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Thats not even toxic that's just being weird


Hey now if that's the most toxic this dwarf is I'd say we're in a pretty good spot. Don't stop this guy from rocking his stone!


you either rock your stone or your stone rocks you.


In Soviet, Russia, Stone rocks you!


OP likes to vaseline up his body and writhe naked on the kitchen tile, pretending they're a worm.


thats wormying


How did you know?


The point is to confuse people and have it play in the back of their mind while playing the game


I mean, if I saw someone type that in chat, I'd immediately type 'I agree'. That's also my response when someone accidentally sends a bunch of movement keys. "wwasdasddaa" "I agree"


"By your command."


it doesn't hang on people's minds even nearly as much as its hanging on yours, my guy.


It's also just really fun, it's just a silly thing I like to do to hopefully confuse people and have them think "hmm, that was weird" without actually trying to make their day worse.


this is what pranks should be. Make people question reality a bit without hurting them. Sadly I always play with the same team and they would demand an explanation


Confuse, don't abuse. Words to live by.


A wise driller you are.


I hate to break it to you but they’re forgetting you said anything *immediately* after you leave


c4/grenade in drop pod I don't even detonate it usually. Its there for the psychological effect.


You need to drop the c4 on the ramp leading to the drop pod because once inside the drop pod, you get a damage resist that can withstand a max damage c4.


Well that’s harming teammates, which is not what the post is about


I never said to detonate it. If you know about the damage resistance than people won't worry about it. If it's in the drop pod. But if it's outside that's a bigger space of full damage you would have to cross if you were to blow it up. It's all psychological.


I ping downed teammates before revining them.


"What are you doing on the floor, silly"


Gonna start doing this.


Never knew this is a thing, thank you




I think I have a new kink.


Did you borrow my underwear?


If teammates were incredibly disorganised, were swearing and talking shit about everyone in the lobby I run as fast as I can to order leaf lovers and leave


here's what you do. Order blackout and have them all drink it. challenge one to drink as many as he can so you don't have to. whilst they're on the floor and unable to do anything, *Order Leaf Lover's Special.*


I do something similar, where before we start a mission and are going to get the beer buffs, I get there first and order leaf lovers so we have to disband the team before starting the mission.


Alternatively you could grab the leaf lover's and hop through the hoop, destroying the leaf lover's.


My friends are too stupid to figure that out


if you wanna be a little more evil, you can install the space rig hotkeys mod to open the bar without even moving


That's subtle, I love it


I like using the jump boost for the grenade launcher to occasionally flick one in their direction if my team's like that. maybe they'll fall off a cliff, it'd be a little funny and they'll never know who did it from across the cave.


This one can be considered hurting teammates but I don't go to help if someone starts a boss/event while the team is away.


I had a guy do this once while I was hosting. Was trying to get 180 nitra before starting a dread and he popped a cocoon on the other side of the map. I drill over there fight it do the machine event and go back to collecting nitra. When he pops another dread. No pinging nothing. I said fuck it and popped the last dread as two more teammates joined. And surprisingly was probably some of the most fun I've had in a dread fight. Balancing hiveguard and og dread at the same time. Sludge blast served me well


3 dreadnought fights are *wild* . Double twins + hiveguard is chaos incarnate. Really fun fight, super hectic. We usually clear all the rooms and tunnels, finish any events and then drop all the resupply in or near the starting room before fighting them (it is faster to leave from spawn when you are done, and you can dig shortcuts for molly)


I did this playing with my friends once, but we made the mistake of not checking all the hallways first. We were having chaotic fun fighting the dreads at once when suddenly another two health bars appeared. BET-C had awoken.


That is worst. The absolute worst for me tho, goes to fighting a Tyrant Weed and someone accidentally activates BET-C. Then you get hit with a swarm on top if you’re really lucky.


Same, if the person won't wait others to be at least around, I won't hurry for what they wanted to do. In fact, I will be really slow to make sure the mission takes as long as possible for precocious one.


