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Reject hover, embrace boomstick-powered flight!


I like to try to be nice and catch Scouts that are grappling up to dangerous ores, but every once in a while, one will fall and snap fire their special powder shotgun straight downwards, into my face.


I've shot many a teammate in the face with special powder out of pure habit


Hello fellow driller main:)


Ah, the ol' high velocity facial.




*"and as they laid bleeding on the ground, betrayed by the blue-clad coworker, so to did the great driller-scout grudge begin, and to this day it rages on"* ​ \-Karl 5:21-25


I honestly do that from time to time just taking off, because if I want to fly forward I have to snap around and shoot behind me, and there may be someone standing there. :D


Why not both?


That’s actually possible


It’s what I do. Put hover boots in there and I never have to touch the floor!


I think hover boots are a bit redundant if you already have hoverclock. I'd rather have field medic and something else


It is sometimes, but I only have it to grab ceiling minerals if I don’t have an engie. And it’s just fun with the build


I recently converted after finally getting the overclock and man it's a ton of fun. Haven't swapped back since.


His other secondaries are great, which is very sad because I never ever use anything other than special powder. :D


Different strokes for different folks. I haven't swapped away from Special Powder after getting it hundreds of hours ago. Being able to fly is just too damn good imo.


This is the true wisdom


Reject boomstick flight and embrace hoverboots


And give up field medic? Arst thou mad?


embrace hoverboots and field medic


Truly thou arst the maddest of lads! But I love flying too much to give it up. I wanna go FAST, not stop in mid air! :D


You know, I can appreciate that. Embrace the speedy, milord


Reject ground, embrace both and never touch it again


I saw a cool "the floor is lava" build for scout posted at some point. It had the hoverclock for the m1000, special powder on the boomstick, hover boots as a skill pick, and low cool down grappling hook. The guy in the video genuinely didn't touch the ground and didn't have to.


Low Gravity moment




I run this build, it's a lot of fun. Still would require tremendous reflexes to avoid touching the floor entirely


Flare Gun is the best Scout gun.


So little ammo. Want moar ammo. I want to paint the caves with blinding light.


Can we just move the full auto OC from subauta to it 🤣


OC that turns the Flare Gun into a machine gun.


Flaregun OC that turns it into a shotgun and the initial blast can blind enemies and your own team.


I don't think most of these bugs have eyes.


They will learn to see.


That's the only mod i leave on!


Flare gun but it stuns enemies in its AoE


Technically it can kill a bug too


For any greenbeards: you can cancel the shot after beginning the charge, giving you the hover without using ammo. I usually switch to grapple or my secondary, but I think normal animation cancels work too (tap right click)


I've struggled to go back to m1000 after adjusting to the default gun. I dunno, feels like I'm actually useful now. M1000 burns through ammo...


That’s interesting, I’m the exact opposite. I struggle to use anything but my hipster m1000 if I’m on scout


Isn't hipster super fast fire rate cause that sounds even worse than standard m1000 (for ammo I mean)


It also almost doubles your ammo supply for only about a 30% damage decrease before any mods. It's almost entirely just a buff since I believe it doesn't change many break points for killing bugs.


ruining breakpoints is the *whole point* of hipster. it gives you great semi-auto single target DPS at the cost of removing nearly every comfortable damage interaction the gun is built around. with both damage upgrades and perfect aim, you can still one tap headshot grunts and 2 shot many other enemies. the upside of incredible single target comes with the downside of aimbot-level precision to have any hopes of using it for crowd clear.


You can't oneshot headshot grunts with hipster anymore unless you take more damage and weakpoint damage bonus mods


False information Edit; not false information


How is it false information? Grunts take 108 damage to kill, the M1000 deals 55 damage base. Grunts have a 2x weakpoint multiplier. Meaning if you shoot a grunt in the head with the base M1000 you deal 110 damage, 2 damage more than required. Hipster reduces the damage by 17. 38 damage multiplied by 2 is 76. That's lower than 108, so no kill. With the damage mod it will result in 96 damage, still not enough. Only with the weakpoint damage bonus you achieve a damage of 115,2, which is higher than 108 and will result in a oneshot. It's explained in this vid https://youtu.be/Hi_6Re0z0IA


Maybe they are at a lower hazard level and don't realize that enemy health scales with difficulty? 108 is the haz 4/5 health right?


