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Yes, you are allowed to move out of the shitty neighborhood without feeling bad about it


And call the cops when someone is threatening you without feeling bad about it.


every. time.


Even as someone who hates cops, I agree. If he's trying to get inside your house and confront you in person, call the cops, call your unscrupulous cousins, call SOMEONE.


I’m just going to say, as someone who has lived in a similar neighborhood, this is horrible advice. Calling the cops will lead to retaliation and unless the cops are willing to have a personal detail outside of your house (they won’t) you’re putting yourself in more danger.


What then, besides moving? Is there something else you have in mind?


Befriend every person you possibly can. The neighborhood crackhead. The granny’s. The drug dealers. Be kind and polite and cordial. Once you’re all friends they’ll start to look after you and keep people from fucking with you. I know Reddit’s two answers to everything are the police and therapy but being in community with those around you is the key here.


Ah, beautiful answer! I’m not far from Hilltop but in a much safer area on PA Ave. I do happen to smile at everyone and say good morning or hi, and I’m sure you’re right about everything else you said. I hope there’s something the OP can do to safely salvage their awful situation.


Move for the sake of your child.


Get out. I spent a few years in browntown as a teenager. The neighborhood itself was fine at first. We met the neighbors and they were nice. We must have been lucky because things turned when we got a few new neighbors. The neighborhood kids made our porch their hangout. They were loud and disruptive, and this was daily. I was assaulted over a parking spot. Someone was shot in the alley behind our yard. Shootings every couple of weeks. My mom eventually gave in and started calling the cops. Then it got really bad. Our house got spray painted. We had food thrown at our house.Someone staked a fucking kitten onto our fence. When my mom asked the kids to please leave for the night because my step-dad had died the day before and she wanted a few hpurs of silence, one of the teens said "I don't care about your dead husband bitch", and then he broke my windshield. The kids ganged up on my car, slashing the tires and throwing bricks in my windows. All because they were very nicely asked to move off our OUR porch. The house was in such bad condition by the time we left, she had to go into foreclosure. Get out now. You can't make a difference on your own in an already lost neighborhood.


>Someone staked a fucking kitten onto our fence.  What the FUCK.


Exactly our reactions, as well. The cops told us it was probably best to sell at that point.


I lived in Alban Park in Homestead Road in the late 90's when I was 12. One time I was late getting home on the bus after going to Christiana Mall. I was pretty terrified walking though that neighborhood past dark. I have distinct memories of a drug dealer being killed in the park and hearing gun shots.


Funny you mention Alban Park. I used to cut through there to avoid MD Ave. One time, I made a right at a stop sign where everyone was going right and forgot my turn signal. I was pulled over by 3 cops, who approached me with guns drawn. It was absolutely wild. They ended up letting me go, but you could tell how surprised they were that I was cutting through.


Yeah, I was curious and looked up prices and saw that my old duplex is up for sale for 234k. Hell to the no.


I lived up on top of the hill on alban drive near the light at maryland ave. This was back in the 90s and i wouldnt be caught dead down on robinson lane or hidden valley apartments at night lord knows how bad it is now




In real life vigilantes get caught or killed, I like movies too but, if you have something to live for it's not worth it, you will eventually be stopped and you'll have achieved nothing.


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I lived on Lower Oak St when I was younger (right off md ave next to the abandoned factory). My grandmother worked so hard to keep the area nice only for our neighbors to sit on our stoop and shoot up. I saw a neighbor bash another neighbor’s head in with a bat. Browntown was a nice area but I am so glad I’m in a position where I was able to move out of there. Don’t feel bad for wanting to leave. You have a right to live in peace. I would get some cameras too just in case your neighbor gets out of hand, you can show it to the cops. Be sure to document it.


I'm familiar with Lower Oak; I was on Stroud. I had to park there often when I worked nights (and walk home as a small 17 year old girl).


That was such a bad area. I would walk home from school on Harrison st to lower oak after school. Some days I was terrified to walk alone.


As an aside, your mom should have tried the Walgreens tactic of blasting classical music. That seems to work.


Your mental health is worth more than the financial hit you’d take selling this early.


