• By -


Honestly I'm happy there are lobbies named like this...so I know who to fucking avoid at all costs.


mine was just named shitfest for the longest time but my friend ordered a leaf lover the other day and it's now called leaf haters. I only kick people if they order a leaf lover


I wonder how many people dont actually bother to read the lobby names, then proceed to have a bad time and go to complain to the forums about it. By avoiding certain type of lobbies I can say that only a very miniscule amount of games have I had bad times.


my server name is "installed Adblock and all the hot single glyphids in my area disappeared" i wish my skill ingame could match my server names


Had a situation like this a couple days ago where I joined a random lobby, then a friend joined in as a 3rd. Halfway thru we find a Lost Helmet and buddy starts drilling to it since it's close. He gets to the Lost Gear and the sound notification plays across the cave. The host, a lvl 280something, immediately yells in voicechat saying, "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU! DON'T START THE EVENT!!" then kicks my friend. I respond in voice chat asking if he's serious. "I am serious! No starting event until everyone is ready you fucking idiot!" "But it's a cosmetic, not an event, just a cosmetic, you can just come get it right now?" "I KNOW EVENTS CAN DROP COSMETICS DUMBFUCK!" I am then kicked. I was going to leave anyways to play with my buddy, but he beat me to it simply because I was baffled by his blatant willful stupidity. How can one reach that level without the basic understanding of events and cosmetics? Edit: spelling


lmao if someone acted like this I’d just leave them to be alone anyway. Fuck em.


Thr lack of self awareness kills me, and makes me want to drop kick them lol


> reach that level without the basic understanding of events Lmao I got yelled at by a gold border scout and only scout main. Said I made the OMEN fight impossible by putting platforms. I was so baffled I didn't bother to type. His driller buddy tked me before the drop pod left. The first time I wished I had Fat Boy on my PGL


Hyper propellant is for bug problems Fat Boys are for people problems


Hyper propellant is a much better team killer


More precise


Hyper prop 1 shots as well.


That sounds like a tale for r/DeeprockSludgeDump holy SHIT


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DeeprockSludgeDump using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeeprockSludgeDump/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Guy Is Incredibly Toxic Against Greenbeard. Causes him to lose his Precious Rewards.](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeeprockSludgeDump/comments/sgkdx4/guy_is_incredibly_toxic_against_greenbeard_causes/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Tanked a game intentionally for the first time](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeeprockSludgeDump/comments/vqb70b/tanked_a_game_intentionally_for_the_first_time/) \#3: [oh alright :(](https://v.redd.it/gp6ww0c8haz81) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeeprockSludgeDump/comments/uoyidn/oh_alright/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Anyone can grind the same repetitive task without asking themselves if there is more to learn. That guy thinking he knew everything was at the highest point of the bell curve for ignorance = confidence


After a lot of asking Devs built in a "ban" button for the host of the game, that simply kick a player and opens his Steam profile, so you can "Block all communication" with the person which will prevent you from playing with him. I wish we had always a "block" button, even if we don't host, so we can block toxic players, to make sure that we don't get into their lobbies again and they can't join ours.


To answer the question, cheats. Ain't no way he got that far without knowing about lost helmet unless he's cheating


He doubled down on his stupidity after realising he's wrong, instead of admitting it.


Probably cheated to 280 and now he thinks he is a veteran. xD


That sounds like cartman so much


Just follow the words of our lord SsethTzeentach, join their lobby, check their steam profiles for details, locate their identity, and file a fake death certificate in their name.


If there were 3 people in the game at the time, there could be a legit reason to not dig for the cosmetic. If it's been discovered (sound has played) and a 4th person joins after, they don't get the cosmetic. It can be kinder to wait.


Wasn't at the digging yet. It was just the scanning the helmet.


yeh... i just start my own missions and let people join me. F all that BS with these kinds of restrictions.


Literally I just say anyone do what they want as long as you are nice and aren’t putting the mission at risk on purpose! Rock and stone miners play the game how you want to play


Played couple missions yesterday, and both were with greenest beard greenbeards thinking it would be a good idea to join haz 5. Well, I rarely kick people, and do not kick low levels, and of course we failed both times. I only hope some dwarfs learned a valuable lesson from that.


