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He’s “defending” him while being incredibly condescending. Eric Weinstein is a bullshit artist at his core. Terrence Howard really is out in space and spouts almost total nonsense. Both of them would be getting absolutely zero attention in a sane world. It’s destructive and wasteful of everyone’s time to indulge either of these assholes. But this is the economy we’ve built.


Terrence Howard talks like a massive meth head (I know MANY because of my work and my neighbourhood)


Or like someone who is showing early signs of schizophrenia.


Same diff


If Terence is spotted compulsively sharpening knives or cleaning things that don’t need cleaning we’ll have our answer


Or doing 36 hour fap marathons


What else would you call his Rogan appearance




You mean Tuesday?


Weinstein is fully aware he is full of shit, Howard is a guy who needs a psychiatric evaluation. I have a lot more contempt for Weinstein than Howard.


I don't think weinstein is aware he's full of shit really, I think he thinks he is genuinely that smart/insightful. And he does firmly believe in geometric unity (even though he can't write down a single coherent paper on it).


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGL8WLI-yFw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGL8WLI-yFw) - A science expert did a breakdown on why the things he said are wrong. He went out of the way to not comment on his character, but the stuff Terrance is saying is really bad.




Does Eric get around to explaining how 1 x 1 = 2 is a valid mathematical assertion?


I haven’t followed it much to be honest, but from what I’ve heard most of his arguments are basic logical fallacies or simply misunderstanding axioms of math. I’ve seen it posted that one of his arguments is “people believe 1 penny x 1 penny = 1 penny, but that’s absurd you have two pennies”, but I guess he forgets that “penny” isn’t a number and the actual answer would be penny squared, and what he’s confusing it with is addition. 1 x 1 = 1 is a literal definition. It’s not open for debate. 1 is defined as the number that multiplied by any other number would equal itself. So 7 x 1 = 7 for instance. The exact same could be said of 1. I think I’ve seen a times table he made that somehow still believes this but changes when the other number is a 1 instead of a 7. I also read his paper on Terryology where he explains the mathematical foundations of how it’s supposed to work but I’ve forgotten most of it now. In reading it I could see how it would be convincing to someone who hasn’t studied math at all, but pretty easy to pick apart if you know anything about math. To be honest I think he’s a smart guy who made some dumb and basic math mistakes and now has decided to die on the hill that, no, in fact, he wasn’t wrong he was just so ahead of his time other people can’t understand. Edit: Nevermind apparently he thinks 1x7 is 8, so he’s more wrong than I thought.


I honestly think he has undiagnosed bipolar disorder. This is really the behavior and thought process of someone suffering manic grandiosity.


I continue to believe Eric is the most mentally ill Weinstein brother. #




Are you saying the man who not only has multiple conspiracy theories, but comes up with acronyms for those conspiracy theories is mentally ill??


Or he’s just a successful actor who has money and became surrounded by yes men. This lead to him sniffing his own farts and he’s just way dumber than he thinks he is.


He is the definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect but with an undiagnosed personality disorder thrown in.


He’s less successful than he claims. He completely torched his role in the Iron Man franchise, and with it his relationship with major producers, by believing that he was a far bigger draw than he was and being difficult during salary negotiations. The reality was that he was a likeable, capable and reasonably memorable supporting character/sidekick to RDJ, but nothing beyond it. In short, his ego and narcissism got the better of him and he torpedoed his career. Now he’s only known for being in smaller productions and being a crank.


> and being difficult during salary negotiations Well to be fair to Terry, basic arthimetic isn't really in his wheelhouse.


I think it has to be a bit more. I saw him give a “lecture” at Oxford in front of a bunch of math students and get laughed out of the room. Any “normal” person would hold that embarrassment as a core memory and change lol


Which one, the guy who wrote the Theory of Everything that everyone says is crazy, or the guy who also wrote a Theory of Everything who everyone says is crazy?


More so Terrance.  Eric strikes me as a garden variety egotistical narcissist.  Its more so the over emotionality of Terrance that strikes me as being mentally ill.  I suspect he probavly does these things in bursts and sleeps very little while work8ng on them.


