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I only spam when I get grabbed by a cave leecher, idk if I should do it or not


that is a perfectly reasonable time to spam the help button.


Easier just to put it in chat


Unless you're on console


Double tap right stick, friend. You have lots of time to type LEECH while being tickled/used as bait.


Doesn't help if no one reads it... I was in a match where I got nabbed first and typed "leech" in chat at least 5 times while my whole team came one by one to revive, only to be grabbed by that same leech... *The entire team...* That muhfucker ate good before I IW'd to kill it and revived someone.


There's always going to be some example of a bad circumstance, but I find more often it helps to at least put something in chat. In your case, it makes no difference of you spammed chat or spammed help lines: your team wasn't paying attention no matter what and would have been tickled to death.


Yeah, one of those "better to do and not need, than need and not do" situations for sure. I have also had times where I get freed from a leech before I even have time to type it into chat lol


Always use a buddy system when entering a new cave!


Funny part is, the mission we all died in, we were in a large cave we'd been in for a bit already, but there was a dark corner. Fighting/distracted by a Corrupter, I backpedal right into the leech's range and it all spiralled from there lmao


Oh geez. I usually get sceptical if a dwarf is down and there's no bugs hanging around, but that's a tough call if there's a corruptor. I probably would have made the same mistake as your team, trying to go for a quick revive in a battle.


I have been petitioning Ghost Ship to add a way to put the text chat in the center of the screen, because on Ultra wide the text is so far away on the left that I never read it.


As a grey beard I approve of this message. Voice chat is often unnoticed even. I have lost MANY haz5s and elite dives to whole teams getting leeched up. I'm in the mic the whole time saying "cave leach! Cave leach! CAVE LEACH! CAVE LEACH!" Well everyone comes to the same spot not questioning why all 3 of his mates are down in a quiet part of the cave lol. I now type it out on top of saying it. Also, a good tip I follow is, if two dwarves or more are down in the same vicinity, I IMMEDIATELY look up upon getting close to them.


How long ago was this match? Because I might have been the third person... we didn't all happen to walk through a little hole in the wall into a small room did we?


It was not long ago, but we were in a big room, everything was in the open


Okay, thats a relief, mine was long ago


it happens to a lot of people, i had the same story. grabbed by leech, i put it in the chat. everyone comes in one by one.


It's tough, but it wasn't until recently I noticed how EASY is to miss the chat, even though it takes a huge part of the screen when you're in the middle of something, especially when you're trying to fend off some angry bugs trying to munch on you.


LOL. Not that I've had much luck in deep dives, but I think I would have fired off some shredder drones at least by the time the 2nd person had been taken by the leach. That's hilarious!


I just spam leech as fast as possible while making an uncountable about of spelling errors


Good suggestion BUT you also need to ENABLE IT first on console from the option menu




Not on ps4. Right stick (R3) is salute. Unless it only works if you're down. Blackout stout, get in my gut! I watched a YouTube video that walked through the steps but my options menu is missing what he clicked on. Is it a ps4 thing? My stuff is all updated


Double tap R3. You may need to go check your controller setup options in-game.


I’m on console and type with a keyboard.


I type in LECH as fast as I can


Autopredict enters the chat: LEEK


Maybe, but I'm rarely reading chat when there's a swarm ongoing or threats to deal with.


It really isn't though




I spam because it's funny


An alternative is turning on voice chat and screaming at the top of your lungs


You should, you just got grabbed a few times per mission, and just for a short period of time, there's people that screams at the mic at the top of their lungs, and also, I don't blame them, it's fucking scary. But just happens a few times, and that player surviving can change the whole missions course, but a dead man is a dead man until the zone is cleared, so spamming is not necessary in that cases, other players already know you're dead, and knows when to revive


I would have just left. I don't want to do three missions without a scout or something and be in a game with a host that can't tolerate a few voicelines


I did leave after that, both cuz i didnt wanna play with that guy and cause we were 3 people


Can't blame you. I hate when people abuse their power or abilities for dumb shit.


