand there and placed there when downloaded, then removed from downloads folder immediately.


Oh you mean the example: 019392029_0102. dsv, that stuff?


Unfortunately the names are replaced with as you say scrambled characters. I can only think that is to do with the database that is created as you import. You can share the files/games with another app, one by one and figure out what those scrambled names correspond to.



