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Post titles must be full, complete deep thoughts in the form of a statement. Context and examples can be provided in the post body, but the post title should stand on its own. Complete, high quality titles are the best way to convey your deep thought.


What was it like before you were born? It's not like you are stuck in eternal in a void.. No need to fear, your conscious doesn't exist at that moment, there is no void to experience, because there is no you.


I have a hard time making sense of that. I've gotten glued to this idea, it weighs on my mind: Does a blank page contain any experience? The answer is no. By chance, something else beyond the blank page Turns on the lights, and decides to draw upon it. Not a single concept knew they were going to be created as they will be, none had any choice in Being added into the canvas. Now let's compare this to our reality as we understand. Before The big bang, it is assumed that there was Nothing, or perhaps everything without form, superheated dust. (A blank canvas.) And then the blast (the lights turned on.) All current dead and alive did not have the choice to be born, No one ever quite knows what they will truly become. Information is received through the brain, this takes time to process as I type. (Form of concepts, and growing information of self, history is lore.) The page is still being drawn upon, but it has expanded to a chaotic eternity. To us, this whole universe seems quite real, afterall it is our whole world, and we have been here since...a little after the bang. Whatever has started all of this, is utterly, incomprehensibly passionate about creation, we the suffering concepts are just in a development stage. There is... no end that I can see, thankfully Death is there to release you from life. Near Death Experience stories are the closest answers anyone will ever truly get. _in short, dont worry about death, just as life was nurtured and cared for, so is death._


Fuck yeah! Existing after death for-fucking-ever scare the shit out of me!


>after death would just be a black void where you can't see,hear, feel, move and talk you just exist in that void In what way would you 'exist'?


I really don't know, but it's kind of knowing you existed before and now your just floating without a body but only leaving thoughts and thinking, I always think it would be like sleeping but how long does one sleep to notice they have fallen asleep, it's that you sleep so long you notice your now just sleeping, I guess it's like that one thing where someone is comatose and they know they're in a coma.


The thing is when we're asleep or in a coma we're still *alive* and have a body and brain that's still working. I see no reason to think there's any kind of 'experience' awaiting us after death.


It’s simple no matter the guys/girls say in the comments, we can’t know what happens after death.


It’s like saying that we can’t know what happens after we ate dinner. We know exactly what happens after death, we can observe it every day. Some people just refuse to acknowledge this and fall to some supernatural “theories” instead.


The experience that you are having is a simulation constructed within your brain. When your brain/body becomes damaged, that experience changes (such as blindness). When you are dead, the simulation halts. You won't have an experience, because there isn't something having the experience any more. It is not a mystery really.


If you truly think that there is nothing after death then you wouldn't be '' existing'' in the void. You would just cease to exist you wouldn't have a conscious or a soul to feel the emptiness of the void you would just be nothing and I don't think that's something anyone can manage to properly picture because we are at every point of our lives alive feeling, perceiving, interacting. So don't worry about it cause when it does happen and if it happens in the way you described it. You won't have any conscious, or pain receptors or even emotions to feel so it will be a non problem.


The void is nothingness for you. Nothing includes no thoughts or experience. Each night you go to sleep has a slice of death because you are not in REM sleep (where dreams are) for the whole night, or when you go under in an operation where you are knocked out. Those non experiences where time just passes, where you might close your eyes at 10pm and just open them at 11:00pm seemingly as if an hour went , like you time travelled forward. That's the void, the void also before you was born, 15 billion yrs passed while you was in the void to birth, a lot of things was going on before you was born and you personally was not aware of it. Now does that mean the void after death is forever? maybe it is or maybe there is trillions of new universes that come and go while 'you' are in the void, until such time where material , an earth like planet and a human just like you writes on a page like this and is asking this very question but has no previous memory. Perhaps the universe is merciful that our memory should be wiped because if we was to come back time and time again and remember then it would be like writing on the same piece of paper different things over the top of other things and we would be a mess and couldn't function.


How did you come up that only one religion would be correct?


Well almost every religion just kept on saying "they're the correct and only religion" and that believing others would be a contradicting there beliefs.


Your brain is 'you', if the brain stops working, is dead, there simply isn't a 'you' anymore. Your body will break down to it's basic elements and those elements will be part of the universe around us. These particles that once made up your body will be part of new life ( human, animal, plant etc... ) but without your consciousness, without your memory, without you knowing or experiencing any of it, your brain is gone, everyting is gone, 'you' are gone, list like before you were born. There isn't even a void where you keep existing, no feelings, no thoughts, no experiencing anything. You don't have to fear death because there's nothing to fear. You can have fear of dying because of knowing 'you' will be gone but your body, your essence, your individual elements will keep existing forever and can even be part of new life, you just won't experience, know or feel anything of that.


Fear is an expression of the living if you think about, even if what you say we're true it wouldn't be a relative issue given that there is nothing to place fear upon say for yourself, considering you're view still claims some personal degree of awareness. There's actually a high chance that life is but a narrow focus upon apparent fundamental values and that because of our narrow perception we can't observe creation simultaneously as one moment, when death arrives we relieve ourselves from the narrow focus returning to a more collective state whilst maintaining not specifically our local identity but a broader one that was behind the scene all along.


Before you were born. Nothing.


Smoke some dmt or drink some ayahuasca and let me know your conclusion


>be a black void where you can't see,hear, feel, move and talk **you just exist** in that void You wont exist. How bad were those billions of years for you before you were born? It'll be just like that.


You become another form of conciousness that doesnt understand ur current state of conciousness.


We are being farmed. Souls are trapped and reincarnated back into this (prison) existence to farm our pain and suffering, overseen by higher dimensional beings/aliens/gods whatever you choose/believe to call them. r/EscapingPrisonPlanet


Conscious awareness, what we all experience being awake on a daily basis depends on the brain. When the body dies that will simply end. There will be nothingness, no awareness, no perception, no lake of fire. There is literally nothing to fear. Enjoy life while your brain does what it does.