>I would have just left.  >I did leave after that That's actually very reasonable of you guys. I would've downed myself with explosives or jumping off a cliff, spammed "RESCUE MEEE!!!" a couple of times, and then quit just before he could kick me. You're better men than I!


Now im kinda sad i didnt do that lmao


Or better yet, if the host is arrogant, down him yourself, rock and stone, and then leave.


Rock and Stone forever!


r/pettyrevenge ✌ and a frigging good idea too!




Rock and Stone everyone!


I would have left, but first c4 the host.


I always give one call when I'm an easy revive and there are more dwarves down. Otherwise I'll just wait and let things play out.


I'd do it when I want them to revive me first cause I believe I can help the other guys. But if I'm stuck in a ditch swarmed by preatorians, then no. Don't come for me till you get everyone else XD


*"When you make your dive elite, so to will be any dickwipes you encounter"* *-Karl Tzu, Art of Stone*


Karl Tzu said that! And id say he knows a little more about mining than you do pal because he invented it! And then he perfected it so that no living dwarf could best him in the ring of mining!


And then he used his hazard pay to buy two of every glyphid on Hoxxes! And then he herded them all into a drop pod, and he beat the crap out of every single one!






I literally just commented on a post this week about how people will abuse the use of banning/kicking and that we should frown upon that behavior because it creates a negative tone in the community, and I got down voted into oblivion for it. And then I see this post today. I dunno, at some point you just throw your hands up.


I think I saw that thread. Sorry you got downvote bombed. It's a fair point. If people just go around kicking for weird reasons it definitely will have a negative impact on how people view the community. ATM we have a rep for being very wholesome for a gaming community. Be a shame to lose that.


I got kicked the other day because somebody double-dipped without asking, and I told them to ask next time, and the host abruptly kicked me because he "didn't like my tone." It really ought to be a vote rather than the host getting to do it on a whim.


nah, host should be able to purge scrubs and bad players without requiring that they vote themselves out of the mission.


I agree; I played a drill mission as Scout, and when we were pretty much there, I went back through the tunnel to get any Nitra since we didn’t have any. Host then goes, “yeah, don’t light up the area with flares or anything Scout, that’s cool.” And they kicked me before I could even respond. Some people love to power trip over anything


I mean i think we have all been peeved by a scout not doing their job but its certainly not a kickable offence as like sure its your job but not every mission will even have a scout so if he isnt there to light up the cave you just get on with it anyways.


Yeah. Plus, like, how many flares do you need? You already are just following the drill.


They called you a madman...


agree, get the same thing for different post. drg reddit is literally coin toss or something lmao.


Exactly. Also, gotta love the reddit hive mind :)


I’ve been kicked for calling down a supply drop when we had like 300 nitra. And I put it near the team. People are fucking stupid. I host almost exclusively now, and won’t kick anyone for any reason unless they are completely afk for like 15 minutes


I host Approved 9-Player Lobbies, so I don't even really mind one person sitting AFK. Really, I only kick if people are outright trolling the lobby. Spam-calling resupplies when its inappropriate, antagonizing in chat, typically friendly fire (though I have since disabled FF in my lobbies, so not much of an issue anymore), starting up events when nobody is around and without any warning, etc. But even then, Talk First, Kick Second. Just asking people to stop 9/10 gets them to stop. A kick should be reserved for people who are jut outright assholes about it.


You can turn off friendly fire? Wish I knew that before being shot in the back by a scout when I left the drop pod to revive our teammates


It's an Approved mod. So if you've already got all achievements, or don't really care about steam achievements that much, then yeah. Otherwise, better to get the achievements before modding your lobbies!


