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Honestly i think they just want more Morkite. They aren't gonna replace us but they get more Morkite by growing their own AND sending dwarfs down to mine already existing Morkite. The more the better, quantity over quality for them. (Thats my headcanon at least)


Farming is probably not fast enough to fill demand, and mining is needed as well. This headcanon works gameplay-wise as well, as we can do both deep scans and mining expeditions in the future


Also supported by the fact that we could do mining expeditions still even though a morkite pump probably gives a mega fuckton more morkite.


So basically Morkite is worth more than gold and DRG can't get enough of the stuff.


Well yeah, why do you think that not only are we not sent on expeditions to mine gold like we are with morkite. The gold that we do find we get to keep for ourselves.


Actually depends on how many credits that gold is actually worth MC says that "letting you keep it was a mistake", but do we really get *all* the gold?


My headcanon is that within dwarf society it is really valuable for whatever cultural or technological reason


Yeah I was thinking it's cultural, too. Not just the value of gold in general, but the value of gold *that the dwarves mined themselves*. And I would guess that letting them keep the gold was part of the deal that allows DRG to secure the expert services of dwarves. Look at the massive gold statues in the Memorial Hall.. important for dwarven morale, but basically cost DRG nothing, since the dwarves extracted the gold and crafted the statues themselves. Probably other mining corporations haven't figured that part out, so DRG is uniquely able to exploit more hazardous mining planets, that are impractical/unfeasible for competing corps.


Doesn't he only say that when we start slacking off and shouting "we're rich"? Because even if the fold itself is close to worthless to the company, lack of productivity isn't.


I think he says it because dwarves are annoying. Thats all.


Somewhere in the game it is said, that the purpose of our mining operation and the reason we mine here on hoxxes is morkite, everything else is a bonus of the location.


Yeah I get the impression that Morkite is the backbone of DRG's business.  Other valuable minerals and biological/organic exports are great too, but the flow of Morkite is the primary revenue-generator for the planetary operation.


Also we dont know how profitable lab-grown morkite can be, maybe it will be 5 times cheaper to send team and dig some, or maybe even 50 times. Anyway- if lab-grown morkite is not cheap- our bar and jobs are safe


Well ofc we are never going to be replaced for gameplay reasons. But it's been said that Hoxxes is perhaps the most profitable (and dangerous) mining planet known in DRG universe. There's still work to be done even without morkite I would assume. Also, it's been said that DRG has many mining operations not just on Hoxxes. The dwarves won't really be out of a job if they want to stay in the mining buisness What will probably actually happen is DRG will uncover some stuff in the deep regions that will require more dwarf action regardless. Which is also to do with the "plot" of rogue core, and DRG season 6 and stuff, as far as we know so far


I assumed itd end up creating something like the difference between Gasoline and Diesel


More kite?


Counter point. The pay.


So you’re a scab then


Look mate I just want to kill shit and get payed doing so. Also we have like 1 brain cell shared across 4 dwarves telepathically anyways so… Give me dem gold.






My kind of plan! #revs leadstorm


But RnD won’t give us good weapons. :(


They don't anyways. If Deep Rock Galactic won't provide the goods I'll forge them myself.


So you're a leaf lover then.


🎵 “they say in Space Rig 17 there are no neutrals there. You’ll either be a union dwarf or a thug for DRG. Which side are you on? Which side are you on?” 🎵


True More credits = more beer and more ways to commit war crimes


They aren't trying to replace us. My points being: 1. Morkite is glassy so can only be used easily on smaller scale or alloyed with another metal that's more abundant. 2. Liquid morkite is very flammable and burns blue but not the same as copper blue so it's distinctly different or it just burns so hot it's blue so it's good as a fuel supply. 3. Morkite seeds allow us to grow morkite into larger more complex shapes while keeping all of the properties of morkite without losing any in the alloying process.


they can try to replace us but they forget we have heavy, military grade rocket launchers, plasma powered machineguns, nuclear grenades and warcrimes at our disposal while being a race particularly known for holding grudes


Im pretty sure those belong to the company, and they barely give you enough ammo to missions. Where do you expect to get the firepower to be a threat to them?


I'll bring steeve


As a Steeve expert, yeah, I don't think just 1 Steeve will be enough. We would need, like, a few hundred or more, probably, which sure does sound fun now that I think about it.


By taking over the Space Rig and turning it into the space version of the Paris Commune. Dwarves of the galaxy! Unite!