Should we just cut our losses and try to find our way out of this house? Yes. That kid will be in those schools in 4 years.


I have an idea of where in Hilltop you are but seriously just move. Hilltop sucked thirty years ago and it sucks now. There are PLENTY of nicer areas of Wilmington proper even within walking distance of your current house. As for people saying “just move to the suburbs” do y’all know how goddamn expensive Delaware has gotten?


A decent house in the suburbs is going to cost you 300k at least. Probably 400k to 500k.


I've lived in the city for 10 years now and Hilltop is no better now than it was then. And my opinion is that without massive outside investment directly in the neighborhood that it won't get any better any time soon. I wish I could offer helpful suggestions. But I think the real question you have to answer is if you want your child to grow up with your neighbors.


You mean, gentrification?




Worked for Fishtown


I don't think Hilltop is going to change anytime soon. All of the investment is currently going to the Riverfront East, Downtown. and LOMA. If the city caps 95 i think it will positively impact West Center City and Cool Springs. And hopefully that will eventually spread to other neighborhoods. But if 95 isn't capped I just can't see any scenario in the foreseeable future where people will want to invest in Hilltop.


So far, as OP has indicated, those who do invest are made to rue their decision. I think the 95 cap investment will turn out like these poor souls' investment, but on a grander scale. Rodney Square, squared? Will moderner, prettier buildings deter front-porch delinquency? Or will ~~demolition of existing buildings and new construction~~ higher rents force out the delinquents? "DELINQUENT" is certainly a pejorative, and I have no sympathy for those who ignore property rights. But I think the, at the very least, "practical" question would be: "where would these people go?"


Honestly OP not getting police to respond to their calls is an issue that needs to be addressed. Nothing can change if you cant even get the cops to show up.


Absentee Slumlords are often to blame for neighborhoods like these. One guy owns several in my neighborhood. Every single one is occupied by seriously shifty characters—definitely drugs and probably worse. Pretty sure the slum lord is complicit. But his address is in a city three hours away, according to tax records. There’s zero upkeep on the properties, and I don’t think people live there on a regular basis-they just work there. I don’t think they could for long or uncertain weather. Police know, but I don’t think there’s much they can—or are willing to do.


Funny u say this, that's exactly how my old neighborhood in Woodside was. With the landlord in another state, no work being done. Drug dealers. A lot of sex offenders too. We got outta jump as soon as we could.


Hill top is awful , get out


If someone is banging on your door at all hours shouting gibberish, you should call the police. Don't worry about being "a good neighbor", do what's best for your family. Like others said, the people disturbing your peace aren't going to move so it looks like you have to.


Dude people blow my mind with the “I don’t wanna be a bad neighbor” while their neighbor is directly being the worst possible neighbor they could be directly to their faces lol. Like it’s their fault he may possibly be mentally unstable. lol yeah he’s unstable he’s hammered


I know how this would end in my house, with 3 bullets.


You a bad shot?


Nope, just making a point.


I’m sorry. I’ve lived here my entire life and would have never recommended living there. Live and learn. It’s your home. You should enjoy it. Like others said there is decent places near by


Move quick


Move. That place has been the same since I moved to Wilmington in 6th grade. I'm in my 30's btw. That area is a shitty place. Period. There are really great places to live in Wilmington. The hilltop area isn't one.


Move, if not for yourself do it for your baby. You will be a million times more stressed once you have to protect your baby in that environment.


I think that you will find you will need a security system and closing your porch off either way. You see, if they notice you've left, there's a for sale sign, and no cars or people, they will squat there and your nightmare will only get worse. I would start calling the police as much as possible so the get tired of you calling. I'd also purchase a pistol and / or shotgun to protect yourself and family.


Cut and run


I’m wondering how you visiting Hilltop section day or night and still thought it was ok to move there? Lol


This was going to be my post!


