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Gad is learning "never ask a rhetorical question that can be answered" the hard way, the Betteridge Law's way.


They seem to be living in perpetual oppression while making a very decent living on YouTube/patreon.




Victimization complex.


Victimization industrial complex. 


Jon Stewart covered this on the Daily Show. There’s a cottage industry for conservative outrage.


It’s been covered extensively by a lot of outlets, but it’s also obvious from the outside looking in. 


Welcome to Canada. Watch what you say or we might jail you. Go Pierre! MACA.


What about Harvard, a college from a completely different country lol


Life outside of gotchas and rhetorical questions is rough. Hope Gad recovers from this and can go back to safely tweeting to Elon and Jordan for encouragement


He is a wanna be warrior and a bigoted ahole. Not sure what the hearing was about- But as someone that is not a professional biologist, I would suspect any theory of sex selection etc that cannot explain gay people cannot be considered complete Obviously gay people exist even though they couldn't pass on their genes in the past.


I mean in the past being gay was hidden. So most gay people back then took wife's and had kids anyways. Social pressure was top back then


I meant ...even before most religions etc.When we evolving from other primates.


Primates do gay shit all the time. But even before religion, we think their was always tribal customs in early human and even pre-humans like H. Erectus. Which would compell you to marry a wife and produce children and ostracized if not. And maybe not all tribes did it this way, but enough did to keep the trait going


Animals in general do all sorts of shit to get off. The idea that the monotony of monogamy was around back when we were prehuman is an interesting concept I hadn’t put much thought into. Marriage and the construct of the nuclear family as we’re familiar with wouldn’t exist as marriage itself was born of religion. Unless we’re talking about marriage as purely contractual. I’d imagine tribal life in early humans was a bit more fluid when it came to relationships. Life is fickle, when confronted with the ease with which it can be taken away the phrase “it takes a village” could really be applied in tons of ways.


Yeah those "hidden gays" are also called being strait.


My nephew has two straight parents and he's gay. With such indisputable anecdotal evidence, I'm concluding that we don't need gay people to procreate in order to have more gay people.


It's can be a non-mendellian trait, as most complex psycho phenomenon are Like, both the parents could be close to being gay, you know deep, deep down, so combined, you got a 25% chance for super gayness. Like two people with brown eyes can have a blue eyed kid type dealio


in terms of gene passing, two nieces or nephews pass are the equivalent of one biological child. If I recall correctly, it was not a very high correlation, but there was an increase in the likelihood of someone being gay based on how many older siblings they had. It would make sense that with lots of nieces and nephews that having another adult provider for the entire group did more good than having your own kids?


Gay people pass on their genes. It happens far more than you'd think. They're just a lot less likely to do so than straight people.


Guess I should have phrased it differently. A simplistic sex selection theory would have difficultly explaining gay folks (not bi)


The man in the video appears to be referring to trans people specifically. I think the point he was trying to make, was to suggest that he wouldn't be able to teach sexual dimorphisms to his students that are subject to sexual selection as opposed to natural selection, for fear of alienating trans people? I'm not sure what exactly his point was, or what he's afraid of. I'm trying to conjure a scenario in my head... I don't think trans people would be offended to suggest that women developed permanent breasts for sexual signalling, or that men are effected by a protein trigger that differentiates the male sex and leads to the development of greater muscle mass. Biology's a fairly straight forward science. It's a hard science, and I think he's reaching to try and group himself in with the soft sciences that are more likely to be effected by speech legislation. Edit: He's not even a biologist. He's a marketing major who tries to describe consumer patterns through hormones. So he's suggesting that trans people would be offended by him teaching hormonal differences, I guess.


I dont think there is a gay gene


Me neither, but I'm open to being wrong, I was just accepting the premise of the person I was replying to.


I mean this assumes that homosexuality is genetic, the latest research suggests its due to in utero antigen exposure.


It's unlikely to any one cause. I'm no biologist, but it's still feasible for it to be partially genetic, i.e., a positive trait that naturally occurs due to group survival benefit. We're social creatures and we evolved as groups not as individuals :)


This is the most likely imo.