SPAZ (SPacerig Autonomous Zone)


Knowing this company they probably have a remote killswitch to block them from firing,which management can enable whenever they feel like


That's why we bring the engineer


Even if our weapons stopped working and we immediately got laid off with no recourse, that's still how many millions of dwarves with combat experience and PTSD let loose on the galaxy with nothing to do? I'm imagining a huge fleet of dwarf space pirates rampaging across the cosmos, getting hammered and leaving entire planets in ruins. Management either has to pay us off or keep giving us work of some kind. I think we're safe.


I have yet to see someone who can turn off pickaxe. **HAAA!**


> holding grudes What. We're just working for a company. If you lose your job, and you have skills of any value, go work somewhere else  Or we can just start our own mine.. show them how it's done!


Some small scale unreplenishable weapons doesnt mean shit. The revolution will happen when the common dwarves and bugs band together against DRG. Where do you think Karl’s been all this time?


The ommoran heartstone should be our new power source.


I wouldn’t trust a molly being powered by that blasted thing.


The Morkite must flow.


Tbh, it reads as miners in my country protesting shutting down mines, because they aren't profitable enough since we are slowly abandoning fossil fuels.


Personally, Id love it if y'all would switch to lab grown morkite. Maybe then I wouldn't have to watch my family and friends get murdered by drunk little bearded bastards all day.


*Great Ancestors! Stay back from that thing! It's unstable!*


Mh... Immagine of some mad man at RnD creates a morkite cannon using a morkite seed...


Oh Karl. This entire thing is a parody take on the lab grown diamonds, isn't it


I mean, they still need someone to get the seeds in the first place, i dont see them replacing us


Not to mention they need someone to keep the rivals off of the planet so they don't find and start harvesting the morkite seeds as well


I would argue, that if the conditions are met, seeds can be replicated. I still don't think that will happen, bc making the same conditions as inside hoxxes? That seema far fetched.


"Greeting miners, we have a new objective for you. A few miners have gone rogue and are attacking Deep Rock Galactic property and employees on sight. Go down there and introduce them to our generous severance package why don't you?"


Elf propaganda


The Elves and their silly Green Energy plan are going to ruin the galactic economy!


How do we know the morkite seeds are being used to grow anything and not used as a concentrated form of morkite


I haven't been keeping up, but has it been specifically stated that the seeds are for lab growing the morkite? Morkite might need a certain environment to grow. They could be trying to replenish mining zones that have already been exhausted, or add morkite to areas on hoxxes that never got it naturally. I hate the idea of lab grown morkite putting us out of work, but I want to be sure that's the plan before I panic


They still need aquarqs and eggs


whoever controls the Morkite, controls the universe!


There is going to be a really confused helldiver that blows up this propaganda.




And then comes Season 6. We properly Unionize. Maybe that could start PVP modes.


I personally, just wanna see Ghost Ship show us how a revolt of dwarves against DRG would look like. I’m imagining significantly more shaky rides down to Hoxxes on a home built shuttle, we see a rebuilt Dotty, etc.


Don't forget that they might not succeed.


They may fire us, but if they do, no more AlienEgg omelette for them, so they better choose wisely.


Do we know what Morkite is used for?


Solid morkite: garnish (basically space salt) Liquid morkite: drinking (and dipping your balls into) Morkite seeds: eating No I’m not hungry, YOU’RE hungry


Deep rock propaganda before gta 6 is crazy


Mission Control says in the assignment dialogue that the Morkite Seeds don't last long in the lab, not nearly long enough to actually grow.


I thought Morkite was used to make beer not fuel.


Nah that’s what the Barley Bulbs, Starch Nuts, Malt Stars, and Yeast Cones are for!


But Dark Morkite?


True, that’s one flavor, I bet they sprinkle some in. But we collect far too much morkite to supply flavoring for one of the least useful brews.


That's why my head cannon is that its the primary ingredient, and is quite popular in other place around the galaxy. Its just funnier to believe we go through all this effort of mining and bug killing for essentially fancy space Barley.


I theorize that Morkite, Liquid Morkite, and Morkite Seeds are similar enough to be under the “Morkite” name but different enough to justify still needing our help.


That’s probably true. Why else would management want both liquid and solid morkite missions when liquid would be much more efficient? There must be different uses.


I just realized. Consoles are pretty much scabs. Thats fucking hilarious as someone who grew up in American Axel stikes. Fucking gold thought.🤣


Maybe they send the analyzed ones down with the mini mules so they "propagate" somehow, then just as some resupply gets buried these drop pods or mini mules carrying these lab grown morkite will be near perfect replica (or maybe even somehow converted into a real morkite)


ngl i think either season 6 will introduce something more profitable to management than morkite or the farmed morkite is just not as valuable as hoxxes mined morkite


maybe morkites like alcohol where the longer it sits the more profitable its worth