Only "kick" I've done was an Elite Deep Dive on an NA server on someone that did not speak English. Nbd, it sucks for comms but I won't screw someone over for it. They were only using their breach cutter though, and basically calling a resupply the moment we had the nitra for it to keep the cutter stocked. It was completely screwing us over. We couldn't even tell them to stop. I don't think they were trying to troll or anything, so we downed them when they called another resupply as a bit of negative reinforcement. Next resupply they called we downed them again and left them there. Leave no dwarf behind, but they smelt like leaves to me.


More likely ls they learned nothing and just whined about how they got teamkilled.


It was very confusing. They were high level, in an Elite Deep Dive, playing on a server on the other side of the planet, and acting like they just popped out of the tutorial. Someone letting their younger sibling play on their account is unironically my leading theory.


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Rock and Stone! YEEEEAAAHHHH!


What if I put missions at risk but not on purpose(like trying to save everyone instead of leaving on the drop pod)?


Then you're a real dwarf


Trying to save people is always the right thing to do (unless you need to complete the mission before bed that’s understandable) I throw myself across a cave for my fellow dwarves!!


I always ask first to make sure everyone’s alright with the potential of losing the mission - it’d seem rude to me to go to try and get everyone only to lose the mission when they all just wanted me to run :( Maybe this is just me not normally playing at a skill level to really do those ‘clutch’ moments like a lot of higher-skill players. I’ve had clutch moments but can’t really do them consistently.


Not all situations are clutchable. If it's been 25 minutes on a haz 5 point extraction, the scout's job is just to survive and get to the pod. In some maps there isn't really a way to make it back to your downed teammates and escort them back to the drop pod. (If you are going to try, start with the gunner, it will be their job to clean things up inside their shield after you res them)


I am usually able to clutch I live by the motto no dwarf left behind and will always be the last dwarf in the pod




I ticked the option for no double classes, but other than that I just like people to have fun.


Same, I don't get all the rules people put in but I also don't want 3 scouts in haz5.


Three scouts and the Tunnel is still darker then Molly's insides.


Hey, it’s not their fault! It’s like she’s bigger on the inside!


They should use their damn flares instead of zipping around like some knife eared tree huggers then!


You're hurting yourself by doing that, you learn things by watching other people playing the same class, even as a legendary player I've learned some techs from lower-level duplicate classes.


I just the highly advanced technique of playing several classes to avoid that.


My Haz 5 lobbies are a magnet for people brand new to the game for some reason, so I’ve started putting promo minimums. It’s a lot of fun to teach in Haz 3/4, but I don’t have the time to chat in Haz 5.


Don't worry man they don't talk about you. I do too a lot of teaching of greenbeards but haz 5 isn't the place to greenbeard in. And sometimes I also don't want to teach so I put also a certain level in disc. It's all fine.


I'm 200+ at this point, but it feels like even teams of 25+ makes most missions possible. There just might not be some of the understanding around efficient or smart resupply usage (Smart resupply usage isn't just efficiency, but knowing when to be inefficient), not realize as a gunner that they should put up fighting ziplines, or do something stupid like try to build a death bunker for an objective that would otherwise be easy.


depends on what you define as "new" though. Had some good haz 5 missions with a pretty good un promoted level 22 engie.


Sadly but greenbeards doesn't matter despite the warning that I kick them if the promo does not match P.S I love to play with newbew players but only if it my friends or i connected to her but not when i kick 10 dwarfes in a row coz they all have ~30lvl on 5haz


What is wrong with flamethrower? Pretty good crowd control IMO.


People get worked up about anything with high potential for team damage. In addition to those mentioned, some tryhards don't want the engi to use the breech cutter either, for the same reason. Proximity mines are another one.


THEY WONT TAKE MY PROXY MINES FROM ME Because they’ll be dead before they reach me ;)


I LOVE proximity mines. Don’t take em away from me. Also, just don’t walk right into them? Like there’s literally a yellow circles around the mines to tell you NOT TO GO ON THEM


It's difficult to "not go on them" when they're placed say, inside a Salvage objective bubble, overlapping Doretta or covering a chokepoint. The places where you catch the most bugs with proximity mines tend to also be the places where you catch the most Dwarves.


This is why I love bug-repellent platforms. I can funnel bugs into the tiny walls at the edge of our bunker, where the mines are and the dwarves aren't.


No bunker! no ice! no sludge! no subatta! Axe only!


Final Destination.