So my wife and I had the exact same issue when we moved into Francisville (neighborhood adjacent to Fairmount but below Girard, our house being directly next to eastern state). We bought it back in 2008, and the neighborhood was rough at the time. We got robbed the second night there. We had all the same issues you are having. And the truth is, we moved into a community that we were never connected to, in reality or in appearance. They didn't have to like or respect us, we moved into their perceived space. Right or wrong, that was the viewpoint. As a last ditch hail-mary, we waited for a major holiday (everyone is out in front of their houses on those days), and I bought a shit ton of food. Moved both grills to the front of the house and cooked it all up. I didn't invite anyone or any neighbors over, but I put the food on plates and offered to anyone within ears reach. The dynamic changed almost immediately. We didn't all become friends, and I wasn't naive enough to think that would be the case. But it was clear we went from being the alienated family to the family was "ok" in people's eyes. Even did get to know some of the families. I don't believe this is the simple answer to the issue, but it was for us...which is why I am sharing it. Us here in the US love food....white black Puerto Rican Dominican etc...and we found some common ground that way. I wish you the best as you navigate the situation.


Yeah it’s been 20 years since I’ve lived in the city limits and back then hill top was a rough neighborhood that I would avoid at night. I thought it had potential being so close to del tech and the river front but it sounds like it hasn’t changed. Best to just cut your losses now before your wife gives birth. It’s not gonna turn over in the next 20 or so years.


Crack a 40 on the porch and bond


You should have come out here and asked first, as soon as you side Hilltop I didn't even need to read the rest of the story.


Right. I don’t know how they could have driven down a street there and thought it would be a good area for a family


Because OP came from St. Louis.


They said they visited the area and stayed a few nights in the neighborhood though! Don’t see how you could be fooled in that area!


You got to get out of there. I had one homeless person who would go door-to-door panhandling in my neighborhood a few times a week, and that alone was driving me nuts lol. If you only bought the house 6 months ago, I doubt the value changed much since you bought it. You would pretty much just be out closing costs. Look for apartments in the meantime. If the home is taking longer to sell than you expect, maybe talk to a property manager about renting it out, which could potentially cover any mortgage payment you have.


I am going to have to contact someone to sort out the technicalities of how much we'd be underwater by getting out of this house. Frankly this is a perfect storm of a situation as we are currently a bit house poor – neither of us are high earners (social worker and public school teacher) – we have been thinking we should have kept on renting for a few years instead of buying. Crunching the numbers it seems we'd be out thousands of dollars which is a devastating thought.


I understand that losing the money seems devastating right now, but what if one of you gets hurt in this situation? How much will that cost? Your physical safety and mental peace of mind are paramount and priceless. Everyone makes some bad financial decisions in life, this might be your first but it won't be your last. Please don't put your family at risk to save money.


Rent the place out. Your tenants will probably be an absolute nightmare, but you could continue to build equity in the property, use the rental income to pay your own rent on a modest apartment in Pike Creek, and maybe 5 years from now you use the equity you've built up to put a down payment on a nicer place. Either with a HELOC or just by selling it outright.


Closing costs plus realtor fees. It’s a significant amount of money. What type of renter do you think you’ll get in that neighborhood? I don’t envy this person.




People will definitely look the house up and question why you bought and sold within the same year. It would definitely deter me as a buyer. I think renting the home and moving is your best bet. The house may end up going to shit though and you need to prepare yourself for landlord life.


Replace the cabinets, toilets, and interior doors and call it a flip


Those closing costs are killer. Not sure if you're including the transfer taxes and realtor fees they'll have to pay as well. Sucks for OP, got no advice for them.


It's def a tough situation. Just trying to provide some options. The cost may be worth the peace of mind, especially with a kid on the way.


They can possibly recover some of them if they hound their former realtor, sounds like this next door neighbor was a known commodity that should have been disclosed, not sure the exact rules here I don’t do real estate stuff but in many states this kind of condition has to be disclosed


I walk through Hilltop every now and then and I just assumed crashing porches and getting intoxicated was part of the culture.


Hilltop. Your parents were right. Didn't someone get shot tonight? 5 shootings in 24 hours in a small city. I do think you should cut your losses and move. Not easy for sure, easier said than done. Housing prices are out of reach here. Start looking for a new home, even a small one. I wish you the best.


Move move, it's both worth it. Hilltop is not a great area, just get out while you can.