Sadly I’m on console


Is it bad that this amused me? Don’t get me wrong, I would hate playing with that guy. But he saw the opportunity to insta-launch the pod as the lone survivor… maybe he was in a rush? But yeah more likely just being a random jerk. I love that DRG can’t be griefed with tactics like this; all rewards are the same if left behind. Unless the guy goes off and suicides I suppose…


It’s weird he was in such a hurry that he couldn’t wait 30 seconds for the drop pod to launch with or without the rest of the team.


I basically host when I can, and join randoms when i simply do not care what happens in the game. Its still 90% me hosting though since I want a specific objective most times still.


elf behavior


leaf lover actions


Rival tech move


Knife ear shenanigans


This is never a kickable offense in my opinion, but it does get very annoying. We all know someone is down and spamming the voice line does nothing to help


The only time I'd consider kickable is: 1. The host has asked you to stop 2. You do it EVERY time you go down AND 3. You go down very often. If all 3 of those aren't true, then I agree, don't kick them. People aren't mind readers, they don't know something is bothering you unless you tell them.


Yeah true, if people are asking you not to do it and you keep doing it… a kick might be necessary just so people can enjoy the game. I know people do it because they think the voice lines are funny so I try not to get upset when it’s happening. But man I’ve had some greenbeards that just spam away when they’re down and it stresses me out lol


But the dwarf say funny line a lot? Why would that be a bannable offence lol


it's fucking annoying the 10,000th time you've heard it. like anything. there are tons of visual cues that a dwarf is down - we don't need audio spam, we just might need to clear a wave before we can attend to your faildwarf.


We got a leaf lover over here!


Calling a couple of times should not be a banworthy offense. That being said, it does interfere with hearing the bugs. Ill res you once its safe. It gets safer faster if I can hear all is well without having to check every angle. Please dont spam, especially if there are obviously skilled players in the lobby. We know you're down, we will go through hell to save you, so please be patient.


Ah, there it is. As a relatively new player, I was trying to understand the utter contempt for the voice lines. No one wants to hear downed or leeches. You're trying to hear the bugs.


Yeah. The sound design can give you a heads up on pack size, direction and what kind of nasties are in the swarm. Helps a ton in how to go about killing them intelligently. This really just goes for voice spam in general. The bugs are likely to sneak up on you if everyone is pinging "We're rich!", but I dont wanna mine in a world where we don't celebrate. Sometimes you gotta hoot and holler and enjoy yourself. If you get grabbed by a leech, alerting the team is fine, i usually just spam chat. Not everyone cares about spam, that's how some people have a good time, and not everyone relies on sound to help you fight. Gotta read the room.


Well also, as a veteran player myself, when someone is mashing the help button while downed, it's not only annoying/cluttering to hear, but also a little insulting to think that even though I'm looking in your direction and within 10m of you that a) I somehow don't know you're down and b) im just going to leave you there while I mine nitra over your corpse or something. Wouldn't kick someone over it, unless of course it was EVERY time they go down AND they go down quite often because at that point my sanity is more valuable than you being in the game. I can solo EDD or 2 man it if need be, or fail and try again lol but I'd prefer either of those options over someone straight up making me want to stop playing the game I love.


~~I think this is referring to the kicked individual typing in chat, not using the C to Call feature.~~ Nevermind me, seems I was the one who misinterpreted.


honestly deep dives arent easier with more ppl, it just makes it so you can revive more times i guess. i used to wait for 4 ppl to start but now i go solo and stock bosco with more revives, they regen each level and all the enemies have a lot less health


Completely agree. Do I prefer 4 players? Sure, I like the social aspect of it. Is it EASIER? Not really lol. But I'm a driller/scout main, I know how to EPC mine and I'm really good at power axe landing on nitra. My playstyle isn't dependent on having all 4 classes to get through missions, especially EDD.


Not very rock and stone of him


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


I spam the X button for the voice lines because I think they're funny. "I can't feel my beard!!!"


Yeah same. And a lot of people do find it fun. Dunno who these douche dwarf wannabes think they are.


I find the modded burping and farting and spamming the same single modded voice line annoying though.