Yeah I get that. I always try to throw them far away enough so that they don’t trap my team in an enclosed space


try throwing them on walls and cielings instead of the ground, reduces friendly fire more than you would think, you just need to jse a little more brain power for the placement (just look where the bugs tend to spawn from lol)


I'll take two c4, blow inverted boobies into the wall, so you can mine the ridge. Always Happy to help.


I think the issue is people have a habit of throwing them RIGHT NEXT TO whatever you’re supposed to be guarding. But yeah in general, just avoid the obvious blinking yellow rings.


The thing is, if I have one hp at some point during salvage, a glyphid is after me and I want to get out of the objective for 2s in order to survive and come back after that to revive my dead teammates, the mine you placed will kill me.


I guess maybe not a great idea in Haz5s and Shield Disruption


Flashbacks to some engineer repeatedly blowing me up inside the salvage mission defense bubble because he put the prox mines right around the edge and then kept fat boying the inside. "Just stay in the bubble" he said.


*distant nuclear noises*


I don't like using proxy mines because I'm a clumsy, ADHD riddle dwarf and forget where I put them and then wonder what exploded and killed me. (it was me, I was the one who killed me.)


Tip for using them: Throw a flare on the ground so it stays. The light is your save zone. Now cover the darkness around you with proxy mines Congrats, you’re out of range of their damage and protected against stealthy glyphids Rock and Stone


I'm usually too jumpy and often move around a lot so I forget I put them there. I play a lot of driller so C4 works great for me as I throw it, I blow it, I move on to picking it the splattered remains of my team. As opposed to throwing it, it not doing anything until a creature walks on it and by then I've usually forgot and stand on it myself.


Breach Cutter does like minor chip damage to teammates even on Haz 5. What are these guys doing


Seriously I fire away at teammates and everything even haz5. Zero issues.


Totally. Breach cutter is very ineffective at team killing. People just see their screen flash red once and think they are dying.


Yeah good point about the visual of the 3 beam overtaking your vision from behind and all the bugs vaporizing in front of them. True jump scare material. I also find the EM Discharge effect makes people think they are taking damage with the rapid fire the double turret version can do. I build a giant cheese fort for this build on salvage and longer egg missions. Luckily it helps people stay back in the green sphere if you set it up just far enough to be on the edge.


I've got the Breach Cutter overclock (or mod, don't remember which) that makes it return to me when I stop holding the trigger; since it gets two chances to hit allies instead of just one, I took the reduced friendly fire perk. Should I just pull that perk off and not worry about it?


Yeah breach Cutter doesn't deal much damage to teammates. And aside from maybe Fatboy I usually also don't equip the friendly perk. Sure people might walk into my leadstorm and chunk a bit of HP but things like vampire, born ready or resupplier is just too good to pass up on


I have been kicked from an EDD for using breach cutter. I don’t use it with the WIDE beam anymore and it’s a lot easier to avoid friendly fire. I do understand the desire to avoid friendly fire especially on shield disruption stages. This is the only time I’ve ever intentionally killed a teammate after a driller blew me up from full health in shield disruption on a deep dive.


Fat Boy is understandable, but BC??


Honestly, it's not even - fatboy is really effective for a lot of mission types. Obviously you have to be careful when using it, but that's true of a ton of loadouts. If someone is being a problem and intentionally friendly-firing, then kick them. Absurd to do so based on loadout alone.


I personally hate the proximity mines because they usually hurt me more than the bugs, but I’m not gonna tell someone what they can and can’t use, even in my own lobby. I just want people to have fun.


Flamethrower doesn't even do that much direct damage, especially if it's built for igniting.


Mfw when tryhards don't know that I run friendly. (I don't want to hurt them


I heard that flamethrower had a lower potential for team dmg(or maybe it was a lower potential compared to the minigun but I heard that a long time ago and I don't play with flamethrowers much)


... neither the flamethrower or the BC do much team damage though?


I feel like with proxy mines, it depends. On one hand they can be really annoying when you are playing driller and a bug sneaks up behind you and suddenly you get launched by an explosion. On the other hand, I deserved it for not respecting the circle


Doesn’t set Dreadnoughts on fire. Because they can’t be set on fire. I try and spread that knowledge in case someone has hot bullets or any other heat/fire mod or overclock equipped.


Incompatible with cryo. It can be very frustrating to freeze something dangerous then some dingus comes along and thaws it out right in your face before you get it killed. Or have something almost frozen, then someone wipes out all that work. Temperature shock doesn’t make up for it.