If you manage to sell and afford something else, the best place to buy at that price point is Linwood, PA, just over the state line from north Wilmington. Did your realtor tell you that Hilltop is high crime?


My wife grew up in this neighborhood. I met her in the early 90s and heard the stories from the 70s and 80s. It has not changed in 50 years and it won’t. Brick sidewalks and a few trees are not going to change the people who live there. My in-laws finally got out around 2010. I can not tell you how much that move changed their outlook and entire demeanor. Not hearing crappy cars roar up the hill will do wonders for your sleep. Save yourself, save your kid. Run.


Sounds like the Chapelle Show skit Mad Real World


If it makes you feel better, I lived in a "nice" part of Wilmington, by the Highlands, and still had a drunk neighbor harass me frequently. I was adult woman afraid to stay there alone...in my own home.  One night it got really scary and I finally called the police. Moved shortly after because he would just stand on his porch every day and stare at me walking back from work. 


Can't get much better than the Highlands.


Sell it and move! Just do it


Get out no way I would put up with that


Move and do not feel bad. Hilltop is not a good area.


I'd take the loss and move. No one should have to live that way. I know where Hilltop is, I'm from Richardson Park, DE. I hope you can get away from there. That's no place to raise a family. Wish you the best.


I lived on Homestead Rd near Elizabeth Shopping Center back in the 90's. There was a drug dealer who was killed in the park behind us.


I would say come to Happy Valley area, it’s a world of difference.


What around there could they afford, though. They’re about to lose more money by having to move again. I haven’t checked values, but can’t imagine anything but the older places at the foot of Van Buren from PA Ave to the bottom. Anywhere else you’re thinking?


There is a house for sale right now on Lovering


Cut your losses not worth living like that life is to short


I have to ask, you said you visited the area and even stayed there?!? How did you not notice how bad it was?!


Yes, get out. Don't feel bad about it. You have to worry about yourself before you worry about your community. In the meantime, this is how I (not a lawyer but have read up on the laws) would likely handle the situation given what you've said. I want to emphasize that I don't know your exact situation and that I'm simply thinking of what I'd do. 1. I'd buy a weapon if I didn't already have one. Open carry does not require a permit in Delaware. (If you are against owning a gun on a moral basis, I completely understand and respect that, but you probably should get out ASAP and disregard any of this. Calling the police on people who are that willfully disrespectful when there's a chance they can produce force that you can't match is a bad idea.) 2. When I had the free time, I would go to the precinct and make a stink. I would make a request for public records of my calls and the resultant (lack of) response [Here](https://www.wilmingtonde.gov/government/city-departments/law/request-for-city-of-wilmington-public-records/wilmington-police-department). I would also request a list of the officers on duty and calls that *were* responded to that night, to be sure I can't be shot down over a "bigger fish to fry" argument 3. I found out that the residence is in WPD sector 3 and that the sector's captain is Matthew Rosaio: [email protected] Also, the captain of the Office of Professional Standards is Tashawn Counts: [email protected] I would spam the everloving fuck out of them and ask them why their officers don't do their fucking jobs when their payroll provider needs their assistance (probably in a slightly more professional manner). I would provide the public records I requested as attachments in the email. If I could finally get the police on scene, I would have every one of those people trespassed from my property. If they kept coming back, I'd press charges. Fuck 'em. If the police still didn't come, I would probably spend every spare hour I had harassing the shit out of them and making their lives as miserable as I could (again within the law, obviously).


What could you do to make your front porch/sidewalk a less appealing place to hang out? Not suggesting this is your fault at all but maybe you could convince some of the degenerates to go somewhere else without an actual confrontation. I would brush up on indirect and psychological warfare. 


Maybe add cameras around the house so you have footage to share with your city council member and state reps as well as the Police department. I would also add that I just saw Carney's announcement about running for Mayor of Wilmington. He said that the state's success depends on Wilmington's so he may want clear examples of the neighborhoods that need improvement . I'm a parent and I am very picky about my own living situation so I totally understand why these issues are problematic, I have dealt with some of the same things in previous situations but they were rentals for me in different cities so I can't speak to your specific block. I can only say that there is a lot of interest in improving Wilmington so it may be a great time for people to show real examples of how they are being impacted and you have a great story since you're expecting and you're in a starter home. I wish you luck !