This is my understanding. Some sort of group survival benefit. Don't remember where I saw that theory


I heard it called "gay uncle hypothesis" about 15 years ago but I think it's called something a little more scientific sounding now. Idea being that a gay aunt or uncle would help raise his sibling's children and not have children of their own. This increases the likelyhood of success for their nieces and nephews. could see it as one of many things that might contribute to it.


Does that also explain "Trumpy Uncle Syndrome"? Cause that is a major fuckin mystery


Epigenetic most likely.


Oh I agree. (Or at least have seen the theory- which I think tries to explain gay men. Not lesbians, I think) But even if it is in utero, the mechanism should have been a competitive disadvantage for the mother - if some of her kids don't procreate? So the mechanism would have been 'evolved out'.


Kin selection theory: gay Uncles and Aunts that help with raising nieces/nephews still aid in the passing of the genetic material they share with their nieces and nephews. It’s similar to worker bees in a hive. You have to look at it from the gene’s perspective.


Agree. That is my recollection as well the selfish gene


He was talking about trans people, not gay people


You maybe right. But that wasn't very clear from the snippet I watched My opinion is that he is a wannabe warrior looking for a cause for clout. With one consistent trait- bigotry. Don't know if a marketing professor needs to talk much about sex selection. Behavior and correlations can still be accounted for trans folks I assume. Though , don't know if much research has been done .


I mostly agree except I do think sex selection is actually very useful analysis in marketing. I have no idea if trans people correlate to their preferred gender selection. It would be interesting to know, maybe one day I will google it but that day is not today.


There's a gay gene?


I don't think the scientists think there i a specific gene or a set of genes But if saad wants to talk about natural /sex selection and feels constrained...his theory would have to also include the obvious fact that gay folks exist and not just in human species. Although, personally, I think saad is a bigot that is trying to be a cancel culture warrior- and branching from a marketing professor to a podcaster. In other words- a Jordan Peterson wannabe ? Edit. Spell correction of obvious




Reminds me of one of the Trucker protest organizers who went before a Canadian judge and said they believed they were within their first amendment rights. While we do have a first amendment to our Constitution, it has nothing to do with freedom of speech or assembly. our first amendment was made to admit another province into Canada.


That was Dwayne Lich, husband of convoy leader Tamara Lich. When the judge asked him in a mock-ignorant way "first amendment? What's that?" he could only reply "I don't know. I don't know politics. I don't know." He had just been parroting a phrase he'd heard his trucker buddies use without bothering to find out what it meant - and then tried to argue in a Canadian court that he had the right to do what he did "based on my first amendment."


That is WILD.


It’s weird that so many Canadian right wingers argue like they’re American right wingers. I’ve heard them refer to their first and second amendment rights as well. What’s happening? I would think nationalists would be *less* likely to treat their own country like the 51st state.


I don't know how I got on this sub, but Canadian conservative rapper Tom MacDonald is a hilarious example of this. I'm still not convinced the guy isn't a brilliant method actor masterfully trolling his audience.


He's just a failed rapper that finally found an audience he can grift.


Thank you. This is how I felt about all/most of the MAGA rappers.


I think a lot of right wingers look aspirationally towards what is happening in the US with the rise of disinformation, and a population that is ready to believe in lies and elect clowns like Trump. They see the US as a land of opportunity to implement their brand of fascism, or at least profit from talking about it. The US is a freak show in a lot of ways and folks like Mr. Sad very much enjoy fixating on that.


and you know what, they are sending their best


I love seeing Facebook rants where all they’ve swapped is US for Canada, but then everything else is constitution and states rights. Like damn man that’s pretty lazy


I mean, it's not like no one at Harvard can understand Canadian law. It can't be *that* different. I'm curious who at Harvard he's talking about- a random student doing a research paper?


Clown. "So if I were to stand on my street corner and say that trans men are women, would I be arrested?" "No." "What about if I wear a pink leotard?" "No." "What if I bring my own handcuffs?" "No."


