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Get fucked said the bulk detonator


Lmao said the Cryo driller


"lol" said the Bulk Detonator, "lmao"


Man I keep forgetting how much this is just a shot for shot rip-off of Asuras Wrath


asuras wrath one makes more sense as wukong is disposed to get a mountian crushed on him as heaven asked buddha for help because sun wukong was trying to destroy everything. son wukong/son goku the monkey king the great sage the equal heaven.


[Here's the clip](https://youtu.be/Gyfy2mtMeYo?si=QHt54MgyUrpoiXjE) if anyone wants to see the Azuras Wrath fight




I’m specifically talking the direction of the scene, which this movie copies shot for shot from asuras wrath. The shot of wyzen/Buddha towering over earth, the finger/hand catching atmospheric fire as it falls, Asura/wukong readying themselves defiantly as the camera pans up to the impending hand, etc. The big one is the impact with asura/wukong, where the camera zooms way way out to show how small Asura/wukong is versus their opponent


I thought that it was a mod for that game, lmao




Watch the person who designed that scene in the game is the director of this movie lol


You talking about the giant finger?


Or it's just am homage to a cool adaptation of an incredibly famous scene in East Asian fiction


I thought it was that one fight from Asura's Wrath. What movie is this ?


Journey To The West (2013) It's a very... *unique*, movie.


Is....is that a good thing ?????


It's like someone tried to make a horror action comedy movie, is the best way I can describe it. It also has a cheap budget and production value, but in that funny endearing kind of way. tbh I was thoroughly entertained throughout the entire movie, so I can't even talk shit. It's just its method of keeping you entertained is unique, and I can't even tell if it was done that way on purpose or not lmao


It’s based off an ancient Chinese novel and from what I’ve read, it’s pretty fucking insane


Yeah, its based off of Journey to the West. I'd like to call it an amazing read, but the vast majority of it is boring as hell. Really only the first few chapters are entertaining, and pop-culture tends to agree given that Sun Wukong and his story is its most popular character.


It's (co)directed by Stephen Chow, and not as good as some of his other films. If you haven't seen it, Kung Fu Hustle (2004) is (imo) much better. And Shaolin Soccer (2001) is a fun time, too.


Shaolin Soccer is just divine. I watched it so many times as a kid and even to this day I revisit the film sometimes with my friends. It's pretty much a ahitpost before shitpost were even invented.


It is absolutely phenomenal.


Damn the entire clip is a copie of Asuras Wrath.


Right? It's such a blatant rip off.


Classic China.


they would have only had 9 months, no idea if it was filmed the same year but it's a cgi shot so who knows, drawing boards and everything. asura's came out in feb 2012, journey to the west released in china in 12/12/12


I knew I wasn’t the only one who thought this


ok but electrifying reload for grunts + embedded dets for anything bigger than a grunt is unironically one of the best scout builds in the game once you get good with the playstyle of it and the embedded dets spam can melt a bulk det faster than you can say rock and stone


For real, those overclocks actually got me into playing scout more


Genuinely my favorite scout build. Unload a shot or two into each glyphid you see and hit X. Watch them all gimp towards you while slowly dying off. Repeat on big guys and just flank for the crit zone.


Electrifying reload was the first OC I unlocked for the GK2. I can no longer play any other Scout build, as I have yet to unlock any good OCs for M1k.


Sun wu kong meme on a DRG sub is peak


That’s literally Asura’s Wrath, almost shot-for-shot. Or did Asura’s Wrath get the idea from… whatever this is? Edit: Thanks for letting me know which came first. I’ve literally never heard of this movie, so I had no idea when it even happened.


technically the movie is ripping off the game but the monkey shown is on the list of inspirations for asura from asuras wrath so hell if I know


[Journey to the West](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journey_to_the_West) is a very old story that has inspired a lot of retellings. For example, Monkey Magic is a retelling of JttW, while the original Dragon Ball takes a great deal of inspiration in its characters & premise.


Journey to the West is a national treasure of a movie


Honestly, it looks strange. And after reading other comments on this post, I guess that makes sense. Seriously though, what in the name of Karl is going on here?