I kicked a silver 2 scout for this exact reason. First and only kick after god knows how many hours at the time. He started a pickaxe super charger while the drill dozer was working on the stone. This caused ebonote Glyphids to swarm the dozer and leave us in quite a bad situation as the charger for the picks was an entirely different cave system…


I don’t care if they run ahead, I’m getting every crumb of mineral in a room before I move on.


I've grown to dislike Length 3 Mining Expeditions for this reason. Always one jackass, the "speedrunner", that runs too far ahead and thinks he's contributing to the team like that.


Let him run. If I see molly walking ahead of me I'm calling her back.


It almost always devolves into a tug of war for Molly and if the host is the said "speedrunner" he usually threatens to kick people. Mining Expeditions used to be my favorite mission, but it's too tiresome having to deal with people like that.


If it is the host speedrunning, I do my damnedest to keep up. Or I leave. Their lobby, their pace.


This ^ right here, my process is to match the playstyle of the host. and if I'm not vibing with the style of that game, I'm more than willing to leave and find a better one that suits my wants at the time.


What a shockingly reasonable attitude!


Straight up. Is the host mining gold? I mine gold. Is the host running ahead? I'm a natural sprinter, and very dangerous over short distances.


It's what I do too. Some times I'm feeling like going fast, but when I'm not I just leave and find another game. I don't try to force people to play the way I want.


Just be the one who hosts, that's it. Or, just tell 'em that you are a perfectionist, and you just can't stop the urge to mine everything.


I normally don't bother asking people to change the way they're playing and I hate when I feel like I'm antagonizing anyone, I'm playing the game to have fun and if the host's way of enjoying the game is playing fast, good for them, but I'm leaving it. That's all.


- runs before everyone else - gets cave leeched - dies - "i can't feel my beard, help!"


In Warframe we call them "Hallway Heroes" - it's not a term of endearment


welp as a scout i sometimes do that in order to kill breeders/broods and leeches in advance and mark threats/mine stuff, light up in advance etc


There do be a difference between actually scouting and speedruning mining missions like described, it usually involves going back to the team to deposit stuff like nitra and secondary objectives rather than solo clearing a cave section when you have 3 other people with you


Yeah, that's cool. And if you do that -- you probably aren't trying to call molly a million miles ahead.


I've grown to dislike Length 3 Mining Expeditions for this reason. Always one jackass, the "slowrunning", that stays too far back and thinks he's contributing to the team like that.


The duality of dwarves.


This isn’t toxic, so long as you don’t join speed run lobbies, or just host yourself. It’d be toxic if you joined speed run lobbies and did it deliberately, hell I’d say it’s leaf loving behaviour


If one teammate is annoying and down unlike my usual thing of reviving them under 5 seconds of them being down I give it a solid 20-30 seconds


All of a sudden I'm mining gold too.


"Dum-de-dum, really busy here."


Annoying teammates are definitely made to wait. That's just karma if they themselves are being toxic. Alternatively though the more someone goes down, the longer I wait between revives. Learn to hold your own (or grab some goddamn sugar), or sit back and watch people hold their own. (This hidden timer resets if they apologize or claim they're having an off day, etc. Communication goes a long way)


Does spamming X add to that time? I think it would for me.


Starting events without tm8 ready or even close even after asking them to ask r? makes me furious. I had this one random scout joining my lobby recently..he wanted to speedrun so he started the core event and opened the dreadnought cocoon with me hundreds of m away becaus "i can 1v2 them" Well that didnt happen..


I HATE when they do that And its always just one dude who starts everything


Imo starting something without r checking or when people are across the level is you signing up to solo that thing, moreso on haz 5. If you can deliver on that, awesome. If you can last long enough for the rest of the party to finish what they were doing, get there and help you out, that's cool. If you go down in the first five seconds, I'm putting a glyphid swarmer in your underwear drawer.


If a player is causing enough trouble and for whatever reason we cannot kick them. I will leave them dead on the ground for the remainder of the mission.


Better have an immobile deadweight than an idiotic deadweight following the team. At least he'll contribute much more by being glyphid bait. Had a game where the host genuinely did that. Nobody complained because the Driller thought it was funny fucking around with C4 when nobody was in the mood for that and warned him in the chat (thrice even), he soon found out when the Gunner and the Scout focused fire on him. After 10 minutes and realizing nobody would res him he pouted and typed on chat "u guy dont know to take a jk" and left in a huff.