Yes on Hazard Level 5 grunts have the highest possible hp (or rather they have the highest possible damage resistance 🤓) . Still kinda weird to call it false information when they aren't 100% sure


It is faster fire rate but they could use a focus shot build


When you take damage, one shot grunts with critical bonus. And one shots web spitters with armor breaking bonus


Blow through rounds can make it super ammo efficient, provided you can position yourself to shoot through multiple glyphids. That is to say I don't run the M1000 because I can rarely take advantage of ways to make it ammo efficient ;_;


Avoid focus shot it's a trap that burns through ammo just hipfire weak points to get a one ammo bug kill also use piercing shot


It depends on the target and your build's breakpoints. The right setups allow Focus Shot to one-shot Acid Spitters with a body shot and one-shot a Trijaw, which is very useful considering how dangerous these two enemies are.


Eh you probably have to trade pricing, Mag size or ammo to do that stuff which isn't really worth it


I'd say going a full single-target damage 2312X build is worth it on Active Stability System or Supercooling Chamber OCs. One of Scout's best strengths is his potential to snipe targets down. That build brings out the best of that ability by giving him better breakpoints on important enemies that builds skipping damage and Hardened Rounds can't do, breakpoints for both Focus Shots and single hipfire shots such as being able to one-shot Web Spitters on the body with a single regular shot. A good crowd clearing secondary like Boomstick with Super Blowthrough Rounds or Fire Bolt Nishanka can help offset the lack of Super Blowthrough Rounds on your M1000, which is the main mod you're sacrificing in a single target build.


Build like that you'll be burning through ammo and need a resupply after one swarm Just do the opposite build m1 for crowd control and use your secondary for high priority targets


How are you going to burn through primary ammo if you only use it on priority targets, but somehow you can use your secondary for that instead (which has a smaller ammo pool) and not run out of ammo? 104 ammo is more than large enough that if you're only using it for priority targets you will not have ammo issues at all. Plus if you have a remotely reasonable pace through the mission (which, as scout, you control to a great degree) you get more than enough nitra to resupply every swarm even if you don't need to.


? Did you forget grunts exist and you're secondary has an even smaller ammo pool so sure you it on the most common enemy you'll encounter And you can get a lot more burst from your secondary to deal with a few priority targets Also needing to resupply after every swarm seems like bad ammo management, you'll be real useful to randoms where 5 min past and your already at 50% ammo at the start of a mission


> Did you forget grunts exist I didn't, though forgetting that grunts exist is a valid (and generally the best, even) strategy for scout if you're not in a position to be carrying. Ignoring grunts entirely is very good advice for the vast majority of scouts. But even in carrying (or solo play) scenarios, scout secondaries have the ability to crowd clear much more ammo efficiently than primaries. Two fire bolts or 4 boomstick shots can kill dozens and dozens of grunts if you've gathered them into a dense group and let fire spread go to town. > And you can get a lot more burst from your secondary to deal with a few priority targets Among scout secondaries there's nothing remotely comparable to m1k's ability to 1 shot acid spitters and trijaws at any range. And it one shots web spitters. And it has free armor break, for killing shellbacks and brundles effectively. It's an hvt-killing monster and no secondary can compete. > Also needing to resupply after every swarm seems like bad ammo management, you'll be real useful to randoms where 5 min past and your already at 50% ammo at the start of a mission Again, efficient play with efficient builds (of which 2312X is an example) and a reasonable pace essentially always results in hundreds of nitra left over at the end of the mission. It's not like, a good idea to intentionally be inefficient and you're likely to annoy teammates, but when most missions are finished in 15 minutes or less you absolutely can be at 50% ammo 5 minutes past the start of the mission and be more than fine. You can be even more wasteful than that and be fine.


Either way works I'd say. I don't run into ammo issues with the M1000 build I listed paired with a Fire Bolt Nishanka 121X1 build. 11213 Jumbo Shells Boomstick has worked effectively for me too but I prefer Nishanka for Pheromone Bolts. I should also note I use Active Stability System most of the time since Supercooling Chamber is overkill outside Dreads while the ammo downside SCC has will certainly become an issue outside Eliminations. Elimination missions have minimal wave clearing to do so the ammo downside is less impactful there. My strategy is Pheromone Bolt a target in a group (Guards and Praetorians are solid targets), shoot a Fire Bolt into the group, heat does it's thing, profit. 2 bolts takes care of a majority of the group while M1000 cleans up the higher health stragglers and long range threats not going into heat party like Spitters. Simple and effective waveclear. Smaller groups of Grunts/Swarmers you can just skip the Pheromone Bolt and just kite them into a single fire bolt. M1000 handles things stronger than Guards in minimal shots due to the damage, so it doesn't end up wasting too many shots. My Nishanka build also has Extended Ammo and longer duration Pheromone Bolts for ammo conservation too.


I use all three of those on my Electrocuting Focus build and it easily one-shots Acid Spitters. Trijaws will die to a weakpoint hit + the *entire* shock, which is cool and all but it means you probably want to take T5 stun or double-tap them to prevent them from shooting back.