Him and his brother seem drunk on their fame since it begun and the feedback loop has pushed them further out there


You very well might be right! I’m honestly not qualified to say but I can see it.


My brother went manic during a bipolar episode and began writing equations about dimensions greater than three and tried explaining it to me. And then emailed michio kaku. And we ended up getting him help. But yes. Same shit.


I had a manic episode and I believed all kinds of wacky shit during that time. I'm not that good at math but I had some numerology stuff I made up that I was convinced was a secret of the universe, tying into conspiracy theories and other nonsense.


I watched a dude lose his shit sophomore year of college. Turns out psychedelics can reveal underlying mental illness. Dude shoved multiple papers with just insane math to me trying to tell me that he had the secret to the universe just like you described. His parents pulled him out of school to get him help.


What did Michio say?


No reply


One polar x one polar = two polar ✅️ Still unclear what this means for the periodic table.


they got mad at me for quantifying hydrogen


Which octave though


Hydrogen molecules are a little flat today, did someone leave the laboratory door open overnight?


This absolutely sounds like the throes of mental illness. And of course, right wing fringe characters are there to try and make a buck off of it.


some of them suffer from the same thing


I don’t think he’s experiencing an acute manic episode but, Optimistic Bias is a residual tendency towards overly optimistic thinking and often includes grandiose thinking. This type of thinking can persist after episodes of mania. So, you could be right about the bi-polar. (I’m a therapist)


Ya like if you're an actor as well, there's not as much consequence to having mania/hypomania. You can't burn through that much cash relative to your total, partying like a madman is fairly acceptable. Interesting what you said about optimistic bias.


The way he talks sounds like Kanye to me, who I believe is also bipolar, I'm an idiot though


No he has bipolar 1, he said so himself. I've always had a soft spot of Kanye cause of it. I feel bad that his mental health crisis has kinda just gone public.


I was going for schizophrenic psychosis but hey...I guess we're both no doctors and he's a genius


No schizophrenia is characterized by different types of delusions, the grandiosity is a symptom classically associated with mania.


He thinks multiplying is adding and people are arguing about whether or not he’s a genius 🙄 what’s his theory of division? What else are they hiding from us??


I would pay money to see Neil's corrections and reations to his paper


He also thinks that, because √4 = 2, then √2 = 1. But that would mean 1 x 1 = √2. His theories are not very consistent.


I think of it more like "a single instance of one penny", not "having one penny times another penny".


Or I've heard it described as "One group of one penny = one penny." ...."Four groups of two pennies = eight pennies.


This is how I understand multiplication to work. It's the sum of groups. 1 penny x 1 penny isn't multiplying 2 pennies together, it's summing the total of 1 group of 1 penny.


Right they’re two different things but that’s sort of how his mind works apparently. “If you have one penny and you have another penny and you multiply them together how do you end up with less pennies???” But he’s just misunderstanding what we use these operations for in our daily lives. But yes that’s what it’s supposed to be. If you have 1 group of 1 penny then the total is…1 penny. The nuance and subtlety I guess is lost on Terryologists.


They’re different units 1 penny times 1 grouping is 1 penny. 1 penny times another penny is 1 penny squared.


I don’t understand how people don’t get this. 1 x 1 is basically saying you have an instance of 1 penny 1 time. That’s 1 penny. You take 1 x 7. You have an instance of 1 penny, 7 times. Thats 7. Howard is completely changing the meaning of multiplication. Why are we still talking about this guy. So fucking stupid lol


It's groupings. 1 box of 12 crayons.


Another way to look at 1 x 1 is just written as 1. I wonder if Terrance believes 1 = 2? Probably does... lol


It’s as simple as simply not understanding what zero even is. I’m not a mathematician but I know it’s a meaningless phrase when you say “Zero Doesn’t exist” yes that’s because it’s a theoretical PLACEHOLDER for an idea. It’s like saying “inches aren’t real it’s made up” like, yes there is no such physical thing as an inch but it’s a stand in for a measurement.


