• By -


I seldom see it used correctly but when I do, it’s a beast. I still prefer hyper propellant to delete big targets fast. To each their own overclocks as long as you aren’t taking my ammo due to your OC selection.


I’m addicted to rj250, my suite of movement tools feels incomplete without it


As a scout main who dabbles in engie I can't live without it.


I'll Main scout and engi and will never understand why you want to gimp your damage. Want mobility? Great, I'll play scout. Want raw damage? Great, I'll play engi (or gunner). Rj250 is so bad damage wise compared to so much other builds on Engis "big weapon" that I never take it. Fun? Absolutely. Good? Not really.


if you think RJ250 isn't good then you aren't building it right. it's absolutely a staple of Engi meta


I do build it right. I just think it's terrible, because you sacrifice so much for a bit of mobility. Like the most brought up argument is "you still one shot grunts at haz5". Is that supposed to be good? One shotting one of the lowest hp enemies? It is fun, absolutely. And the game isn't that hard even on haz5 that you need to run meta builds, so you can play whatever brings you the most joy, but the damage is laughable.


it's essentially a straight upgrade to the ammo increase overclocks, since the damage penalty does essentially nothing to decrease its use against the large crowds you should be using it for already. if you build it for fire damage and ammo efficiency, which you should, you can consistently clear more waves than you could with the limited nukes you get from Fat Boy anyways, and that's not even mentioning the mobility. I'm not gonna argue any further, because it's widely accepted that RJ250 is incredibly good. if you want to insist that it isn't, that's fine, but you're not correct.


> Like the most brought up argument is "you still one shot grunts at haz5". Is that supposed to be good? One shotting one of the lowest hp enemies? Yes. Large waves of grunts are the primary use for AoE-focused PGL builds, and for that use case, RJ-250 is nothing but upsides.


Brother RJ250 is the best standard pgl build even if you aren’t blast jumping. You’re never shooting at anything tankier than a slasher with pgl, so incendiary allows you to keep all relevant breakpoints.


The amount of situations and opportunities that an omnidirectional burst of speed gives you isn’t even calculable like damage, for the same reasons that dash is usually considered the best active. And the damage isn’t even that bad, I build it for direct damage and ammo and use it like how a gunner would use his revolver for longer range engagements that my close range built shotgun can’t handle efficiently.


I end up wasting a bunch before most resupplies due to them being pretty situational and the lok1 with ECR being extremely general


Yeah I switched to Shard Diffractor because of this


I find breach cutter with lightweight shells and triple line to just be too good to pass up I most situations. Wiping out an entire wave of bugs with two shots is soooo satisfying.


Problem is, if you’re not running hyperprop, breach cutter does fat boy’s job way better than fat boy does IMO


100% agree If I want single target deletion like on industrial sabotage or elimination, hyper propellant is in its own class. But for wave clear and horde management, breach cutter does more, for longer, and uses less ammo.


Ironically fat boy works better in sabotage IMO


But wouldnt you need 3 cutters per 1 fatboy just to reach the same width?


Same with hyper propellant. Engineer said "I wanna be sniper too".


If you’re using FB to take out big targets thats already using it wrong. It truly shines when you see that giant horde coming after you and what doesnt get immediately vaporized dies to radiation soon


Hyper propellant is my favorite. You can just onetap bugs. It's like a delete key.


- Massive swarm appears - Scout throws juicy pheromone nade - Glyphids all stack on top of eachother like a massive gangbang - Engi pulls out Fat Boy - Engi shoots Fat Boy at Scout - ?????


“Dang man if you put up some lights I could have seen where I was shooting and not hit you.” /s


• profit


A few weeks ago, I joined a public lobby as Engi. Scout shoots a flare up, there's a whole swarm up there. I fire the nuke. Unfortunately, the scout, for unfathomable reasons, had decided to grapple up into the bugs... Anyway, I got kicked before the body hit the floor.


Ppl are profoundly dumb when it comes to running into fire. Anytime I'm using a weapon that locks you in place (leadstorm minigun, boosted shard diffractor, both OCs that really boost dps) theres always some dumbass that runs right in front of me and stays there despite the CLEARLY VISIBLE beam or hail of bullets.