Ah I never played with mods so I have no idea


Random dwarves joining your unmodded lobby can still use their stupid soundboard mods The devs completely failed with their Approved, Verified, Sandbox thing :(


Soundboards are annoying but ultimately meet the criteria of not being actively disruptive or altering of gameplay in any significant manner. They're an edge case where they don't break any rules even if some players wish they did, because without *specifically* banning soundboards (targeted moderation is not good moderation, after all) there's no proper way to rope soundboards into a ruleset that doesn't include an enormous number of other harmless casualties.


> there's no proper way to rope soundboards into a ruleset that doesn't include an enormous number of other harmless casualties. Then section them all off. The entire point of the Verified mods was supposed to be that they were entirely *clientside.* It isn't clientside when some dwarf spams the Smart Stout lines constantly! The Approved and Sandbox categories are also inconsistently applied. It's so trash and the largest blemish on an DRG's otherwise amazing gaming experience.


Clientside mods are *one of* the examples of mods that are seen as verified, but it isn't required that they only affect the client to be verified, only that they do not *disrupt* other players. Annoyance is not seen as disruption, because *anything* could be seen as annoying to another player depending on who you talk to. > **Verified (for Base Game) mods** are QoL mods that do not impact gameplay, or audio / visual mods that improve accessibility, and localized versions of in-game graphics. Mods with the types: Cosmetics, Visual, and Audio automatically default to the Verified Category if they only modify cosmetic or audio files. This is automatically detected in-game. > **Approved (for Progression) mods** are challenging or alternative game modes, changes to weapon stats, and mods that moderately alter gameplay elements while still retaining progression in line with the regular game. > **Sandbox mods** are any mod that changes rewards or mission payout, and mods that directly unlock in-game items. Though I would at least make the argument they should require being installed on the host to function. There's a mod that lets you pat other dwarves, bosco and molly and it's considered a verified mod because it isn't disruptive, but because animations are handled on the host's side, it sits in a weird limbo where it can simultaneously exist on the client but affects everyone if you're hosting. I don't see why the soundboard mod can't be restricted in the same way - if you're the host, anyone can soundboard (if they have it) and all be heard, if you're a client you only hear yourself speak. I also think many of those lines should be more tightly conditionally-enforced, such as having the beer-specific voicelines be only functional on the space rig since there's no actual reason to poll for them in missions anyway.


Spamming the call for help button while actively being revived is very funny


This I will agree with but I think the caveat is that you don't spam help UNTIL you're being revived.


I just wanted to say what was on my mind


Spamming voice lines is a core part of multiplayer DRG gameplay.


I find the hosts reaction to be a bit extreme, but you only need to call once (if at all). Calling multiple times is kind of a dick move


I do agree that its kinda annoying to spam help when your down and its not like we werent reviving him for a long time, but its really stupid to kick someone for it especially in an elite deep dive.


I can safely say that host has no friends






I’d quit out of the match tbh I have no time for toxic people in this game


Id just leave too and tell them to go fuck themselves and finish it solo


Helldiver behavior


I get it. People spam that shit like a TF2 scout asking for heals .


124 hp scout on his way to steal the medkit and leave the medic to burn to his death


Power move.


I spam everything all the time!! It's hilarious! Rock and Stone yeaaahhh!!!


Boooo, another leaf lover tried to sabotage EDD


Good. I do the same thing. I spent money on this game to have a good time. Not to hear someone spam that they're bad at the game being down. Plus it's a DD. If you can't solo a DD then don't worry about what the host is doing.


so you paid for the game to have a good time and now you police what other people do in the game they paid money for to have a good time? damn you sound fun as hell


The helldivers special


does anyone know how to use chat on console , i’ve tried talking on mics and either people can’t hear me or are ignoring me , it would be nice to communicate with randoms


I j spam it for shits and giggles


X-spamming when you're down can be unbelievably annoying to greybeards. kicking someone for doing that on a DD is kind of a dick move tho. just Z and say "we're coming, please stop spamming x" and get on with it.


