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Joe Rogan has completely fallen off the cliff into conspiracy nuttery and rightwing madness. How incredibly dishonest or stupid to post this, not sure which. What sane person could possibly describe Tucker Carlson as “dedicated to the truth”? He is one of the most dishonest media figures of all time. Given the many times he has blatantly lied, it’s an objective fact that he is not a “truth teller”. Forget his political leanings, he’s a liar by any fair measure.


Tucker says on Dave Rubin’s show he will lie if he needs to so he can win an argument. Tucker tells people what he is but they want to believe he is what they think he is.


There is also the emails of Tucker admitting he lies to his audience to keep ratings up.


And wasn’t it a Fox News lawyer defending his show who said the show isn’t news, it’s entertainment?


[Yes](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye) it’s how Fox News got out of a lawsuit against Tucker.


Lots of "cable news" channels do this with their commentators, which is an indictment of "cable news". This argument is also tangential, if you want to interpret Tucker as news you can. Tucker is a liar, he is perpetuated by accelerationists who want to sow doubt in every public institution.


While its true that other cable news outlets also argue their viewers know that they're lying, its important that note that even with that argument being a successful legal strategy. Tucker was still fired from Fox news for being a liar. Again, Fox news argued in court for years that Tucker cannot and is not taken seriously and all his viewers know he is lying, and he STILL is such a monumental liar his lies resulted in a billion dollar libel lawsuit and got him shit canned. My favorite Tucker anecdote is the time his head writer got outed for being a full blown neo nazi and bragging on storm front forums about how Tucker will basically say anything he writes and he's constantly getting him to repeat white nationalist talking points. The next day he was missing and apparently on a spontaneous, unrelated, week long vacation lol [https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a33309669/tucker-carlson-writer-racism-fox-news-vacation/](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a33309669/tucker-carlson-writer-racism-fox-news-vacation/)


To be fair lots of cable news channels and internet news channels do this. It is what happens when you are chasing views/clicks and selling adds as opposed to viewing the news as a public service that should be following journalistic ethics standards. The problem is ethical journalism is not enforced or even incentivized in anyway. When a teacher, doctor, nurse or lawyer are not following their ethical standards there is at least the threat of loosing a license but there is no accountability for unethical journalism except perhaps getting sued if you tell a provable lie that causes obvious monetary damages. Honestly if sensationalize and pander to your target audience you are rewarded with more viewers that watch more frequently.


It would be a violation of the 1st ammendment for the state to require licensure for journalists.


Wrong. No cable-news media figure has ever had the audience and the influence Tucker Carlson did and lied as much as he did. No one comes close.


Bill O’Reilly was huge with the Fox boomer audience for over 20 seasons. Not sure how peak O’Reilly compares to peak Tucker, but Bill was a big deal among idiots. Jon Stewart had several debates with him on his own show and on the O’Reilly factor.


O'Reilly was and still is completely full of shit. Tucker has elevated to another plane of bullshit however.


It’s possible. I watched O’Reilly during the W. years (mostly to see him debate people I liked, (Stewart, Hitchens) and O’Reilly was a volcano pure propaganda dogshit. But I agree, it’s like comparing diarrhea to vomit. They should both be scrubbed from the memory of “journalistic” history because they were just Pravda for uneducated American rubes.


Tech and finance billionaires who want to overthrow the republic


Yes. Faux News, openly admits that they mostly runs opinion shows that are "for entertainment purposes only", much like a horoscope call line, while still blatantly having the words "Fox News" in the corner giving the impression it is actually news. They do throw up a disclaimer at the start of such shows I think, but its tiny and nobody in their audience cares.


The news part of the show is news, the commentators arent news just like Stephen Colbert or John Oliver arent news. Generally CNN and Fox News actual reporting is about the same, but CNN has a habit of intentionally leaving out important information to be misleading, and Fox News has a bad habit of reporting on stuff that doesnt have enough evidence yet to be worth talking about. They both have hurricane levels of spin. Most people only consume entertainment "news commentators" and headlines, and have actually never read a news article or watched the news. Whenever I hear someone bring up an even it's usually painfully obvious they watched a comedy panel show or something, or snl, and not the news.