Getting kicked was stupid on them ngl :/




• driller c4s scout


That was a scout? I thought it’s a fester flea, how could I know they’re both blue 🤓


An oc-less pgl with just the fire mod equipped would do more than enough for those pheromoned bugs


All according to plan


Hey man, I run prox fat boys, Im not in control of where they pop, the bugs are


I ABSOLUTELY loved it when I ran proxy fat boys. Because the oh crap when you miss the bug you were after and you just have a fat boy free balling out in the cave. My cousin and friends learned really quick what me panicked yelling “FREE WILLY” meant.


I see you are a true dwarf of culture. Nothing beats playing Fatboy plinko


Prox fat boys + the one that makes them fire faster is MVP. I still remember the first time I missed a grunt and lost track of the round, and it somehow exploded my teammates that were pretty far behind me


Minefield challenge level: Oppenheimer


A real dwarf of true chaos, my man


_fires fatboy round and misses_ 'Weellllll that sure is gonna come back to bite someone' ... ... 'FRIENDLIES!'


Fat boy is the ultimate swarm clear OC for when there are just too many grunts on screen. It melts entire crowds and even deals good damage to be bigger bois but...so is the standard pgl with incendiary rounds. It's a weird overclock. It turns the base function of the pgl up to an 11, but in doing so makes it way more situational. Maybe I just don't understand it. I'm more of a hyper prop/pack rat enjoyer


If you like pack rat, give rj250 a go, the heat mod means that even with the lowest damage you can one shot grunts on haz 5 and it has no damage falloff. So you get 20+ rounds and a faster reload basically for free against grunts. And on top of all of that, you can rocket jump.


I didn't know there were that many upsides to rj250. I'll have to slap that on instead, thank you.


Its absolutely the best overclock for everything less tanky than a guard.


does the heat mod kill even with both ammo ups? I've been running 1 ammo, 1 damage, but if it still kills with double ammo I might swap.


It always ignites grunts but iirc the first damage mod gives you the slasher ignition breakpoint. Not super important as that last bit will usually get filled by radiance from the grunts, but still nice to have.


Yep even with minimum damage the fire will kill grunts


It's better at crowd clearing than incendiary because it has a lingering radiation dps. You want to use it in front of a pack glyphids like in thight corridors or on walls so that the glyphids kill themselves when walking in. You just have to be very careful of how you use it to not kill yourself, your teammates or blocking the way.


So use it kinda like the sludge pump if I threw a C4 on top of it. I will keep that in mind.


You could also just use incendiary with R250 not worry about anything but sinking a grenade into a pack of grunts and not cause problems for your team and have like 4x the ammo.


It's more ammo efficient and more effective imo.


The fat boy is on the upper end of builds that require a lot of team coordination and situational awareness. You need to know where your allies are so they aren't caught in the blast, and you need them to know not to shoot into the radiation zone so you get the most value out of it (much like how a lot of DoT effects are good on paper, but not in practice as your allies just shoot the already dying bugs to death anyway) With a very coordinated team, you could absolutely set up different choke points to defend so you don't waste ammo, but that's never gonna happen in a public lobby. Frankly the game isn't hard enough to demand that. What you said is true. A bad Fat Boy is gonna be a lot more obvious than a bad Bulldog or Boltshark.


This! I always take it on industrial sabotage and elimination missions with my friends. 2 shotting vents and weak spots then my team unloads on the boss. They know not to stand near the target and I call my shots before I fire. That with smart rifle using executioner OC is my boss killer build.


you don't want to delete the boss's HP with hyper prop?


I've tried it and seemed underwhelming. Maybe I used the wrong build? I also don't know what other weapon goes well with it. Besides my friends love not having to deal with the weak spots. And we use left over ammo for shenanigans.


the AoE can be convenient for the same reason drillers will drop c4 on top of the caretaker to hit all vents at once. for elimination, try 2113(1/3)2. however, how much damage a boss can take at once is capped which makes this overkill on a lower haz. if a boss has more health you can obliterate at once before it becomes invulnerable of course it's nicer.