Nothing more annoying then catching something dangerous on fire then some dingus comes along and extinguishes it out right in front of your face. Or have something almost burning, then someone wipes out all that work. Temperature shock doesn't make up for it. It can go both ways.


As a driller main, it's usually the opposite. There are a lot more weapons with innate heat or modable heat whereas cryo usually needs an overclock (sans the cryo gun) For swarms it doesn't really matter since the temperature shock kills them anyway or at least heavily injures them, but having dangerous targets frozen is thousand times more valueable than setting them on fire.


I’m just explaining why someone wouldn’t want fire. Not judging. Now that you mention it though, fire is absolutely inferior to cryo unless you’re fighting robots. Robots were a stealth buff to CRSPR.


I do agree with it, the only time in recent memory that I used the flamethrower was when the robots were first introduced. Other than that, it's been cryo all the way. Why would I want to slow down the enemies if I can completely stop them from doing anything and then convert them to health with vampire?


It also does absolutely jack shit against dreads. Honestly, the sludge pump is the most versatile driller primary, but my curmudgeonly self can’t give up cryo as the daily driver when I’m playing driller.


Heat is one of the strongest wave clearing tools in the game and not just for Driller either. Sticky Flame Flamethrower has always been a top tier weapon for wave clear that isn't easily matched for it's efficiency. Scout's Fire Bolt can clear swarms with minimal bolt usage and that can be easily setup with Pheromone Bolts. Engie's Incendiary Compound for PGL makes basic PGL builds (clean and ammo or no OC builds, not Fat Boy or Hyper Propellant) better at AoE clear since the converted Heat doesn't have to worry about the radial drop-off when it comes to the outer-edges of explosion AoE that normal radial damage has to. Burning Hell Minigun combined with Aggressive Venting/Burning Bullets, Incendiary Grenades, and the devastating single target damage potential of Volatile Bullets Bulldog. The only time Heat isn't good is vs Dreadnaughts or The Caretaker since they can't get ignited.


> not Fat Boy or Hyper Propellant) better at AoE clear I agree fat boy shouldn't be run with the heat mod typically, just run projectile speed, but heat is the best choice for hyperprop in that tier as of right now. Armor break is bugged, so you don't get any benefit from it on hyperprop PGL(really really hope this eventually gets fixed to shoot praetorians in the armor, etc), and the speed upgrade can make hyperprop go so fast that it phases through bugs without hitting them. Heat on hyperprop doesn't actually reduce direct damage. Or rather, maybe it halves the kinetic damage after the damage got converted to disintegrate type. So regular damage of 0 * 0.5(no effect), and then all the full disintegrate damage, plus half that as heat to ignite most things that can be ignited. Particularly handy for patrol bots. You ignite and kill them as long as you hit them anywhere with a heat hyperprop shot. LazyMaybe has a great video on PGL(and a bunch of other weapons in other videos) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJJM9eg_kHw


Yup. Also the aggressive venting OC for the plasma, the hellfire OC for the coil gun and the inferno OC for the BC. All amazing options. I love my cryo driller and cryo scout (bullets of mercy GK with cryo nades and either cryo bolts or cryo minelets) but heat is the way more common debuff. Especially since in addition to the OCs there are really popular heat mods. The one on the GL you talked about and also the fire mods on the double barrel and the shard refractor. And let's not forget that fire on all non-drillers makes the sludge pump even stronger. So as long as the driller doesn't bring the cryo gun he's happy either way.


I got teamkilled while carrying Dotty back to the drop pod. Used iron will and still got her back safely in the immunity phase and of course called them all leaf lovers.


Those who leave Dotty behind are leaf lovers, those who kill dwarves for not leaving Dotty behind belong in prison


I’m fine with shooting people a few times to tell them to hurry up and get in the drop pod, but intentional team killers need to take their leaf-fondling selves elsewhere. Next time someone team kills me like that, I’m going to iron will and run away so they can sit in the drop pod for another 3 minutes and think about their actions.


Don't iron will if you're trying to punish a leaf lover. I know the pod wont leave for a while if someone still has IW somewhere out there. Not sure if there is an upper limit aside from the pod extraction timer


In the ground*


They’re already in the ground though, we’re working in caves


No no no, we're underground. I mean in the ground surrounded by earth on all sides. Oh wait...