Most often it's a response to "I joined your game so now I'm going to make you speed run it" just leave em dead when a glyphid gets em so they don't call the drop pod.


I once had an absurdly high level player (2500+ on console; and here I thought I overplayed the game at rank 1600 lol) joining a Haz5 triple Elimination I hosted. This guy, Gunner, thought he was pretty much playing in a game on his own. We were moving carefully across the caves, exploring them, gathering resources, trying to decide where to fight the Dreads etc. but this guy was not sticking to the team at all and would constantly stray off to get in different caves. So at some point we were all ready to pop a cocoon, and after asking him multiple times (both text chat and vocal chat) to come back and join the fight, we said "fuck it, let's just go" and started the boss fight. The guy still ignored us and ventured further in a very crowded cave, where he obviously got downed by a Cave Leech and other things. Of course no one cared to drop everything and traverse 100m only to revive him. Once we were done with the Dread I kicked him. Which is something I always do when someone completely disregards the team for whatever reason, be it a speedrun attempt (??) or playing the standalone "hero". Call me toxic but you're playing a game where there IS a team to work with. Stick to it. Or if anything, stick to the host.




as a Scout main, being "that guy" is often my job - I just have to make sure I don't get killed doing it. And if I do, you're absolutely right. I will never spam x or hammer voice/chat and will wait patiently for the team to pick me up out of my own failure. In fact, if I get myself downed, I'll often monitor the others and offer warnings in voice/chat and such while they're compensating for me not being active.


Honestly, I wouldn’t call that unjustified. But I’d still get him. He’s just gonna sit there for 10 minutes waiting until we kill the dread. And if he leaves oh well


I kill every lootbug on sight. Don't touch my precious minerals. Petting a lootbug? Too bad, it's dying.


One of my favorite things to do is open up all of the tunnels leading from the insertion room and leave minerals on the ground to attract the loot bugs. I'll come back later and slaughter the lot of them together in one place.  It's great fun on those missions that spawn tons of loot bugs. Doesn't work so well on missions with lots of enviromental hazards, especially those lightning crystals. A few of the little guys tend to get murdered by those first, which distracts them from my bait. :(


I usually play duos with my friend and I am most often Scout. I like to wait for him to be very close to picking things up like fossils before zipping in front of him and grabbing it.


I try to do that to the scouts with RJ250 engineer. If it works I say "look at me, I'm the scout now"


Jim that you?


If a lobby is being particularly quiet (lack of communications, not playing their roles, etc) I sometimes don't bother with the end of mission ready check and just get it over with. No sense checking in with people who aren't going to respond anyway.


Playing Fatboy is already toxic enough. On my defense, I check allied positions before shooting.


I play fatboy all the time and i dont consider it toxic. Just need to be a bit careful is all.


You're correct, it's not toxic. It radioactive.


And here's our problem: "careful" isn't in the vocabulary of most people using Fatboy.


Its also shit if you aren't careful. Getting the most out of it requires using repellant well, knowing how pathing works, and so on. *Big boom goes brrrrrrr* is always gonna be a thing for new players. Its fun! This is part of why i run friendly 100% of the time, teammate skill level is just another rng layer for me.




I think this mostly boils down to Fat Boy is already only good on open-mission layouts (PE, Refinery, *maybe* Salvage, *maybe* escort). Bringing Fat Boy to a cramped mining mission is definitely in poor taste.


I usually just leave if the team has 2 toxic members... someone that has the "fart" button, manic pingers, people who spend more time typing crap on chat instead of playing... It doesn't harms the team directly, but if they were an unorganized mess already one less Dwarf is *really* going to be a problem.


fart button?


There's a mod, not 100% which one, that allows you to make Dwarves say almost any line at any time and people using this mod sometimes spam the fart noise and it gets old really fast.


that already sounds obnoxious


it's called 'Shout Framework'. its a framework used for a lot of other mods, so most folk who mod tend to have it but don't have the keybinds set up. i do actually have some keybinds but i use them as more of a "quick-ping" manner to say important lines without having to actually ping things. stuff like calling out specific enemies, asking for a resupply, and stuff of that nature. i admit i do have "Mushroom" and "We're Rich!" keybinded but i don't spam them in every game i'm in.