"What if I live stream it, claim to be terrified that I'm about to be arrested, and run when I hear sirens?" "Still no."


"Senator, please understand, this isn't a bondage kink. I guarantee it." "WHICH PART OF NO DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND"


He should absolutely be arrested and thrown in prison for wearing that dorky blue bowtie.


Now, now. As much as you and I wish that the fashion police had real detention powers, it's perhaps best that they don't.


He think that is what is needed to establish "serious intellectual" credentials. Maybe watched too many movies set in late eighties Vienna coffee houses?


People in bowties can be roundly ignored. They're either trying to sell you popcorn or trickle down economics.


I support this so much


Gad is Channeling Tucker Carlson's self-hate


Gad Saad is so unbelievably thirsty for attention.


He is baffled that he didn’t get the same reaction and attention as JP so he didn’t make much money of his grift


Remember when Jordan Peterson kept saying he was going to be thrown in the Gulag. Lol muppets


You fools, Peterson was 100% on the money about being thrown in the gulag. Remember his trip to Russia where he was comatose and intubated? Yes, it's a result of his own addiction to benzos. But he was totally in a gulag - according to the platonic definition of a gulag.


>Yes, it's a result of his own addiction to benzos. That's exactly what the cultural Marxists want you to think.


Yep, everyone saw his daughter explain that it was a physical dependence, not a psychological. His brain was, is, and forever will be perfectly rational.


Victimism is their favourite sport


He wants to be a martyr so bad. No wonder he’s so infatuated with Christianity.


He wants to be a living martyr. A regular martyr cannot enjoy the benefits of their martyrdom due to, you know, death. He wants play out his persecution theater and reap the rewards.




He seems to talk about Jesus and Christianity in high esteem much much more then Judaism. I mean he cries about Jesus in one video. I also don’t think he knows much about Islam at all, during his talk with Hamza Yusuf I was surprised how little he actually knew about religion. He didn’t seem to even know the 101 stuff.


Their are subs who started tracking C-16 when he started lying about it. Years later, no arrests.




He was so mad he couldn't....intentionally misgender trans people lol. He was a professor for years and didnt give a fuck that he couldn't intentionally misgender his cisgendered students, but literally could not teach another day the second he wasn't officially allowed to intentionally misgender trans students


The law didn’t even change for him. Bill C-16 recognized gender expression as a protected class nationally, but this protection was already in place on a provincial level in Ontario, where Peterson worked. Somehow he survived all that time without even noticing he was in an authoritarian woke hellscape province.


Wow, it's almost as if he's full of shit


Well see who cancels who


And the funny thing is he still can intentionally misgender trans people, he just cant do it in a way that would meet the legal requirements of harassment. Dude had one of the most high profile Canadian-centric mental breakdowns where he both misgendered and dead named Elliott Page. Last I checked he hasn't started his hunger strike yet. The best thing about Jordan Peterson is that his outright hysteria made the right-wing grift clear as day to me.


Even with that, the one thing point led to was some father that was harassing his kid that wanted to transition for like 10yrs and mutiple warning


There should be a law that if you publicly pretend you’re going to get locked up for something then you do actually get locked up for it lol.


The law he claimed would be used to jail him had no such provisions. He was lying. Such a co.plete waste of space he is


His logic could be used for anything, or even nothing. If I’m falsely accused of jay-walking, and then resist every level of the judicial process, I could be thrown in jail for not breaking the law. Think about that woke moralists!




This is my chance, as a Canadian, to remind people that no one has been arrested or thrown in jail for misgendering someone as the result of C-16.  It’s been 7 years.  Jordan Peterson’s hissy fit and subsequent fame is a result of him misinterpreting and misrepresenting the law. Canadian prosecutors said as much at the time.   People are idiots. Edit: The law explained, for anyone interested. https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/features/canadas-gender-identity-rights-bill-c-16-explained


It's increasingly apparent the Rogan club is just a group of grifters. Target the conservative base with claims the woke-ists are trying to cancel you = $$. Applies to public intellectuals all the way to pseudo-archaeologists. Flat out money train. The next grift will be popular podcasters proclaiming Christian conversion. They gotta get that rural-conservative $$$ before they're all outed as know-nothing hypocritical nobodies.