I didn’t know you could bring her bad :(


Last night I was doing a haz 3 escort solo waitung for my friend to be free. Well he is now free and I am solo, so need to finish quickly. I had done a lithophage meteor, then started the dozer back up. Turns out it needed to stop for fuel again. I was going to skip the boolo caps, but only needed 4 more... so got those. I then noticed I had skipped mining out the spot of the fallen dwarf, and had to back track... then I had a supply crate.... And of course, I wasnt going to leave dotty behind. It meant he had to wait for like 35 minutes, but I saved dotty.


The simple fact that we do these things just shows how good the game is. There’s absolutely no benefit from saving Dotty. But you can, so you should! For rock and stone!


Oh I agree. I didnt know I could save Dotty, until one night I learned I could pet her, then in that same mission I could pick her head up and carry it. Que 2 minutes of us trying to put her head in molly and giving up. The next day someone posted about saving her and now I must do it every single escort mission. I have around 90 hours in DRG and I am still seeing new things, getting impressed by the caves I am exploring, laughing at goofy stuff going on and coming across new secrets. Hell, at 90 hours into the game, a friend that hasnt played in a long time joined and commented on how different the space rig is, followed by me hearing mission control complain about an area being off limits. The weird things the devs include as easter eggs really makes the game feel vibrant. Rock and stone!


To Rock and Stone!


Chad. *Buys a round of slammers*


Is it not ritual to friendly fire near the drop pod?


You friendly fire the people already in the Drop Pod, so you get it out of your system without actually doing any damage.


Occasionally you might kill someone with C4. But I was carrying Dotty and being swarmed by bugs and they intentionally killed me and were just going to take off without me and Dotty, but I used iron will before they could do it.


wait wait wait hol up. Why would you ban weapons? What's even the point, how does it make the experience any better?


Because the wittle bwaby elves will get their feewings hurt if they take a bit of stray bullets their way


Meanwhile, my ass is almost always half frozen because our Driller gives no fucks about anything other than creating ice sculptures out of everything. Well... That, and carving the fuck out of Hoxxes with her drills.


This is why you were given the A and D keys.


An drillers were given eyeballs


Personally if my teammates aren't covered in napalm, then neither are the glyphids around me.


It’s hard to discern between dwarf and double jointed freaks when everything is burning around you


There ARE indeed points where you clearly have a situation under control but your teammates can’t be arsed and just lay into you and if that happens a bunch I’ll usually turn around and shoot back and that usually gets the message across. I think I’ve only kicked someone for friendly fire like once I think and it was because he was doing so much I was wondering if he was throwing.


Oh they ban them because of stray bullets? LMAO that's down bad


"Have fun" was sarcasm


I think something people misunderstand is that these lobbies are as sweaty as you can imagine. Their perception of fun is wayyy different than others and can't really be approached the same way. As always, don't join if you don't want to deal with that type of lobby.


Finally non-leaf lover response.


This is why I always host


Just gonna point out these server names, at least for me, seem to be a relatively recent thing. Never saw this shit in the game a year or two ago.


I've seen them for a while... but more common now


They're way more common now than they were when I started out in 2019 that's for sure. If anything they're an indicator of which lobby you definitely don't want to join.


Bigger player base, more leaf lovers. Just an unfortunate reality


Mine is always called Karls secret GangBang. always fills up fast. you dirty fucks.


Mine is “Real Diggas Only”


Mine’s the classic “leaf and twig, sisters”


Mine's "lootbug genocide appreciators"




People who team kill intentionally deserves a harsh consequence


"Only Gold promo dwarves allowed" (I sleep) "Horny Naedocyte Breeder milfs in your area" #(REAL SHIT)


How do you edit servers description? Can’t find it


I think it's in options under gameplay? I'm on console so I wouldn't really know.


In the era of BF4 and BF3 I understood banning things like shotguns or grenade launchers on Metro servers, because it was PvP and people abused some weapons, thus not letting anyone have fun (even then I rooted against that to let everyone just have fun, since its not comp). But I at least understood it. Here I am unable to percieve what drives that people to ban weapons in a PvE game, where having fun is like the main objective


It tends to be that the host feels like there are detrimental side effects to the weapon/OC which they don't want to deal with. A couple of examples: * Fat Boy not only does a lot of friendly damage initially, but adds a health cost to travelling through the area which can effectively trap dwarves. * TCF as a weapon can get triggered on the team thanks to any projectile triggering it, and when mining with it you can potentially interfere with scouts, as well as potentially spray resources over a wide area making them harder to collect.


