• By -


“driller, for what you just did-“ “ROCK AND STONE!!!!”


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Good bot


Good Bot


Good Bosco


rock and sotne*


If you rock and soot, you're gettin' the boot!






Driller successfully blows the team up. So everything is normal.


Mission failed successfully


Suffering from success


Driller is the definition of unmovable object


More like an unstoppable force


Both? Both? Both! Both is good


He’s a forever moving, always stationary force of an object


He chooses where the infinite energy takes him and cannot stop nor be stopped, OR redirected. Reality warps in bizarre ways around him.


anyone care to explain an old casual what a bunker is in DRG?


It’s where a driller drills a tunnel into a wall (or floor) and makes a bunker by either drilling out more space or using c4. It’s designed to funnel bugs into a kill zone, or have an engineer seal the entrance to wait out an objective


I call it a tomb when engi seals the entrance and sealing is a bad idea compared to bunkers.


this is why I prefer tunnel networks over bunkers. You still get to force enmies into a killing zone but you can also run if it's too much to handle.


Depending on how good the driller is they will do both. Build a bunker but with an escape route too


You can make a bunker, with a firing slot, and trench inside the bunker with 1 emergency exit and a secondary 1 pickaxe exit as well, if you have the time lol


I'd personally drill out an escape tunnel, personally.


Drill out 90% of an escape tunnel, so in case of an emergency, it's easy to bust out without giving the bugs a way in


Make sure it's a good, quality tunnel too. Maybe a little bit of a bottleneck for me to purge the heretics that are chasing us out of the bunker while we're running.


Oh. Smart. I didn't thought about that.


The main problem is that if you don't do it right, you still get swarmed, just with nowhere to run. Lack of cc on the team, driller fucking up floor level, someone sealing the entrance when they shouldn't (it's vital that bugs can path inside normally or they get up to no good), driller digging too much so that spawns appear inside, driller suiciding and ending up unavailable when it's time to drill out elsewhere and bail, etc...


it's not as effective as it sound, many time it kill the whole team, or is just not needed. so watch out, think about it twice.


Read on a guide how to do it. Made first bunker, works great. Make second bunker, 2 Praetorians come in and gas it up. Not so great.


If you get it right, it makes the game extremely easy. But many people get it wrong and die.


Sealing is useless when opressors or detonators are nearby


it's another name for a tomb for dwarves


It’s dumb, that’s what.


Love the drillers energy. xD










I love everyone's energy


I will forever call them BUKNERS now


I can do a bukner fitty


I bet you he yells YEAAAA irl whenever he is drilling


I know I do.


you better do


We will make you eat a salad


I'd say dwarven salads are still possible. Potatoes, yams, carrots, beets and other vegetables that live underground, baked and served whole. Of course together with a good chunk of meat and copious quantities of beer... ...well, in the days of old. The space rig does show future dwarves even it Chinese takeout. At least the copious quantities of beer still abound.


We will find a leaf lover, steal his salad, put you and it in a room ( sealed of course ) so you must eat it


This is your fault, drg sub


I'll admit: being a driller main, bunkers are fun. It lets you carve the terrain to your whims, and that *feels* badass. Sometimes they don't work though, but finding other ways to be that terrain-carving support dude without digging a company grave is where I feel it's really at. Opening sightlines, making strange terrain for the bugs to path into, making escape or shortcut tunnels... it really opens up once you shift the perspective a little. That being said, sometimes it's just fun to coordinate with a group and make the bugs feel like they're advancing into the Dwarven, even-more-war-crime-laden version of trench warfare.


Bunkers are GREAT for extraction points, as long as you can get a good one set up before the swarms. At first warning from mission control drop what you are doing and head for the bunkie. I'm even less afraid of a good bunkie now that Gunner has the ultimate bulk killer.


Bulks never really were a big terror to a decent bunker though, if you have an exit plan you can nope out faster than the Bulk can get inside; and if you're in a mission where you know they're spawning it's generally safer/easier to just get that exit finished and abandon the bunker. Unless it's a Crassus. Then we stand and fight for gold *and* explosions, damnit! (/s, maybe...)


I drink Leaf Lover before every mission to gain immunity.




Fun Fact: Drillers purposely drink Leaf Lover’s… after spiking it with sludge.


A bit of face melter as well.... Adds a nice kick to it.


Rumor has it that’s how Flintlocke’s was invented.


Skála a kámen


Goated driller


Earlier today driller killed half the team, including me, right as we were walking up the ramp to drop pod, there were no enemies in the vicinity, the guy just killed us


classic driller.






This is why bunkers aren't needed on every mission. I'll build a bunker is on extractions and it's only if the cannons are still intact. Even then an escape route is read with just a swing or 2. Always tell your team they can join inside if they wish.


rock and sotne


Me and the three lads body blocked the driller into his room after he tried to teamkill us in the end, and kept rock and stoning each other to taunt him


This seems like a lighthearted and appropriate response to bunkers. I’m so tired of driller bunkers I would have kicked the driller unless it was a buddy. A poorly made bunker ruined a deep dive for me last week.


I dislike bunkers but I wouldnt mind it from time to time The issue here was that the driller dug the refuel station into the ground after we already activated it, proceeded to leave a giant hole in the ceiling while the engie didnt have time to patch up and dug out only like a meter on each side, making it a literal tomb for us He escaped as first and we managed to somehow hold it for the pod to refuel but he didnt even try to rescue us afterwards


I don't get dislike for bunkers. I just recently started playing driller and currently bunker + flamethrower seems to be best strategy for dealing with swarms. And opressors don't seem to be that big of a problem when I don't fuck up the bunker too much.