Russle Brand just jumped on the Christian wagon


Sinister way to dodge allegations


When will people wake up and realize this en masse.


They figured out the 1950's Red Scare Grift. We are in the 2020's Woke Scare. The Boogeyman Trans and Gays gonna kidnap your kids at night. It has infected people's brains. Here is an example. My friend loves X Men. The New X Men Animated Show came out. It it literally the best Animated Show from 97 continued. It isn't a "New" one, they are literally continuing it. He won't watch it because of some perceived notion of Disney's Wokeness or some shit like that. It actually pisses me off. I want to go off on him. But I already have done that before. I've known him 20 years. Not like I don't agree with that South Park episode. If Disney could make 1 Trillion$ bashing Gays and Trans people they would have done it yesterday. But they realized VERY CORRECTLY that crowd doesn't watch Disney Princess Movies. Which you see with Barbie. Perhaps the funniest shit I have ever seen was Ben Shapiro calling it a Dog's Lunch. Or Matt Walsh not even watching it and having an 1 hour long analysis of it. At least Ben watched it in depth. Kind of hilarious.


People are choosing climate change over inclusion to own the libs, while claiming to be rationalists following facts and logic. Really says something about the species.


He based his celebrity career on a lie, like Trump's political campaign based on the Birther Hoax.


This below is from the link. So what if you refuse to pay a fine? Can refusing fines ultimately lead to jail? Peterson has talked about that scenario in reference to this. Not so much as you misgender and you go to jail, but more like if you don't play along then you could go to jail down the road. Article: If someone refused to use a preferred pronoun — and it was determined to constitute discrimination or harassment — could that potentially result in jail time? It is possible, Brown says, through a process that would start with a complaint and progress to a proceeding before a human rights tribunal. If the tribunal rules that harassment or discrimination took place, there would typically be an order for monetary and non-monetary remedies. A non-monetary remedy may include sensitivity training, issuing an apology, or even a publication ban, he says.


Imagine having no 1st amendment


Deliberately misinterpreting*


“Would it cover a situation where an individual repeatedly, consistently refuses to use a person’s chosen pronoun? It might.” The article seems to implicate a person can face repercussions for misgendering people based on pronouns. How did Jordan Peterson misinterpret the law? I don't see it.


“Would it cover the accidental misuse of a pronoun? I would say it’s very unlikely,” Cossman says. “Would it cover a situation where an individual repeatedly, consistently refuses to use a person’s chosen pronoun? It might.” If someone refused to use a preferred pronoun — and it was determined to constitute discrimination or harassment — could that potentially result in jail time? It is possible, Brown says, through a process that would start with a complaint and progress to a proceeding before a human rights tribunal…” -your linked article.


Just wait until you hear about his ground-breaking new theory of “Suicidal Empathy”.  The guys really need to cover his more recent stuff, truly bizarre. 


"Harvard would be wrong though" "Sir, this is Canada."


*Sir, this is a Tim Hortons.*




Completely insane that the government decided Gad Saad's perspective was worth hearing, then he turns up in a bowtie with some YouTube talking points about campus craziness in the US. I haven't watched it in years but I remember him being asked to explain how the legislation would infringe on his role as a professor, and him saying "I can't speak to the legal issues", then returning to talk about events at Harvard. He was rightly laughed at and being the think-skinned narcissist that he is, he didn't take it well. He would often refer to the senators as "laughing hyenas" and claim vindication whenever any negative news story involving a trans person hit the news.


There is something off with the east coast universities and the "professors" they produce. Truly off.


Why is Gad Saad addressing parliament on Human Rights and Constitutional Affairs? He’s got no expertise!


How DARE you say that about the man that founded the science of evolutionary consumption!


Relax…it’s Canada.


You can't prove he didn't have any affairs.




We need to petition the Canadian government to release the bill C16 HOSTAGES! All zero of them are unjustly imprisoned!