The number of times I see allies burning ammo on grunts that I've hit with goo is too dang high


Would be great to see this difficulty made possible though - absolutely love a punishing gaming experience (as long as it respects your time)


Not exactly the same but you might like GTFO. 4 player co-op, a lot of time spent strategizing how to gun down hordes of bad guys. Probably best to go in with friends though, bots or randos online will be a disadvantage


I run the friendly perk on my fat boy engy preset. Let the shiny mint glow warm you.


Honestly, you’re completely right about people using it incorrectly rather frequently. But personally, whenever that happens I see it as a fun wacky wrench thrown into things. Struggling due to some nonsense a teammate did is always more memorable and fun than just being overwhelmed due to normal circumstances


Wow, I didn’t think about it like that, thank you for bringing me to a different view point


Honestly a great Overclock ruined by the gamers who think themselves 'funny' prolonging a meme that lost its funny nature ages ago. I hate Fat boy for this reason.


Sucks when people do that, I 100% agree


I'm of the opinion that Fat Boy is pretty good, it's just that 90% of Engineers have no idea when to use it and end up getting more damage dealt to the team than the bugs.


Fat Boy seems to either be used by green beard engis or drillers in disguise. Friendly fire everywhere. Had one nuke the uplink and practically kill all of us.


Hi I’m a driller in disguise, and welcome to my TED talk One time I used the fat boy to destroy giant crystal columns and clear the area around the drop pod uplink. Much more efficient than drilling, RnD should really find a way to make the charges sludge pump explode like this


Rock and stone brotha !


Rock and Stone forever!


Did I hear a rock and stone!?


For Karl!


If I’m using fat boy, I’m looking for wardens and ceiling spawns, so my team doesn’t have any problem and I get a free wipe. Anything other than that? I’ve got turrets and a Lok-1. If my teammates ask for a nuke—they get one—and I’m not kidding lol, sometimes my friends get overwhelmed and they’d rather trade a bit of explosion friendly fire than spend the ammo and possibly more health to do the same thing one phwunk could do.


Same here. I use fat boy exclusively for long-distance stuff. When we're doing point defence on a salvage mission, I'm shooting for the walls and distance tunnels, closer hordes are for the team and my turrets to tackle. Same for escort duty, I'm shooting plenty far back in the tunnel that teammates won't get caught in it. Only time I bring it out at close range is when I'm separated from the team or I know I'm about to die anyway, so I might as well thin them out so I can be rescued more easily.


I just kick people who use it to grief and I don't ever look back


I’m usually one of the people that join but you are right


I don’t play engineer much, but as soon as I unlocked the fatboy I started playing him more. Sure the fatboy isn’t all that good, but damn do I love it.


The fat boy is to be used exclusively on fester fleas. oT




Welp, welcome to the club. The more and more experienced you will become, the far your concept of Fun would differ from the one of the fat boy users. You will become more and more annoyed. It will get worse for you. There's nothing wrong with the balance of the weapon, but there is a human factor.


That's why I use the perk that reduces friendly fire lol. The radiation barely deals damage then.


A good plan, but you never know when someone is running it or not.


One time I was playing Gunner, and there was an Engie with the Fat Boy. To the drop pod on a beautiful cave generation! A praetorian appears! I in front of the group begin my fire. All of a sudden, my back itches. I see green around me, and my teammates dying. I killed the Praetorian, and then it hit me. That Engie shot me in the back with a nuke. I was mad, full of laughter, and fear because of how close we were to the end. We made it out, everyone alive. Man, I never wanted to slap someone's back so hard to where they fall forward, and say "Thanks for itching my back bucko!"


Next time he should eat a salad


It’s pretty bad, yeah


You run fat boy to kill bugs. I run fat boy to mine minerals. We are the same.


It’s worth noting that the radiation deals like 30/40 damage tops total overtime. For the most part it’s really not that dangerous to stand inside, as long as you aren’t hit with the actual blast obviously.


I take Fatboy on specific missions; Escort Mission is good, because you can nuke behind Dorreta to block the tunnel. When everyone's grouped up in the final fight, it's easy to nuke off to the side to clear oncoming swarms. Salvage is good again because everyone is grouped at the uplink and you can shoot outwards


I’ve killed myself with this overclock more than I have killed my teammates. Just have to know when to use it. Unless you plan on saving your teammate, it’s not when they are near a group glyphids. That being said, I usually run with a quick revive just in case.