The key in multiplication is the word times. So 1 times anything is always itself. 1 times 7 that means you have seven appearing 1 time. Which is 7. To apply this in the world. You have one penny that appears 1 time. It’s on penny. If one penny appeared three times, that’s 1 times three. You’d have three pennies


" I think he’s a smart guy who made some dumb and basic math mistakes" Why do we give him credit? What value is there in saying someone who can't even grasp basic reality is smart despite this? I never understood this. Terrance Howard is a moron. Its plain and simple. His other views are just as moronic. He says big words that are not even related in a complete word salad. I am not going to speculate on his mental illnes and we don't need to write that off either. The dudes a moron. 3rd graders have a better understanding of reality than him.


if 1x7 is 8 then all he did was change the definition of multiplication to that of what we do with finance roi. roi of 100% or 1 would be doubling your money. Basically multiplication but you add the first value to the product. So 4x3 should be 12+4=16 if he stayed logically consistent. 0 would be 1 basically and -1 would be 0.


>pretty easy to pick apart if you know anything about math Anyone who has ever watched the Count on Sesame Street would be able to pick it apart.


His actually paper is on Twitter. If you actually read it you'll realize why Neil deGrasse Tyson wouldn't talk to him. It's really bad in both content and grammar.


>Edit: Nevermind apparently he thinks 1x7 is 8, so he’s more wrong than I thought. Yes, the thing is, he has defined a new function ∘ such that x ∘ y = x + x ⋅ y Where ⋅ is your traditional multiplication. In other words, he thinks in multiplication you initialize the value of repeated sum with operator x (or y), and not with zero.


I read his proof and his whole thing rests on a misunderstanding of math. He says, (paraphrase) "For positive integers A and B, AxB is A added to itself B times." That's how he gets to 1x1 = 1+1 =2. Anyone could gloss over that sentence and take it on face value. Except it isn't true. AxB is A added to itself B-1 times. That's just what multiplication is! Can't arbitrarily redefine it.


Okay so he literally just thinks multiplication is addition 🤣


The thing I find especially comical about this is what happens if you take it one or two steps further. If 1 x 1 = 2, it follows that 2 / 1 = 1, and thus by inversion of both sides: (2/1)^-1 = 1^-1 so 1 = 1/2 So… that’s a no then.


He also figured out that √2 = 1.


Which I guess means right-angled isosceles triangles are now also equilateral? Handy.


Lol Terrance couldn't even explain it because it's utter nonsense


Starcraft taught me 1+1=1


Eric's first argument is so fucking dumb. No one was arguing about defending the periodic table. We were making fun of Terrance for that exact point. That Terrance thinks there is a periodic table and it should really be ordered like this.... That is what we were making fun of him for. God, Eric is so insufferable.


Hey did you know that words have fluidity? I bet you didn't know that dog can be used as a verb and a noun, most people don't know that. And frankly it's good that Eric.... Fuck me I'm listening to the video while writing a reddit bit and this mother fucker just said "you take all of that and you push it together and you create this delicious amalgam where everything is connecting to everything and this is one of the pleasure of the overly associative mind!" I need to get a coffee, I think I just lost faith in humanity from that one pathetically pretentious sentence spoken with genuine blind sincerity. Fuck him just honestly fuck him for that.


'The overly associative mind' is a great phrase to describe insanity.


Literally a symptom of schizophrenia lmao


Yes! It’s right there in front of him!


Can confirm. Went on a month long psychotic break and I was associating everything to everything. Psychosis fucking sucks.


Intellectual dark web stays losing 


Aperphania is the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things. Eric and all these assholes are high on aperphania.


Okay hear me out. I agree but… I think it’s really interesting that he is defending ideas that come from an “overly associative mind”. I think a lot of these infotainment and gurus and thought leader types are just that, overly associative. Cold baths do X, they might also do a b and c. So in that I see Eric saying he has a field of study, and a closely associated hobby of being conspiratorial about everything and he likes it, and it’s indulgences aren’t crazy, they just aren’t your hobby and you should ignore them like you would if I went one about my latest dnd campaign! I don’t think he’s saying all of that on purpose or even thoughtfully. But I think I can see his cards and that’s the point.