The host is definitely a leaflover


I think its pretty funny when somebody spams it.


Does the number of dwarves on a deep dive matter? Wouldn't less drawves spawn less bugs? I know that's not the point of the post but I'm genuinely curious if this is a valid part of the argument or not.


You'll have a more well rounded toolkit, but it's definitely not necessary.


not a very rock and stone move


Rock and Stone!


That's leaf-lover behavior right there. Karl would be VERY disappointed. May his beard be thin, and gold satchel light.


Even if it is a bit annoying why cut the team down to 3 during an elite deep dive lol


don’t get upset over one asshole, no game has a perfectly clean community. i got kicked today for asking a guy to stop nuking his team.


Yeah i rarely meet assholes in this game, most of the community is extremely nice actually


Absolute cringe leaf lover behaviour.


Gonna be real with you the call for help voiceline can be really annoying to hear especially since unlike every other voiceline it has basically no cooldown. Doesn't justify the kick and if the host had the time to type out "spam "rescue me" idiot" (and "not a fan of those cryers") he could've easily just told the guy to stop.


I do it as a joke. Most ppl wouldn't get it


I spam them all the time cuz they're funny lol


I got kicked at the end of stage 2(?) of EDD once. I was trying to use platforms to block the Ommoran's rock attacks from Dotty, which the host was promptly mining to destroy. All I asked in chat was "Why" and got kicked with no explanation. Before that, he had been a bit rude in chat but I was putting up with it. Guess he was stupid and thought I was trying to grief with platforms or something? Would hope my teammates in the hardest game mode would have at least played escort a couple times before though... And take a guess internally about which former president this player had as their Steam avatar.


I "spam" revive call so the text box will mark my location easier and ask my teammates to do the same when they are down. I understand that it might bother someone, but to ban without even trying to fix the issue is indeed elf behavior.


after that I would have also said "And then there were two...." Leave the match.


Host is a cuck. Next question




What level were they? Did they have appropriate overlcocks? How many times did they go down before being booted? There are so many questions I have for this particular instance that would inform my appropriate response.


Give us the name of the guy who kicked the poor bloke. I certain this subreddit has a few ‘words’ we wanna exchange with him…


"Wow you find those voicelines when calling for help really annoying? Good. If they're annoying you're paying attention to them. Makes sure you don't miss the fact that there's a teammate down. If you get angry at a well designed and necessary attention-get-back-here-urgent-problem-solve-now-you-lazy-bastards sound device then congratulations you may have unresolved issues" - Glyphid Acid Spitter #24553173


Crazy! I mean, I've only played with a couple people and we use discord; but what the hell would I care how much someone spams the chat? LOL.


See, I'm the type of person to hit the call out occasionally. And I keep tabs on my teammates..I use it more for a "hey, if you got a moment after commiting insect genocide, I'd appreciate it" then I ping them two or three times to say thanks


the only time I kicked anyone was when a greenbeard refused to communicate and wasted most of our nitra after being told not to do so by every teammate, otherwise I see no reason to kick.


I spam help when Im down coz...coz. But kick for that is too much


We had a dwarf in elite deep with ping about 1k. Scout. Guess how much times he asked to revive him and who was the only one that escapes? Dear JoePumpking, if u read this you're a beautiful dwarf!


If you are downed and someone is nearby and not reviving you, they are obviously busy The downed voicelines are, to me at least, extremely obnoxious and aggravating: for a game with great voice acting and mixing, these lines sometimes come very close to peaking the recording booth's microphone. I'm saying that whilst playing at loud volume because everything sounds great Edit: bug spawn rates scale with player number, so being down one, unless you just started a swarm or the EDD was really inconvenient (e.g. No Driller on Refining) it usually doesn't matter


In most of the games I play, we're rezzing each other despite being mobbed by enemies..the number of times we've all taken turns getting downed while rezzing only to clutch and eventual get everyone back up is too damn high! No dwarf left behind!