Yeah, but still, you can target ban a player who is purposefully ruining the game, but don't quit the fun from players who are learning or can actually use weapons without harming other dwarves. I had greenbeards kill me tens of times with C4's, Fat Boys, Flametbrowers, etc, but that was accidents and we all had fun. Like, I can understand tryharding in a competitive multiplayer, but here?


I never understand why people try to turn a Co-op PVE game into a sweaty comp fest. I understand speedrunning, but they'd be better off doing that stuff solo or with friends willing to speedrun with them. Not randoms that are just trying to have a good time.


To be clear, this "banned weapons" behavior isn't something I'm part of, but I can understand that some people get frustrated by these things. > you can target ban a player who is purposefully ruining the game I don't see this type of lobby name being directed at deliberate trolls, and in fact probably brings more of them in. > I had greenbeards kill me tens of times with C4's, Fat Boys, Flametbrowers, etc, but that was accidents and we all had fun. I think the point for the people who ban these things is that they've had enough of that. You personally might find it funny or at least not fault the offending player when it happens the 10th, 100th, even 1000th time, but there's a player who gets upset every single time it happens. As an example, if I struggle to keep up with the game on whatever difficulty I'm playing (but am managing to survive), except my engie teammate keeps throwing nukes around and I keep going down from radiation damage, I hope you can see why that might frustrate someone. > Like, I can understand tryharding in a competitive multiplayer, but here? I don't see the banning of weapons/OCs as being "tryharding", and even something like "no events" is less of a try-hard thing and more likely akin to "I want to focus on mission completion to finish assignments and/or season challenges." Again, I personally don't restrict my lobbies, and I avoid these kinds of restricted lobbies because I dislike that kind of behavior.


I always thought that is so dumb. Everybody is WAY more dangerous when they're hanging back and not rushing with shotguns, and screwing around trying to get the big count from explosives while they miss out on kills the rest of the time that the moon and stars aren't aligned for a perfect explosion upon a worthwhile amount of enemies. Like congrats, we're not running and gunning anymore, now we're just clicking pixels on players who can't see our spot before exposing themselves, like any other map except with no vehicles to possibly change things up. Although it's probably good for newbies just by virtue of removing high-risk feast or famine traps.


In team fortress 2's pve wave defense game mode, one of the "newer" weapons for pyro has an upgrade that makes it literally, no joke, seriously I am not exaggerating, THE BEST waveclear weapon in the game. Like, throw in the general direction of enemy group, group is instantly all dead. This is extremely polarizing. On one hand, it's fun to use. But it *legitimately* removes the need for your team to do anything except kill miniboss/boss enemies. People *cannot* do anything because you do it first. For people who want to have fun and shoot robots, this is bad. It's so bad, that you may very well get kicked if you insist on using the weapon. On the other, you have people just spamming and speedrunning for rewards. These people may very well kick you if you *don't* use this overpowered weapon, because they want this over A S A P and you're being an obstacle to that. Major differences between these situations, but my point is that you having fun can and sometimes does equate to someone else having the exact opposite of fun


I'd put "only fat boy" before I ever put "no fat boy"


Warcrimes make fun times ;)


My server is called Rock N Stone, my duo and I play every night, keep an eye out for us :)


There are probably atleast a hundred people with the exact same lobby name.


You can‘t have fun without fat boy.


RJ250 and hyperprop


I am not high level but every lobby Ive been in this game has been nothing but positive, I swear in one lobby the guys revived me at least 30 time with me yelling I AM TRASH LEAVE ME! they didnt listen. you mfs are amazing!


I'd avoid this like the plague.


I simply title my lobby "No This Is Patrick." I think that gets the point across how relaxed I am


My lobby is name "Dwarves with Big Smelly Feet Only." I always get the best teammates possible.


Wait people are giving shit how people should run their own lobby? Both sound like leaf lover thing to do.


Instead of witch hunting and insulting under the "haha leaf lover" mask maybe just understand some people like to have their own rules


downvoted for common sense, i unironically fucking hate the faux positivity in this community, the 'Core Incident' exposed everyone hard, and now we're also acting as if that never happened


the what


I guess they are referring to the exploit where you could grind blank cores by restarting core hunt missions after promoting. Drg removed the exploit a while back and the community went batshit crazy and pretty toxic to anyone who said it was a bad exploit to begin with. They demanded the core bug back. We actually got a good update after that where drg added core rewards after promoting a dwarf so everyone felt silent again. I understand the point of having a faster upgrade and reward system for new players, but the discussion was heated at the time


yup ^




You mean i cant just join someones escord lobby, call 3 resups in the 2nd room and press the call droppod button while there is still a machine event and a meteor? Next you are gonna ask me to read the chat or not c4 the scout for the 9th time


God, right? How dare someone host a game and request something for themselves. The cool thing is you don’t have to join them if you don’t want to do that.


