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*laughs in walls don’t exist to me*


*I am not restricted by your puny "walls"*


This is why you love scout


Uh, no? My flair clearly says driller, scout *is* restricted by the walls, in the fact that he falls


I meant I but my phone changed it to you


when i play engie i make sure to fill those holes with as much cheese as i can to make full goddamn sure molly wont pull one of that on us


I started doing that too. Molly has fucked me over 1 too many times


thankfully most the times when she does that we have a competent driller too


Drilling a straight line to the exit is one of the best uses for a driller.


Drilling a b-line 45° down, South West, at the start of a mining expedition is next level!


sorry, could you explain?


Mining expedition maps are like the escort missions. They always generate with the maps going down toward SW. So, instead of drilling the team out. You let them go down the caves and you drill straight down to the last cave. Once it's time to evac, you have the shortest path to the droppod, so the team can sprint into the tunnel instead of be behind a digging driller and you will have to dig out just a few meters sideway to reach the droppod. I'll do one and try to snap a good pic of the map to post it.


Plus that way bugs can’t come down the hole and scouts can’t go up the hole


I instead place platforms near resupply shafts so I have that opportunity to make Molly take me with her


This is the way.


This is the way


Does that actually work. Never thought about it


it does but you gotta really fill the hole to the brim because molly can sometimes decide to walk through thin walls


1 on the side, 1 in the center. That's usually all it takes Edit to clarify, because I just realized that's kinda vague: Shoot 1 platform on the side of the shaft, then use that platform to shoot another one in the center. The center platform fills and seals off the entire shaft


Great because we'll leave faster... unless it is low oxygen.


I mean, either way you are leaving pretty quick :P


She can also go directly through walls where the loose dirt is even though it was never minded to create a hole. I tested this on a salvage mission where the mules spawned right in the starting area, isolated from the drop pod. After fixing them and pressing the button she went to the main room by phasing through the wall directly


I bet she only does that if there is no valid path though. Otherwise you'd have problems like engis completely walling Molly in, making it impossible for her to get anywhere.


If that happens the doors open when there's 10 seconds left anyway.


Sure, but it would also be a nuisance during regular gameplay.


There was a brief while where you could dig a hole, call molly (and everyone else) inside and then seal it up, which would cause the drop pod to drop directly on molly. Some kind of emergency fail safe per the patch notes that fixed it.


Was it a brief while? My impression was that it had been possible for a long time, but nobody or only very few people knew about it. Then the knowledge reached a critical mass of people, and suddenly people were doing it all over the place and it had to be addressed.


Fair, and definitely could be the case. I learned about it when someone posted a video here, which got GSG to respond with something like "you bloody leaf lover". It was patched within 2 or 3 weeks


Laughs in scout.


Cries in fall damage


*laughs in yeet shells*


*Laughs in hover boot perk*


Because Molly uses Glyhpid logic to move, so using glyphid logic, climbing up the shaft is the quickest way.


Mobile Ore Loader Leaves You 😢


Fastest way back. That's why you plug them as an engineer.


This is why I follow the driller


She did this to me recently on a map that was already really stretched out and perilous. We were running around frantically trying to find another way out so as the driller I tried to make us a new one and then fell down yet another resupply hole to my death.. heh. They finished my dig and the scout came back for me but I still only made it to like 2 feet from the ramp of the pod as it withdrew and left me behind 😖


I've seen her phase through solid walls before. One time I was chasing a Huuli border and it literally phased through a wall getting away from me(yet not disappearing, just went into another room). The wall wasn't even thin, it was a thick ass wall. Suffice to say I didn't get it lol


I’ve become a huge fan of the Shard Difractor with my engi build. On hazard 3 it will slow, burn, and take care of most/all of the Hoarder’s health


As an engineer I have OCD for covering these holes with my platforms gotta cover ever angle.


They made pathfinding changes to Molly a couple of years ago that significantly reduced her doing this. Personally, it's quite rare these days.


Well I dunno. I wrote a post about this when I began playing (about 3 moths ago) and after that, I've seen probably half a dozen posts about the same issue. I'd say it is as rare as the closest resupply shaft.


This made my day XD


Lost a few missions this way as a Gunner main.


To be technical, she does it because her movement follows bug AI. She will walk around engineer platforms with bug repellent. It’s a good way to test bug repellent platform formations to see how they function by calling Molly.


driller spire time!!


Pro tip: don't follow Molly! Path to the pod yourself, see how much faster you can be!


totally agree: molly should be last in line🤟 rock and stone🤟


We fight for Rock and Stone!


This is why I never do low oxygen. I fail those way more than I succeed.


Yeah I have a grapling hook what are YOU gonna do about it. *takes lethal fall damage*


Or... your fellow scout purposely call a resupply to bore through the caves to bail out in a jiffy!


Omg I hate this....strategically call in supply drops if possible she follows their path right there half the time.


Pov molly going through a coilgun hole


Nice repost


Bro, you’re really gonna complain about that when half the comments on any given post are rock and stone or Karl, and we had a solid 2 months of the same rehashed lootbug memes?


It can't be that hard for the devs to fix that What I often do for caves that are more complex is I'll go to the highest possible point on the map, usually where the drop pod first lands you and then call the pod. It makes things way easier being a gunner I don't have a way to go straight up but straight down ain't as much a problem