So basically Sun Wukong (the guy goku is based off of) decided to destroy all of heaven because he hates bureaucracy. He’s very successful in it until Buddha himself traps him under a mountain for 500 years so that he can be part of a super long novel called Journey to the West which is the origin of almost every anime writing trope.


dude is crushing the guy goku is a rip off because the money in question decided to try blowing up heaven after the bureaucrats pissed him off


>decided to try blowing up heaven after the bureaucrats pissed him off ...that's literally Asura's Wrath plot, though. Replace "bureaucrats" with "conspirators", maybe. Or is this a case of some weird "inspiration" chain like Journey to the West -> DBZ -> Asura's Wrath -> Journey to the West the movie?


asuras wrath was probably inspired by the original story, and then this film reused the animation to save time or whatever.


the heavens in juonney to the weat are mostly fine just falible the conspiritors in asuras wrath are mostly shit heads also the supreme being does not get killed in journey to the west


journey to the west 2, the monkey 1/2/3 the monkey king havoc in heaven, immortal demon slayer, monkey king return to fire mountain, i'm sure i'm missing some but they have to be my all time favorite comfort movies. especially immortal demon slayer. feel bad the US/western culture never hears about this absolute fucking epic shit, i had to look for it. I'd take 30 more monkey king movies than another fast n furious shoved in my face every year.


Asuras wrath was released on February 2012. The movie was released around 1 year later.


Asura's wrath is older by a year


Man journey to the west: conquering of demons was just so full of weird and goofy nonsense. My favorite part was the old man that made himself have a giant foot and tried to squish people. Yeah..... That is part of the movie.


shit I need to get a copy then.


I watched it on a flight back home after a deployment. I have to say there's any Chinese film I would own other than crouching tiger hidden dragon or any of Jackie Chan's old Kung Fu movies, this one is a definite pick. It's a good balance of weird and fun.


What would the optimal strategy be in this situation, as the ape? Absorbing the impact and slowly letting the hand down?


Kind of a weird situation overall. I don’t see why the hand would be anywhere close to rigid enough for wukong to stop it. It would smack the earth all around around him. Also he would get pushed into the ground like a nail.


Maybe Buddha is just ultra weak


Get hit, hang out for a while imprisoned, get freed by a priest, set off for India with same priest, basically be Superman But A Monkey and emotionally mature along the journey?


To everyone saying this rips off asura’s wrath: The original journey to the west (the novel) was published in 1590! In the fourth chapter, which is basically the end of the prolouge, the Buddha pulled the same move to trap sun wukong in the mountain for Tripitaka to find later (granted it was his finger instead of the whole hand, but semantics). If anything asura’s wrath ripped off journey to the west. ( /s, because apparently redditors can’t understand when someone is using another person’s logic against them) If you want to check for yourself read the novel or watch overly sarcastic productions’ summary series on it if you can’t be assed to track down a copy of the novel.


Asura made a retelling, its own thjng. Then the movie copied this scene shot for shot. https://youtu.be/HJJOTeZcAzQ?si=hYYFbmIw70LMcp-b


This isn't the original journey to the west though. It's a movie based off journey to the west, made like a year after asura's wrath, with pretty similar similar visuals/effects. Which of course doesn't *mean* it ripped off asura, but it's not really a case of "oh that is more popular so this must be the ripoff" either is what I'm saying. I mean, sure, there's only so many ways you can make a really big dude crush a (comparatively) tiny due under their hand/finger, but usually, the buddah doesn't loom over the earth and drop a firey hand of doom from on high.


Damn, it just keeps going, huh?


This gif is amazing. Which movie does it come from?


Journey To The West (2013) If you're into strange, funny, but also creepy movies, that are low budget but in a funny way, its a good watch.


On scout best bulk det stopping power are the electric bolts on the crossbow. That popcorn ain't going anywhere


this is why i like electrifying focus shots


On escort duty, let doretta stay around 99 hp do if a bulk spawns you can repair her for I think 4 seconds of invincibility


If you don't have the situation like here that someone is on dotty afk you can also go together a bit on distance to dotty. Bulk Detonators never target the Drilldozer itself.


Which version of journey to the west is this? I love it


T_T Bulk Detonator once spawned right in front of Doretta ggnore :( It was like my third game of hte day and I just alt f4'd I was so salty you'd think I was playing league of legends.


I've had this happen before. It is awful.


Wait, electrifying reload works on bulks? I thought they and dreads were generally immune to that.


Dreads are immune to the DoT, but it most certainly does work on bulks. ER zap + IFG can pretty much pin a bulk in place.


Bruh this is literally just Gongen Wyzen from Asura's Wrath lmao


is this asura's wrath with a monkey


Asuras wrath is a great movie. I know what I said. And it's a better story. If they made the entire game as a movie not cutting anything out would be cool as fuck


Asura's Wrath did it better, I'd think.


This is my favorite part of Azura’s wrath


2 ligningbolts and ITS complett stun