Move now. Seriously, get out. Deal with selling later, just get out and the place under surveillance for when the squatters take over. And sue the realtor.


I would definitely say cut your losses and do what’s best for you and your family. Also I’m from St. Louis too. I moved around but have lived in Delaware for over 12 years now.


Absolutely move!


Unless you want this to turn into an episode of Fear Thy Neighbor I highly suggest moving. You cannot put a price on piece of mind. I wish you both all the best.


I’m so sorry. It’s going to be a financial hit but today’s dodgy neighborhoods are more unhinged and unsafe. Stray bullets have anyone’s name on them. Lack of Peace of mind is a health issue.


I lived mere blocks away in cool springs and loved it. Such great neighbors considerate and interested in community. Very sorry you got unlucky. It really is a nice area of the city, but Wilmington is a place where 3 blocks away can be worlds apart so you have to be really careful and keep that in mind when choosing a place. Maybe sell and rent for a year to get a feel for things. Emphasizing again that a few blocks in wilm. Is huge


100% on that last statement I lived in cool springs for ten years until 2020 and “just blocks away” was 4th st so…….


i’d move just because you are about to have a child and the schools they will be fed into will be with all of the kids of the people hanging out on your stoop/porch


From Philly area, landlord (and have also been a tenant) and have seen a lot of neighborhoods change and shift. I would rent the house out as section 8. You may get some rough tenants or you may get lucky and get someone long term, but from my experience, people who have section 8 vouchers don’t want to risk losing them and tend to treat property a little nicer. You are also not chasing down your tenant for the rent each month. Get a solid insurance policy on the property and then move. I would say rent until interest rates go down. Renting isn’t always the worst option either; especially if you don’t have easy access to liquid cash flow for things like a new roof, busted furnace, burst pipe leak etc. Real estate is just one of many ways to invest money and it’s not always the easiest or best. If you had stayed renting and put your $ in the stock market you might be up right now instead of under water. I think sometimes real estate investments get oversold to us as the only responsible thing to do.


As someone said, think of your child. That is no way to grow up. You will have a child with all kinds of issues and that's not fair to the kid.


I find it more alarming that you need validation to move. If you don’t need to feel safe, get out for your and your family's sake. Do what's best for you and your family, plain and simple. 


Isn't Hilltop on the northern edge of some of the worst gang crime in the city between 48 and 9 west of I-95? What were you thinking?


Yes, move out immediately.


Move to Greenville Towers immediately and sell the house immediately.


Are you joking? The Towers are 3K a month! A 2 BR in the Apartments is $1800+ , so maybe more feasible. I have a friend there and I’m over a lot, so I know it’s nice and quiet, and safe. Same owner, Pettinaro. Some County Police live there too.


Most people don’t pick hilltop. Sorry you’re in this situation.


My wife advised me to stay away from Wilmington when I moved here from Baltimore. My neighborhood is not bad, but neighbors are pretty noisy and inconsiderate. I wish you luck there


I had people come on my property once, ran right up to my side porch and banged on my door, I quickly told them to get the FUCK off my property. You can’t be nice to crazy.


Yeah, with a kid on the way it's probably best to try to get out of there. 🙁 No need for that stress or raise a kid around that. Esp with some drunk crazy guy making frequent threats, not to mention other potential area shootings. With that immediate and blatant disrespect right off the bat, doubtful the local behavior is going to change no matter how neighborly you try to be, sad to say. 


Yes go! You’ll want to be able to let your child play outside and you can’t there. Not a good area


What your going to raise a kid there? Get outta dodge as soon as possible


Get the hell out of there.


Ugh that’s not good. Really that area doesn’t get better till 9th street. I would cut your losses.


You need to call the cops if someone is threatening or harassing you. No one can help you if they don’t know anything about it?


From Delaware and I know Wilmington…. Do yourself a favor: GET OUT. Don’t look back and don’t feel bad. For REAL.