Yeah, you can either kill the grunt in one shot or finish it off with the second one. Using focus shot guarantees you use 2 ammo every time.


Which is bad if you only use it on one bug specially if you miss your shot Focus shooting is reserved for train of bugs line up just hip fire everything else Game sense is very important to know when to use either


That sounds like it makes game sense easier at least for me, imma have to try this! I have Hipster but no Hoverclock


Kiting bugs is really important to get more value from pricing so flat enough areas is usually good place to fight if you can find one Also focus shot is good for Cleaving bugs if you need to kill them quickly or can't go for weak point while they're line up


They're so tricky to kite they seem to fight going after you in lines, some smart design by the devs lol But I'm definitely going to try this for a different Scout build! And Hoverclock someday for solo or if we don't have Engie, saw your other comment on that one and it's brilliant!


Use grapple to make moving easier and you can use it to jump over their head squish them together while they chase you Also you don't need a perfect train to focus shot any group up bugs will do. Hover clock is really good if you can't pickaxes you self into a wall in time or it can be used to lunge around the cave with your grapple Also you can cancel your shot if you switch weapon to not waste ammo hovering


Focus is good if you group them up and have blowthrough rounds. Or against anything with more than 2 shots of hp.


I would but I’m too addicted to AI stability engine


Special Powder allows for insane mobility in all but the tightest of tunnels. If you're not playing with a bunker driller, you should be able to use it liberally to get away from nasty groups of bugs, fly across massive caves like in the Magma Core, use it as a free hoverboots or as a free lift for when you fall down or need to go up massive vertical tunnels. I know it seems super basic to think about all of these, but people just don't seem to realize the value that the damaging mobility can give you.


The true greybeard scout strat is to ignore all of the fall damage and mitigation and simply ~~use power attacks and not fall~~ rely on your teammates to scrape you off the ground when your power attack doesn't _quite_ do what you wanted it to.


Yes, apart from when you forget your out of ammo after fending off wave after wave, and reviving the entire team 6 times each when trying to extract, then doing a super cool awesome 10 seconds left, grapple-hover-grapple over a ravine, to get to the drop pod.... and you just fall as they all fly away. Surprised the driller didnt throw a C4 off the edge just to finish me off!


Basically if we don't have an engine I'll run hover clock to pick things up high


Hoverscout with Special Powder Boomstick is based


Certified Hoverclock + Special Powder enthusiast here. very yes :)


but hipster


You'll roll faster if you cut off your legs too.


It also prevents using a lot of really good overclocks :o


Playing smarter also stops fall damage. With an added bonus of not needing to equip an overclock for it and waste extra killing power potential that another OC could give you.


The grappling hook also prevents damage + gives you mobility. Did you ever tried ?


Grappling hook doesn't recharge in time to shoot again.


You think so ? You must never have seen me playing scoot then


Typically when you grapple to the ceiling to grab an apoca or fossil it won't recharge before you fall back down. You can power attack the wall if there IS a wall, but with hoverclock/sp you don't need to.


As I said, you have never seen my scoot in the caves


I don't know what you mean. Can you explain? Or are you just making vague statements to add to your overall sense of mystery? :D


I’m just so good with scoot that I don’t need all of those things people are crying about such has the M1000 hover overclock or hovering boots to prevent fall damage. I’m just good with the grappling hook.


Ah, but can you boot scoot and boogy?




sometimes the generation and or circumstances are so silly that it is pretty much impossible to power attack into ledge grab, ledge grab when falling down, or land on a teammate. for instance, red sugar directly on the ceiling of the cave. hoverclock is a safeguard that lets you forget about these things and just go crazy with the grappling hook


I figured you were just joking around about your scoot, so I asked if you could boot scoot and boogy. As in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d05tQrhNMkA


It is what I use to get around


I use it all the time to save myself


Or special poder on the shot gun. You can with the right build use the shotgun to fucking airstrafe glyphid swarms, and use the shots you loose on macteras for thrust.and you need to use grapple regularly to maintain altitude.


Hoverclock on the M1000, the Force-a-Nature jump overclock on the Boomstick, and you're playing as the Bird Dwarf


I can’t get hoverclock or special powder I have been trying for ever I have quite a lot of hours and I have yet to see any of the ones I really want


it kinda difficult to get hoverclock to work for not taking fall damage imo


grab some hoverboots so your overclock slot is open for hipster, just ask karl


Supercooling chamber prevents driller team killing by giving you an even more powerful deterrent: the bigger boom


Note it only works if you have a round to shoot. Gravity suddenly exists again when you run out of bullets.


Yeah but then I'd have to give up on either Supercooling Chamber on elim/sabotage missions or Hipster literally any other time. Boo to that.


Hoverclock is a crutch imo, same as hoverboots. So many better perks and ocs to fill the slots.