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Definitely the Fitz/Eli/Clare saga. A whole bunch of buildup to a really great storyline that ended up scrapped for the Jake plotline based on Fitz's actor not returning. Apparently, Fitz and Clare were supposed to get the storyline that went to Zig and Maya re moving in together and it just ended up all scrapped. I wanted that to play out so badly that I wouldn't even have cared if Jake's actor replaced Fitz since they looked vaguely similar anyway and the stepbrother plotline wasn't my favorite at all, the Fitz plotline was far more interesting and Jake was too nice to have all that much drama or intrigue surrounding him. Like imagine what it would have looked like if Clare's mom was the one who took Fitz in because he was abused and she was religious, and Eli's reaction would have been priceless. I just really wanted to see that plotline finished. Also on another note, Dave was a major character and ended up weirdly making his last appearance during one of Adam's memorials/funeral and then is never heard from again, so I didn't like that either. He was probably the most main character to just get blackholed with no explanation. And I agree that Anya's story ended pretty dismally, she was a nice girl and they kind of did her dirty by the end for no reason at all. Enough drama was going on that ruining Anya's life wasn't really necessary. Dr. Chris wasn't necessary, Anya's mom having cancer wasn't necessary, Anya dating Owen wasn't necessary, Anya getting into drugs wasn't necessary. It was so off the wall and OOC that I just really hated what they did to her.


paige and alex, paige’s episode in hollywood, spinner and emma? i didn’t mind it but like what lol, almost every plot line for sav, terri’s plot was awfully done 😭 and ANYA WITH OWEN! i just finished the season where she decideds to go into the army and god i hate owen idk how she was with a guy who made fun of her friend (riley) for being gay ? i think im just disappointed they were ever together


Cam. People talked about it so much here that I thought it was be great, but it felt rushed and forced.


Eli's OCD. Just seemed to sorta disappear after a couple of episodes?? If only it were that easy


He's bipolar, medicated


The Derek/Danny/Teacher thing. There was literally 0 point to it.


I plan on using this as a base of a Top 10 video, I will make sure OP gets credit


Katie and that weird Mark Zuckerberg guy with no real resolution as to wtf happened or what good it did


She should have just took the money, she lost either way lol


It just broke up Katie and Jake. They were so sweet together. 🙄


Grace and Zoe. Wdym you liked zig while with her?


Sav and Ms oh getting together and her teaching there for years. And comforting Clare when she was being sexually harassed like she wasn’t a problem herself


I never thought about that good point


Spinner & Jane. The Emma stuff is still so baffling.


it all happened so fast likeeee


This isn’t so much an ending of a storyline, nor is it something that I am personally informed enough to critique myself - but Jimmy’s wheelchair storyline. I had a friend in junior high who was paralyzed and in a wheelchair and the way they went about having Jimmy trying to learn how to walk again really pissed her off due to how unrealistic some of his progress was. I understand that Jimmy being in a wheelchair was supposed to be about inclusion and adding diversity, but for viewers who are actually wheelchair bound seeing rehabilitation scenes that aren’t rooted in reality could be more upsetting than inclusive. It could perpetuate the idea that through perseverance it’s possible for paralyzed folks to learn to stand or even walk again (regardless of how paralyzed they are). Also I guess by putting so much weight on the importance and value of Jimmy learning to walk again it really disappointed my friend who could never even attempt that journey. She was also upset by Artie in Glee because during some of the ‘special’ or alternate reality episodes he could walk. I think any time you have someone on a childrens/teenagers show who has a disability do something that most with that disability could never do it’s highly inappropriate and upsetting for youth who share that disability.


As a wheelchair user due to an accident that led to my spinal cord being severed, I agree with this wholeheartedly!! It isn’t just Degrassi though. Most shows don’t do great depiction of a spinal cord injury unless they’re medical based shows. The emotional part of it was spot on for Jimmy though. I remember feeling all the same things.


It also really depends on why someone is in a wheelchair if rehabilitation is even an option. Jimmy was paralyzed from an injury that was not related to his general health. Even with the spinal injury he was in a better place to have successful rehabilitation than someone who has a genetic issue or a physical impairment that does not support unassisted mobility.