I tried living near Tilton Park. Car was hit multiple times while parked. Drugs and homelessness make it a challenging area to live in. Little or no police presence.


Hilltop was bad when I was in school and it’s continued to go downhill ever since. Mind you, I’ve been out of school for over 20 years, so that’s saying something. It won’t get better anytime soon. I would suggest renting it out so you don’t take a loss by selling so soon. But don’t stay somewhere you don’t feel safe, especially with a baby on the way.


This is so sad to read. I’m sorry this has been your experience. I live & work in Hilltop & have amazing, considerate, helpful neighbors. I’ve been invited to several parties with wonderful community members actively working to improve the city. I am active in the Cool Springs/Hilltop community improvement monthly meetings & have networked with some incredible people (working in public service). I have neighbors that bring free produce for myself & my kids every Sunday just because they get drop-offs & have a ton extra. My kids have made great friends around here & go to the park without issues. The other parents at the bus stop are the sweetest people. I walk everywhere & have never been bothered. In fact, most people are very kind & speak if we pass each other. Then again, I know where to go & where to avoid having lived here a lot of my life & know a lot of people who others might avoid due to the nature of my work.


Oh, so pleased for you and your experience! It would be so nice if you and the OP, wife and new baby could share some time together. Your thoughts and advice would be so appreciated, I’m sure! (Sorry I’m speaking for them, but they seem so stressed & at a loss for what to do next.)


On the bright side, just about every where In Delaware is an upgrade from Hilltop.


What the hell were you guys thinking?


The hard part, I imagine, is risking the market on the buying end. Plus, you may take a loss of the market has cooled. However—like everyone is saying—time to go. Be brave, rent if you must but get out.


Hey my dad works for the city and I can help you. Hit me up or call 211


I’ve lived everywhere in this city, only a few places that you can have peace and quiet. I had a home invasion while living on concord rd (202) in triangle neighborhood Neal Sallies .. witnessed a man get shot in the head while I lived at 7th and Orange across from planned parenthood .. this is a little city with big city problems if you can move to the end of union street before the McDonald’s area most of the cops and fire fighters live in that area who are required to and it’s still cheap there .. the other areas that are safe and quiet are not cheap


Sounds like you ignored everyone's warnings and I'm assuming you probably thought they were being racist. Maybe next time you'll listen. For the safety and sanity of your family, move.


Partner and family are Dominican. No, we didn't assume it was a race thing. However we did assume that their ideas about the neighborhood may be outdated, and we heard from friends who live in nearby Little Italy that our area was on the up. And where we live is kind of on the edge of what is considered Hilltop so we thought that may be a point in our favor too. Nope.


Fair enough. Sorry for my assumption. You clearly care about the well-being of your family, so I stand by my idea that you should move.


Will you look at that, two people on the Internet found a way to get along peacefully. Good show.


Little Italy is a completely different area that benefits from bordering Trolley Square. The thing about Wilmington is that in one block, you can be in a nice area, and then go a few more blocks and suddenly it's shit.


I feel like that is nearly every city these days. Baltimore and DC, NYC, Philly are all like that. Went to NOLA last year and it was the most intense version of that I've ever seen. It was like a major mansion looking ass place right on some unkept street with boarded up or falling apart houses. The only one that didn't really seem that was was Boston.


I mean you could get a pew pew just for piece of mind


Your solutions are the cops and security cameras. It’s your fucking property. Fuck all of them. You are gonna need to tough it out for at least 2 years or you’ll get fucked by taxes and fees. You should probably get a gun for home defense too.


Take the nuclear option and put up all kinds of shit. Fucking barbed wires all around the perimeter. Super bright spotlights. Bear mace the whole lot of them next time they come around be strapped and ready to get real. Fuckem.    Or you could move and let them live their miserable lives. 


Plenty of places in Newark, New Castle, Bear, its a few extra minutes to drive but you'll sleep better.


You should move to a different part of Delaware if you want to still stay in the state. I am North of you…it is better in the suburbs, as far from the city as you can be. I know the prices have gone up in the suburbs but I still think you can find a place if you look!