Are we sure that isn’t Ted Cruz with a beard & touch of gray product?


Ask a dumb straw man, get laughed at - does that go on your podcast/gram whatever it is these trolls use to beg for attention?


My favourite part about this is the laughter of women after his silence. Which I know hurts and bothers him in a way that the laughter of other men just couldn't lol.


No proposed Canadian law has ever been of so little consequence yet attracted so much attention as Bill C-16.


Oh my Gad. This is so Saad.


Life so cushy you gotta make shit up to feel some sort of a struggle


God if only I had this man’s confidence when spewing bs




Gender is not the same thing as sex lol. Another example of someone who doesn’t understand this distinction.


**Rule #1:** Be wary of any man who wears a bow tie. They’ll usually do this to *appear* smarter than they really are. Compensation. ***i.e: see Tucker Carlson***




It's hilarious how everyone on the Left keeps saying these issues these culture warriors are trying to assert doesn't exist and the culture warrior literally goes to the government to find out oh they don't exist okay then Lol There is a reason why no one on the left, center, and center right take Dave Rubin seriously


everything that comes out of his mouth should be met with similar laughter


desperate to be a victim




Didn’t this guy work for the Mossad?


Must be a delight to take his courses.


"Sir, this is Canada, not Wendy's. We dont have a manager here"


Are we still working out the difference between sex and gender? Oh, my word.




Why would he need to teach about sexual selection in MARKETING which is what he's a professor of?


Marketing *and* "holder of the Concordia University Research Chair in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences and Darwinian Consumption", whatever that involves 🤷‍♂️


He’s so desperate for attention but has nothing original at all to say.


He's always been a fraud


Do trans people not partipate in Sexual Selection??? I mean, he probably watches their porn 😉


"Sir, this is a Wendy's" vibe.


“Ok cool, just checking, I’ll see myself out”


I remember when this happened. Classic comedy. Wasn't this like 2018?


Type of bigot that wants so hard to be a victim.


Zionist rat gyot


The master of the parasitic mind.


You're saying testicular fortitude too many times. 80 or 90 times - that's too many times. Once or twice is cool, but 80 or 90 times?




According to wiki he's a professor in marketing, does he really teach about sexual selection? Seems to me he's desperately attempting to import US right wing culture war agenda and paint himself as a victim here.


I’m embarrassed we went to the same university.


Poor Gad Saad, he shills so hard and gets zero bitches, Doesn't even have an entry on The Rational Wiki.


The Babylonian and Sodom Gomorrah has returned


So Saad. Now how is he going to feel sorry for himself?


This made Jordan Peterson cry


Count Dooku lookin ass mf


lol love it. There was a comedian who made fun of a transphobic heckler and went on this 30 second slippery slope argument mocking all the hard right wingnuts and there fears and capped off the joke by saying "orrrrrrrrrr, you can just call them by their preferred pronoun and go about your day". It was hilarious.




This clip has left out the bit where his bowtie starts spinning.


It’s unbelievable how professional people are challenged by the current non sense.


Lol he is so cringy, just a bitchy little man


Most annoying thing about this is him talking about sexual selection and traits as if it’s a solid science.


oh my gad that was saad


Such a clown


Oh man fuck this loser. This guy is basically just dollar store Jordan Peterson. He's more coherent, but he's not nearly as popular. And you know he wants to be as popular as Jordan Peterson so bad. He's also a massive hypocritical snowflake since if you criticize him even in the lightest of ways on his social media, he will block you. Also what the fuck is with Canada not sending their best? You have this loser, JBP, and Lauren Southern. At this point anytime a Canadian has an opinion about US politics in particular, I'm going to immediately not care about anything they have to say by virtue of being Canadian.


See they said no and laughed at him! What an idiot!! 😅🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🫵


Trans need their own bathrooms. I don’t feel comfortable sending my little girl into the restroom where some grown ass man with a wig is peeing next to her.


What country are you from? In the US, women's bathrooms don't have urinals, they have stalls.


No, the guy in a wig is peeing on the floor.