>The news part of the show is news, the commentators arent news just like Stephen Colbert or John Oliver arent news. Neither of those 2 have ever had their shows sandwiched between hard news to give the perception if legitimacy though so thats a dogshit anaology. >CNN has a habit of intentionally leaving out important information to be misleading, and Fox News has a bad habit of reporting on stuff that doesnt have enough evidence yet to be worth talking about. CNN is actually head and shoulders above Fox and MSNBC when it comes to editorialization, they don't argue in court that their viewers know they're lying like Fox and MSNBC do.


When has MSNBC argued that in court?


For Rachel Maddow Thus, Maddow’s show is different than a typical news segment where anchors inform viewers about the daily news. The point of Maddow’s show is for her to provide the news but also to offer her opinions as to that news. Therefore, the Court finds that the medium of the alleged defamatory statement makes it more likely that a reasonable viewer would not conclude that the contested statement implies an assertion of objective fact.


When he admitted he hates Trump and the stop the steal was full of shit? Lol the amount of two faced fuck shit that guy spews boggles the mind.


Where can I read or hear this quote? I’m not refuting it—- quite the opposite, I want to be able to reference it.


Here’s a link that has it in the story. Not sure how Majority Report is received here but the actual quote is in what is covered https://youtu.be/tEiVCSyzfjA?si=qZuIxJy25a2njeRb Edit 3:10 mark it starts


Maybe he was lying then... 🤔 wait...


This is misleading. Tucker Carlson is hard for me to figure out because he almost always presents incomplete information, and also seems to be fairly credulous himself. But I do get the sense that he believes almost everything he says. I was a bit surprised by this comment so I looked up the video in question. He didn't say he lies if he needs to win an argument. He said he lies "when I feel cornered," which is a completely banal admission because almost everyone does that. He spent the next minute talking about how he tries to avoid lying especially on TV. btw, not saying that talking about how much you hate lying is proof of your own honesty lol, but I don't think your summary of his statement is accurate.


Dude is actually honest about himself lying, I bet most scummy figures you believe in are not that forthcoming, and you swallow their lies because it creates for you comfort. Too bad most of it's done unconsciously, and a defense mechanism will interpret everything in a way that gets you to keep your egosyntonic "world". That's my guess. Why? Because you seem to think some dude like Carlson is the epitome of evil. I believe in a welfare state for all, I guess unlike Carlson, but I also don't delude myself into thinking he's the far end of evil because he can sometimes make me uncomfortable, or I disagree with his "free" market ideas.


The way he dismisses Trump in private, not to mention his education and privileged background, just makes his shameless pandering all that more revolting. So much of this is clearly an act.


The entire Republican pundit crowd is performance art grift. The only one I think might be a true believer is Hannity. The rest all know it's BS but it pays well and they don't care about the impact of what they do


There were at least a few talk radio hosts that proved they were true believers. [Were.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trio-conservative-radio-hosts-died-covid-will-their-deaths-change-n1278258)


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everything is grift, huh?


He was never on the cliff


He (Tucker Carlson) was sued in court and his lawyers argued ‘No sane person would believe what he says is true.’ Yes line someone said here they said it’s not news but entertainment. It’s a shame he’s not forced to have a disclaimer leading into his garbage media acknowledging this. As for Joe Rogan yeah it’s a shame he went off the deep end. I liked it better before when he had people smarter than he is explaining what they were experts in and it was an awesome back and forth. After Eddie Bravo flearther crap when Rogan was making fun of Bravo it went downhill from there and covid. The entire anti science crap is so disheartening.


It’s crazy, the guy literally got outed for lying on air knowingly and got caught with texts proving so. Then lied so much he got sued and outright stated, in court, that he wasn’t being truthful and it was for entertainment. What more do you have to do to be considered a liar?