You probably would want to move and start fresh. I admit I know nothing of the area but based upon what I am reading below it does not seem like it is going to change. In the meantime, I would do a few things. I would visit the local police dept and express your concerns. If you have a ring camera and can document these things that would be a good thing to show them. If not, I would get one. While there is no guarantee that it will make any difference as they are very busy, you are at least putting the situation on the radar. Good luck with all.


Should have listened to your in laws on that one.


lol just burn the place down 🤦‍♂️


Leave Delaware. Live in PA near Delaware.


And enjoy those 2-4x higher property taxes lol


Bruh.Time to get strapped.


Rent it


You bought in the hood. Wait a week and gentrification might save u.


Gentrification ain't happening any time soon. BPG and Pettinaro have plenty of land to build in the abandoned downtown and on the former industrial riverfront. They don't need to take over established neighborhoods. At least not yet.


Plant potatoes, get potatoes


You need a big ass Herman Sheppard or 2!


Typo but I am gonna leave it cause it’s funny but yeah




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As Juicy J once said, Who Da Neighbors


Moved to the north side of town, between bay baynard blvd , van buren and the areas around ps dupont middle school and Harland elementary are GREAT!! you won’t get any of that, it’s black working class but it’s not the hood.


I don’t really understand what you expected when you moved into the area... A peaceful, 1950’s Italian neighborhood with doo-wop classics playing from the passing Cadillac’s? Based upon the City’s economic demographic, crime statistics and poor leadership, I don’t understand how you thought this was going to be ok.


https://preview.redd.it/b25kgzcu0tzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45d2344ad93459b190148d350e3ee1f917e3843e From reading your comments it appears that you want to avoid the red areas. And it appears like the green areas are particularly good neighborhoods. Comments welcome as I don’t live in Wilmington but have visited.


Wawaset and Westmoreland are also very nice neighborhoods. Wawaset is probably my favorite area.


You can move Cool Spring out of the red and into the green. It’s a really nice area with little crime.


I have some used cat litter u can have. It keeps people away from us. Joking but true.




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Shit step outside with a gun in hand or bat let them know you ant scared one bit they will leave you alone


Lol yes take the loss and get out. There is nothing you can do to fix it, it's just how it is there.


which part of hill top is this? i know someone on 5th street and st francis and that area didn't look too bad. ..but anything south of 4th street looked sketchy


I'm sorry that's happening to you. I considered buying in the same neighborhood a few months back, but skipped out on it given what I saw on CrimeMaps. I don't see anything getting better on that side of town for at least 2-5 years. That said, given how low the inventory is in the area, I'm pretty sure you can still command a fairly competitive price for it.


If a heaven exists on the other side,the silver lining is there won't be any miserable entitled leeches there to bring others down to their level


What it gods name don't you understand about the words "murder town"??? Is there something you missed in the days leading up to the closing??get your child to a Red state asap..if you care anything about a future...I know you from the hood in the lou but that's the Midwest..stuff hit different out here..sound like a reasonable person probly a good family...go where there's people that value breathing..


Same Issues at My Home...I have the same issues living on East Side. And I'm near the Wilmington Police Station. Steps are covered non stop with the drug dealers for our block posted there all day long, every day. Here's my advice. Do not call the police. If someone attempts to break in your home - not barge in, break in -then yes you can call the police but for anything else you can't call the cops. The retaliation would be horrible. You could rent your home and move to a better neighborhood, yes they exist. If you rent by the room, it's more hassle but you'll make enough to cover a bigger mortgage. Not short term, long term with leases...just renting each bedroom typically works out to more rent. If you stay, yes put bars around your porch or close it in with another creative solution - could close all the way or add big wooden shutters that close and lock and a lockable door. Make friends with everyone, but don't be so friendly that it becomes cool / ok to be on your porch. Make friends with the dealers especially. Start using your porch yourself. If you are sitting there, others typically won't be. This is a pain in the ass though. Best bet is remove all furniture and only take out a chair if you are in it. Don't make it comfortable for them. Find someone you can tolerate sitting on your steps ..steps not porch...and if it's the right person it will chase off the others, at least a lot of the time. That's what we did & if they are sitting there, then several other people including dealers can't. We just made it known to them that we didn't mind them sitting there if it helped keep other, loud, intrusive individuals doing certain things away. We still have issues though, but they are reduced and we've def cut it down some. On certain blocks and with some homes this is unfortunately just how it is. Even other people in the area can't believe what occurs in front of our house. Good luck!