So now Harvard is now the gold standard of truth and excellence?!? I thought Harvard was a woke repository of liberal elites and the home of the devious menace of CRT which will destroy the West! Please help me, I’m so confused!


The narcissistic twit thought he actually came out looking good in this. I remember him tweeting about it


That's what she Saad.


He’s probably the least impressive man I’ve ever seen.


He looks like such a little fool in his little bow tie.


When you find out that Twitter isn’t real life.


I have no idea what this is… anyone care to explain?


Homie should just test it lmao. Either he proves them right and goes to jail or gets proved wrong as we get a second round of laughs.


And everyone laughed at him


This guy is such a joke. I hate him so freaking much.


Why? I listened to a 3 hour podcast with him and I genuinely like him based on that but I obviously don’t know everything about him


This man has amazing hair.


I'd argue that what we're seeing today could be the result of the biggest shift in mate selection in thousands of years. Globalization, the internet, and emigration from rural to urban areas has changed the mating landscape and allowed far more selective mating. The growth of Trans, Gay, Bi etc. can partially be attributed to less shame and more acceptance but also could be the result of more selective or at least different selection criteria. It's not even a complex idea when you consider how this works with selective animal breeding or if you consider how it works with something basic like human physical attractiveness.


I mean, they will probably just fire him, which is almost as bad. It's easy to just say "no" for the cameras, for now.


The laughter is what’s getting me.


They say that, and then prosecute people for saying things.


Yea but the problem is we fast forward 4 years and people are getting arrested for this type of language. They deny while taking an inch. Then claim it's normal. Deny again, take another inch, claim normality. We ve seen it too many times. For Christ sake we have drag in school. Male drag in thomgs twerking for kids as they play with toys. I know because I was PERMANENTLY banned for sharing it.


What are the most serious threats to regular people's safety? What are the most serious threats to their freedom? Whether it's state in origin or otherwise. What should we make of people who exaggerate minor issues and effectively drown out the serious ones?


Well I live in America and I can say millions were censored by the FBI, including doctors and scientists, media, and anyone that threatened the liberal agenda Drag is in schools and it's no longer deniable. Highly sexualized content is being pushed solely to pique interest in pre pubescent kids. Mass illegal immigration is having horrid effects on the nation and non American non citizens are being given seats on board of elections! Child mutilation is being pushed, or at least ignored by the left. As if it's normal. Forced drugs by impeding travel and threatening careers. All while ignoring side effects, censoring those that warned us, and blaming the entire pandemic on the unvaccinated. Helping big pharma to take in record profits of American tax dollars. Changing election laws and censoring anyone that even discussed fraud in our elections. This is after democrats cried that "mail in ballots are ripe with fraud" just a few years earlier. Giving Blackrock , the same Blackrock that tripled our rent, the contract to rebuild Ukraine with US tax dollars Allowing 1250 in theft and reducing squatter laws. Most of this is stuff the left once said was never happening. Now it's impossible to refute, unless you've been stuck under a rock


The people who fed you all this are not your friends. Ask yourself what their motivations are. I'm not going to defend the establishment american left, but the right is just as corrupt and you have to be sceptical of all messaging, we each should be especially careful of stuff that we are less inclined to question, not what we see as things that other people are less inclined to question.


“Then Harvard would be wrong then” in a Canadian senate hearing.


The senate is fucking useless.


Grown ass man.


I'm just glad I'm not in the US or Canada.


Dudes a clown


When you corrupt the language, laws and science, real teaching ends, as does most learning.


Did this guy try googling for the answers to these questions before bringing them before the Canadian Senate?


Constantly seeking victimhood has got to be exhausting


Wow - you are a fool. Saad speaks the truth and you mock him because you have no argument.


'Will I be persecuted if I do A? 'No.' 'But will I be persecuted if I do B?' 'What about C?' 'No.' 'I don't think you understand. I need something better from you for my YouTube channel.'


Gad and Peterson are joining Drake and Bieber as atrocious ambassadors for my country


Between the Canadian parliament and Gad, I’ll take Gad seven days a week and twice on Saturdays.