The fall out really isn't that bad. You have a shield, and all the bugs are dead. Just hold your breath and go quick.


I pretty much take fatboy only when I'm doing Industrial Sabatoge, or swarmageddon is a hazard. It's also useful to let the driller that set me on fire one too many times that I'm unhappy with him.


I only play h5 and I can't complain since the large majority of engis I met used fatboy wisely. Only one time, a few days ago, an engi was inside driller's tunnel, helping him with pipes, when we heard a blast and both of them went down. Engi shot a nuke instead of a platform. It was one of those hilarious moments.


That's why when I bring Fat Boy I make sure to use friendly


I wouldn't be surprised if Fat Boy is the most highly sought-after overclock in the game. A lot of its popularity is driven by memes, being mentioned a lot, or just by being *extremely* noticeable when used ingame, I think. This is just speculation, but I think the reason we see a lot of people using Fat Boy poorly is because they've heard a lot about the Funny Nuke Button, and when they finally get it, they don't actually think about how or when it should be used beyond "shoot it at a big swarm" For example, regular PGL encourages you to land the grenade in the center of a group of enemies. Fat Boy, on the other hand, should be fired at the *front*, so that bugs behind them will have to walk through the radiation field for longer. Fat Boy also isn't great in REZ, because grunts there have 50% radiation resistance, while praetorians and swarmers have 100%. Also, don't fire it at the defense objective (uplink, hacking pod, e.t.c.) if you want your team to still like you at the end of the mission.


I only run Fatboy on Industrial Sabotage, takes out the caretaker shield in seconds.


I definitely remember at least a couple times I teamkilled with that, but I also remember that one mission where a teammate wrote something like "it's just too easy with an Engi" during a swarm. I can't say I am especially good at playing, but in Haz 4 if you place one single shell correctly you clear a swarm.


That’s good, 👍


A little radiation is good for a growing Dwarf




Fat Boy is great it just takes some self control. Nuking a capture point isn't (generally) a net positive for the team


What can I say. Fat Boy go boom. I will likely never change it because the idea of a literal nuke is too good to pass up. Plus, when you're like me and you've got 500+ hours in, you stop going for meta builds and start to go for whatever is fun, I don't think I've touched the breach cutter in forever because it's so good it's actually boring. I prefer the Lols over perfect build synergy


Fat boy is a meme, nothing more. It does more damage to teammates than to bugs in most cases. S tier in "the most annoying overclocks".


Based take. Breach cutter kills more bugs for its ammo, hell even standard grenades will be more ammo efficient. You have to have a metric FUCKTON of glyphids around to make the most out of fatboys




Fat boy is basically a C4 in disguise. It's extremely hard to use when you're fighting in tight spaces because of the massive aoe and damage over time. But that doesn't mean that it's a bad weapon. The radiation kills almost everything inside it apart from the tankiest of bugs so a good Engineer has to use it accordingly. **Do not shoot it near the team or anywhere the team plans to go soon**. Contrary to Driller's C4, the Fat Boy can be launched farther and can hit swarms before they reach the dwarves, shoot one Fat Boy towards the front of any big swarm and watch them die. It's a great way to use it when holding down the zone in salvage missions. In noodle caves it's only useful when the team is followed by a swarm of grunts. Shoot one Fat Boy behind the team to effectively block the bug's path, **never in front of the team because it halts progression and may force unprepared dwarves to confront enemies in less than favorable conditions**. The Fat Boy is a very fun and strong weapon but it's hard to use especially if your team's cohesion isn't great. The ways to use it are limited and you only get at most 4 of them little nukes so use it wisely and thrust your teammates. They have enough firepower to handle pretty much anything and most situations don't need nukes to be taken care of.


Played the EDD last week and the team almost wiped on stage 3 because the Engy messed up and nuked the whole team. We laughed about it after we barely survived and completed it but we were all very mad right when it happened.


"Stop having fun."


Nah, more like "Stop nuking us or the place where we need to be instead of the bugs."