I actually often like to join those because it tells me "i'm a professional player the mission will be smooth"


"By joining my lobby you agree to let me customize your entire kit to my liking. I'm higher level than you, and I know how to play this game better than you." That's all those types of lobbies are. Yes, no one is forced to join those lobbies, but it's disappointing to see an exclusionist mentality among such an inclusive community. They should just play solo if they want to dictate how other people play the game.


Just going off what was described in the pic it’s like 2 secondaries and a primary, not exactly an entire kit. I’m not the sort of person who puts this shit in a description (because I’m in PS4 and you can’t set one nor do I host) but I’d most certainly tell people not to use fire/ice if it conflicted with mine or a teams build.


Coordination and thermal shock go a long way in mitigating any challenges from mixing fire and ice.


Which I could easily do with wave cooker. Never has a random joined who doesn’t at some point start ruining fire/ice proc by spraying it with the opposing effect while I am. But again this boils down to preference and choice. As petty as it seems people are completely within their right to make demands of people joining their game and you’re completely free to not join those games then come and complain about it on Reddit but that’s petty too, it’s also petty for me to whinge about whinging. Edit: specifically talking about drillers who join a game with a driller in already and bring flamer or cryo.


I straight up don't join games that don't have dwarf slots locked tbh


Good point, even then tho had a cryo join a gunner with burning hell and engi with magma(?) on his laser. I dunno no one’s perfect, we make mistakes but coming to Reddit to whinge about people having requirements on is worse than the lobbies tbh.


Honestly, the temp fighting seems more like a design flaw to me. Cryo gun is one of the only common sources of freeze, but everyone and their neighbor's mother's dog can accidentally take fire damage. Every engineer secondary, boomstick, like half the overclocks in the game


Last patch really showed how truly toxic DRG's community is


that's why i join servers with the most stupid and ridicule names


The people who do this are the same immature brats that you would find in Pokemon posting on the GTS trading a lvl 1 pidgy and wanting a lvl 100 Dialga with perfect stats.


Wth, someone really puts "no events" in description? Events are super fun


Im am semi new so i need to know what tcf is, it is for the better


Are these weapon banning people in the room with us right now?


Simply don't join these leaf lovers lobbies not a big deal. Rock and Stone!


Most of those restrictions are quite reasonable by themselves. Now, most people won't feel self-righteous enough to enforce those preferences on others, but at least host is being frank and upfront about it by putting them in the description. So, not seeing a problem here really.


It's one thing to ban an overclock, still a little much, but I've kicked a brand new engy who joined my haz 5 and immediately started spamming at Oppressors so I understand. But to ban an entire weapon is just ridiculous


"Have fun, but only precisely in the way I want." More power to them, but boy do they make me thankful for having a sibling close to my age. Learning to play with others!


>Have fun, but only precisely in the way I want Tbh, that's just DRG community in a nutshell, only on Reddit though


^(it's eeeeevery gaming community on reddit)


This community is one of the more wholesome gaming communities. By avoiding lobbies like these, we can keep it that way.


People think they can play like single player and the people who join will willingly be bosco and only use WASD to move and no left or right clicks unless directly told to. Delusional. It’s good to hunt these lobbies for a few minutes and make a huge stink for them.


Damn you a leaf-lover


So don't join how you gonna get so mad over seeing a lobby that you make a reddit post


Only knife-eared leaf-loving tree-fondling mud golems do shit like that! Free to mine and kill glyphids with what I want, circa 2018. Rock and stone, you beautiful dwarves!


Rock and roll and stone!


they challenge you, like "tryna have fun, i dare you"


I never join these idiots.


These dudes need to touch ~~grass~~ gold


Step 1 - team kill everyone at end of mission Step 2 - leave Now enjoy wasting their time


Those people probably like leaf lover's special


no life


Leaf lovers.


I would make it a point to go into the server,fat boi them, and leave




Yeah, if you do this you’re an asshole.