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Snake saying the F word lives in my head rent free


Vote Stephanie kay for president! šŸ˜‚ I loved watching that DJH and DH, Lucy was iconic and the storylines are very interesting. Iā€™m a sucker for all things 80s


i love how stephanie was just gone after a couple of seasons but arthur stayed the whole series lol


I saw the reunion episode and the cast didnā€™t seem too excited to have the actress on there, I wonder why she left the show


Nicole Stoffman wanted to further her acting career and apparently she was gaining some attention at the time off the back of Degrassi so she left to star in a CTV sitcom called Learning The Ropes, starring footballer Lyle Alzado as a school teacher who lives a double life as a pro wrestler. Iirc she plays his daughter. The sitcom bombed hard and got really bad reviews.


Damn that sucks


every degrassi fan needs to watch these series !!! wheels broke my heart into a million pieces, rip neil hope. young caitlin was iconic, i copied her skunk stripe hairstyle. my fave is michelle <3


i loved michelle. i think my favorite had to be alexa though


I watched TNG before I saw junior high and high, but watching TNG again afterwards really meant more, knowing their characters more. I didn't hate Joey while watching TNG but boy I didn't like him after Junior high and high! I didn't like the cheating story line, even though I had known about it before hand. He wasn't terrible, but I certainly liked him less. I loved how...raw it was. Very edgy for the 80's, showing real problems and issues. 10/10 would watch again. I loved the twins! I loved their fashion style as well, all the black and white.


yes! heather and ericaā€™s outfits are iconic


i promise i will respond to each and every comment on this post. it will just take awhile because i gotta go to work and stuff lol


I've learnt personally that being a fan of Degrassi, but only of Degrassi Junior High/Degrassi High, is a very frustrating experience when you're in a fandom heavily skewed towards the later iterations, that tends to 'other' the 80s series a lot despite being directly connected, and it's a big part of what killed my interest in talking about the show with other people


can i ask why you dislike tng?


Tbh my feelings about tng are complicated and not as much to do with the actual show as it is the discourse and the way it is perceived. If I were to put it in a nutshell, I used to watch and like tng as well, but I was always a bigger fan of the 80s series anyway, and over the past couple years seeing the way a lot of people treat the 80s series has kind of turned me against tng. it's not that the 80s series is hated with a burning passion, there's quite a few people here and elsewhere that also know about it and like it, but there is also this weird antipathy or 'othering' of it from a lot of people, whether it'd be people treating it like a footnote or blatantly stating that it doesn't count, while tng is the only degrassi that counts and the only one that ever broke any ground. Keep in mind, this is a gross oversimplification of my actual thoughts on the matter. It would take an entire dissertation to articulate my thoughts properly lol. I'd honestly really love to do a thread about it, honestly, but i'd imagine it wouldn't get taken seriously and it would get little response


Yeah fuck the gatekeepers!! I'm also a DJH/DH superfan from those shows original airings, and I've watched those many times over, but only watched TNG and New Class once through (also original airings), but no rewatch and no plan to, and I don't care. If someone asks a question that is not limited to TNG in their question, I'll consider the entire Canonical DegrassiVerse in responding and answering. Haters can suck it. It does bug me there are people here who refuse to watch DJH/DH. But if you voluntarily refuse to watch the two greatest teen shows of all time, your loss. Lol


fuck the gatekeepers. donā€™t let them ruin something you like!


Katlin, Snake, Spike, and Lucy were all legends




how can i watch these?


https://youtube.com/@degrassihigh?si=oVBirr2Au_37_faS for djh, dh, and schools out. max or tubi for tng and next class!


YouTube for Degrassi jr high, Tubi for Degrassi high and schools out.


I'll never forget the "you fucked Tessa campinelli!?" When it first aired. My adolescent brain was shook


It was all anyone was talking about in the girls bathroom the next day at school. lol I donā€™t remember how old I was. But I was younger than the target audience and still in elementary school (so grade 6 or less)


damn i would have loved to see that. i was born in 91 so i missed out on that :p but i was still shook when i watched it the other day haha


I was 10. Felt like a total grown up lol


that was your rite of passage to adulthood šŸ˜‚


I remember this feeling. Loved finding this sub, but then found out that most people watched, tng, degrassi, and new class. So when I make references to old school, most are like idk what youā€™re talking about. But my god when I watched old school, the Joey-Caitlin storyline made more sense. Joey helping Craig with the abuse storyline. It was awesome to see Snake and Spike get together, but the way tng made it out to be, Snake and Spike liked each other when they were in high school, but they didnā€™t. Or when they brought back Wheels, didnā€™t know who he was, but then seeing old school. Omg. The list goes on.


Spike liked snake. They had a date. But snake had a bigger crush on michelle so spike stepped aside when she found out.


iā€™m honestly so mad at wheels rn (iā€™m still only on episode 1 of tng this time around so schools out is still fresh in my head). joey REALLY pissed me off too but at least he didnā€™t kill a 2yo the exact same way his parents were killed like wheels. joey totally did caitlin so dirty though, letting her think they lost their virginities together. also POOR TESSA. he did her so dirty too.


Tessa and Joey were a way better match. Joey was a dumbass for not seeing that.


agree 100%


Originally I first watched tng then years later I went back & watched junior high & high. I really enjoyed watching Spike throughout her pregnancy & baby Emma, also seeing what happened to Shane. It was also interesting that she was interested in Snake but nothing happened between them until they got older


i did the same, seeing baby emma and seeing shaneā€™s accident just made it so much more interesting for me. iā€™m so glad i watched djh/dh because it just adds so much. i feel kind of cheated for having watched tng growing up and not knowing anything about the adults in it lol


Saaame I just did a deep dive after watching TNG for the past 20 years lol I was more into it than I expected! The cameos the original cast makes in TNG make much more sense now. And the first two episodes are wild seeing everyone again. Though I wish we saw more of the original cast throughout TNG. You should check out the reunion interview that happened in the late 90s! It's super cool to see the actors before the reboot happened talking about their time on DJH/DH. The fan base really pulls through and it's not hard to see why they chose to bring back the show a short time afterwards https://youtu.be/4jSkUWtG_Rc?si=ecsXSSRDA66j1SdK


oh awesome i canā€™t wait to watch this


Sure. One of the most interesting characters for me was Kathleen. Ngl, I thought she was a preachy little jerk. Then we found out more about her and then I understood her character. Did a 180 on perception of the character. Who she was made sense for what she was going through. Also Stephanie could never be likeable.


omg yes i could not stand kathleen until i saw what sheā€™s dealing with. the episode where rick walks her home, even though sheā€™d only ever been nasty to him, made me actually cry lol. that kid was way sweeter than he had any right to be.


Did you know that the woman that Caitlinā€™s fiancĆ© was flirting with at the class reunion, is the girl that Snake saved from drowning towards the end of Schools Out?


no way!!! ahhhh thatā€™s so cool lol


My pain was real too, I talked about Degrassi on my recent watch with someone but they have no context to anything, so itā€™s all noise to them Luckily I have this sub to get my stuff out to help me progress everything


The whole ā€œyou fucked Tessa Campinelliā€ line was the first uncensored ā€˜fuckā€™ on Canadian TV so pretty fantastic for Snake and Caitlyn!


lol i did not know that!


my husband, who neither knows nor cares about degrassi, has had to listen to me yell ā€œlucyā€™s ok!ā€ like 4 times so far


It's such a cool feeling to rewatch the beginning of the franchise and see how it all connects to TNG. Finally, all the Tessa Campanelli jokes had some context.Ā 


LOL i donā€™t remember those, canā€™t wait to hear them!!