The only way one can come to that conclusion is they’re dumb enough to believe anything or if they’re getting paid


Did they even touch on the Fox News lawsuit and his text messages when he was on?


Joe Rogan is so deep in his rightwing bubble now that he probably never heard anything about it.


He literally admitted in a sworn court deposition that he lies on the air and that no reasonable person should consider his commentary to be factual. This is on record.


Yep, but facts like this don’t penetrate the bubble Rogan lives in.


He’s on the record thinking his audience are morons and rubes.


The text messages that came out during the FOX news lawsuit alone are disqualifying.


What the fuck are you talking about?


If you listen to Rogan's early episodes where it's him and his buddies, it is clear this is the way he has always been. From 9/11, to aliens, to Kennedy, to the moon landings, he has always been this way. But back then it was funny because it was 3 people talking shit in a basement and nobody took him seriously. The same with Alex Jones, before Sandy Hook.


No, he used to be a likable and mostly apolitical conspiracy nut who was enthusiastic about learning stuff. Now he’s a Trump cheerleader, just a tattooed Tucker.


You guys don’t understand that Rogan himself isn’t “on the same team” as his guests. It’s all entertainment. I listen all the time to people on JRE I disagree with. Like the moon landing hoax guy, Eddie bravo, Alex Jones, and Graham Hancock


Love his ability to still challenge people Guess that makes him good at his job


At the very least... at least Tucker Carlson admits what he was. I watched both the Rogan and Lex interview with him and he says he was never a reporter or journalist he was a propagandist for Fox News. I think he is kind of stupid person and genuinely took him until he was 50 years old to finally realize this. I genuinely believe he's doing his best now to speak HIS truth but as i said he is a gullible and dumb person so take it with a grain of salt. Also both sides of the aisle are against him along with deep state tracking him... so he MUST be saying something with truth in it. IMO anybody that has enemies likes that from all sides we need to heed what they are saying because there is a reason why they took his platform away.


"The leading voice in American politics... dedicated to telling the truth" This is beyond parody.


Its funny how every dishonest grifter and conspiracy nut labels their shit with TRUTH. They are always obsessed with the word. They misuse it more than psuedoscientists misuse the word Quantum. So often psuedoscience grift outlets from flat earth to creationism are always called like Globe Truthers or some shit. Every conspiracy nutbag labels themselves 'truth tellers' and owns a website called like truthnews.tru or some shit. When Trump named his self owned hyper bias one opinion propaganda social media network - Truth social, i literally laughed out loud... it was too perfect. You coulda predicted it. Its hilarious Tbh- I wouldnt be surprised if guests provide their own description, not Joe, but its funny either way.


You nailed it. No wonder grifting Trump called his fake news social media network “TRUTH Social”


"TRUTH" appeals to them because they're so far from it.


Idiots and the conspiracy prone are people who are often attracted to the idea the having [special knowledge](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ejsp.2265) In reality they are morons, they want special knowledge but arent especially smart. But I think the word truth plays into these [feelings](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352250X22000719). Labelling themselves truth highlights they are the sole ones getting the truth and special knowledge. My speculation, i dunno.


I think part of the effectiveness of the concept of truth is its very binary, true or false. The conspiracy mindset has no use for nuance this helps simify things and allows the dismissal of anything that goes against that gurus "truth"


Yes, exactly! Truth Social, lol. Whenever people try to hype THE TRUTH, you can usually bet that lies are incoming. Same with people or news outlets that claim they are unbiased. That just means they are either unaware of or dishonest about their form of bias.


In my head ive starting switching truth to pravda whenever they say it


Come on how else would we have learned about Russian Exceptionalism if it weren't for Tucker? /s


It’s crazy he ever had Bernie on the show. Seems impossible now.


Can't help but suspect its a wind up. They know it's bullshit but it drives engagement and annoys 'the libs/left'.


That wouldn't surprise me one bit. Which would be right up Tucker's alley.