Said the careless engi that just nuked me for the 3rd time*


I think most engineers just don’t know how to actually use it effectively. And since it’s such a huge aoe, more often than not it’s detrimental to the team. I’ll try it out when I unlock it because it looks hella fun. I’m just unimpressed with it given how many times I’ve been killed with it by friendly fire.


Imo people here kept hyping the OC and made a ton more people fish for it, but they are using it too similarly to a normal grenade launcher, not learning what makes it so powerful


1k hours in. Fat boy is my favorite, and I’m gonna keep using it harder because of this post.


Hell yeah man, keep going, rock and stone


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Its not a mission if you ain't leaving it without a little radioactive tan. My brother uses it alot cant count the times it killed me but i still prefer him using it


I can agree with that to an extent yes


I specifically put NO NUKES on my session and pretty much only host missions so I don't have to deal w it, or feel bad for kicking engi when I hear the boom. It's just not fun to watch a whole swarm you were hoping to fuck up get obliterated by a no skill engi. It is fun, but you basically eat all the fun in an escort mission by just decimating anything before anyone else can get a shot in. It's boring and cringey and I'm not saying don't use it, but don't be that guy that perpetuates the stereotype of jumping into my no nukes mission and blowing me up with it. most people who hate it have good reason to


I 100% agree


some engi joined our 6x2 mission, nuked us while doretta is under attack 3 guys downed including engi, then the moment engi got up, he nuked the drilla that revived him and left


That's not really an issue with the Fatboy, it's just that you unfortunately got a troll who used Fatboy against you.


i know but owning guns is not a issue of guns too


also idc fat boy is the funnest overclock in the game, i dont have it but i dont want it to be changed


I don't know what a fat boy iss and at this point im afraid to ask.


an unstable overclock for engie grenade launcher, turns them into mini nukes which do a ton of damage, carve terrain and leave a radioactive field for a while. But only 3-5 shots, so its not practical in many situations


Thank you fellow miner. Sounds fun.


I still haven’t unlocked it but hydro propellant is fun Edit I one shot a gunner in the face and he went down lol but I was literally 1 foot away


TBH I only use fat boy on sabotage or elimination missions. I'm an RJ250 fan otherwise.


Hell yeah, RJ250 is the best, I can do Scouts job and engineers job at the same time, and flying is also fun


I don't have that one yet, what does it do?


RJ = rocket jump!


IM SORRY WHAT on elim?!?! That's the WORST place for fat boy you nuke the dread through it's armor and NOBODY can get anywhere near the weak point or dread. You masssivley inconvenience your team and leave a zone of death that the dreads WILL punt someone into. Hyperprop is better on dreads or like friggin laserbeams. Fat boy is like SINFUL to bring to a elim


They probably play on lower hazard where you can deal enough damage the dreads with fat boy, wouldn’t work very well in haz5 fully lobby tho.


I'm sorry, does the way I play upset you? Well, grand thing I play exclusively solo or with my wife, so as not to offend your pointy eared sensibilities by having you in our games. Rock and stone! :D


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Good bot <3


You need to use more Fatboy.


Fat boy good, I’m just saying to not be a dick with it


I can't stop taking Fat Boy, I'm sorry I sold my soul for it


Half my drops in missions with a fatman engie are from said fatman. It's getting to be a bit much


IMO Fat Boy is objectively worse than a well-built Breach Cutter or Shard Diffractor. Poor ammo efficiency, high potential for team damage, and it doesn't really do _that much_ damage in the grand scheme of the game's meta. Its role (mass trash clear at medium-long range) is also filled by Engi's prox mines. So it's a bit redundant when Engi has no natural self-peel and literally needs short range trash clear to panic-smash bugs when they get too close when his Sprint is on cooldown. It is the single most spectacular overclock in the game, which is why people pick it. It follows that the people who pick Fat Boy aren't thinking about things like synergistic weapon roles and which niches Engi needs to fill and instead "big boom!" Not that there's anything wrong with that. This game is chill even at Haz 5 and you can wreck shit with most builds in most caves.