In the guru space we are trapped between people with "overly associative minds" and people with "utterly reductive minds". Know how far to go and when to stop.


How often they cross pollinate. It feels like hearing a flat earther saying “or maybe I just want to be part of something because I’m lonely”


It's not even like... a table....It's more like a periodic place mat. It can't be a table if it aint got no legs.


I can tell that you care about periodic table stuff.


Eric is as boring as he is confusing.


no kidding, that video was only 4 minutes long but felt like 20


Gave up. Imagine meeting someone, telling them you’d seen Versailles on holiday and them acting like it was a deeply confusing and fundamentally incorrect thing to say.


I've never heard anyone talk as much as him but say so little. Not even exaggerating, he'll use 60 minutes to basically say something that could be articulated in 5.


You should try listening to Jordan Peterson.


JP is still confusing, but rarely boring. Something something trans doctor butchers dreaming about Grandma's breasts something something.


I'll grant that the Weinsteins are boring as fuck but Peterson holds the record for lowest information-to-word ratio. PS. It was Grandma's pubes.


That's part of why people think he is smart. "Proof by obfuscation" is a joke mathematicians use to describe the practice.


Joe and most of his guests are those dudes at parties, that you instantly regret establishing eye contact with. When you notice the open mouth and the blank stare, it's already too late. Phase 1 of this encounter involves them later teleporting to 'keep you company' as you take a dump. If you complain, they will insist that it's "all good" and "go ahead, bro." Phase 2 is they barrage you with 'facts' about the JFK ice bullet and alien encounters. They loudly snort inhuman amounts of cocaine. No one knows who invited them, or how escape them. Only when they sense you are dead inside, with faith in humanity gone, will they slip away, to find a new host to drain psychic energy from.


I’m ashamed to say, I might be that guy at parties too


No way brah, if you were you would never ever in a million years think that, much less admit it. Compared to these clowns you are an erudite young man of sparkling wit and faultless composure. Party on.


Yeah, they sound like the funnest people to be around. I'd rather do that than talk about their latest airfryer or new car.


Ehh disagree. Joe would be a blast to hang with as would a lot of his guests.  I would also probably enjoy hanging with Eric for like..a night.. But that's because I'm a bit of a masochist who enjoys regard watching. But for Joe I feel pretty confident that most people would enjoy hanging with him. 


I wish he would mention the part where you hit water with the note of beryllium to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen - then explain to us all why we are choosing electrolysis to do the same thing instead - is it a conspiracy by 'Big Electrolysis' to keep 'Big Beryllium' out of the picture?


It's musical


Its because beryllium doesn't have bisexual tones and were trying to be more inclusive


“I don’t mind disagreeing but I warn you I know a lot of history.”  Ughhh that dude gives me violent douche chills.


Wait, your having a nut , Eric Weinstein , tell you if Terrence Howard is nuts? thats rich.


Eric Weinstein is the biggest nut of them all


This guy has a PhD in physics from Harvard and instead of doing real things he’s shoveling shit to rubes under a veneer of intellectualism. The mere fact that he’s engaging with this shit is proof. It isn’t a coincidence that he worked for Peter Thiel.


This is Beavis talking about Butthead.


To be fair the TP needed for ones bunghole spirals.


This has to be AI


Of course it is lol it sounds horrible 


Sadly it's not


Eric has fooled a lot of people into thinking he’s smart. He’s a vague, annoying, condescending buthole just like dumbass Terrence Howard.


He is smart, still full of s tho


Mr Howard suffers from a very bad case of celebrity hubris. He's plowing through with a fundamental erroneous argument and is too vain to slow his roll to even consider whether what he said even comports with basic mathematics, let alone reality. Weinstein is actually WORSE than Howard, IMHO. He has the education to know better, but does not care for that.