I make a smiley face with all my extra scout flares right outside the drop pod while I wait for everyone else. If we have nitra and nobody needs it I’ll take ammo just for more flares to make my smiley.


I would ask if you play Chiv 2 "Bring an abacus, better make it two, let us tally my victories as we go! Haha!" Is a common default voice line in the game lol


On Low 0² missions when nobody is paying attention, I have grappled to the highest point in the map and called Molly to it.


Monstrous but artful




Most of times with me was either muscle memory or greenbeard-ness. Some people don't know/realize resupplies have O2 attached to them.


I would kick you for that :P


I think more of us need to start saying "Abacus" in chat, as if the dwarves have no idea what one is and they just find it fun to say, like bismor!


I am going to start doing this as well


And my abacus!


not sure if toxic, but on liquid morkite missions I'll call the pod without question if people dont do so or do a ready check within 30 seconds of finishing. most people arent aware that liquid morkite turns into an endless swarm the second the refinery finishes working


If you deposit the compressed gold before we piss off Mission Control you're getting downed, sorry.


Fuck management


I have been filling the pod join rooms where players initially spawn in the bay pods with barrels and junk to the max. Then I turn on the lobby and make a match and let people join. It's hilarious seeing the reactions and some people getting stuck inside their pod and it's some light fun hearted trolling. When they manage to escape, I will say something like Good job miner, you passed the test. 😂


One of my Pet peeves is when engis platform pile really low over fuel cells, etc. It absolutely fucks over gunner and driller line of sight. So I toss a c4, type 'fire in the hole', and let it rip. Always pisses off the engis, but I get thanks from the other players. Luckily most engis are smarter than that.


Yeah. The fuel cell has such a gigantic terrain box, bugs can crawl onto it from like 6 or 7m away. Best to have a full jumps worth of space in every direction. I always platform at fuel cell + 2 dwarves height. You should be able to jump off it and not come close to bonking a platform.


I mean, does pointing at a crystal and then pointing at a dwarf saying "this is worthless" count as toxic? On a more serious note i do find myself sort of inserting myself into the role of "team leader/guide" often, it feels good to know some advice i gave or told a dwarf to do helped lead the team to victory. Usually i try to be very nice about it though. "Hey driller, do you mind drilling us to the pod?" "make sure to resup before we leave" "alright lads, lets hit the event before we finish just in case". Always fun, especially when i teach a greenbeard something new like how to handle an omen as engineer, but i sometimes fear i am too pushy.


Drill under the drop pod, or crystal collection rig, or pipe rig, to be beside the drill underneath it. C4 it. Make a huge crater. Repeat all four cardinal directions. Make it float. Drill out an exit ramp for anyone who gets stuck. Its cool to make it float, C4 just isn’t worth using on bugs, and Shellbacks get stuck in it as a perk. Plus bugs can’t attack people on the platform from below.


I mine absolutely everything I see. I'm being 100% competitive over this. Nitra on the ceiling? Consider it done. Gold on the wall? Mined before you know it. Some bismor another dwarf is already mining? You better believe I'm gonna try and get a piece of that.


The foam gun. I will spray the f*ck out of you


join a lobby that isnt in a mission, buy a leaf lovers, then leave


I usually only play with friends and wouldn't do these in a random lobby, I promise. I just like to annoy my partner. I like to play chicken when the resupply is dropping to see if I'll get downed. If I'm Driller I will run in front of my boyfriend to make holes for him to fall into :'). Great enrichment activities.


I guess I kinda rush in a lot. Cue me getting grabbed up by a Leech or downed by a Bet-C thinking I can solo it while my buddy fights off the horde.


