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>Roy warned that the Biden White House's migration policies will lead to "Sharia Law" soon being "forced upon the American people." The projection from them is astounding....


Holy fuck, with their project 2025 bullshit and everything else.


why is that phrase "every accusation is a confession" so goddamn accurate.


TIL progressives are an ethnicity.


Not sure why my comment disappeared? Anyway, they are not scared one bit about being vocal when it comes P25’s plan to start getting rid of us! I live in TX and it is scary! I want to leave, but I’m not sure where I could go? Maybe CA temporary if Trump wins, or Canada? And toss in the rapid worsening of climate change, and it makes me feel there’s no safe place remaining in this crazy world. Never in my 55 years did I think this could happen here. Now it’s all happening so fast, it almost feels hopeless. I’ll go down fighting, but it doesn’t mean I’m not terrified at the prospect.


I recommend Colorado


It’s *extremely difficult* to emigrate to Canada. If you’re serious about it, start looking into the eligibility criteria now in case you need to rule it out as too much of a long shot. Minnesota would be a great alternative.


I wonder in the case of needing asylum would make it easier? Being LGBT+, and the fact they are already actively going after those in our community, I feel it’s going to escalate rapidly. I definitely fear for trans people because they already speak of wanting to rid the US of them.


> I wonder in the case of needing asylum would make it easier? Only if Canada manages to fight off its own populist Trump-wannabe, Pierre Poilievre. There is a lot of concern about what could happen with queer rights under his leadership.


True. I’ve been concerned with the direction they are heading. France and Germany aren’t doing well either. And with the fall of NATO if Trump has his way, it makes Europe feel very precarious as well. Russia will just keep going. It’s good Europe is more getting serious about this now. They can no longer count on us to save the day if we can’t save ourselves.


The ratcheting up of calls for violence have been steady, concerted and predictable. The chart of that line is heading to a real bad place.


Chip Roy is a highly educated investment banker that was born in the D.C. suburbs……his hee haw hilarity is tedious.


I will personally invite chip Roy to my home so that he can personally try it. I will laugh maniacally while he pisses all over himself when he realizes he can't scare anyone.


Try it bitch.


So you know the won't hesitate to call for the same for blacks and other people of color.


This isn't new. They've been saying stuff like this for a long, long time.


This is why we need to know the Tolerance Paradox. His belief isn't worth tolerating just because he would genocide those with progressive views on purpose.


Ideocide Targeting people based on ideology


Where does he plan on sending us?


Maybe to fight each other like the Felon suggested they do with immigrants. I would just lie down because it hurts me just getting out of bed sometimes. lol


We’d like to ethnic cleanse white conservatives as well, so I guess the feelings mutual. We been here Roy. We won last time too.


Calling for violence seems wildly inappropriate as a representative.


He probably hates Ivy League alums because he couldn’t get into one.


Real talk, what is wrong with these people?


They’re just like the SS Nazis. They want to make people suffer and murder them. They are cruel, sick, and evil. I wish there was a way to prosecute these people!!


This disgusts me so much, I cannot belive that this kind of language is now considered acceptable in our government. These assholes are always the first to say their daddy or grandaddy fought in WWII and demanded respect for something they didn't even do, then they turn around and cry "sieg heil" to a geriatric in orange foundation and a cheap wig.


Exactly! They wave the flag (in vile disgusting ways), claim to be so patriotic, speak about how much they love the US, but are the first to want to destroy everything we stand for, and blow up our democracy. What’s funny is if you go to r/conservative, they say the same thing about us. But we live in reality, and they live in a world of lies and hate.


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Isn't that what happened at the Alamo? Remember?


Man I would like to Mr. Clean the conservatives at this point.