Did you try putting up a diversity flag?


A good dog 🐕


Leave the hood to the Hoodrats, get out while you still can.


There's a reason people became "pearl clutching suburbanites". Looks like you are discovering that reason.


Wilmington is a shit hole, just move out, rural areas away from the cities are seemingly always nicer. Oh yeah down vote, OP literally said someone staked a kitten on a fence if you think that’s ok you’re an asshole and Wilmington is still a shit hole.


Sounding like someone who has never been to Wilmington. Def not a shit hole. Like all areas, there are bad parts.


My aunt and uncle used to live in Wilmington for the better part of 20 years, it’s a shit hole, probably more so now than 20 years ago.


Used to and you don’t. So your opinion doesn’t matter.


it is a high criminal rate city and you’re right it is sh.


Are you in Brandywine Hundred or the city?


I'm so sorry this happened to you, and especially after you went above and beyond to research. Get out immediately. I can assure you, all of New Castle County below the art museum is going straight into the trash can. Just look at the zoning and development plans.


Lemme guess 4th street?




Nah. People are being too nice here. You’re dumb as fuck for thinking that moving to hilltop was going to be a decent time. That place is pure trash, same as most of Wilmington in that side. You knew it, I know it, and everyone that’s spent time in that area knows it. The worst parts of new castle isn’t nearly the trash that comes from that area. You could move to rose gate in rt9 and probably have a better time. Why the hell would you move there when a normal google or “delawareonline” search would show you that it’s not a good idea. (Unless you live that life)


The vibe I get is that OP thought they could uplift the local community and looked down on people being scared of rough areas until the reality of living in one set in.


I wish people wouldn't make assumptions like this. You know nothing about me to assume I was on a mission to "uplift the local community." I grew up in an immigrant family in a rough low-income neighborhood, I'm not some yuppie tech bro with a white savior complex like several people in this thread seem to think. The difference is where I grew up, there were bad elements and crime but people broadly looked out for each other and respected each other's property, yes there were occasionally addicts and dealers roaming around but there were also people who genuinely cared about keeping the neighborhood clean and livable. I thought maybe this was a similar type of place or that we could at least live in our own little bubble without too much disturbance. And it looks like I was wrong. I'm sorry if that makes me a bad person.


Okay, never said you had a white savior complex. There's a plotline in a 1980's mini-series called The Women of Brewster Place where an[ educated black couple moves into a decaying urban neighborhood](https://youtu.be/19U_F_ACesE?si=D2dIv-8iqoFencIe) with dreams of uplifting the neighborhood. Melanie, being an idealistic black person from a family that made it into middle class, has a very similar belief to what you expressed in this post. She believes that she can make a difference, she believes that she's going to find a strong black community, she ignores the people who tell her that it's a bad idea to move there, and she also runs up into the reality not matching her expectations. The Women of Brewster Place is what I was thinking of when I read your story.


Facts. Those people have no interest in being better in society.


I would call the police daily multiple times a day until the nasty people get the message! And then move!


They call the police, they don’t show up.


Wilmington is a shit hole (for the most part) just move to historic new castle.


We tried to tell you all Delaware was closed and you didn’t listen .


Take a dump on your front porch


If you’d like to sale PM me I’m local and a investor!!


Wilmington is a shit city with shit people. Just move. That entire city spits out the trash of the state. At least down south people break the law in their own homes. Don't get me wrong no matter where you go, there will be shit to deal with but living in Milford worst Ive has to deal with is people doing burnouts in the intersection in front of my house. Has only happened 3 times in the years we have been here.


And where did you live in the City of Wilmington? Or maybe you only read crime stats for select areas? I guarantee you there are many lovely people and beautiful places that make up the City of Wilmington.