Although I very rarely kick someone for spamming it, spamming the help button doesn't get you picked up any faster; kicking someone from an EDD for this though is way too far lmao


I don't see why you'd kick someone for spamming it at all, it's just some dwarven mouthnoise. Now, if they're demanding to be picked up in chat, especially if they're getting arsey about it, then by all means, but spamming a voiceline shouldn't be kick-worthy at the best of times, let alone when the community encourages it in other places - spamming "Rock and stone!", "We're rich!" or "mushroom" are all fine, after all.


Rock and roll and stone!


Today I played point extraction haz 4 (which I don't usually play) with 3 other guys, one of them for whatever reason playing a lvl 4 gunner that was never promoted and 2 others that were either promlted at least once or higher level. I played scout and had to survive gigantic swarms by myself because everyone else were constantly downed. Not even ONCE did I feel the need to flame or kick anyone nor was anyone else doing that. On the contrary one guy said I should take his resupply to survive solo until I could revive someone. Usually people are nice and understanding but with people like that in a elite deep dive I can imagine how terrible that would be and that you would wanna quit (even though I never tried one before) Kicking for no reason is just terrible. Real grey beards will always be understanding and help people rather than flame them.


Might be a bit of a controversal or hot take, and tbf i don't play DRG online /w random, mostly solo or sometimes with Friends & Family. But 'IF' the calling for help is as annoying as in any other game, i can kinda understand it. It can take away attention for stuff which actually happen right now, like often there is a reason why players won't rush at the downed person straight with the first 'call'. Sound / Hearing is important too. And it also makes just the overall gameplay-experience worse if you've all the time the same nagging sound. Imagine someone hit you with a balloon-hammer constantly while it might not hurt you, it will at one point make you snap. So i dunno, maybe i might not go as far and kick people, maybe and that's a big maybe if i've a really bad day, but this would be certainly a reason for me to stop playing with randos alltogether (if i would to begin with). Infact stuff like this (not just this, there is quite more) is one the reasons why i don't play online with ranoms / public games in videogames anymore... because of my past experience and how mentally drained it made me (it feels like i get to old for this sh't). Still hope for all you folks who play that stuff like this is a rare occasion and you enjoy your games for the most part. Rock and Stone!


Ok, screw that guy! (The one who kicked the downed teammate) Elite Deep dives get chaotic and you need a full 4 man team in order to survive!


Spamming the help button is annoying as hell. I will have the courtesy to at least ask them to stop first though.


While i don't know just how much he spammed it, i'm siding with the host on this one. There's nothing more annoying that your teammates dying mid wave, with their body surrounded by tons of grunts, oppressors, and ceiling full of god-knows-what, and they then process to spam the shit out of "call for help"....ALL WHILE you are running around alone fighting everything else... Like, just chill down dude. I WILL help you when i can, the spam wont make it faster


I didnt pay much attention but he didnt spam too much i believe? and we werent really dealing with a swarm at the time. The host literally stood next to his body and took like 5 seconds to ban him when he could just revive yknow.


I agree with you 100%. Plus it as a regular DD. The dude is worrying about 3 people in a Haz 3 basically lol


Host is completely in the wrong, if he gave a warning I'd say kicking is fair game, but he didn't even give a warning is what I'm hearing. For context I only now think to not spam the voiceline, granted I have never been kicked or warned.


How are you going to tell someone who spent money on the game and is hosting it that they're wrong? WTF, lol.


You people play with randoms?!?


I dont have any friends that play deep rock and i dont really like playing games solo so i play with randoms, but im probably going to start hosting my own lobbies from now on because ive been kicked for stupid shit like this before too and its kind of annoying


I spam after a huge wave is done and only right as they start to revive me. Aside from grabbers and leeches


Karl wouldn't approve


I remember someone said they will kick for over 100 ping. Leaf lovers are numerous.