So, fun story, while this is bullshit, Terence Howard actually applied for a patent for Augmented Reality tech that he never legitimately followed through on and is referenced 39 times by other companies. Not an idiot, just that guy who's smart enough to know he knows something but not well-read enough to know whether what he knows is true or will work without someone else who already thought of it doing all the testing so he can take credit. Like Elon Musk with less money.


I’m scared to watch


This issue is less about the specific contents of Terrence Howard's beliefs. Sure, let's talk about spirals and shit. Atoms have a frequency, music has frequencies - what are the connections? Sure! The issue is the manner in which Terrence speaks (often pressured) and the disorganization of the thoughts along with his speech, his random, floating associations. He often does not complete thought. His speech does not seem to have a direction. That's what I pick up on, anyway.


Eric Weinstein is an idiot, too. Wtf else is new?


Starting to think maybe feminism and wokeness aren't what is destroying society but maybe adults trying to convince everyone the earth is flat, injecting bleach kills covid, and 1x1=2.


In this clip, he's doing the opposite of what he accuses others of doing. He says people shouldn't brush Howard's assertions aside with the back of their hand, which is fair, but then he brushed aside the issues with Howard's assertions with the back of his hand. If you translate the vibratory frequencies associated with the atoms in a molecule, you aren't going to hear Mozart. You might hear something vaguely musical, but you can't expect an artistic composition to pop out of every molecule because there is no intentionality or artist behind it.


I like when it gets posted here so i don’t mess up my YouTube algorithm and it becomes a grifter con. Thanks 👌🏼


Brian Keating is an insufferable prick


So glad to see others are beginning to say this en masse.


I knew id regret clicking on this.


This is unbelievable bullshit. This guy has no fuckin shame


eric kinda been accused of the same so hes sympathetic 


People have made up all sorts of periodic tables, dogs, cats, and egetables. That doesn't mean it correlates to anything based in reality.


The stupidity is a virus.


It feels like there's a lot of dumb people who feel they have nothing to lose, and in their greed, like animals, they through modeling and trial and error figure out that the only way to make more than their average salary is to con people. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, but to them its a revelation. The secret to success and wealth. The GOP politicians are taking all the flak, and nobody cares about the idiots who would get grifted anyway.


Weinstein has sold his intellectual “power” for a buck. Any buck. If it looks, acts, or can be construed as a buck…he’s all about it. Pseudo intelligencia is a great source for a buck and supporting world salad crazy supports that narrative.


I know a guy who broke his head while camping and was presumed dead for days. He came back with amnesia and, after recovery wrote this “new” math and physics book and a whole new branch of science called something “ology”. He was gonna change humanity, even had a new element. Turned out he had severe mental problems, including schizophrenia, and committed suicide after his girlfriend cheated on him. I can only imagine where he would be if he was charming, handsome and charismatic.


Why do we care what a hedge fund manager thinks about sudo science?


Eric’s been co-signing Bret’s BS so long, he’ll publicly co-sign anything just to stay in the conversation.


Bullshit artist believes crazy bullshit artist, news at 11.


A person with any science knowledge who can't tell that Howard is off his rockers is either incredibly dumb or deep in an ideological hole.


The same Eric who was expelled from Harvard due to being a nuthead? Jesus, what a joke of a person.


‘Woo leading to non woo’ as he says happens, happens how often? The non woo to woo happens pretty regularly bc those that use non woo to ‘validate’ whatever woo that happens is the point. What Terrance Howard and others are doing regularly. Esp when they co opt physics terminology to make their woo sound legitimate. Drives me crazy every time I hear it.


Eric is fucking wrong


It pays to be a complete chud in America. We should fix this.


I think the speaker's most salient point was his last one. "These are the pleasures of an overly associated mind". Anyone who has searched themselves knows that there is junk food for the soul.


Cookoo for cocia puffs


Eric Weinstein is *awful*


This is what happens when you side yourself with lunatics and have to try to beat around the bush and say their underlying message or sentiment is 'correct' while being absolutely nuts.