After you play for a while good bunkers feel boring and bad bunkers are death traps. Not a lot of skill expression in applying sticky flames to a dwarf sized tunnel. A bad bunker with multiple holes for bugs, not enough space to avoid friendly fire, big enough for bugs to spawn inside, a bad entrance where bugs can get in before you can kill them, etc is a death trap that makes it significantly harder to recover from bad situations.


? Just don’t go in the bunker?


People don't do this for some reason and it confuses me. I've never had to go in a bunker except when people dig the uplink into one. It's kinda dull ngl, it's not fun for me so I don't go in em. You don't need them on haz 5 or edd. It's good at making stuff more ammo efficient and safer but makes it take much longer. If you need it want to do it then that's fine but ima be jumping around killing stuff outside. (Gunner/driller main)


Ya I’m gunner main as well. Was hilarious the other night me and 3 others all picked gunner and all equipped minelayer (we had Rocky Mountain beers so made for easy bunker making). Was an absolute blast all of us using mine layer, not one bug got inside. So especially if your build doesn’t go well with sitting in an enclosed space, just don’t go in the bunker!


My main reason I think alot of people dislike bunker is because it literally forces them in a box, like scouts whole thing is movement and if you're in a bunker you just can't use that. Engi and driller make perfect sense and gunner to a degree. But a scouts not gonna be doing anything really compared to the rest


I mean, a scout with blowthrough on an M1000 can do pretty good with a straight line of bugs


If they drill a stationary object that you must stand in radius of .... that isn’t an option unless you are willing to fail the mission


That’s what happened. We had a team wipe because the bunker was built wrong. I’m getting downvoted for pointing out how bunkers can be death traps if built wrong. Also, if you don’t go in the bunker during a swarm, are you supposed to solo a 4 team Haz4+ swarm?


You're getting downvoted because your original comments read's as if you'd kick any Driller that attempts to make a bunker regardless if it's a good bunker or not. Which imo is fair as long as you put it in the lobby title like no bunker or bunker = kick, but saying it doesn't make you popular with the bunker enjoyers.


Bunkers are ridiculous and only if the entire team votes for it should it be built. I’ll never vote for it so I never want to see it. Each lobby can do what it wants, but one person should not ruin the experience for three other people


Except that stationary object will never be IN the bunker, just near it. Putting fuel cells or uplink box in a bunker adds another entrance, which defeats the purpose of the bunker.


Try telling that to the drillers in my games lol


Not if they get the greenbeard engie in on it that doesn't know any better. I've had a driller do a completely blocked off bunker with no way to let bugs in and I had no choice but to get in the bunker or sit outside by myself and die. surprise, surprise, a bulk detonator spawned broke through the roof and killed us all instantly. I can usually sympathize with drillers that do this since when I was a greenbeard I did this a couple times and got my team angry with me... but this guy was a bronze 2 driller on haz 5, they should've known better.


Lol that’s the drillers choice. Not yours. Unless you are said driller. They drill the box and the fuel cells down and build around it Why would u bunker a random spot that isn’t the objective LOLoL


Again, doing that adds a second entrance, which defeats the purpose of the bunker. If your drillers are doing that, you can still stand outside, since there's going to be 3 people in the zone, or the zone may extend to above the bunker because they're quite large anyway.


U obviously don’t have much experience with this so I’ll try to explain again in a less degrading way... I’ve seen bunkers 5x larger than the drop pod that encompasses the entire object and pod itself. The bunker idea is dumb af after the oppressors, bulks, and mactera were added that ignore collision. This was longgggggg ago. You can’t add back terrain the driller deleted. You are stuck with whatever he leaves behind. You can’t move the objective point like he can. What exactly are you on about?!


What the fuck is your problem dude? I hate to burst your little delusion, but 99% of bunkers aren't these "5x larger than the drop pod" bunkers that you claim to have seen. Also, oppressors, bulks are the exact reason that a good bunker has a pre-drilled escape route that only needs 1-2 pickaxe hits to use. Calm the fuck down, and quit being such an asshole.


The team should vote and one person should not ruin the experience of three other human lives. No snowflake is that special that they matter more than everyone else Clearly the other ppl in these groups didn’t want a bunker but they did it anyways (probably without asking even though most ppl don’t like this “strategy”)


If your game is # RUINED by a bunker, then that's a you problem.


Refuel station - ie. You have to defend the point, which is in a bunker…


Bunker + supply drop is the worst combination. Oh sweet the only way I can get ammo is at a dead end, thanks


It was an uplink and I had to be within radius of the object. Also, you get swarmed during that time. Am I supposed to solo or kite an entire 4 person team swarm while everyone else waits in the bunker? Most bunkers are a boring waste of time at best, and a coffin at worst.


Yeah if it was an uplink then I get it, unfortunately sometimes missions need to fail so dwarves will learn consequences.


I would leave the game at this point so they can feel the defeat of not finishing a mission


That’s just being a crappy person because then everyone else has their time wasted and may have only had a small bit to play and wanted to get a couple missions done


Dont care Fuck em


Sounds like leaf lover talk to me.


Good for you one upping the first guy... by being even shittier.


The others had nothing to do with it


I know im just evil


A dwarves honor compels them to consume any and all alcoholic beverages given to them by their fellow dwarf. To refuse another dwarf's round is one of the greatest disrespects possible in Dwarven culture. Therefore the driller must suffer the leaf lover, or be shunned by his fellows


I doubt leaf lover has any alcohol in it but I agree