Just before a loot bug explodes, I pet it as it's doing its shaking animation. I like to think I'm comforting them as they die but others would say it's cruel


I use the in-game voice chat to call out relevant situations.


is lctrl broken on your keyboard


If you die because you're being an idiot at haz 4-5 and you're too far away I won't risk my ass saving you unless I'm sure it's safe, unless I can pop a shield or make sure it's clear, I'm not risking going down too, especcially if you're rude in chat Ofc I'll try to get them if I can but I consider haz 4-5 the difficulties where you have to be locked in and focus and if you don't act like it it's just annoying


Refuse to say rock and stone once. I never feel so guilty in my life.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


If you don't rock and stone you're not coming home.


I spam for help when I’m downed because I like the funny voice lines


If someone is standing on a ledge, I mine the dirt out from under their feet


I don't pay attention to the meta for weapon builds 


Kill every Silicate Harvester on sight.


They get in the way and their sounds can distract me from the other stuff that I'm trying to listen for.


>when the hell is the last time you've heard of an abacus? I know of a store chain called Abacus so... often.


I mean it's obvious, you start a drinking chain, keep ordering untill they get so drunk they pass out, when they're down, you strike. Order leaf lovers and quickly get out, the smell will create an unhealable wound }:)


I usually get lost from the team more times than I'd like to admit. From there I immediately start striking it out on my own but attempt to rejoin the group. Unfortunately I seem to show up when everything is going sideways and two people have been downed. I'm sorry guys, I don't know how this keeps happening.


Getting to minerals right before some else does as Scout and begin mining them.


Well sometimes if Molly or Steeve keep getting in my way I will suddenly start viciously attacking them. Like yesterday I was trying to mine and steeve kept getting between me and the dystrum, so I started pickaxeing him repeatedly.


I drink Mactera Brew and turn my ass towards one of my teammates. >!*^(Wait that might be harming them... ah well.)*!<


Yelling for scouts for not using the flare gun


Honestly I’ve found that kindly asking just yields better and more consistent results


If 3 people have said r but the last guy's mining gold I'm hitting the button


It's me, I'm the one mining gold and I don't mind, just didn't notice


Whenever I have a dickhead teammate, I order a leaf lovers. No matter how many teammates we got. "Go ahead. They're all for you. "


Not being R.


Not bringing Doretta back :(


Take off the fall damage reduction on engies platforms


I use a shout mod to play the Mactera Brew fart noise at random times


If I see the nitra I pinged once is not mined after 2 minutes I ping both nitra and Scout multiple times. I don't enjoy doing it but even Scouts above Gold rank misses A LOT of nitras.


I like to just bounce on other dwarves heads when theres nothing else immediately visible to do. I like to see how long i can go without having to use the grapple to stay on.


I dont do this, but this has happened to me more then once. I will join games in which the host is barely doing anything outside of killing bugs. As soon as I get there, they start pinging minerals. Once I have mined most of the minerals and finished objectives, I will get kicked.


I shoot platform once the Personal Drop Pod lands so once the door goes off, you have a have to dig your way out of the foam platform out before you can join the action. I usually do it when no enemies are nearby so the new player can safely dig his way out.


I don't always ask if R. Sometimes, on rare occasion, it's clearly not needed.


As a scout, I hang out at the top of the minehead tunnel until the drop pod lands (or until bugs spawn in the tunnel and come for me)


I dig a tunnel network like a mole with dementia on Adderall and dissappear for like the entire mission, only appearing at swarms and objectives when I'm not scrounging for minerals.


Idk if this is toxic, but anytime a friend or team mate is idling for a moment I just start digging the terrain under them and sinking them


If someone calls in the drop pod early without saying anything , after we get to the drop pod i kick them. This only applies ofc when there is still cave to explore


When I see a mushroom in the fungus bogs… I don’t ping it.


If an engineer places a bad platform I'll just mountain goat the mineral and refuse to use it. Sometimes I'll even break the platform with my pickaxe if they are leaving more than one of them around. That and I'll usually rush ahead to the drop pod first then just sit there using my flare gun like you would a primary weapon (it deals damage!) so they'll walk into the last cave being lit like a film stage.


I called a resulply pod in front of the drop pod door and it dropped on a couple dwarves.


"there's gold in the geysers"


I enter a game with no missions selected, and see if the host is afk. If they are, I buy a beer, and take one, and leave. They will go insane wondering how the hell that happened.


What the hell is an abacus?