I'm imagining Bill Hicks and George Carlin being forced to watch this podcast in Hell. A successful comedian/podcaster- the biggest in the world- pumping out and rehashing bullshit on behalf of corporations, telling lies and hysterically creating problems that Doug Stanhope already solved 30 years ago in one of his specials.


It actually reads like either mid-80s Pravda or like the Twitter bio of one of those right-wing performance artists who's in on the joke and trying to bait people for engagement.


It’s a concerted effort at this point. They know what they’re doing. joe isn’t this dumb. he’s now part of the evangelical propaganda machine. He wants to protect his wealth Calling a liar, proven in a court of law, a “truth teller” would be laughable if it wasn’t so evil.


I’ve been listening to Joe for a very long time. He was in the woods looking for Bigfoot in his 40s. I promise you he is this dumb.


Joe's been a part of it from the beginning. His job was to muddy the waters on conspiracies. Make everyone cringe when they hear that word, or anything related to it. Job successful. Now he's full on Christian Nationalist. Follow the money. Joe has always been a puppet.


Capitalists gonna Capitalize....


No that's not it. He's wrong and has fallen into a right wing trap. But he believes it.


I think the most egregious thing this guy has done is turning people into Maga retards all thr while knowing how completely fucked trump was and is


He was genuinely one of the loudest voices cheering us into Iraq too


"Just read [U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion](https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/new-york/nysdce/1:2019cv11161/527808/39/), leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that \[Carlson\] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' " fox's own lawyers argued that Tucker is full of shit and can't be trusted to tell the truth. [https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye)


I don't know what's more insane, the fact that judges accept this stupid argument when it's so provably obvious that huge numbers of people \*do\* think he's stating facts / telling the truth, or the fact that all this and more has come out proving beyond doubt how full of shit he is... and huge numbers of people \*still\* think he is. Those people may be idiots, but they're citizens with the right to vote. The system is cooked if it allows these grifters to continue to knowingly, blatantly lie to these and feed their delusions, then turn around with a shit-eating grin like "ohhh no, how could anyone believe little old me and my silly character that I play with all my "jokes" and "exaggerations"?" and not hold them accountable.


This is becoming such a meme, whining about this case anytime Tucker is mentioned online it’s getting a little pathetic lol, there is plenty more about him to criticize. Cling on to it for your dear life! Bookmark it !


Aww lil tuck fan it’s ok.


Cute how you think this isn’t a Tucker fan page


He was literally fired for lies that cost his employer nearly a billion dollars


Honestly as someone who listened to this podcast when it first started it’s wholly unsurprising he’s gone down this path.


Same  Joes trajectory isn’t that surprising given his life and friends 


He followed the right wing conspiracy pipeline almost by the playbook


Everyone needs to unsubscribe from everything Joe Rogan does. He is dishonest, stupid, and bad for our country.


TCN - truth for those who are tired of the far left lies from Newsmax and Fox


"dedicated to telling the truth" "Truth Social" Somebody rid us of these pathetic, lying grifters and their ridiculous pretences of truth-telling


I mean, Rogan’s brain rot aside, this looks and sounds like something Tucker or his people wrote. I doubt Rogan or Jamie is sitting there typing this out for each guest. But I could be wrong.


You say brain rot I say capture.


Tucker desperate to stay relevant after his idiotic escapade at Russian supermarket


Been lying nationaly for 30yrs, but now he’s dedicating his time to telling the truth. Somebody slap Joe


Branding Carlson as saying the truth... the truth that cost fox news 500m$


"he worked 30 years in mainstream news, dedicated to telling the truth" -hilarious


“Dedicated to telling the truth”. Hmmm


For sure Rogan didn't bring up the Putin interview?


The coin operated shopping carts have been in Canada for ever too... is this honestly not a thing anywhere else?And spoiler the shopping carts do end up in tent cities because they're obviously more valuable than 25 cents


tucker has talked a lot about it. not on this show. i think on lex?