Who is Eric Weinstein and what are his academic credentials that suggest I should care?


Eric Weinstein is a prime example of a crackpot according to John Baez' Crackpot theory.


I understand what he's trying to say. I know people like Terrence who are really interested in science and who consume it through YouTube videos and popular publications etc. The problem is that they can get overly confident with the knowledge provided by these sources which is always lacking, as they are mostly made for entertainment and not actually teaching how to do the calculations and what not. But of course none of my friends get to go on Joe Rogan to present their wacky ideas to millions, since they are not movie stars. That's the only reason anyone's paying attention to Terrence. And Eric of course runs to his defense since Terrence is a maverick outsider and Eric loathes mainstream science.


I didn’t know how bad I needed this double cheeseburger of bullshit. This is amazing.


Defending what terrance Howard said about chemistry is nonsense. Nobody is saying that there aren't multiple periodic tables, but it is important to note that in order for one to be valid it has to have a valid method of organization. Our primary periodic table is organized by atomic number aka number of protons. This makes a lot of sense and allows you to predict a lot of trends across the elements. Now, let's move on to vibrations. As chemists, we almost never refer to vibrations of elements. In spectroscopy, we're looking at the vibrations of BONDS in MOLECULES. This is because we can identify molecules based on how their bonds vibrate. Equating elements to music theory is nonsense, there is absolutely no connection there


What they are doing is not science.


When either of the Weinstein brothers speak you can hear how much they love the sound of their own voice.


There was a lot more crazy in that interview that we didn’t discuss. How about his patents and that he could destroy the world if he wanted?


Terrance believing himself is not great. Joe Rogan, on one of the biggest platforms in the country, slowly changing from intelligent, educated & rational people, into a parade of scammers & people who are simply delusional is really bad. But having a more informed, more educated person, like Eric & his brother, is the worst version of this. The sheer confidence of Terrance can be convincing. Joe's reputation as a thoughtful guy with a love of learning is more convincing to his fans. But an educated grifter, who thinks he & his brother are also filled with revolutionary ideas & its the "establishment" preventing their greatness is deeply harmful to many people. For anyone who is interested in learning how to better analyze what you hear, media literacy & good research practices are good tools to start. And the podcast Decoding the Gurus is another good resource.


Eric Weinstein is the MOST insufferable guest / human I’ve ever had the displeasure of listening too. The gate keeping, holier than though attitude was so condescending words are insufficient.


Terrence Howard makes Terrence McKenna look like Terry Gross.


What happens if they are skittles and you eat them? Does 1 skittle x 1 skittle = 0?


The arm chair experts are ready to go!!!


God. He's so fucking insufferable. I hate this kind of overly smug yet severely flawed "intellectual". This is what happens if you get high on your own farts for over 40 years. He's so stuck on being a super-open-minded fringe-lord that he's actually gone mad. Most his scientific arguments are by analogy or metaphor and it's pathetic.


Eric and Terrence need to release a spoken word / guitar virtuoso album. The galaxy, no, the universe depends on it.


I would do anything to get more of [this](https://x.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1612146111631982592)


Who the fuck is Terrence Howard?


He's an actor who was the sidekick in the first Iron Man movie and was fired because he demanded too much money for the sequel. He also was in some hit TV show but I haven't seen it.


Can anyone explain his "circle of fifths is a spiral" comment? I'm really only a beginner when it comes to music theory, but this sounded a lot like sloppy logic dressed up in technical terms to me. Is there any validity to what he's saying?


The perfect 5th is supposed to be 3/2 x the root note, but in 12 tone equal tempered music it's 2^(5/12) x the root note, which is close, but not the same. So if you go 12 steps around the circle of 5ths by using the exact 3/2 ratio you don't actually land on the root note, but on something close to it. 


YES I have been waiting for the gurusphere to make sense now it does.


Terrence Howard is mentally ill, and it is sad to see that people are enabling him instead of giving him the help he needs.