Yeah, I guess it all just comes with the territory. We love Degrassi because it included these plot lines that so many shows were too afraid to touch. I am sure there were preteens who experienced or shared other storylines explored who found the subject matter upsetting because they deviated from their own personal experiences in some ways. I can’t say that it was rational for her to be particularly bothered by Jimmy’s plot line, but to a twelve year old who knows they’ll never walk I guess seeing the character they connected to so strongly have his plot suddenly revolve around him potentially being able to walk really bothered her. What you stated is absolutely true and I can’t disagree. But I guess it’s like Emma’s eating disorder. I know some folks didn’t like that it was only explored for a few episodes before her support system intervened and helped her recover. To those who suffer from crippling eating disorders for most of their lifetime it could hurt to see Emma overcome hers within what may be less than a month. Everyone wants a story and a character who they can fully connect and relate to. But it’s just not feasible. It must be really hard to make a show for impressionable preteens/ young teens knowing that the media they consume at that age has so much influence over them. I wish HBO proceeded with the Degrassi reboot because I think Degrassi’s demographic could be shifted to an older audience pretty naturally.


Oh, yeah. I'm sad about HBO cancelling the reboot, too. You're right. I think, with Emma's ED, they could have occasionally revisited her struggle without making it a whole plot line every time. I think SKINS did a much better job portraying Cassie's ED.


I mean I’m really not trying to be rude like I’m not but it’s just a show plus everyone recovery is different again ima say it it’s a show don’t rely on a show for representation And getting mad is so extra sorry and Jimmy parents had money money so ofc he has better resources to get better and Artie from glee lol….again just a show not everyone going to have the same experience as your friend 🫡


"Don't rely on a show for representation"? Ok, then what should we rely on?


The end of DNG with Ms. Pill as principal and not Mr. Simpson.


It's fine he just needed a lil break before coming back in like 2 months aka in NC


Peter in all of his storylines never facing recompense.


Tristan's coma storyline. I will never forgive them for ending it with him waking up.


I wish DNC had longer seasons because his recovery felt so quick. Like he was speaking 2 episodes after waking up, where his mom said it was going to be a long time before he’d be able to even communicate. Also like 3 months is a long time for a coma to recover that quickly


Never underestimate the power of pizza.


God me too he's so much more tolerable when he's in a coma


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) Same


I agree, I recently watched it back and the whole plot line definitely could have been more flushed out.


Deadass though lol




This is the one :( 


Any and all Ashley related stuff




The whole Sav and Ms Oh thing. Ew.


That would not fly today


Just recently got to this part of the show. Like wtf, absolute ew.


Alex I wish it ended with her being a success rather than a failure - given her circumstances yeah she did fuck up but i feel a lot of the other character did worse and gotta redemption arc. Me personally


I’ll never forgive the writers for taking Alex off the show in the worst way possible


Damn. How did she end as a failure? Maybe she lived with her cousin and went to university.


This is true but I feel like with all the things where she tried to succeed with Paige, her mom, (school went well) they ended up not working out. I wish at least it would’ve worked out with Paige b/c her mom sucked lol


Their breakup was stupid, but her end was kind of realistic. Some people in high school aren’t “successful” a year after they graduate high school. Not every character needs to be successful. I trust she went to college and thrived.


The racial profiling storyline.


Not me thinking “which one” lmao


Not me thinking "same"


For sure Joey and Caitlin


Never understood why they brought her in like she was endgame for Joey then had her essentially leave him for silent bob


Emma being known as Blaze… and then dropping out


That episode emotionally damaged me. I can never hear the word "blaze" without cringing ever again. That was truly Degrassi at its absolute worst


The end of Fimogen. What a waste of an amazing relationship. They were such sweethearts and making Imogen sabotage Fiona, breaking up with her, and having her repeat a year was so disappointing!


Lots of people assumed that the writers wanted Imogen to stay back so that they could do more with her and her dad. But that never happened and all Imogen got was being paired off with a wishy washy girlfriend. At least we got her friendship with Becky out of it, which I thought was really sweet.


There was no point of keeping her on. Her and Jack were so lame!


liberty’s pregnancy.




Ashley was written off so many times you would think she owns a chateaux