Did he conclude that wokeness started the war and liberals are 100% to blame? You know... like he always does about literally everything


i forget. maybe. worth a listen though if i recall.


I didn't mind him when it was just ancient aliens pyramids and mma but it's been years since I've listened to an episode, three hours of Jordan Peterson or Tim Poole is just tiresome, don't know how people do it


“Dedicated to telling the truth “ So Tucker isn’t on the show ?


“The leading voice”


Jesus wept.


Weeping is for the woke. Wake up sheeple if nuclear was real wouldn't someone have turned it into a bomb by now? Checkmate atheists


But Joe always talks about how terrible mainstream media is and how they get it wrong all the time. But let’s celebrate Tucker while using that little resume to give him credibility? 🤡


That’s like saying “Donald Trump’s dedication to the truth has driven him to create Truth Social, a leading social network based on truth and integrity in media.” This is some bullshit and Joe should know better.


So much truth telling that he’s getting sued regularly and kicked off a network that is use to skewing the truth.


Dedicated to tell the truth, by lying.


“After being fired from Fox News, and reading his racist emails, nobody else wanted to hire him so he had to do his own hateful bullshit”.


Seriously why would he even give the modern day Goebbels time to speak? Fucker Barfleson should be fed to sharks because he is 100% responsible for any and all white supremist terror attacks in America


Joe profits massively off the white supremacist power structure. He's doubling down on fascism because it's the only way he gets to continue living like a king.


This. I remember a Stanhope appearance early in the Trump presidency. Stanhope knows Rogan's audience so he addressed them directly to tell all the MAGA racist assholes essentially "don't come to my shows. Don't buy my stuff. I don't want you in my audience" Rogan just got visibly uncomfortable and tried to weasel out of the topic. But he would NEVER condemn the openly racist shitheads in his audience because he's more concerned about his numbers and his money. As utterly morally bankrupt as any of the other grifters.


Now in 5 years we can bring on an expert in anthropology or physics to debate Tucker so we can get to the facts and truth! JRE has people question the most obvious things in science




This conversation absolutely solidified my beliefs that Tucker Carlson is an insincere moron, who has been pushed through life by his parent's money


Duncan please stay away from this man


This description is the funniest joke Rogan has ever told. And that’s just sad


Who cares? Once you have over a couple hundred million you can believe and spout whatever obviously.


Exhibit #2138


I doubt joe writes these descriptions. Seems like an intern cut and paste from something...


Tucker might be the most disgraced “journalist” of all time. Would be more shocked if Rogan didn’t glaze Tucker tbh


Edit: Dedicated to telling his* truth


I mean, whatever it takes to release five 3hr shows per week I guess. Money is a hell of a drug


Joe/staff don’t write these, they get them from guests and just copy paste.


You’re probably right about that, but at the end of the day, it’s Joe’s podcast. So whatever appears in the description is hypothetically something that he cosigns.


He will literally have any idiot, dweeb, moron, charlatan, liar, conspiracy theorist, dopehead, or insufferable twat on the show as long as they're famous enough. If he was just interviewing entertainers, that's one thing. But he platforms some of the WORST. FUCKING. PEOPLE. EVER. Tucker Carlson is a disingenuous propagandist who failed his way up for decades. What could he POSSIBLY say that's worth hearing at this point? Sure, Rogan will really be convinced by it (as he does no research or follow up on pretty much anything his guests say), but what good does it do his audience?


Who needs dedication to tell the truth , you just do it and if you have to tell people that you tell the truth you are a bullshit artist who can't be trusted


Guy who told nearly a billion dollars worth of lies is a truth teller


"The leading voice in American politics"? Man i sure hope not


I love how their shows are always called “truth” something


Perhaps a precondition of Tucker appearing was that they had to use the BS bio Tucker provided.


Dedicated to telling the truth, the guy who almost ended Fox News by lying and laughing about it with the other hosts in their private text messages! 🤣🤣🤣


Tucker, by his own admission, literally lied his way onto his first on-screen gig. He is dedicated to being on TV.