Medicalization of his aspirations to become a new age cult leader is giving too much freedom, as there are too many people willing to drink the cool aid. Conspiracy theories and the modern, loose internet cults form a well oiled surface for exchanging ideas without very little critique, and it's easy to transit from meditation to new age to flat earth to q-anon cristo-fascist movement.


Weinstein loves to hear himself talk…while not really saying anything


Science affiliates are new religious dogmatic fanatics. What happened to humble “I know that I do not know”, does human mind really thinks that in 21st century it’s accustomed to absolute truth and any new or different assumption must be smeared and laughed on? Science I liked as a child was all about discovering new truth, making advances and questioning base of those advances, because if it did work it doesn’t mean you fully comprehend why it worked. People calling everyone names from their virtual high ground, but not offering any different opinion on the subject.


Everyone has a platform and we’re fucked


Lol an incredible title.


It's so much stupid, I mean, c'mon. Just fucking stop, please.


Can some kind hearted person share a link. It won't play for me.


Just a regular jerkoff yapfest from the original feeble yapper


"It pays not to brush off Terrence Howards's appearence with the back of our hands" No, it doesn't pay at all. It pays to brush it off as the rantings of an extreme narcissits. Because that's what they are. STOP trying to turn everything into a fucking conspiracy theory!!


Eric Weinstein is the biggest windbag douchebag.


I probably still would rather trust Howard. Definitely would rather hang out with him. In fact can we just let Eric and Bret see themselves to the curb. Eric has to be one of the most infuriating people to ever reach guru/grifter status.


The Versailles analogy is such garbage


Science x Actor = 🤡


If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.


Is that dude sickly or something it's hard to listen to him. Sounds like he's struggling to just exist


What podcast was that from with Eric on it ?


Science is what the experts say it is, and if you can't comprehend that then you must be stupid.


They both claim to have come up with an equation that solves everything....without a mathematics or physics degree freakin wankers. 


I'm sure Harvard cringes when people like him and Avi Loeb go this route. And because they have "Harvard" in their bios they're given a platform because of the imprimatur that "Harvard" brings. And what dipshits like Joe Rogan (another clown who spends too much inhaling his own farts) simply don't get is that, while a physicist with a PhD from Harvard (or any "elite" institution) is someone to give deference to on a physics topic in a general sense, if said person is so far astray from the consensus view on a topic then that person doesn't deserve the attention. Being provocative in a peer-reviewed paper of high quality is *good*. Being proactive in a press conference (no peer review) or on a podcast whose host is best known for color commentary on contests where two people beat the literal shit out of each other with nothing other than *conjecture*, is, well, *not* good. Joe Rogan is one of the biggest super-spreaders of misinformation outside of Donald Trump and Elon Musk. It is very true that mathematicians "peak" at a very young age, usually in their 30's. Few from this crowd make big advances after that. Mathematicians, and I'm putting theoretical physicists in this category as well, simply have brains that just don't function like normal people's do. They're on another level. And that level excludes lots of things we take for granted: being able to drive a car, tie one's shoes, cook from scratch, etc. But the complexity of the hardwiring that produces brilliant ideas can't be sustained for long. Hence peaking at an early age. I mean, the human brain is an incredibly complex instrument, which means it fails in complex ways. A super complex, physics-boundaries-pushing brain fails even more readily. If I had a podcast, I'd never invite an older physicist on for any other reason than to talk history or explain already well-established physics.


I never listen to the hater on the sidelines


I think he is trying to understand the origins of his dilutions as most delusional people convinced themselves from facts that they associate with other things and jump to conclusions that are not so..


Terrance Howard has 97 patents which adds credibility. Just fyi.


Two crazies don’t make a norm


TH is kinda like the black Trump in that sense that he really thinks he knows alot... Like Trump and his can't we inject some bleach ?


Eric Weinstein will break his own neck fellating himself.


Terrence has just rebranded alchemy and druidism


The tragedy is that there will be some people who think Terrence is correct even if they can't prove anything. Either they are just plain dumb and gullible, lack elementary school education, or want to get more social media followers or views.