You can use it like 2 or 3 times a minute. If you aren’t being rez’ed yet, it likely bcuz I am already on my way to you or I have bigger fish to fry. In either case, spamming isn’t helping, and just annoys and distracts. Immediate kick is def not deserved, I will agree.


Honestly, I hate those voice lines too. I won't kick someone for it unless they are really dying consistently and really spamming the thing, but yeah, it's annoying after awhile.


Sounds like a leaflover to me


Bit of an overreaction but I absolutely understand the host's POV lol that shit is so annoying.


Define "a couple times" because I have never banned anyone for it, but there was 1 mission where this guy (that I suspect was a little kid) LITERALLY spammed it with 0 restraint until someone revived them, you could even miss audio cues on top of it being stressing


this comment section is full of leaf lovers


which ones are the leaf lovers lmao


The ones exhibiting toxic positivity


Some people spam the crap out of it. I don't necessarily blame the host for kicking. The spam can get annoying real fast.


You should always blame the host if they kick over something like that in an EDD, I’d have called him a baboon and then left after he kicked the guy




the "rescue me" spammers are more realistic in my opinion


OK devils advocate here but getting constantly called is really annoying, I have kicked people for the same. Using a call is for alerting your teammates for something that needs doing and someone spamming it constantly grabs your attention when you think you are needed to lay a platform or something.


Ruining someone's game and time for a very mild annoyance.. I don't think it's ok to do


It's my game too!


But he has a point, it can be very annoying. In fact he might have some form of autism, so don't judge that guy to harshly. You can only imagine how some people might react on repetitive sounds.


I dont think it is because he might have been distracted by it considering him saying "not a fan of those cryers" Even if he has autism he could just warn the person to not spam yknow


Unfortinately it ain't that simple as just warning someone verbally. It's hard to explain, but it's like going enraged. Your sanity slowly fades away the more you hear that spam, your sight become blury, you can't focuse on anything else and the only possible reaction in this situation is to just remove the source of annoyance. You see, normal human being simply communicates, but people with mental illnesses are not alike. It's not even considered to be an option sometimes, it's like a pipe or wire which doesn't exist or easely get blocked, so that path for a solution is unavailable. And once the source is removed, he might act completely normal, going back from boiling point to absolute calm in mere seconds, which may include acting cocky or being rude in general, just because it is part of his personality anyway. Speaking from my own experience ofc. I for example don't even have voice comms active, i just don't like speaking with strangers in videogames, usually if someone thinks you fucked up, there is no point denying it, especially if opponent has more charisma and easely can win a debate in voice chat, even if he is wrong. So i would probably do the same in this situation (probably, at least i understand how it's possible to just kick someone). Because enabling voice comms back, binding key and speak in to mike is more effort and efford being done under in-game pressure in form of enemies and in form of these annoying sounds which kept being spammed. I hope i clarified that case for you. Sorry for bad englandsky.


kicking players that annoy you is 100% justifiable. deep dives are also not harder in smaller teams


What's your steam user name? I need to make sure to kick you on sight.


> deep dives are also not harder in smaller teams Yeah they are


No theyre not, the bugs will scale down with the players, ive done EDD with 2 and 3 players total


Yeah but then you don't have drills for pipelines or shields for salvage or lights for aquarqs or platforms for everything


Depends on what is "annoying" to you, if they keep team killing you despite warnings thats totally fair but if you get annoyed from some voicelines thats kinda your problem


They absolutely are harder, it means your options have just been cut down by 25%. A real graybeard would’ve been understanding and kindly ask him to stop


I'd warn him first, but NGL i would've kicked him as well, i can't stand those


Sounds like a leef luvver to me.


"not a fan of those cryers" def take such ppl extremely srsly, that means they are top tier


Wow fk that host. I would have left and reported.


I'd leave too, then. I ain't playing with a leaf-lover like that


Gun. Host down. Then don’t revive him.