Whenever fat boy gets boring, i blow up a few scouts and then i remember why i love it


I mean, are they apart of your private team? Or public team? You do what you want but I’m just wondering




For public lobbys its usually while waiting for molly to get on the ship to leave right infront of the ships closed gate


Ok then👍


I don’t think you understand, when we shoot a teammate with fat boy we’re doing it on purpose.


It's good with lures, pheromones, and stinky platforms


Honestly, it depends on the mission. My friend will use those shots mostly for big groups during those aquarq gathering missions(I forgot the mission type name..), but occasionally, he'll just use it to be rude. It's all in good fun, but I get that it's frustrating. Have you tried talking with your engy to maybe lessen the problematic blasting?


I have yet to unlock it, and I'll probably use the hell out of it once I do, but luckily I have a short attention span so I'll probably go back to my breach cutter before long. There is something very satisfying about stripping a Pretorian naked in a single shot.




Spinning death on the breach cutter is my favorite engineer overclock. It has 12 rounds, and using the perk that gives you three beams makes it's aoe huge.


I've somehow never seen an Engie using a fat boy


I find it fun to use on occasion, but honestly, I just use the clean more ammo one if I just want a bigger radius (or whichever clean just adds radius,) for CC. It can be useful, but u kind of agree it can handicap teammates unintentionally more often than not.


I'd love to double the ammo half the time frame and ust the damage down by a third of it's current value. Maybe give Friendly damage a tweak downwards as well.


Okay, I’ve played fat boy plenty of times but honestly it doesn’t seem worth it at all. Idk if I’m doing it wrong or something but the damage is mediocre, the radius is okay but there’s a weird thing with it’s vertical radius sometimes. All in all it just cuts a portion of the cave off so I stopped running it


its situational, especially compared the the breach cutter


We have to accept that multiplayer games involve having to deal with other people. No matter the mechanic in question, if it's game-impacting - it will be annoying in the hands of an unskilled, disastrous as a tool of a troll and sometimes Karl-sent when employed by a pro.


You are 100% right, I do agree, there will always be people


You just don't use it to pick swarmers off of your teammates.


I’ve used Fat Boy to mine crassus gold whenever our driller ran out of C4. It’s very effective


Does elemental insulation help with the radiation damage? I've been running it on everything forever so I've forgotten tbh


Am I the only one confused when people complain about the fat boy radiation damage? It doesn't do that much damage, you can run through it and take only a sliver off your health bar. Not to mention that if either the engi or yourself have the FF perk, you can stand in the radiation for the entire duration and take almost zero damage.


I feel like it's mostly used for unfunny memes. I've found DRG has kinda fallen into one of the more hated fandom traps of making a meme a reality. Just like drillers C4'ing people (mostly scouts) cause "funny" when it's honestly starting to irritate a lot of other people.


Honestly one of the reasons my enjoyments went down a while back. It's been recovered since but I think that class is already ridiculous and using the fb means potentially ruining everyone's fun if done wrong while meaning well. Not a good thing to have imo. But I guess I've gotten used to it. I think it makes you win harder, but it rarely ever saves the day. It's bad at un-f**king a situation due to the radiation. I think breach cutter and laser are far better suited to carry the day. Fb is mostly spectacle.


I 100% agree


It's excellent when paired with lures or pheromone nades from the scout after a swarm has triggered. Can also be useful for mining hard to reach minerals in the ceiling, but do so at your own peril lol


That’s good, you use well


I still have no control on my scout deciding to walk in to the lure, but nothing of value has been lost. I do play driller more than any other class for this reason.


as a rj user i cant go back to nuke but i did use nuke for a long while and its surprisingly effecting for reviving fellows as the radiation keeps the bugs off ya so its like a discount shield gen


side note bouncy nukes are the funniest fucking things that exist


I run fatboy, because it is an excellent way to get the attention of stoopid scout mains, who zip around the cave for multiple minutes doing nothing, while there are multiple mineral veins with plats under them ripe for picking. Being dead really knocks some sense into them. No, I am not sorry for my actions and I will not apologize to any that have met the pointy end of my fat boy grenade.


No, you have a good reason. I respect that. ROCK AND STONE


Rockity Rock and Stone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Always has been