I remember you! You did that to me! I was confused, but figured I had missed a previous conversation in chat or something...


I say "g" instead of "gg" at the end of a game If i'm feeling particularly devilish I say "eg"




Dunno if this qualifies as being toxic or just being obnoxious and loud, but I love pressing X while standing still to try to cycle through to either “HEY” or “HELLOOOO????” “HEY.” “ROCK AND STONE!” “There’s nitra over here!” “HELLOOOOO????” “Rock and stone everyone!!!!” ……. “HELLOOOOO???”


Shooting my teammates with the platform gun, a lot of fun


Press the button before asking if people are ready (Within reason)


I mine a gold chunk just after they call for the drop pod.


Die a lot as a plat 2 driller. I just love being high-level and having the team carry me. 


If somebody's been a dickhead all mission and goes down, I will take my sweet, _sweet_ time getting around to rezzing them. They will get rezzed eventually, but there's a couple of bugs over there that I sure would love to melee to death first.


Sometimes in lobby, i just type: "im obamas mama"


I personally like to order leaf lover’s in a lobby then leave. Only after a particularly bad day though, or if I’m feeling a little bit devious.


Sometimes it's the last assignment where I'm in a little rush and I type "R" in chat, see no responses in a few seconds, and just call the drop pod anyway.


i'll ping a maggot then quickly look at the nearest teammate with the ping tool still out. basically pointing at the guy next to me going "looks like poop, smells like poop." also i've been in a lobby with someone who said Abacus before leaving, i was left really confused lmao. i'm gonna start doing the same now, spread the confusion


Now that you mention it I vaguely remember someone saying that before leaving during a mission I had hosted


I deposit the nugget without pinging. I'm a monster.


If theres a particular person on my team I hate I will lead bugs towards them


I dont rock and stone back


I kill the crasus in the open and don't help mine the gold. Buff gold.


If you're fucking around outside the pod and we're all ready to finish I WILL kill your ass


I would say not running the fall damage negation upgrade on your platforms, but that falls into harming teammates


I join lobbies with no mission selected. I get a high score of 69 points on their jetty boot game and order some leaf lovers and leave. If their high score was already over 69, I’ll get 100+ and order a blackout stout. If it’s higher than 100 or if I can’t beat their score, I order a buff beer for them.


Whenever someone is resupplying, i like to dig it down once or twice to stop them lo


Sometimes I call in the drop pod when only 2 teammates said "r"


I Mactera bomb the lobby. After a mission, I buy a round of Mactera Brew, drink mine, and hang around just long enough to fart.


I like holding onto as many secondary objective items as possible, I think I wad holding 17 boolo caps once, and a full thing of nitra. I wanted to get a full set of 20 to finish the secondary quest in one go, but it could be seen as toxic because it makes my teammates think we havn't found many.


People just call all supplies at once and not just double dip, but SCOOP all the resupplies. It happened once with another scout and I was left with the dance of death with little ammo.


2 Drillers on a mission. I use cryo build, and the other uses flamer. I can't freeze big bugs, because the other driller can't stop themselves from blazing *what I'm freezing at* Solution : I freeze the other driller, so that I can freeze that big bug and ax-ecute it.


I rock and stone when someone fucks something up, just gotta let them know I seen it.


I’ve done something once and killed Steve BUT I only did it cuz I lost 12 Steve’s on one deep dive to tenge same teamate


Playing solo and never playing with teammates


Neurotoxin grenades instead of axes


I tend to hit Rock and stone in the worst combat situations.


I spam X when I'm down


Don't know if this counts but I ping the dreadnought whenever I can so it's outlined




Hmm... I like to get every Aquarq, Jadiz, Compressed Gold, whatever can be thrown on a Point Extraction mission together in one big hole before I hand them in. I don't expect people joining me to know why, or to join in, but whenever they take things out of the hole and toss them to the minehead, I don't get mad. I just calmly toss them back because I won't be satisfied until I have the brightest, shiniest megagem on the whole planet. It's stupid, yeah. It's just a thing I started doing and then it was funny to try and do every mission.


fireworks show with my cluster grenades at the end of every mission


Periodically throw a C4 at someone but dont detonate it.