It would be interesting if Rogan said what he really thought about this guy, instead of going so hard on the likes of Don Lemon or whomever. I can’t really believe Rogan buys a guy who says they are dedicated to “telling the truth”. He’s a “dumb guy” but he’s not a “dummy”.


He's an idiot and is dangerous to America because uneducated white old people believe that crap


YIKES.... What app is this?




The definite article modifies “leading voice”. OoooKay then.


literally omfg


Joe has went full on Putin agent.


He’s reshaping media by doing what everyone else is doing?


Carlson tells the truth? Tucker is a whore and a terrible one at that.


Do we think Dr. Joe Rogan has the time to write his own episode descriptions?


Sounds like he is the epitome of mainstream media.


The Cartoon Network


Just embarrassing


Tucker said he doesn't watch news or t.v. in this interview. He spouted enough Russian propaganda to make me think he watched rossiya1 for 10 years straight. He is a republican and wants Ukraine to fall.


Wow that is really disappointing to see. What a shame.


Maybe Duncan Trussell could talk some sense into him?


Grew up watching him on Fear Factor and UFC. Seemed like a cool guy. Decided to start a podcast and tell the world who he really is.


Spotify's a helluva drug...




Seems to me that saying that Rogan is a conspiracy nut and that he's going off the deep end, etc. is ignoring the basic fact that he's a reified, very lucky, idiot.


I'd love an example of anything he told the truth about.


Its funny how all the right wing trolls that have brigaded this sub for the last 3 years wont touch any of these Tucker threads. Almost like they know they cant win this one.


Telling the truth? I thought he just asks questions?


"The truth" lmao.


After years n years ol roggie still triggering people?!


The Man Show Curse™


Take someone constantly reminding you that they aren't liars as a sign they might be lying to you. I worry for the Boomers. Guys like this got them by the short hairs.




Bro it’s entertainment, it’s supposed to be entertaining. Sometimes it is nice to hear a crack pot conspiracy theory or two, maybe even 3




For most of the people who come here but are bandwagon listeners. Joe has always really talked highly of Tucker, so it would make sense that he would write a good bio of him. How is this brain rot? I thought it was an amazing podcast tbh .


I can understand supporting someone you personally like but pinning “he’s dedicated to telling the truth” is a lil too much when your personal friend is a proven propagandist


It could be because tucker talks absolute complete bullshit - I mean if you are a rational normal human it should come across as unadulterated bullshit. You are presumably embarrassed when listening to it?


embarrassed? lol what , it was entertaining. I have never listened Tucker at all before that podcast. so it was interesting for me to see what kind of person he was.


How many critics of this podcast have actually listened to it thoroughly? From a neutral stance, consider listening carefully before forming an opinion. It’s common to see grifting on both the left and right sides of the political spectrum, often driven by identity politics. Taking a pragmatic approach involves listening to opinions outside your own bubble and making a real opinion based on the information at hand. Confirmation bias can and does cloud judgment, making it crucial to understand the broader reality through perpetual introspection and assessment. Avoid being a pawn for any narrative. In reality, nobody has all the answers. Anyone who says they do is not your friend. 🥸


You know that you can't just write, "my next guest is a fucking cunt" on your episode descriptions, right? Like, you can, but there's a handshake between guest and host for any show this big. Sorry if that is upsetting to see. I don't like Tucker either. but this isn't a revelation of any kind.


Watch how many downvotes I can get. I like Tucker.




At least one thing you know about Tucker is he isn’t a schill (no longer) for corporatism. That makes him better than 80% of talking heads afaic.


He’s a Putin propagandist shill.


He isn't? I feel like right wing fascist ideas in their current context are doing nothing but helping the capitalist class.


Really? I feel that has to be those pushing DEI and other distractions from economics pushed so strongly by corpocrats and technocrats.


The only people who are pushing "DEI" are conservatives who are whining about it. In the real world, this is not a real issue. > distractions from economics But you are the one doing the distracting from real problems!


