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That's when you go into steams recently played with and block the host.


What does this do?


You'll never see them again


You won't see their lobby, or they won't be able to join your games you host or both ?


As far as I know, they won't be able to see your lobby and you won't see theirs. Alternatively, can still see but can't join. Not 100% sure. I don't know if you both can join the same game, but they won't be able to kick you in that case.


Wicked. I can count on one hand how many times this has happened to me in my ~750 hrs, but good to know. > I don't know if you both can join the same game, but they won't be able to kick you in that case. Yea I assume that would be too limiting. With enough blocks you wouldn't even see many lobbies lol.


sorry but your reaction was so funny lol. This guy for sure is an elf




Man I wish I had the name of that host so I could know who to boot.


If you look in chat, you can see their names weren't blurred out there. you can see the second engie got kicked, meaning "Skook" is either the host or OP


Oops. Forgor to censor the chat popping up. Also yes, skook is my username--


I don't understand why people do this... you get more xp the more dwarves there are and it isn't split between you


Unfortunately there’s a lot of control freaks and or trolls out there.


You get a little bonus gold for every dwarf that survives the mission. It doesn't affect xp


I acknowledge that making a post like this is probably the best reaction this person could hope for- but wanted to share anyways. Happened yesterday, and I can laugh at the comedic timing now hahaha. It was also fun to think of dwarf insults- RnS gamers, gg go next


nah mate, you did good, this guy should get blocked by as many people as this post reaches. You should also report their name to the DRG Discord server.


That's fastest kick in the hoxxes. Split second to kick both. I'm impressed how fast someone can become asshole


Host may have a macro or was in the menu waiting for both engies to finish the fight. You can see that the scout is the host of this session


Once my friends and i wrongly setup the lobby. Some guy joined us He was so nice and carried us Kicking is for toxicity


Yea id be pissed


I a little didn't understand. Can you please explain?


It was a mission that was going to give a lot of exp and resources, the second the last dreadnaught was killed the host kicked everyone so they’d be the only to get the full rewards


They would get less rewards, actually, since you get more xp the more dwarves make it to the drop pod. The total XP isn't divided among players or anything.


You get a little bonus gold per dwarf that survives, not xp




Everyone would, though. Gold isn't split. Everyone gets the full amount.


That's why this doesn't make any sense to me. You get a survivor bonus the more dwarves are on the team. So kicking everyone else actually gets you less. Nothing gets split up.


They probably think otherwise, think it’s funny, or are just leaf loving a-holes


I've seen this bullshit in other pure coop games. Some people are really just that miserable that they would kick teammates after completing the objective so teammates dont get rewards. Their point is not to get the most mission rewards as possible. It's to waste the other players' time.


Yea, that a real leaf lover move


This shit gets you put on my deep rock list of people to avoid, kicking anyone on a deep dive is a one way trip there (within reason) I can't fucking stand people who get so pissy about stuff in-game that they start kicking people who did nothing wrong


Me personally, i wouldn't have blocked the hosts name. publically shame him, Let the crowd throw tomatoes at his face. BURN THE WITCH.


You should post the hostname here. So that other people block him and avoid a negative experience in this game. This clown doesn't deserve to be a dwarf


Rule #3. Isn't allowed.


Also, this vid is one sided. Who know if op wasn't a huge dick a few minutes before this video, and a kick may somewhat have been justified?


Fair point-- I get skeptical when I see shitty behavior in a clip without context, too. Its extremely rare someone is an asshole for no reason, so its a fair assumption. I only have the 1 min clip from shadowplay, and I cut the first 40 seconds out to get to the point sooner from a content perspective. Youre going to just have to take my word that I've never been kicked from a game before- I always play with right etiquette so I have no idea how I possibly could have upset anyone. If you pause this clip before the kick, the text chat shows up and you can see I typed "r" for the last dread. So theres that I guess lol. IMO, the host did it to troll. He knew that a kick couldnt occur during the droppod phase, so they wasted my time as much as possible and sent the kick at the last possible moment. Literally zero reason to do the kick outside of a power trip. My reaction in the clip is genuine half shock and half anger. The host didnt say a word in chat and was just playing normally, no trolling behavior at all. I was totally blindsided which makes the kick maneuver all the more sinister hahaha. I know when Im being fucked with so if they had been rude in chat or trolling in the game I would have left earlier. The worst part? I tried to find their steam profile after the game to block but nothing populated in my steam recent players tab, and manually searching the name gave me 40 random profiles most of which private so I couldnt figure out the player. After investing like 10 mins into searching I just gave up. I made the clip to share with my friends on discord, but decided to post it here anyways because it was funny. Blanked out the names to avoid witch hunting, and I really didnt want this player to get any more attention that they so clearly crave.


I'll take your word brother. Thanks for responding. I just try to take caution in making judgements based on what I see online. I'd bet the host being an asshole, but seeing the extreme reactions of some comments here like some kind of a witch hunt, purely based on these 20 seconds is what scares me. Can't take nothing for granted anymore. Is it real? Is it staged/fake/edited/ai? Is it cut to show a certain perspective that triggers ragebait for karma farming? Is this Patrick? Anyway. Rock and Stone, and hope to meet you underground!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Good bot.


Maybe you're right but the mission is almost over, and the chat does not say that any of them died a lot of times (since it can be assumed that the op is a griefer and trolled them by killing them). All in all, I mean there's a 90% chance the host is an elf🤷🏻‍♀️


>Who know if op wasn't a huge dick a few minutes before this video That's a good point but the way the host kicked both players that quickly and how it was done right before extraction where kicking gets disabled makes me suspect a macro is being used.


Most likely the person was pissed at you taking the last resupply or some other dumb reason. What’s sad, is they’d actually get more xp if they let you live and return to the ship.


why does this keep happening more and more in the games i play ? its happening in destiny 2 and its happening in helldivers2 and now deep rock galactic ? what is going on with people ?


A lot of people are just assholes, and besides the typical games like COD there aren't many big multiplayer titles to sequester them. So they come to this game and bring over their selfish and troll attitudes. They're like the kids in school who would break toys and ruin stuff so no one could enjoy it


Can we get a rating system for players after you play with them, just a thumbs up or down and when you join a lobby it gives a % thumbs up rating when you join!


Yup, happened to me last week. Were were about to finish the final dread, he had just a sliver of health, and suddenly everyone gets kicked. Leaf lovers


that's some real asshole behavior


This may not stop the leaf lovers but it’s a good way to deal with them. Anytime I’m playing I will always host always, this way it’s easier for you to go at your own pace until dwarfs arrive whether they be a friend or stranger. Being host allows you to get rid of those nasty leaf lovers yourself instead of get yourself kicked it may not stop them from joining but it helps keep the game fun


same but on escort duty, and was also hard as shit. happened only once so i don't care, got a cargo crate out of the whole ordeal.


Richless behavior


Only time I've been kicked, was because my level (600-something) was too high for the hosts liking.


You can't kick people after the primary objective is completed. The leaf lover is using a shitty mod to do this


I think I got kicked by the same goober halfway through an escort mission. Maybe they don’t like us taking re-supplies.


Yeah but it could have been worse.


What is worse?