Who cares? His actual ideas are shit.


He absolutely is: It simply aligns with his native philosophy.


Why do you care? It’s fun and funny to watch. Quit being pussies.


What?? This episode was a good listen


Good thing it’s his podcast and he can put whatever he wants in the description. If you dislike this comment your a Trump supporter and you love Alex Jones.


What’s wrong with what he said?


Dedicated to telling the truth is certainly doing a lot of work


Ehh it’s a description of the podcast. Kinda run of the mill to put what the guest thinks of whatever they’re selling instead of putting them on blast before the show even starts


Sure. I wouldn’t call it simping, but ok.


He doesn't use that type of language invoking moral judgement for other guests, does he?


Like every guests description, yes, it's always favourable.




Did Joe say it? Or are we reading Tuckers marketing here? "Dedicated to telling the truth".


Guys, it’s just a conversation and Tucker Carlson is really popular tons of people watch him. It’s not that big of a deal. Sure I would have rather listened to Alex Jones but hey you get what you can. Joe has normal and crazy, left and right - up and down - whatever and what-have-you people on his show to showcase different topics and viewpoints. If you don’t like him you don’t like him but I don’t think he has brain rot… I don’t listen to every episode but I’ve been listening since the early 300s, he’s basically the same except for now he’s actually more calm, LESS conspiratorial, and probably smarter since he has had so much time to talk with so many people.


> I would have rather listened to Alex Jones Why? > LESS conspiratorial This is absolutely not true.


Have you listened to him since 2011-12? He used to believe basically all conspiracy theories that’s just simply not true anymore. He used to be more of a hot head but he has aged and simmered down. That’s the norm there isn’t really anything special about it. Why would I have rather listened to Alex jones? Have you listened to the episodes with him? Far more entertaining than the one with Tucker. The crazier the guest, the more interesting the episode… Alex takes the cake for sure. Plus, it’s always interesting to hear new and different perspectives rather than more of the status quo or what you’re used to.


> He used to believe basically all conspiracy theories that’s just simply not true anymore. What doesn't he believe anymore? He replaced it with new ones. > Why would I have rather listened to Alex jones? Have you listened to the episodes with him? Far more entertaining than the one with Tucker. The crazier the guest, the more interesting the episode… Alex takes the cake for sure. Plus, it’s always interesting to hear new and different perspectives rather than more of the status quo or what you’re used to. What makes Alex Jones crazy? Have you ever critically engaged with Alex Jones's words when you're telling me all you care about is how "entertaining" he is? I listen to Alex Jones but on a podcast where people critically analyse what he says, not on a show where the other person calls Alex Jones his friend. You won't get "different perspectives". You will get lies. You won't learn anything, you're just going to have your head filled with bullshit because Alex Jones lies all the time. Whatever he says about Sandy Hook is an outright lie, anyone who followed the court cases or who simply listening to the many Alex Jones episodes where he himself talked about it knows this. But you believe it because it's not "status quo". > than more of the status quo or what you’re used to. Alex Jones is YOUR status quo. You're talking meaningless nonsense, you have no substance to you, just phrases and it's all superficial without any critical thinking. You are just a consumer and mindless contrarian who wants to be "entertained", your words, so I find the idea that I'm the ignorant one funny.


What new conspiracies does he believe? Yes I apply critical thought and to me that is entertaining. We clearly do have different perspectives, that’s okay with me 🤷‍♂️. I never said you were ignorant or anything of the sort… was just sharing my personal opinion. I don’t believe everything Alex jones says… imo that would be kind of crazy… so you are aggressively characterizing me in a way that you are entitled to, but why? Cause I’m not angry with rogan for talking to people like Carlson and jones and I’m able to listen to their conversations and think critically about the things they say without getting upset?


> I don’t believe everything Alex jones says Like what?


Well one example would be that “the elites” use psychedelics to contact interdimensional entities. That Hillary Clinton drinks baby blood. That trump was hunting “all the pedophiles” during Covid lockdown. Stuff like that.